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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Journals About Nightmares
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-22-2013, 08:09 AM

All is quiet in the late afternoon at The Promise Land. Many are still hard at work, toiling away at their respective jobs on the compound, and some have gone off to take a short siesta, off to sip some lemonade real quick before returning to their respective places. It is a quick penance, maybe a quick prayer or two, before they return to the fields and clotheslines, back to busy work in order to keep everything up and running. It is a quiet afternoon, indeed. Perhaps, disconcertingly, just a bit more quiet than normal.

It becomes clear what has caused this eerie silence as Becky hustles over to Mystica's shack, only to find the door closed. Curious as to why David might keep his door closed at this time of day, in this heat, Becky presses her ear to the door. Inside, she hears nothing at first, then the soft sound of snoring from somewhere beyond the door. She steps back with a sort of half-smile of amusement on her face.


She chuckles a bit, then notices something hanging from the door. It is a few slips of paper, hung neatly from a single nail. Having anticipated these papers, she quickly retrieves them and cradles the bundle of paper in her hand like a newborn child. These journals are a precious commodity, and are to be delivered to Eli James IV personally. Knowing full well this is the insight into David's living nightmares, she quickly unfolds the cover letter and begins reading the coarse penmanship aloud to herself:

"Been having horrid nightmares. Can't really sleep at night. Keep thinking of Wednesday. Not as Mystica. As David. I can't really detect anything of the monster inside. It's too early in the week. It's likely he'll come around by later tonight, poking his head around inside my mind. Taking back control. Can't blame the thing, really. It's the thing that keeps me winning. It's the creature that keeps me alive and kicking at times. Nevertheless, I can't let it take full control. I will relish these few days without Mystica. For these rare few days, I am David Martin, in the flesh, barely alive, but not nearly dead.

Ever since Eli handed the tag belt to me, I've been staring at it. Sometimes for hours on end. It's something to fight for, even if my name isn't emblazoned on it or on the XWF website. I didn't earn it. Not yet. I'll prove that it was meant to be mine. Eli says he'll be finding a partner for me in the coming weeks. I'm sure we'll get along. Eli has a strong mind for moral character. He's been nothing but helpful in the last few weeks. Makes me wonder why people despise him so much. Looking around the land, all I can see is grateful people. He's saved us. If anything I owe it to him to defend the belt in his honor and in his name. My name will come later, after I've proven I deserve this gold. After Eli destroys the U.S. Champion and claims the belt for his own, we'll all bask in the glory of victory. After such penance, sometimes a greater purpose rewards us all.

Also been worrying over match with Gilmour. Last Man Standing. Technically speaking, Gilmour has already won, because when he steps into the ring with Mystica, he is the only man there. Mystica is no man. a monster. Something less than a man. It is a beast, bent upon destruction. There will be no help for Gilmour when that time comes. It will rain hate upon his head, until he can no longer stand. That is the difference between man and monster. You cannot kill what you don't understand -- it cannot be broken. He can take my word firsthand. I can't drop that thing to its knees. How can Gilmour expect to do it?

On a lighter note: have been doing mental research on Gilmour as well. He claims to "eat extreme for breakfast." May explain Madison's jokes about Gilmour's weight. "Extreme" likely high in calories. Unhealthy for breakfast. Should suggest alternatives.

Must end this journal quickly now. Feel a bit faint from the heat of the day. Haven't slept much. Will likely be up in the very early morning when it's still dark. Before that deadly heat sinks in over this place. Like a demon. It's a real bitch."

Then, a large gap before the handwriting continues. But this handwriting is more erratic, and much larger.


[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
  • August 2013 Superstar of the Month (Thank you all so much!)
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(07-25-2013), DeathMerchant (07-22-2013)

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