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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-23-2013, 05:44 PM

He was asleep, just barely so, when everything burst out in a massive display of light. David sat up in the glaring light, and with tired eyes, managed to see, through the blurriness fogging his irises, that every light in the entire shack had been turned out, almost at once. Gasping, he rolled to the side, and saw much to his chagrin that all the windows were open, and the curtains carefully tossed aside. Someone had been in his shack while he slept. Before he could even react, there came a voice from nowhere in particular, but at the same time from everywhere at once.

""David. A king in the Bible. Beautiful Poetry. Songs of worship and praise to the Almighty. Loyal. Defender of truth. A soldier who would kill anyone who talked against his God. His God was worth the pain he went through. His God was worth the trials he faced. His God was worth the mocking, ridicule, and torment he faced.

Oh, Mystica? Do you draw near? Are you thirsty?

David. He gave grace and mercy to all who would serve the great majestic Lord. He guarded his heart with the pure Word of the Lord. It was a lamp to his feet. A light to his path. A shield to protect the evil that would come against him.

Mystica hiding? Afraid? Does light trouble you?

David. Such a man after purity at heart. Longed to please the great King of Kings. Though a Lord and King himself to the people, he was always to please to one who placed him there. The one that led him to the stillness of his soul.

Oh Mystica.. come out come out wherever you are. Shhhh.

David loved the peaceful sleep he was given by his great God.

Mystica haven't trouble finding sleep?

David shall not be disturbed, except what displeases the Lord of Lords.

David, Mystica isn't happy. The Lord of Lords has been mocked. Mystica, David wants sleep. David, Mystica doesn't have to be a monster people fear. Mystica, David doesn't have to be a weak person.

Don't ya'll wanna come out and play? Just be nice.

Keep quiet. People are sleeping.

Shhhhh. Ignore that voice."

As the words echoed around the walls and dug under the floorboards, David began to panic. The words were simultaneously calming and incredibly disturbing. He could feel something rising from the pit of his stomach, like a grievous flu, ready to crawl up his throat and out his mouth. In a foul lurch, he fell over the side of the bed and onto the floor. He quickly grabbed for the garbage can and vomited violently inside it. As his stomach began to calm, he moved back toward the bed, crawling like an animal -- like something less than human.

"He wants us to become one, you damn--"

"Yes, I know."

And with the deeper voice crawling up and out of his mouth, David began to fight it, banging his head mercilessly against the wood of the bedframe, hoping to smash the creature out. But it was to no avail. All he managed to do was knock himself out.


When he came to a moment later, there was no sign of two separate entities. There was only one man, lying in agony on the floor. As he stood, there came a pounding headache. He finally reached his feet, only to discover a torrent of blood streaming from his nose. His head felt as though it had been repeatedly smashed in a metal doorframe. But he made no move to curb the bleeding. Rather, he stood and relished the pain in his skull, and the blood pouring down over his lips. He felt almost refreshed in the face of this newfound agony -- it was a cleansing. There was no battle of words inside his head. There was the thing he had been searching for for so very long: Serenity.

"Oh, you clever man, Mr. James. You clever, clever man."

"Right genius, that one. Bring out the monsters. They are so hungry, sir."

"Go on, then. Let's prepare. It's all your stage now."

"Thank you. Serenity now. Serenity forever."

And with that, Mystica and David ceased to battle. From that moment, there came an understanding. Monsters don't need to be caged. They need to be released, tamed, and understood. This was the new Mystica. The new David. The man and the creature, joined in an understanding. David Martin, the man behind the monstrous Myst. They knew exactly what to do next. Destroy. Destroy all comers. Let them taste the mixture of blood that can only come from two entities: the sweet blood of man, and the bitter extract of machine.

Mystica quickly made for the wall and began banging on it, calling for Becky.

"I know you're out there, Becky! Tell Eli he has a new friend to meet! And bring us a camera. We have things that need to be said."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
  • August 2013 Superstar of the Month (Thank you all so much!)
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(07-25-2013), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-24-2013), DeathMerchant (07-24-2013)

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