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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A simple message. (RP 1)
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Cam Lang Offline
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(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

09-02-2013, 02:51 AM

β€œThe rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug.”
― Chris Hedges

Eli... Eli... Eli.

I haven't formally introduced myself sir. My name's Cam Lang, a member of the Extreme revolution and one of two members who will be facing you this upcoming Warfare.

Lang seems to treaching around in a forested area, walking through branches and trees as he directs the camera man to a small fire up ahead in a clearing.

What can I truly say about you Eli? Well apparently everything's already been said? The man Eli James is our god apparently, he's the one that his followers go to when they've ''sinned''.

Lang and his camera man reach the fire and Lang signals for the camera man to sit as does Lang, and looks directly in the flame.

Regardless, you can look at me however you please... I've made it clear that I don't really have a religious faith, are you going to call me a weak man? I've made it clear that I'm not fond of many of the veterans around here, are you going to call me out on a lack of disrespect?

Eli... I've only been here for a month and look at what me and my revolution have already accomplished. We've taken out numerous wrestlers, we just keep on winning, no one's had the pleasure of stopping us just yet. It cannot be stopped, not even someone as ''godly'' as Eli James will be able to stop it, alongside your partner of Callaway... but we'll get to her soon. I want to focus on yourself for now my friend..

Lang continues to look into the flames, as he's been for ever since he took his seat.

You say you're a man of truth, but I can already see right through you. You've essentially taken over some very mentally weak minds and have convinced them to follow under your reign. You can call it whatever you want, a cult, a religion, some term to make yourself feel better, but in the end it doesn't really matter what it is.

I have you solved Eli...

You have said in the past how your past opponents can only throw out words like ''Christian'' and ''Cult'' at you, do you want to know why? Eli... this whole shtick isn't working for you. I don't know if anyone has the balls around here to say what I'm about to say, but it's simple Eli you're one dimensional.

Lang looks at the camera and gives a wink. He puts his focus right back on the flames that rise in front of him.

You've gone as far to call out my very own partner in LJ Havok. He's a smart man, he knows how to get into people's minds and can call a person from a mile away. You happened to be in his path Eli, I don't know if you can realize this but everything in this wasteland we call earth doesn't revolve around you. Trust me, if it did we'd all be better off dead.

Do you know what's even more humorous my friend? Let's compare our War games matches shall we? It's simple... I won, not only did I win but I am the one that DECIDED the match. You also decided yours... but all I remember is you passing out from a choke hold.

IS THAT WHAT THE GREAT AND ALL POWERFUL ELI JAMES HAS TO OFFER? You passed out from a choke hold? Where was god? The truth was revealed, your nothing more than a pathetic mentally unstable excuse as a human being. As the days go on, you'll start to crack... whether you show it or not, you will CRACK.

As for Alexandra Callaway... I need to congratulate you miss. Not only did your team get the victory, but out of the twelve wrestlers within the caged environment you were picked to become the new #1 contender for Eli's championship... congratulations.

Cam walks over to a pile of wood and tosses a couple of splits onto it, followed by two more logs to slowly get the fire going again.

It's not going to help you though Alexandra. Whether you can co-exist with your partner, even I don't know if you'll be able to. I know I'd have a pretty hard time myself if I was forced to team with a shade of a man like Eli James...

Cam laughs to himself, the fire is really going now and Lang takes a few steps back from the heat.

It's just kind of got to me, me and Troy are going to WIN this match. Face it Callaway, you have all these ''demons'' you have to fight against. You have a trouble past? I think we've all had our troubles within the years, I'm not going to use it as a fucking excuse for my performance within that ring. It goes to show that we have some mentally unstable people around here, it so happens that myself and Troy get to go head to head against two of the most mentally unstable wrestlers within the XWF.

Lang goes over to pick up a bucket, which is revealed to have water in it.

Both of you, in case you haven't been paying attention listen up. I want you both at your best this upcoming warfare. Alexandra, RELEASE THE DEMONS... WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE PISSED, DO IT... I WANT THE BEST ALEXANDRA I CAN FACE... DO YOU WANT A MATCH OR DO YOU WANT TO GO TO BATTLE? ALEXANDRA TO YOU I SAY BRING IT.

Suddenly the flames go up even more, however Lang isn't fazed at all. Instead, he just looks straight ahead of the flames, however instead of looking at them he's looking through them right into the camera.

As for Eli James... it will be an honour to kick your ass. If any of you want to take this up with me, I'll be easy to find.

Lang then gives us a wink before emptying the bucket over the fire, going to pitch black as we pan out and we see Lang and his camera man walking away with a raise of smoke filling the air.
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