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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Trouble Within: Part II - RP 2
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-15-2013, 11:13 PM

Thursday, August 16, 2013 – 2:03 PM EST – The Compound

I sensed something. Something foreboding, perhaps in the way Jake said he had a solution. I have a bad feeling about it. Griffins ears perked up, as did Asmodeus. He has our attention. I have a feeling, I'm going to regret saying this.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Let's hear it.”

MESSENGER: “You know its just a matter of time before they hit us again.”


MESSENGER: “The Catholic Church. If any of you think that Jonathan was their first, last and only hope of taking down the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus, then you're either completely stupid or just plain naive.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What exactly are you suggesting?”

Truth be told, I knew what he was suggesting. Maybe I don't know exactly what he's going to say, but he's definitely going to tell me to hit them.

MESSENGER: “My Leader, they're going...”

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “For fucks sake! Call him Duke! Or Sebastian! Something! 'My Leader?' Seriously? Grow a set, man!”

I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. At one time, I'd preferred that my Messenger Jacob and all the others refer to me properly. These days, I don't much care for it. I kind of think the war we'd gone through together against Jonathan made us all closer.

MESSENGER: “Anyway, Sebastian...”

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: *Sigh* “Thank you!”

MESSENGER: “You know damn well they are just biding their time. They have a bunch of intelligent people working for them and they will figure out a way to hit us. If you think dealing with Jonathan was bad, just wait until next time.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “There won't be a next time.”

Apparently, this set him off just a little bit. He jumps to his face and stands nose to... well... chest to me.

MESSENGER: “Can you be any more thick headed!? Do you think they'd send their best for round one? C'mon! Fuck!

“Think about it in terms of wars between nations, Sebastian! Does one nation send their absolute best at the start of a war? No! They do bombings and try to shake their defenses before they invade!

“Our defenses are down, Sebastian. They're ready to invade.”

Damn! He made a good point. This is why he's my closest adviser.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What exactly are you getting at? I mean, what is it you want to do?”

MESSENGER: “Look, you're right about the Church and how many pedophiles are in their midst. It's been covered up for decades. Families paid to keep quiet. Witnesses bought off. I say, if we're going to strike them first this time, we need to do it quietly, and covertly.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Waaaait! You're not suggesting...”

MESSENGER: “That's precisely what I'm suggesting. We go in, under cover of darkness. We round up these pedophiles, one by one. Then we eliminate them. Consider it the Illuminatus equivalent to the Nazi's and Jews. This is our final solution of the Catholic question.”

I turn away. I can't believe what I'm hearing. I stroll over to the window that Griffin is near and he moves out of my way and takes a seat on the sofa. I lean, my palms against the window sill. I stare out the window.



SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I have a question for you.”

MESSENGER: “What is it?”


I turn around to face Jacob and he momentarily looks at the floor. He leans forward then looks up at me.

MESSENGER: “Actually, I'm dead serious. These monsters have been violating children for decades, Sebastian! In six months, you'll be a father. You know you'll give in to Caitlyn. You know he'll grow up Catholic. What if... Sebastian... What if...”

I guess that kind of puts it into perspective.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You're seriously suggesting we kill Catholic fucking priests!?”

MESSENGER: “No. That's not at all what I'm suggesting. I'm saying priests, bishops, cardinals, altar boys... Whoever is guilty of violating children.”

Asmodeus has remained very quiet up until now.

ASMODEUS: “Silas, Jacob. Would you please excuse us for a few minutes.”

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “Who's Silas?”

Jacob stands up and grabs Griffin by his arm.

MESSENGER: “You're Silas. Let's go.”

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “Why does he call me Silas?”

The click of the door latch.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Do you believe this? This is just crazy. I mean...”

ASMODEUS: “He's right.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I mean he seri... What?”

ASMODEUS: “He's absolutely right. They will hit us again. I agree that we should hit them first this time. I also agree that the kiddie diddlers need to be dealt with.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Am I the only one here that hasn't completely lost their mind!?”

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian! It kills two birds with one stone!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “It's fucking murder!”

ASMODEUS: “Yes! It absolutely is! And it's also giving justice, our way, for those that can't or won't speak out! It's our chance to put a whole hell of a lot of theirs in the morgue! It's an opportunity to hit them, and they won't even know it's us!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We can't just go around murdering Catholics!”

ASMODEUS: “They're pedophiles! The lowest scum on the face of this planet!”

I walk over and give an exasperated sigh as I slam myself onto the sofa. I can't believe what I'm about to do.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Get them in here.”

Seconds later, Griffin and Jacob re-enter the little house.

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “Hey Asmo, why do you call me Silas?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Griff, not now, man.”

Griffin sits on the sofa beside me. Jacob, my Messenger, hops up on a high table and sits.

MESSENGER: “So? What is it?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “If we do this, how will it all play out?”

MESSENGER: “Well, adapting to this Messenger persona, I've developed the ability to move in stealth mode. I can see them, but they don't see me. We do our research. We find the names of the pedophiles within the Church. Not only here in the United States, but all over the globe. We stalk them. We wait. We pick an opportune time. Then we strike.

“We cut them down.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “If we do this, it can't ever go public. If word gets out that I'm involved, I'd lose everything. Caitlyn. My son. My career, the Compound. All of it is at stake!”

MESSENGER: “I understand that. Have I ever let you down before?”

That question set me off. I jump to my feet and I'm nearly immediately in his face. Griffin had to get up and get between us.



Asmodeus raising his voice was enough to get all of our attention. I throw myself back down on the sofa. Griffin, again beside me.

ASMODEUS: “Yes, Sebastian! He made a terrible mistake! He also risked his life to save yours after John Madison saw to it that you were buried alive!

“Now! Back on point!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Word of this can never get out.”

MESSENGER: “It won't. You have my solemn promise.”

I stand up slowly, and I head back to the window.

MESSENGER: “Well? Are you going to approve this plan?”

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian, listen. After the first few, the authorities will connect the dots. But, not to us. The Church will too. But, not to us.”

MESSENGER: “That's a good point.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What are you getting at?”

I continue to stare out the window.

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “Duke, man! They'll think that its some deranged lunatic. Some fuck that is taking out accused pedophiles. They'd never connect it to you or the Illuminati.”

ASMODEUS: “What motive would we have for taking out pedophiles?”


ASMODEUS: “Exactly.”

Silence. Finally. Seconds go by. Then minutes. No one says a word. Not a noise. They've all had their say. Now, they recognized it was time for the leader to either pull the trigger, or squash it right here.



SEBASTIAN DUKE: “If we do this, it's either all the way, or not at all.”

MESSENGER: “Yes, sir.”

Again, silence.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Get it started.”

MESSENGER: “Your wish is my command.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Thank you, Genie.”

Jake leaves the building.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “C'mon Griff. I have the sudden need for a drink.”

Griff and I leave Asmodeus behind. Just as I close the door, it happens... again.



GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “Why does Asmo keep calling me Silas?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Stop asking that!”

GRIFFIN MacALISTER: “Can we talk about Gilmour!”


Fade to Darkness.
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