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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » The Revelry 2024 PPV Board
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06-01-2024, 10:54 PM

"2023, well, that was a year full of ups and downs. Full of failures and triumphs. I was counted out by most, hell even looked over countless times. I have been at the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. The highest being winning the Anarchy title, only to have it stolen from me. Now i could ramble all day about that, but I'm not going to. Now the lowest of lows, well, that's a whole different can of worms. You see, I was content with being alone. Then all of a sudden I was in the mix with other people. We were collectively The End. Then, after that debacle Mastermind and his misfits, took it upon themselves to take me out. Now, there should have been some back up right? One would think. However, not a single person came out. So here I am sitting at home for months. While I'm sitting at home, issue after issue after issue pops up."

A spotlight comes on and HGH steps into the spotlight from the shadows.

"You see, I have sat at home for months dealing with injuries that piled up and from the beat down from the band of cowards. So, while I'm sitting at home I tune in and what do I see? Some guy coming in and winning the Anarchy title. I've never seen this guy, hell never even knew of his existence. Now, this motherfucker is holding on to MY title. Now, I had two options. Option one, cry, whine, bitch and moan. Option two, take my happy ass to rehab and collect my thoughts over what needs to be done. Make no mistake Mr. Parker, when we meet inside that ring.. all hell will be unleashed."

"It's no secret, having that title stolen from me was one of the most devastating moments of my career.  Come Revelry, Mr. Parker, you will be the unfortunate soul in my way to reclaiming what is rightfully mine. You may think you have everything in the bag that I'm just your run of the mill guy. I assure you, I AM NOT! You will find out that there is absolutely nothing I won't do to bring that title back where it truly belongs."

"Sean, what you need to realize is, you may have had a really good run. You may have been a great champion, but that all changes at Revelry. I don't care what you have to say, I don't care what you do. The fact of the matter is this, two of us will walk into this match, but only one will walk out. Now, don't get your hopes up and count this as a victory my man. No, no, no, what you can do is shine that belt up real nice. Make sure that I will see myself once I am holding it once again."

"I've been to the mountain top before, that was a high I'll never forget. So much so, that I was addicted. Addicted to the fact that I was recognized as the best on this show, but you know what they say..the higher you climb the further and harder the fall. Well Sean, buddy ol' pal, HGH has hit rock fucking bottom and now I'm coming straight back to the top. You see, you may think you know what you are in store for. I assure you the HGH you see in that ring will be nothing you may have seen. The HGH you face, well, he's the guy that is hungrier, healthier, more motivated and last but not least way more pissed off version that no one has seen before. I'm not coming in to shake hands and kiss the babies, fuck that! I'm coming for one thing, that is to end your reign as the Anarchy champion and take my rightful place at the top of the mountain. I have sat at home eager to come back, I have slipped into the darkest of places that one could go. Each and every time I have gone to this dark place, one thing was made abundantly clear. No matter where I go, who I face. When the dust has settled and I have my hand raised wrongs will be right. Ill see you at the Revelry."

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BIG PREESH (06-02-2024), Dolly Waters (06-01-2024), Jett Sterling (06-02-2024), Sean Parker (06-02-2024)

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