(08-25-2013, 11:23 AM)Captain Extreme Said: Lol, what sin the holy fuck is wrong with give smoke man the title end not me, seriously go roll over and dip in a hole I am way more deserving
1×71+72-1÷2+52=psycho cradling a baby
This post was edited by the way. I looked on a phone before coming on to try and kick-out and some areas were different, such as the inclusion of 'sin', 'dip', 'end' and 'penis'. Not that that mattered much, I still noticed them.
All finds are in
red, and those that are jumbled in words are
Included 'sin', 'end', and 'penis' to be safe.
The answer to your equation was 123, although I knew that before I even worked it out.
Gangnam Style is also in the title. Looking up the English lyrics I found this line: "A girl who
covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all".
Didn't find anything in your mesh of characters, just looks like random symbols. There's not really a way you can pin using those, is there? The spaces in red are just guesses, again to be safe.
I've probably missed something but...
Smoke Man kicks out, stands up and startes at Captain Extreme for a couple of seconds, shakes his head and just leaves. It's not even worth it to attack him.