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Wednesday Warfare 1/23/13
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-24-2013, 01:40 AM

[Image: kQDFZ.jpg]

Wednesday Night Warfare
God Bless 'merica

[Image: merica_back_to_back_world_war_champs_sti...ys_400.jpg]

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! Welcome to tonight's edition of Wednesday Night Warfare brought to you by Administrator Network.

Administrator Network -- When the competition get's tough, we buy them out.

Tonight, we have for you our first title match of the Witasick era as Peter Gilmour ties up with Randall Cross tonight in our big MAIN EVENT for sole possession of the tag team titles. A singles match for the tag team championships? Only in the crazy world of the XWF can something like this take place. I sure can't wait for that, but first let's get started with our opening bid as the scene fades in to the ring as we begin our first match of the night.

Jenny Walker
- vs -
Standard Rules

Jenny Walker came out first to a big, babyface reaction to “Don’t Stop Believing.” The cheers quickly turned into boos as Shana made her way down to “Rich Whore” by Kreayshawn.

The bell rings as these two ladies lock up in the center. Shana pulls a dirty move as she kicks Jenny in the knee cap. That garners her a chorus of boos from the audience. She doesn’t mind them though. Instead, she gave Jenny a snap DDT in the center of the ring. An early pin attempt gets her a two count. Shana locked in a headscissors shortly after, keeping Jenny down on the mat. Jenny manages to catch a rope break as the referee pulls Shana off. Shana works over Jenny some more with some kicks before throwing her into a headlock. Again, Jenny gets a rope break which seems to frustrate Shana. Shana starts to get into it with the referee when out of nowhere, Jenny comes up from behind with a roll up! That nearly won her the match, but Shana rolled out of it. Jenny took Shana down with a series of hip tosses. Jenny hit a dropkick on Shana to knock her out of the ring. Shortly after, she tried to go for a suicide dive, but Shana side stepped out of the way. Shana threw some sidekicks into the chest of Jenny, and followed up with a snap suplex on the outside padding. Shana tossed Jenny in immediately after and went for a pin. But it only got her a two count. Shana climbs up to the top rope where she hoped to hit Jenny with a diving headbutt. She took the leap, but Jenny moved out of the way just in time. Jenny rolls over on top of Shana quickly to lock in a camel clutch! Shana screams out in pain as she tries to reach with her hands, and move towards the ropes. Jenny pulled back harder on Shana's neck forcing her into submission.

WINNER: Jenny Walker

Welcome to the Network

The following scene is a commercial paid advertisement, paid for in part, by the Administrator Network and it's affiliates. All content within this commercial is the opinions of those promoting the network and should not be considered the thoughts that the entire XWF as a whole. But, since we are the Administrator Network, we are going to be filling in commercials and advertisements between every match because we are greedy, self centered, egotistical money hungry fiends and we're not afraid to admit it.


Wallace Witasick's charming figure and sleek brown hair comes barreling into the picture as he adjusts his coat and confronts the camera.

Wallace Witasick: My name is Wallace Witasick and I am the General Manager of the good half of the XWF known as Wednesday Night Warfare. Why am I the better half? It's easy my dear Tyrone...

Because I don't support terrorism like Shane .

Shane supports North Korea in the War on Terrorism, and as a good American born man, I just can't stand for that.

My name is Wallace Witasick and I'm a good American boy born in the great state of Ohio.

The scene fades out with the following music blaring in the background. Censored for Adminstrator Network reasons. Witasick stands at attention while saluting an American flag.

Wallace Witasick: This is my network. Your network. America's network. Welcome, to the Administrator Network.

AJ Powell
- vs -
'Playboy' Brett Rayne
- vs -
Kevin Kasket
Triple Threat Standard Rules

All three men are waiting in the ring as we come back from commercial and the bell rings for tonight's second match. Powell makes quick work of Brett Rayne as he backs him into the corner with a flurry of punches and kicks, both Kasket and Powell see an open opportunity to take a team work shot on Rayne as Powell irish whips Rayne into what appears to be an attempt to knock Kasket out, instead turns into a vicious Diamond Cutter on Brett Rayne who now falls to the mat quickly and doesn't appear to be getting up soon. Powell takes this opportunity rush after Kasket and attempt a clothesline. Kasket ducks and then grapples Powell between his arm and hits a vicious DDT! Brett Rayne rises to his feet and tosses Kasket into the ropes. Kasket ducks the first clothesline attempt and then lands a vicious flying knee to the side of Brett Rayne sending him outside the ring where he is being counted out.


Now Kasket and Powell lock up in the ring. Powell pushes Kasket off his shoulder and runs up to Kasket and lands a vicious FACEBUSTER!


Brett Rayne comes running in from the side as he gets to the top of the mat before being met with a flying forearm that sends him staggering back near the fans at the guardrails again.

Kevin Kasket turns around and AJ Powell is sitting right there waiting for him. Swift kick to the gut by Powell allows him to set him up and hold him...

hold him...


He hits Kasket with his vicious finisher and goes for the cover.





A time for change.

We fade in as we watch Angelus step through the doors into the Staples Center. He slings his bag over his shoulder, and nods hello to the staff.

The crowd out in the arena reacts with a healthy CHEER as Angelus' presence was unexpected. Suddenly, Steve Sayors steps into frame and tries to keep pace with Angelus walking down the corridor.

STEVE SAYORS: "Hey, excuse me -- Angelus?"

Angelus stops in his tracks.

STEVE SAYORS: "Could I just get one second of your time?"

Angelus sighs --

ANGELUS: "Sure, Steve. Why not?"

STEVE SAYORS: "Fantastic. I wasn't expecting you here tonight, so I apologize if I'm not prepared, but what are your reactions to how things ended this past Saturday?"

The crowd out in the arena start to BOO -- they remember how things went down.

ANGELUS: "My reaction? I'm disappointed. But more than anything I'm frustrated that some nobody by the name of Ahmed Johnson suddenly throws himself into the match and then punks himself out and gets pinned."

STEVE SAYORS: "And I'm guessing that by how quickly you left the ring that your time with the Black Circle is over?"

ANGELUS: "There was never any time with the Black Circle, Steve. I was forced into a match I didn't want to be in. I held my own, but yet again got screwed over by a partner I didn't want. You know, come to think of it, I'm starting to sense a theme here. It seems that whenever upper management wants to hold me down they stick me with some half-wit that either doesn't bother to show or shouldn't even be in the match to begin with."

STEVE SAYORS: "What are you driving at, Anj?"

ANGELUS: "What I'm driving at is this: I'm done being forced to work with guys like John Christ, Christian Lost, N.A.Z.I, or this moron Ahmed Johnson. It's time Angelus starts looking out for himself. That's why I'm here tonight."

STEVE SAYORS: "You beat me to the punch, that was my next question. Why are you here tonight?"

ANGELUS: "Wallace Witasick asked me to attend the show tonight as his guest. We have a meeting which I'm already late for."

STEVE SAYORS: A meeting? Whoa, on what pray tell?"

Angelus smirks --

ANGELUS: "I'm throwing my name into the tournament for the US Title. It's time to give these people something to believe in again. There's been a dark cloud over this place for far too long. I'm gonna change that."

The crowd starts to cheer loud at this release of information. Off Sayors shocked look we -- FADE OUT.

- vs -
Standard Rules

Prophecy came out first to a mixed reaction from the crowd as “Ghost Walking” played. His opponent, Trash, came next to a similar reaction as “Sentient” Six by Nevermore played. It’s a split crowd tonight as these two are set to go one on one.

Trash was the first one to land a move as he backed Prophecy into the corner with some chops to the chest. After working a couple of moves over Prophecy in the corner, he tried for a Trash Splash but ended up missing. That led to Prophecy turning the tables as he hit some punch combos followed by a DDT. A pin attempt by Prophecy only earned him a two count as he went back to working over Trash with some quick strikes. Prophecy tried to go for a sharpshooter, but Trash reversed it into an inside cradle for a near fall of his own. That brought both men two their feet as they traded blows in the center of the ring. Prophecy hit a kick, and went for a piledriver, but Trash reversed it into a back body drop. Trash covered Prophecy with his knee, but it only got him a 2 count. Trash delivered a neckbreaker in the center of the ring, followed by a standing moonsault. That landed him another two count. Trash whipped Prophecy into the corner and tried for another Trash Splash. Prophecy moved out of the way again, but this time Trash catches himself and vaults off the turnbuckle and into Prophecy with a clothesline. Trash dropped Prophecy with a DDT shortly after, and covered him for another near fall. Trash put Prophecy into the corner for a third time as he hoped to finally score with the Trash Splash. He covers..





Charlie Kelly tells Shane

Another commercial brought to you by..

ADMINISTRATOR NETWORK -- We put our money where our mouth is...

In light of recent information of Shane 's siding with terrorism and North Korea there was one proud American man who had this to say to Shane ....

John Michael White
- vs -
Dexter Bale
Standard Rules

Bale's entrance is very standard; “Devil’s Son” by Big L hits, he comes out, hood up and stands at the entrance way. He removes his hood and stands with his arms outstretched and hands open. He then walks straight to the ring, ignoring fans except for the occasional wink at a woman.

Ring Announcer: This contest is scheduled for one fall, with a fifteen minute time limit. Introducing first, weighing in at 233 pounds, from New York City, New York – DEXTER BALE!

Bale rolls into the ring under the bottom rope. Bale goes straight to his corner and jumps on the spot before crouching down and waiting for his opponent.

Every light goes out; the arena is plunged into darkness. The tinny guitar intro to “Everybody’s Fool” by Evanescence plays, and as the beat begins a bright white spotlight streaks down to the ground in front of the curtain, where the bald man begins his walk to the ring.

Ring Announcer: And his opponent, weighing in at 191 pounds, from Edinburgh, Scotland – JOHN MICHAEL WHITE!

White climbs the steps and flows into the ring where he and Bale meet in the center of the ring, face to face, each man talking smack to the other. The referee has to break them up and send them back to their corners – seconds later, the bell rings, and things get underway.

Bale and White hook up in a traditional collar tie-up, and Bale, the larger of the two, gains the upper hand, pushing White back towards the turnbuckles. White, the more agile of the two, reverses momentum at the last second, shoving Bale in the corner instead, where he follows up with some rapid-fire jabs to the chin. White snatches Bale’s arm and sends him flying across the ring, following close behind him, and as Bale plunges chest first into the buckles, White follows up with a dropkick to the back that sandwiches him against the buckles. A brutal dropkick from the smart John Michael White.

White jerks Bale back by the hair, setting him up for a Russian leg sweep that lands on the mark. White pulls the leg for the cover.



Bale manages to slip out of the cover. White helps him to his feet before sending him crashing to the mat with a vicious snap suplex. White sits Bale up and locks in a rear chin lock, using his knee to grit against Bale’s spine. White has some technical prowess, and he’s really grinding Bale out early here tonight. White transitions into a side headlock, pushing Bale on his side to apply more pressure on the ground.

The crowd grows a little restless after several seconds, and White yells at them to shut up as he keeps the hold applied. Clearly they are getting to him however, and eventually he releases the hold before stomping away at Bale’s neck with frustration over the crowd. White pulls Bale back up to his feet, keeping him doubled over where he hooks his arms. He lifts Bale up and over with a beautiful butterfly suplex before sliding over for the pin.



That definitely won’t be enough as Bale is still in this match despite the early wear-and-tear he’s suffered. White has been relentless early on, and he continues his streak, rolling Bale over towards the ropes. White slides to the outside, dragging Bale towards the ring posts – Bale’s in an awkward spot here! White pulls Bale’s body towards the post by his feet, and his groin slams into the metal post! Ouch! White doesn’t waste any time folding Bale’s legs like a pretzel, locking in a figure four leglock around the post! The ref slides to the outside to try to break the illegal hold, counting to five. White finally lets go after 6 seconds, pushing the ref’s limits.

White taunts a couple of fans as he’s slow and methodical to rejoining the ring, he arrogantly ignores the ref’s count which reaches 8 before he rolls back into the ring. Bale is glad to have the little bit of breathing time, and manages to pull himself into the corner, but White ends it too quickly with a knee to the gut, before executing a snapmare rollover. White bounces off the ropes, measuring Bale with a stiff fist drop. White is arrogant in his demeanor after having controlled the entire match, and he’s taking his sweet time between attacks.

Bale pulls himself to his feet once more, and White squeezes his mouth together before slapping him with a stiff open palm. Bale falls back into the ropes, the only thing keeping him from collapsing. White totals Bale with a back elbow to the temple that sends Bale staggering closer to the center of the ring. White follows up with a clothesline –

That misses its mark! Bale craftily slips in his arm under White’s and executes a perfect backslide!




White slips out, but he seems to panic a little as he reaches his feet, the momentum threatened to be shifted into his opponent’s camp. Bale fires off with renewed energy, slamming some hard fists right into the kisser of White. White fires back with a desperation haymaker, but Bale spins White completely around into a ruthless DDT! Bale bounces off the ropes, securing a big elbow drop that wakes White back up. White rolls towards the ropes in pain, before using the ropes to pick himself back up, even as he stands on the apron. Bale catches White rather quickly, stretching the ropes in such a way that it slingshots White back into the ring. White pops up one more time, and Bale ascends the top ropes, leaping off with a double axe-handle!

Bale waits patiently for White to stir, to slowly peel himself off the mat, and gain his senses as he comes to his feet because Bale puts him down one final time with THE BATEMAN DRIVE (running lariat)!

Bale collapses on top of White for the cover.




And Bale takes this one after weathering the early storm from the technician, John Michael White. What a resilient showing from Bale!

Winner: Dexter Bale

Witasick declares War

The theme music for the General Manager echoes throughout the arena as members of the crowd seemingly stand in ovation. It seems that Mr. Witasick is beginning to win fans over towards his movement of the program and his ideals. American ideals. Not terrorism like Shane . He grabs a microphone and begins to speak after entering the ring.

Wallace Witasick: Hello Los Angeles!

The crowd stands and claps for a brief moment before he raises the mic to his lips again and speaks.

Wallace Witasick: Tonight has already started with a few entertaining matches, but the best is yet to come as HALF of the final four contestants in the Lethal Lottery, and also former partners Peter Gilmour and Sid Feder are both scheduled to make appearances here tonight. Not much I can say about the Saturday Main event this week... what was it again?

Oh yeah, NOTHING!

I suppose we could just wheel David Blaine out here again next week and put on another crazy magic show or Shane could jump through hoops again or something, that is exactly what I saw taking place just days ago on Impact. While he came out muttering what may have seemed like aggressive verbal exchange it came out more like a childish hodge-posh of gibberish. WitaSUCK! is that seriously the best you could come up with? Welcome back to fifth grade Wallace.

But, it's not something I didn't expect from illiterate and vivacious buffoons.

The North Korean Championship title?

You have got to be kidding me right?

You deliberately created a title opposite mine because you're jealous.

Well guess what Mr. and Mr. War Criminal?

I'll play your little game.

Wallace Witasick: HAIL AMERICA!


Wallace Witasick: I said... HAIL AMERICA!


Wallace Witasick: Next week the XWF United States Champion will be crowned on Warfare and probably out of sheer jealousy and lack of pride in his own country, Shane had decided to create the North Korean Championship title in spite of me and the loyalty he has for his country. He is either completely disrespectful or completely stupid to think that the symbolism behind his new creation wouldn't cause a controversy within the upper echelons of management within the Administrator Network and they've asked me to not hold back. So, here it goes...

Wednesday Night Warfare has officially declared War on the Saturday Night Roster! I have joined the fight with America to combat terrorists like Kim Jong Ill, Suddam Hussein, and Shane ! There's a war on terror in our American nation and a war in the XWF!

Joseph Stalin
Adolph Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Saddam Hussein
Osama bin Laden

and now...


I also heard what the North Korean War Criminal had to say about allowing Warfare members to not compete for his North Korean Championship title. He bragged about it while the rest of us sit back here having a nice chuckle over your stupidity. Whoever you are... You know NKWC, I won't waste valuable air time speaking your elongated name. Nobody cares about being the North Korean Champion, sorry to burst your bubble here. Nobody planned on entering your tournament except for dilapidated washed up losers. Hey, I bet Cyren will sign up, oh wait... Ha! He was the first one in line... A pity... Now, do us all a favor and disappear like a good little war criminal is supposed to before Mr. Witasick and his thugs gang up on you worse than when America entered World War 2 with Russia.


With that Wallace drops his microphone and heads back towards his office, standing there in front of his door is Angelus. Witasick opens the door for him and follows Angelus into his extravagant office.

Cassius Stonne
- vs -
Ian 'Metldown' Johnson
Standard Rules

Ian "Meltdown" Johnson and Cassius Stonne start this match up with great vigor. Ian Johnson starts the match with a bang hitting Cassius Stonne with a few quick head and body shots which leaves Cassius Stonne a bit dazed when Ian Johnson tries to hit him with a Springboard Swanton. Cassius Stonne recovered quickly though and dodged that Springboard Swanton seconds before impact. That's when the match really turned all around and Cassius Stonne took full and total charge of the match. He landed multiple elbow and palm shots and followed it all up with a belly to belly suplex. Cassius didn't stop the onslaught as he continued to really run through Ian Johnson. Finally hitting Ian Johnson with a Last Confession (A right spinning back fist to a reverse left roaring elbow) which sent an already energetic crowd to their feet in excitement and totally a beaten Ian Johnson to the ring's canvas. From there it was a quick pin delivered to an already weary and beaten Ian Johnson by Cassius Stonne.

Winner: Cassius Stonne

Blair Sully
- vs -
Mr. Satellite
Xtreme Rules

Mr. Satellite always emerges excitedly as “Lament” by Project Pitchfork plays over the loud speakers, his faithful robot companion by his side. Easily distracted it takes him a while to actually get to the ring as he has almost a child like curiosity about everything and everyone.

Ring Announcer: Weighing 180 pounds, from parts unknown…MR. SATELLITE!

Once finally entering the ring he simply waits patiently for his opponent while his robot waits outside the ring.

“Bass Down Low” by Dev begins playing abruptly, and the dangerous Blair Sully appears from beyond the curtains, as chatter erupts from the crowds, some negative, some positive about the star. Sully scampers out to the edge of the ramp as dark balls of fire begin flaming upwards down the ramp, creating a perfect aisle for Sully.

Ring Announcer: His opponent, weighing 165 pounds, from The Circus…BLAIR SULLY!

Sully builds some steam before sliding under the ropes, where immediately, Mr. Satellite is there to put the boots to Sully. Satellite lifts Sully up by the chin, connecting on some hard knees to the forehead before reeling Sully in for a plant DDT. Satellite is in control early, and quickly shoots towards the ropes, coming back with extra momentum. Sully, however, manages to recover quickly and spins out of Satellite’s way, giving him an extra shove right between the ropes and out onto the outside floor! Sully follows up nicely, backing up across the ring before taking off into a cartwheel that eventually turns into a moonsault from the inside of the ring! Sully barely clears the ropes, and drops on top of Satellite! What a brilliant move!

Sully springs to her feet, rather unharmed- the damage has left Satellite hurting. Sully searches the crowded corner reserved for the ring announcer, and he snatches his seat from under the announcer, folding it up, and using it as a battering ram right into the sternum of the rising Satellite. Sully slams the chair straight down before landing a speedy brainbuster right on top of the steel chair! Sully rolls Satellite back into the ring, slides in behind him, and pulls the leg up –



Not yet, Satellite has plenty left to kick out from the early onslaught. Sully picks Satellite up before executing an Irish whip that sends Satellite bouncing off the ropes where Sully meets him with a picture perfect high dropkick that nearly decapitates Satellite! Sully crawls beside Satellite’s body before hooking the leg again.



Satellite again manages to kick out, barely in time too as the ref’s hand was just inches from counting him out of this contest. Sully picks Satellite up again and slings him into the turnbuckles, following close behind with a short-arm clothesline; Satellite’s head bounces off the canvas with intensity. Sully climbs to the ring apron, leaping on the top rope for a beautiful springboard shooting star press! Sully’s accuracy and crispness was on point with that bold move. Sully lays across Satellite’s chest for another pin.




Satellite kicks out! He’s shown a lot of heart in this contest. Sully can’t believe it, she begins to argue with the ref, even grabbing him by the shirt, before thinking better of it. Sully eases off of the referee, and though he’s tempted to call for the bell, he decides not to. Satellite uses his breather to pull himself up to one knee in the corner, Sully sees this and charges in, only to catch a back elbow to the midsection, followed by one of the hardest right hands of the evening! Sully drops like a stone to the canvas, as Satellite collapses against the ropes, catching a breath. He doesn’t waste too much time, however, smartly climbing to the top rope just as Sully begins to stir. It’s apparent, he’s setting up for his finisher!

Sully comes to, pulling herself to her feet, while Mr. Satellite lurks on the top turnbuckle like a hunter patiently waiting for their prey. Sully steps in the danger zone, when Mr. Satellite rises gracefully – Sully cleverly grabs the referee and shoves him into the ropes, causing Mr. Satellite to fall, uncomfortably straddling the ropes! Mr. Satellite groans in pain!

Meanwhile, the referee walks headstrong towards Sully, bumping chests against her and pointing at his special badge that deems him a member of XWF authority. He points in the air towards the bell keeper, threatening to disqualify Blair Sully and award Mr. Satellite the win, much to the crowd’s delight!

Blair Sully changes her entire demeanor at that time, pressing her palms against each other as she begs for the referee not to end the match. She says please repeatedly, but the fans are cheering for Mr. Satellite, and the peer pressure is building on the ref.

Sweat trickles down the ref’s extended forehead...

They blend in with his freckles...

The ref’s gotta make a choice, and he’s gotta do it now!

He warns Blair Sully that he’s putting a zero-tolerance policy in effect beginning now, and anything Sully does results in an automatic DQ. The fans groan at the ref’s gentle punishment –

But they’re quickly reignited as Sully spins around into the SEEING STARS (RKO)! Mr. Satellite has gained new life! Satellite pulls Sully up towards the center of the ring, hooking Sully’s head before pulling off the DARKEST LIGHT (Cross Rhodes)!! SATELLITE HOOKS THE LEG!




An appropriate end for the dark clown, Blair Sully, who perished in the Darkest Light. Mr. Satellite proved to be a resilient talent tonight.

Winner: Mr. Satellite


Angelus and Mr. Wallace Witasick are both shown chuckling in the General Managers exquisite and lavishing office filled with elaborate paintings along with pictures and plaques for business achievements he's achieved over the years. A masters degree in business from Ohio State university with top honors in his class with a lot of financial backing from his benefactors. His conversation with Angelus had gone on for quite some time as both found a number of interesting things to discuss with one another.

ANGELUS: So, if I win the title next week I have to join the Warfare roster?

Wallace Witasick: I wouldn't dare let any part of to get his slimy fingers on 'Merica's own XWF United States heavyweight championship belt.

Angelus: How can I trust you?

At that moment none other than 3 X Better Sid Feder steps through the doors of Witasick's office.

The mix of cheers and boos from the crowd has been typical of Feder as his popularity has risen to almost overshadow his natural heel characteistics

Sid Feder: Make it quick Mr. Weasel, I got a match to get to.

Wallace Witasick: You're just in time Mr. Feder, because Angelus just mentioned the magic word.

Sid scoffs and eyes Witasick up and down then proceeds to respond quickly realizing he already knew what he was talking about.

Sid Feder: Trust.

Wallace Witasick: That's right, trust. I think you two are smart enough to realize and are fed up with laying your trust within an individual who has now come out and blatantly sided with terrorists. Have you had enough play time in kindergarten with the children is what I'm asking? I bid you both goodbye now to ponder this short question...

Is it better to trust a complete stranger rather than a complete psychopath?

With that question both parties are politely asked to leave with a hand gesture from Witasick and the scene fades to commercial.

7th Inning Stretch

3 X Better Sid Feder
- vs -
John Madison and Benjamin Crane
Handicap Ladder Match

A trio of ladders was set up at ringside as the next match was scheduled to take place. There in the center of the ring hung the briefcase with its mysterious contents inside.

“Last” played throughout the Staples Center with John Madison stepping through the curtain. It’s been almost two months since he’s competed so his reception from the audience is more mixed than usual.

“On his way to the ring, weighing 235 pounds, John Madison!”

“And his partner…”

“Kryptonite” plays but no one comes out. Has Ben Crane decided to no show or what?

“And their opponent, from Detroit, Michigan…”

"The Lone Horseman" blares over the speakers as Sid Feder walks out steadily, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding up his trademark 3 fingers. The fans are all over him today; booing relentlessly and cursing at him. He simply proceeds all the way to the ring without even acknowledging any of the fans until a fan in a ringside seat throws their drink at Sid. Sid snaps! He grabs the fan and smashes his face down into the guard barrier multiple times, busting him open very fast and then pulling him by his head and neck over the barrier into a sick ddt! Sid gets in the ring while security tries to regain control of the front row section of fans.

The bell rings and the match is on!

Madison ducks out of the ring as Sid Feder tried to go after him. Feder proceeds to chase John Madison around the ring when ANOTHER FAN ATTAKS SID BY THROWING A BEER BOTTLE AT HIM! And another! What the hell? TWO fans have jumped over the guardrail and are attacking Sid Feder. They’re the same fans who were sitting next to that fan who was attacked moments ago during Sid Feder’s entrance. Sid Feder tries to fight them off, but these two fans seem to be well trained fighters. We’re only a minute into this match and Sid Feder is bleeding from the head after that flying beer bottle attack. Meanwhile, Madison is simply enjoying the sight of Feder getting beaten.

One of the attackers removes their hoodie, and it’s Madison’s tag partner BENJAMN CRANE! The identity of the other hooded attacker is not known. He’s presumed to be one of Johnny’s henchmen due to the mask that covering his face. The henchman and Benjamin Crane hold Feder down as Madison goes under the ring to retrieve a five foot chain. He wraps the chain around his fist, and then hammers it into the open wound on Feder’s forehead. John mocks Sid by holding up three fingers.

Security finally arrives to escort the unknown henchman from ringside. Benjamin Crane remains as he is since he is a participant in the match.

John Madison gingerly positions the ladder in the center of the ring as he takes his time in completing the task. John even takes a moment to dust off his shoulders as he walks around the positioned ladder. He begins to climb while Benjamin Crane chokes Sid Feder on the outside with the chain.

John Madison pauses halfway up the ladder, and takes a breather. John even reaches into his pocket, pulls out a comb, and begins to fix his hair while positioned at the halfway point of the ladder.

With Sid Feder choked out, Benjamin Crane reenters the ring and applauds John Madison. John then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a blindfold. He puts it on as he looks to win the match while blindfolded!

Benjamin continues to clap as John makes his way up to the top of the ladder with the blindfold on. John slowly reaches his hand up and touches the side of the briefcase.

But wait—Benjamin Crane tips over the ladder, and John Madison falls from the top all the way to the outside of the ring! Crane doesn’t just want the victory, he wants the mystery briefcase as well!

Crane quickly repositions the ladder, and begins to climb it himself! Crane doesn't want to share the prize with his partner. The fans go wild as this rookie is only moments away from a big upset. He stops climbing, and reaches up. He’s too far away. He continues to climb…

Meanwhile, Sid Feder has recovered, and stands up with blood covering his face. He walks into the ring as Crane’s fingertips graze the side of the briefcase. Sid has the chain in hand that was used on him earlier. He swings it into the back of Crane, using it as a steel whip. Sid then pushes over the ladder, and Benjamin Crane falls to the outside onto John Madison!

All three men are down now as Sid Feder tries to wipe the blood away from his eyes. Meanwhile, Madison and Crane recover on the outside where they argue back and forth. Once Feder sees the opportunity, he hops up to the top rope, and delivers a Suicide Board DOUBLE clothesline to Madison and Crane. What a move!

Feder gets Crane back in the ring as Madison remains hurt on the outside.

With the ladder lying on the mat, Feder slams Crane back-first on the top of it. Feder goes to work on Crane with some biting to the forehead. Crane tries to shake Feder off of him, but it only allows Feder to dig his teeth deeper into his flesh. Feder then takes Crane by the hair and smashes the back of his head into the downed ladder.

Madison hops up on the apron, trying to get back into the ring, but Feder crashes into him with a running dropkick. Feder is playing it smart by keeping Madison out of the ring.

Crane almost recovers when Feder runs into him for a snap DDT. He mounts over Feder and throw some punches to the face.

Feder takes the ladder in his hands, and sets it up in the center of the ring. He takes Crane by the arm as he stands back up, and throws him into the ropes. Feder tries to catch Crane for a diamond cutter, but Crane reverses into a swinging neck breaker. Crane notices his partner, John Madison, trying to climb into the ring again. He takes a page from Feder’s book and runs into Madison with a dropkick to knock him back to the outside.

Crane walks up to the middle rung of the ladder and hits Feder with a flying elbow drop. He continues to utilize his forceful elbow by striking with it into the heart of Feder. At that moment he notices John Madison walking onto the ring apron from the outside. Madison hits a springboard to launch himself at Crane, but Crane catches him! Crane, who isn’t normally a strength-based grappler, actually carries Madison back over to the ropes, lifts him over his head, and throws him back to the outside. Madison just can’t seem to get into the ring!

Crane turns around and is met by a punch from Feder. Feder follows up with several chops to the chest. He then delivers an impressive enzuigiri to the back of Crane’s head.

Feder now climbs up the ladder. He gets up to the second to last rung when he notices John Madison running into the ring. Feder reacts quickly by hitting a cross body off the ladder onto Madison. He then tosses Madison out of the ring where he seems to belong in this match.

Feder then restarts his climb to the top. He gets about half way up before Crane recovers in time to ascend the side of the ladder opposite to Feder. Feder’s hand comes only a couple of inches from the briefcase as Crane makes his way past the halfway point on the other side. Feder gets one hand on the base of the briefcase when the fist of Crane comes crashing into his ribs. Crane throws a few more punches to the ribs as Feder loses his grasp on the hanging item. Crane wraps his arms around the waist of Feder, lifts him, and chucks him off the top of the ladder with a back body drop! Holy shit, Feder just hit the mat with a loud rumble.

Crane is all alone now at the top of the ladder. Crane has one hand on the briefcase when John Madison runs in and grabs him by the leg. John punches Crane in the thigh with all his might, and that seems to take Crane’s focus off of the hanging briefcase. John takes a hold of Crane, and pulls him off the ladder with a huge electric chair drop!

Both Madison and Crane are down now as Sid Feder recovers in time to climb up the ladder.

Feder makes it to the top of the ladder where he has his hand on the briefcase. Crane recovers in time to make his next move, and places a foot on the bottom rung of the ladder. However, Madison sneaks up to his feet, and puts a sleeper hold Crane. At that moment, Madison looks up at Feder and yells at him while choking Crane out.

Madison: Go ahead Feder! Take it and say goodbye to your wife!

Obviously referring to his conspiracy theory that Shane planted explosives inside the briefcase.

Sid Feder looks up at the briefcase with a look of suspicion in his eyes.

Madison: It’s gonna blow if you open it! I promise!

Sid trusts his instincts and GRABS THE CASE. He’s unhooked it! All he has to do is touch the mat.

Madison looks up at Feder in awe.

Feder lets out one final laugh before jumping off the top of the ladder and smashing the briefcase into Madison’s skull! That knocks Madison out and ends the match!

Winner: Sid Feder

As Sid Feder celebrates his victory, his moment is interrupted by none other than Wallace Witasick via the X-Tron.

Wallace Witasick: Sid? Hey Sid! Up here.

Sid looks up at the X-Tron where GM Wallace Witasick is standing with his arms crossed, and his bodyguards nearby.

Wallace Witasick: Well Sid, it looks like you’ve pulled through like I expected you would. I have an eye for winners, and you are definitely a superstar worth investing in. But if we’re going to do this, Sid, I’ll need to know that I have your trust. I only want winners on Warfare, Sid. It would be a bad business move for me to actually blow up one of my winners. Can you imagine that happening? Good grief…

Sid Feder looks down at the briefcase which has a large dent in the side of it from Madison’s head.

Wallace Witasick: If I have your trust, you’ll open that briefcase and examine the contents inside.

Feder gives the briefcase a second look. He seems fairly confident with what his instincts are telling him. Finally, he unbuckles the clasps, and flips it open.

Does it explode?


Nothing happens... no explosion...

Sid looks inside the briefcase... His eyes light up with rage! He slams the briefcase shut before anyone else can see what was inside and he throws it down, hurrying over to grab a mic.

Sid: You piece of SHIT! I knew you couldn't be trusted!

Wallace Witasick: Wha... what? What do you mean? That's a contract for you in that briefcase. What the problem?

Sid: You call that a contract? You worthless bastard, I'm going to...

...but then all the lights go out AND Sid's microphone is cut off so we can no longer hear him...

After a few moments, the X-Tron flickers and Wallace Witasick is replaced by none other than the XWF owner, Shane .

[Image: vemdco.jpg]

The arena remains dark so all we can see is Shane on the X-Tron.

: Congratulations, Sid... you've discovered the surprise content of that briefcase. Wallace will be pleased to know that I had his generic "paper" contract replaced with something much more meaningful... something a person can really "get in to" if I do say so myself.

Even though his mic is cut, we hear Sid's voice shout "Fuck You Asshole!"

: Watch your language, Sid... you might upset Mr. Witasick. I'm not here to correct your language though... I am here for something much more important. It would seem that tonight's referee has something wrong with his vision because he didn't realize what just happened. The referee didn't see what all of US saw...

There is some commotion heard throughout the blackened arena.

: ...and what we all saw, was simple. We saw a man jump down and cause direct contact between another man and the briefcase. In other words you jumped down and, as far as I'm concerned right now, you screwed yourself over by allowing a part of John Madison's body to be touching that briefcase at the very same time you landed on the canvas. This match is officially a DRAW!

The fans boo as continues.

: But we don't like draws around here, so guess what?

Shane lets a few seconds pass before going on...

: This match is officially restarting RIGHT NOW!

The X-Tron flickers off and the lights remain dim throughout the arena for several more seconds. When they finally come back on, Shane is seen walking out from the back and toward the ring with a machete! He enters the ring and grabs the briefcase, and actually climbs up the ladder himself to hook it back to the end of the dangling wire above!

Shane drops back down to the canvas and eyeballs Sid for a few seconds. Shane holds his machete up in the air as Sid's eyes follow the blade, but with Shane's other hand he just pulled a can of pepper spray from his pocket! Shane blasts Sid with the spray!

Sid falls back and begins to cough and choke as his eyes burn and tear up. Shane easily runs up and kicks Sid in the chest, sending Sid through the ropes and tumbling down to ringside violently.

Shane looks around the ring and sees Madison still down but now Benjamin Crane is waking up. Shane begins to clap for him?

: Get up! DO IT! CLIMB THAT LADDER! IT'S ALL YOU! This will be the biggest win of your career and skyrocket you to new heights! Go! Go! Go!

Crane looks up and realized the briefcase is still in play above the ladder so he begins to climb as Shane cheers him on!

Crane reaches the top of the ladder...

He reaches up; his hands are on the briefcase!

This is unbelievable!!!

Crane reaches up and opens the clasp that holds on to the briefcase's handle...















AND HE DOES IT! Crane's feet touch the canvas as Shane immediately throws his hand out toward the bell ringer to signal for the bell! It's over!!! Crane has WON!

: Ladies and gentlemen! May I present to you... your winners! Benjamin Crane and John Madison!

Crane is battered after such a grueling contest, but he's clutching onto that briefcase for dear life as he drops down to his knees and soaks the moment in for all its worth.

: Great job, Benny! Look over there!

Shane points...

Benjamin looks...


John Madison with a night stick to the face of Crane! Ooooooooh! Blood literally spews from Crane's face after that shot!

Madison immediately goes to work on Crane and beats him mercilessly with that night stick before violently yanking Crane up to his feet and hooking him into a night-stick-side-Russian-leg-sweep by bringing that night stick across his throat and driving him down backwards...

INTO THE BRIEFCASE! Crane's adams apple could be crushed, and the back of his head IS officially busted wide open - no "could be" about it! Madison stares down at Crane and drops the night stick. His work is done.

Or is it?

: Nice job, you worthless ingrate!

Shane walks right up to John Madison. Shane picks up the briefcase...

: You do realize that I've HEARD all of the horrible things you've had to say about me and my company... right?

Madison stares right back into 's eyes and does not flinch or react.

: You do realize that, eventually, this day was going to come... the day that you and I finally setting this bullshit. With all the things you've spewed from your mouth, I think we ALL knew this had to happen...

John Madison yanks the briefcase out of Shane's hands.

Madison: This is MINE now. I've earned this moment and you won't take it from me.

The tension in the air builds as takes a few steps back and allows Madison to open the briefcase.

He reaches in and pulls out its contents...'ve got to be kidding...




The fans let out a massive roar of shock as JOHN MADISON PUTS ON THE SHIRT!!!


Shane steps forward and grabs Madison's hand, violently swinging it up into the air along with his own in a symbol of victory and unison! The fans begin to boo as there is no denying the fact now...

John Madison is the newest member of The Black Circle!!!

: Bring out the double guillotine! NOW!



Out from the back comes N.A.Z.I. and North Korean War Criminal... they're both wheeling out a MASSIVE double guillotine!

[Image: 6xpxr9.jpg]

: Looks like we're going to have a good old fashioned DOUBLE BEHEADING HERE TONIGHT! Say goodbye to Sid Feder and Benjamin Crane!!!

Screams of horror emanate from the crowd as this massive double guillotine is very quickly wheeled all the way down to the ringside area where Sid Feder is still blinded after being sprayed in the face with pepper spray. At ringside, North Korean War Criminal and N.A.Z.I. both grab hold of Sid's arms and they quickly secure him into the left half of the double guillotine. Meanwhile back in the ring, John Madison and Shane both drag Crane out of the ring and they bring him over to lock him into the right side of the guillotine!

With both men locked side by side now, Shane and John Madison both begin kicking Sid and Benjamin's faces while they're stuck and unable to move. Both Sid and Benjamin start to bleed profusely from their faces as gushing red liquid pours from their noses and out of their mouths.

: Let's bloody them up real good before we CUT THEIR GOD DAMN HEADS OFF!!!

Suddenly over the speakers Wallace Witasick's voice can be heard screaming at the top of his lungs as if somebody's life depended on it.

Witasick: Stop! ! STOP!

About six security guards come rushing out from the back along with Witasick and his bodyguard Tyrone. The secutiry guards quickly apprehend North Korean War Criminal and N.A.Z.I. but Shane and John Madison both start spraying the rest with pepper spray. As some of the guards bring NKWC and N.A.Z.I. to the back, John Madison and Shane are going to work on the remaining guards! Shane is slashing away with his large machete and Madison is once again in possession of that night stick which he uses to bust one of the guard's balls with as the man goes down screaming in pain.

and Madison both have taken out the remaining guards and now...

Oh my god...

Madison is holding one of the guard's arm out as the guard lies on the floor! He holds the arm in place while comes alone and...

NO! Shane just chopped off the man's fingers!

: How's that for your vision of Wednesday nights? How's this for family entertainment!

Shane reaches up high into the sky and brings his blade down again... THIS TIME CHOPPING OFF THE REST OF THE MAN'S HAND!

Fans are screaming in horror and children are crying as Tyrone rushes down the ramp. Both Shane and John ready themselves and actually charge at the incoming Tyrone but he levels them both with a massive double clothesline! They get back up and Tyrone runs at them again... but Madison drops down to kick Tyrone's feet out from under him, causing him to fall face down as Shane pounces on him and DRIVES that machete down into the back of Tyrone's leg!

Tyrone has enough muscle on his leg that the machete doesn't go too deep, but there's definitely a massive, bleeding wound as a result.

Meanwhile some other security guards have arrived and have already helped get Sid Feder and Benjamin Crane out of that double guilloting. Both men are absolutely SOAKED in blood and are unconscious, but at least now they're not locked into that hellish contraption.

: No! NO!

Shane can't believe it! He turns the other way and looks up the ramp at Witasick! He points at Witasick while his eyes light up like crazy!

: YOU!!!

: I want to take you to...


Shane breaks out into a full sprint up the ramp as Witasick immediately turns around and escapes to the back like a bat out of hell. Shane runs all the way up the ramp and to the back after him as John Madison is left at ringside with Shane's machete. John begins swinging it wildly at the remaining security guards and then actually THROWS the machete at one of them, who dives out of the way and the machete ends up sliding under the ring apron. Hopefully somebody can find and make use of it later...?

Madison turns and begins running up the ramp in hopes to join in the pursuit of Wallace Witasick while EMTs arrive on the scene to tend to the brutally beaten Sid Feder and Benjamin Crane.

Wait a minute...

John Madison slows himself as he arrives at the top of the ramp because he just came face to face with someone who walked out from the back...

It's Flo Feder! Sid's wife!!

And she's in the clutches of Shane !

: Look at the piece of trash I found blowing around in the back stage area while I was running after Witasick!

holds Flo by her hair as she tries to break free and John Madison very happily directs Flo's attention further down the ramp where the sight of her husband unconscious and covered in blood can be seen. Flo screams like crazy and tries to break out of 's hold... and then finally kicks him in the groin to a MASSIVE roar of approval by this packed house!

: Aaarrgh! Dammit!

Shane goes down to his knees holding his globes in pain as Flo tries to run past John Madison...


She crashes down onto bare concrete several feet below and completely stops moving as blood can be seen puddling under her head after a few seconds!

gets back up, still holding his precious jewels, and then manages to throw his right fist up into the air.

: To victory! To The Black Circle! To a reign of terror that NOBODY will have any hope to stand up against!

Shane glares out into the sea of booing fans alongside John Madison as officials rush to check on Flo Feder down on the concrete. Shane grins as he finally walks to the back with John Madison - the newest representative of The Black Circle.

Pep Talk

The scene cuts to Peter Gilmour staring in his mirror in his locker room preparing for his big main event. Grooming both his titles as they hang off his shoulders.

Peter Gilmour: Come in..

Wallace Witasick enters the doorway and stands next to Peter.

Wallace Witasick: Isn't it about time you let them stop pushing you around and settle the score. I brought you here to Warfare for a reason. Because you're a winner Peter, now go out there and prove me right.

Peter runs out the locker room door quickly as the crowd erupts anticipating tonight's big main event.

Wallace Witasick: I also got 100 Grand on this so he better...

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Randall Cross
Extreme Bloodletting Match
Possession of the Tag Team Titles

Ladies and Gentlemen, TONIGHT'S MAIN EVENT! is brought to you by ADMINISTRATOR NETWORK and it is an Extreme Bloodletting match. The first step will be to make your opponent bleed before subsequently pinning them for the victory. The other unique element to tonight's 'singles competition main event is that possession of the tag team titles will be awarded to the winner of this event. The first EVER title match during the Witasick era will be TONIGHT!

The crowd erupts in a thunderous ovation as Randall Cross entrance music blares over the X-tron.

First making his way to ring from the fabulous Hot Shots Casino and hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The MASTERMIND OF MADNESS himself, Mr. Randall Crosssssssssssss!

The lights begin to flash insanely; enough to give anyone a seizure before everything goes black as ‘The Collapse’ by Adelitas way starts to blasts throughout the arena, a picture of Randall Cross’s face with a shmuck smile plays on the big screen as Randall makes his way out wearing a Blue T-Shirt with the Words “Where will you be?” in the front and “When Amazing Happens!” in the back. He is accompanied by his manager Stoney who can’t keep up as he seems lost and unaware. He always makes his way to a pretty lady sitting in the front and throws her a few flirts before entering the ring.

...and his opponent. From right here in Los Angeles, California. PETER GILMOURRRR!! The crowd rises to an even larger ovation as Peter Gilmour's entrance theme music hits "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In this Moment brings the crowd to their feet.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits as "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we then hear a loud scream from the lead singer as Rose Smith comes out wearing a very sexy red halter top with black pants. She gives the crowd a sadistic wink of her eye and then we see Peter Gilmour come out in a black vest and black tights with PBK on the sides. Peter grabs Rose's hand and they make their way to the ring. They get in normally and then both get into the center of the ring and flash the "X" symbol as fire emits from the turnbuckles.

Rose Smith and Peter stand in the middle of the ring as Randall Cross scoffs at both him and the standing ovation for Peter from the crowd. Peter holds the tag title belts around both shoulders as he nods his head in approval of the crowd. He lowers the titles and hands them to Rose as she makes her exit outside the arena before handing the titles over to Wallace Witasick, who has miraculously made his way down to the front row. A block of seats saved for not only Mr. Witasick, but also for ten body guards to sit directly around him in a circle and ensure that nothing even come remotely close to attacking him. He sits a seat in the middle while folding down two more directly next to him so he can prop his feet up and relax.

Wallace Witasick is handed a microphone along with the titles while propped back looking incredibly comfortable in his three seats.

Wallace Witasick: I'll keep track of these and my goons will keep track of everyone else. The only people who will be savagely beaten here tonight will be Gilmour, Cross, and anyone else who interferes with this little meeting between the two of them. I think I make myself clear.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all Administrator ages, it's time for our main event!

The bell sounds as both men start pacing around the ring and looking for the perfect moment to make the first strike. Randall looks out at Witasick in the crowd and flips him the bird.

Randall Cross: Censor This!

Randall's finger is blurred from the television, it must be a new system in place with a delayed feed thanks to Administrator Network!

Peter takes this as an excellent opportunity to clothesline Randall over the top rope and onto the concrete floor under the ring. A HUGE FALL for Cross as he struggles for awhile to bring himself back to his feet. Gilmour taunts the crowd who is brought to their feet again while Cross is staggering on the ground below.

Randall falls directly in front of where Wallace and his thugs were sitting and proceeds to scream at the Warfare GM. It's clear that Wallace isn't taking sides with either of the XWF GM's tonight as he fires back with a shower of his own screams as he taunts Randall with the tag titles.

Witasick points as Randall turns slowly around, looks over his shoulder to see Peter Gilmour flying over the top rope and landing directly on top of Randall Cross!

A Devastating kamikazee manuever from an unsuspecting source such as Peter Gilmour! Gilmour, not typically known for his high risk high flying abilities, but taking a giant risk tonight for two XWF gold titles tonight.

Putting it all on the line is Gilmour tonight as he slowly rises to his feet while Randall still laid out completely on the ground below. He lands a few elbow drops on top of Randall for good measure before he reaches into the stands for their first weapon of destruction. A steel chair, probably not going to be used for bleeeding purposes. But for more of a damage dealer instead. Gilmour SMASHES the back of Cross with the chair and then tosses it back into the ring.

Peter then helps Randall to his feet, grabs his arm and wraps it over his shoulder.. Before he can elevate Randall over his shoulders he is met with a DEVASTATING kick to the ribs by CROSS! Cross kicks him again..



Gilmour still fighting to get him over his shoulder before...


Cross reverses the move and slams Peter back down directly onto the ground. A few kicks to the rib while Peter is on the ground and Randall has finally regained some control in this match. He rushes back into the ring as Gilmour begins to rise to his feet.

Randall is now in the middle of the ring pointing and staring down Gilmour while he reaches under the ring to find...


It's the same Machete that John Madison and Shane were using to cause havoc earlier tonight!

Gilmour has one of the deadliest weapons ever crafted in his hands and he looks directly at Randall looking like he knows exactly what to do with it. He slides under the ring and charges Randall but is met directly with a STEEL CHAIR to the face!

Down goes Gilmour again and the machete goes flying into the corner. Randall helps Gilmour to his feet again and lands a Side suplex to the middle of the ring for good measure. Cross throws his arms up at the crowd for approval. Gilmour slowly rises to his feet.

Cross tosses him into the ropes he ducks a clothesline from Gilmour as they both go flying into opposite sides of the ropes and meet in the middle of the ring where Cross ducks to his feet and slams Peter's face into the mat with a double leg takedown. Cross hooks up a sleeper hold on Gilmour near the ropes and starts hammering on Gilmour's face while locking in the hold.

Gilmour fights and fights for the ropes so that Cross will have to release the hold.



GRABS IT! Cross has to let go as the ref starts the count..


Randall still locks in the hold.




Randall releases the hold just in time to get the most out of it as possible as he is first to his feet staring down at Gilmour and laughing. Gilmour starts slowly gaining strength as he gets to his knees. Randall attempts again to take advantage of Gilmour but is instead met with a SWIFT PUNCH to the stomach! Gilmour pounds him with his fist again while down on his knees and Randall seems startled. Gilmour rises to his feet and locks Randall's head under his armpit..


Norther Lights suplex! Gilmour slams Cross to the ground and The Amazing one withers back into the corner where the machete is located. Gilmour goes right after Cross and is looking for blood, but instead is met with Randall Cross slashing the machete with the small amount of strength he has left after that suplex at Gilmour.... He got a piece of him on the edge of his cheek that nicks the edge of Gilmour's cheek.

But has struck blood.

Randall strikes blood first as he loses grip of the machete and it sails down onto the concrete outside the ring. Gilmour licks his lips of blood and gets a bit of fury inside of him as falls to his knees quickly and starts pummeling Randall in the face. Fist after fist after fist keeps pounding into Randall's face as the taste of blood must have excited Gilmour. Gilmour tosses cross through the middle ropes and back down to the guardrail where the back of his head has now cracked open and has now struck blood.

Peter Gilmour has now struck blood on Cross!

He walks down the turnbuckle and grabs the back of Cross's head and scrapes it against the guardrail. Then lands a vicious knee drop on the top of Cross's head on the ground. Gilmour lifts up Cross again and lands a swift fireman's carry onto the cement ground. Cross starts crawling on his feet as Gilmour runs towards him quickly...

Cross slides to the side and trips Gilmour who lands feet first on the cement floor. Another dirty trick by Cross to take advantage in this fight. Cross sets Peter next to the ring announcer's table! No... No! NO!

Randall Cross has just POWERBOMBED Gilmour through the announcer's table, and with both men bleeding he's going to take an opportunity to go for a pin here on Gilmour..




Gilmour kicks out just in the last millisecond possible before taking the pin and losing his dream of holding his gold here tonight. Cross looks incredibly upset and starts hassling the ref. Gilmour slowly rises to his feet to drop Randall quickly with a massive Dropkick to the face! Cross goes down again while Gilmour crawls to his feet quickly and picks up Cross... He sets him up for....


another devastating drop kick to the face and Gilmour sees an opportunity here to go for the cover....




This one's still no over folks!

Gilmour seems incredibly upset about not getting the finish on Cross and picks him up quickly.
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Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-24-2013, 01:43 AM

He goes for a clothesline....

Cross ducks....

Cross grabs Gilmour and DDT's him into the ground!

Cross looks motivated here and reaches out for a baseball bat in the audience. He waits for Gilmour to stand with a wicked grin on his face standing behind Gilmour waiting for him to turn around.....


Randall Cross winds up and smokes Gilmour in the face with the bat. He wastes no time and picks up Gilmour again prepping him for..


He's getting set up for the 'Counting Cards' finisher here!


Gilmour's head vibrates off the concrete as Cross goes for the cover. This one looks to be over as I doubt Gilmour can withstand that onslaught by Cross.....




You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! PETER F**IN GILMOUR is not giving up here tonight.

Wallace Witasick stands up and applauds with the crowd who is now chanting Gilmour's name...



The fans are loving the relentlessness of Peter Gilmour here tonight. He just took a wicked shot to the face with that bat AND a finisher from Randall Cross. Cross can't believe it! He grabs the back of Gilmour's head and starts slamming it into the pavement harsh. He goes for another pin...



KICKOUT again by Gilmour as we see him now gaining strength and rising to his feet again before Cross now who was being tormented by Tyrone who was pulling at Cross shirt and distracting him, allowing for Gilmour to rise to his feet.

Gilmour and Cross now go taking off after the other from across the outside of the ring. Barreling down and gaining speed before Gilmour...


Gilmour has come back again in this match and it looks like he may pick up a very large victory here tonight....





Randall Cross is somehow still in this fight! Dear god almighty how is this possible! Both opponents have now kicked out of two finishers a piece as both begin climbing to their feet. Cross is the first to rise, as he makes his way towards Gilmour once again. But before he can get there and Gilmour rises to his feet Wallace Witasick throws both the tag titles at Randall's fore head!

The titles fall to the ground underneath Randall cross which distracts him long enough to catch....


Gilmour has risen to his feet and his his finisher on top of both the title belts on Randall Cross...

The cover.







Peter Gilmour has done it! Peter Gilmour has obtained not only one, but two pieces of gold in one night! Peter Gilmour is the new holder of both the Tag Team Titles!

The crowd goes completely insane as Peter smiles widely while laying on his back.

The December Star of the month continues to roll with this incredible winning streak into January and it's paid off as he now has become an XWF champion.

Wallace Witasick steps on top of Randall and holds the ropes for Peter to enter the ring as he rises to his feet holding the tag team titles and obliging to Wallace's request. Wallace Witasick raises Peter's hands with both titles wrapped around his shoulders. Peter runs to the turnbuckle while thousands of screaming fans support his victory here tonight. He stands over the crowd taunting with his titles as the Warfare logo fades into black.


Will see you next week

same time...

same Administrator Network!

Down with Terrorism!
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[-] The following 3 users Like Wallace Witasick's post:
(01-24-2013), (01-24-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-24-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-24-2013, 09:11 AM

I'm speechless!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(01-25-2013), Wallace Witasick (01-24-2013)
benjamincrane Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

01-24-2013, 09:33 PM

holy crap! what a freaking amazing match you guys wrote up for us! i smell some storylines out of this....
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[-] The following 2 users Like benjamincrane's post:
(01-25-2013), Wallace Witasick (01-25-2013)

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