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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare 05-18-24
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-18-2024, 01:33 PM

05 - 18 - 2024



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Standard Triple Threat

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Xtreme Rules

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JC:  We are LIVE tonight from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina!

BG:  And we’re just two weeks away from the Revelry with a card that from top to bottom, looks like an absolute gem!

JC:  While the official card has yet to be released, we have seen it and it is spectacular!  That being said, tonight LIVE in Charlotte, we have three matches that’ll be sure to blow the roof off of the arena!

BG:  This close to the Revelry, they need to be good!

JC:  As alluded to on X, we do have two HUGE announcements tonight concerning the future of the Warfare brand.  One of them, I can tell you right now.  Coming out of The Revelry, Warfare will move to Monday nights!

BG:  I mean, is there anything better in this business than Monday night wrestling?

JC:  The other major announcement is that while Warfare has not had a regular General Manager for quite some time, that is about to change.  At some point tonight, I’m told that the new General Manager WILL reveal himself before he or she takes the reins at the close of tonight's show!

BG:  But before we get to that, I have it on good authority that Thaddeus Duke and Cypher WILL meet face to face this evening!

JC:  Oh?  And who’s authority would that be?

BG:  The highest.

Brody Goodman removes his headset and lays it down on the desk before standing up and heading into the ring.  Inside the ring, a table and two chairs are set up.  A black leather folder emblazoned with a blue XWF logo sits near the middle of the table.

The fans quiet as Brody begins.

BG:  Charlotte, North Carolina!

Easy pop.

BG:  The only thing better than being in Charlotte tonight would be… anywhere else!

The pop turns to boo’s quickly.

BG:  I am “Beautiful” Brody Goodman and ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time…

BG:  The Lionheart!  Thaddeus DUUUUKE!

After the ‘Sirius’ intro, Thad wastes little time as he emerges from backstage.  The vast majority of fans cheer, some don’t.  Regardless, Thad does his due diligence in greeting as many fans as possible as he makes his way to the ring.  Inside the ring, he takes the mic from Brody Goodman and ushers the color commentator back to his ringside position.

‘My Name Is Human’ fades out.

Y’all know I don’t like when business gets personal, Thad begins.  When the lights are on, the cameras are rollin’ and all you fans are filling every seat in the house, I made myself a huge fuckin’ star by taking care of business inside this ring.

See, I was always able to keep people at a distance.  Not for any other reason than to keep the personal stuff away from my business but every now and then, someone slips through the cracks.

Thad pauses his somber tone before being interrupted.

JC:  Here comes Cypher!

BG:  The one who slipped through the cracks!

JC:  It’s no secret that Thaddeus Duke and Cypher have had an extremely personal battle ever since March Madness!

BG:  Oh it goes much further than that, Jacuinde!  It’s been damn near two years that the Duke’s have waited to exact their revenge on the man that sold out a then 11 year old Frankie!

Cypher makes his way to the ring with a hood up over his head and thousands pouring hate upon him as Thad doesn’t take his eyes from him.  The more they boo and yell profanities at him, the more empowered Cypher grows.  Some feed off of love and adoration, some feed off negativity.

Inside the ring, Thad motions to the two chairs on opposite sides of a table.  The pair are hesitant, but they sit across from one another.

It’s nice to see your eye is all healed up, Cypher begins.  I heard you got a thumbtack or two stuck in your eyeball.

Visions still blurry but thanks, Thad replies disingenuously.

Reaching for the folder, Thad opens it up and signs his name on the dotted line before sliding it across to Cypher.

JC:  Thaddeus Duke signing to make a match official at the Revelry!  But will Cypher sign it!?

BG:  Cypher is a man of high character, high morals, Jacuinde!  Of course he’ll sign it.

Before you sign that contract Tyler, you need to know some things.

Cypher looks at the contract, then up at Thad.

First of all, I need you to know what type of match this is gonna be because I can promise you, neither of us will be the same afterward.

The lights above the ring begin to flash and strobe.  A low bass strum can be heard as a massive structure begins to lower from the heavens.

[Image: wSUPC4B.jpeg]

JC:  Oh my!

BG:  This monstrosity of a cage!  If I’m Cypher, I’m laying that pen down and walking away right now.

JC:  You just said he’d sign the contract!

BG:  That was before I knew the stipulation!  It’s Duke’s own personal playground and that gives him home-ring advantage!

JC:  You know that’s not a thing in wrestling, right?

BG:  TomAto, tomAHto.

JC:  …That doesn’t even make sense.

The massive chain-walled structure settles around the ring to a cheering XWF Universe.

JC:  Over sixteen tons of steel, more than two miles of thick, steel chain!

Cypher looks up and around at the gigantic chamber structure.

In case you need reminded, Tyler… the Lion’s Den as it’s known, is the same structure in which I beat Easton Alexander to within an inch of his life.  It’s the same structure, Tyler, that I beat him so badly that he was never the same again and even today, two years on… he’s never fully recovered.

Call it whatever you want… I just call it justice.  Make no mistake about it Tyler, win or lose, justice will be served.  So when you sign on that line, just know that that’s what you have to look forward to.

JC:  The Lion’s Den, Brody!  If Cypher signs, this match, at least on paper, favors the man it’s named after!

BG:  I just said that and you told me I was stupid!

JC:  I said on paper.  Matches aren’t won or lost on paper, Brody.  Nevertheless, there have been five of these matches in history and four of them have involved Thaddeus Duke!

BG:  How many has he lost?

JC:  None.

BG:  Don’t sign it, Cypher!

In case you’re wondering who approved this, I have spoken to the new Warfare General Manager, and we’re both in agreement that Frankie’s Revenge Tour should conclude inside such a structure at The Revelry in two weeks.

Speaking of the boy wonder, Cypher interjects.  Do him a favor and keep him away.  Because if he gets involved again Thaddeus… I’ll make sure he regrets it.

You have big ass balls, I’ll give you that, Thad replies.  To threaten my kid when you’re not two feet away…

JC:  Here come the troops!

BG:  That was a trigger warning if ever there was one!

JC:  XWF security is quickly on the scene here to keep things civil!

Cypher ignores Thad and signs the contract as Security begins to enter the chamber.  Thad lays a huge open hand slap across Cypher’s somewhat hoodie protected face.  Cypher nearly falls out of his chair but rights himself.  Security is quick to pounce and separate the two before things go any further as the chamber structure is raised from the ring area.

JC:  What started nearly two years ago in an OCW arena as a kidnapping of young Frankie Duke by Easton Alexander with help from Cypher, will now culminate in an XWF premium event in two weeks!

BG:  It’s the XWF legend that is Thaddeus Duke going one on one with Cypher June 2nd at The Revelry!

JC:  If you believe Thad, then this plan was created and enacted by the boy himself!

BG:  Well, I don’t believe him!  From the surprise kick in the face to the frog splash cheered around the world that cost Cypher the Television title, it was just too conniving to come from the mind of a young teenage boy!

Security has separated the two, sequestering Thad in the ring and dragging Cypher up the aisle.

One thing’s for sure, Tyler… no one beats me without earning every single inch.  You have an uphill battle because you’ve never earned a damn thing in your life except hate.

JC:  Former Television champion, Cypher!

BG:  XWF Legend, the Lionheart himself, Thaddeus Duke!

JC:  In two weeks at the Revelry, those two will meet inside the Lion’s Den, apparently approved of by the new Warfare General Manager, whomever that may be!

BG:  Thaddeus Duke has inside information undoubtedly from his Uncle and that gives him an unfair advantage!  Cypher should never have signed that contract!

JC:  Folks, we’ll get to some action as soon as we come back here on Warfare!

A very typical backstage hallway comes into view as the cameras roll. Numerous doors leading to various rooms and people coming and going a plenty. To the left side of the hallway, a head pops out from one of the rooms. It was Jason Cashe.

Cashe: “Psst! Psst! Come here!”

Waving for the camera to follow his instructions. Cashe’s head disappears beyond the doorway. The view is trotting along and turns to enter the locker room. You could not have prepared for what you would see. Sitting on a metal folding chair was a Karaoke Machine. A cheap one with a long cord that leads to a plug in microphone that is in the right hand of Jason Cashe.

Cashe: “Ugh.. Ughh.. Mic check, one two, one two!”

From behind the camera comes another entry to the scene backstage. It was Cashe’s protege, Elm.

ELM: “What in the flat earth are you doing?!”

Into the mic in his hand, Cashe responds. The voice screeches through the speakers of the karaoke machine.

Cashe: “We’re gonna freestyle!”

You know that Simpsons gif where Grandpa walks into the bar, takes his hat off only to turn right back around, grab his hat and leave? ELM didn't have a hat.

Cashe: “Where are you going?!”

Again the machine scratches and puts his voice in a high pitch screech. Cashe adjusts the volume so it wasn't as bad but he wasn't going to let his protege bailing be what spoiled his fun.

Cashe: “Ugh! Ugh! Check it..”

He clears his throat as his head and shoulders nod around as if they were finding a rhythm with a beat brewing in his head.

Cashe: “Tonight's the night I take flight through fight and the DiOGee got a Prince in sight! Hahaha!”

Still bobbing around, his feet move him in a circle as the cord begins to wrap around his left leg. He steps out of it as he starts warming up and getting his flow together.

Cashe: “A Prince named King, he don't know who he is! A sad clown with no crown come and get this kid.. Not my forte but foreplay is how I’m treating this bitch.. On his knees, I will knight him and brush his teeth with my dick!”

Grinning, he knew he wasn't a rapper. A fan of it without question but not one of THOSE white guys by any means. Bringing the mic back to his mouth, Cashe drops the rap attempt.

Cashe: “The difference between you and I, Princy? You NEED every popular moniker that your culture provides to make yourself feel more valuable to the world. You are a gimmick. You are a costume worn by those who hide a deep rooted insecurity. You're not Royalty. You’ve never been inside of a castle and your ‘world’ you live in was best seen in a movie about a Panther.”

Scratching the jawline of his thick but short beard, Cashe seems agitated.

Cashe: “You can be whatever you want. I really don't care. You have all the tools in the world to be at the top of this roster or the next, nobody can argue that. I’m far from the smartest guy in a stadium full of people but inside that ring, I am an educator.. You will see that here tonight. You will get that HANDS ON experience the very moment I get hands on you!”

Shifting and moving in another direction, Cashe was pacing. Facing the camera, he kept the mic in his hand as his voice carried through the karaoke machine.

Cashe: “Out there.. You aren't a Prince. You are a King only in name and that name has held up the Universal Championship and as you head down to this match, you will have with you one half of the Tag Titles. You aren't putting that belt up for grabs though are you? I’d turn on Ned as well if I’m being honest.. I didn't RUN from shit though! I bettered myself, prepared myself to be exactly where I am right now.. Holding..”

He moves to the bench near a row of lockers. Pulling the Television Title up and turning back to face the cameras with it held high in front of him.

Cashe: “This! You want it? Can you take it? Come get you an attempt, I truly hope you come prepared.”

Letting the Title fall to his side, Cashe lifts the mic and acts like he is going to do a mic drop but grins and tosses it over his shoulder before heading for the door.

Flynn bursts through the curtain, wearing a dazzling blue robe that catches the arena lights with sparkles. The back of the robe proudly displays "King of the Midcarders" in bold, gold lettering. With a blank expression, Flynn makes his way to the ring, purposefully ignoring the crowd. He steps through the ropes with confidence and takes his corner.

JC: Flynn means business tonight, and he's ready to prove why he's the king of the midcarders!

BG: The only problem is, this is the opener!

The stadium spotlights rush up toward the ceiling and Waters appears under the XTron. She marches to the beat of Ode To Joy, the crowd roaring, her gaze set squarely on the squared circle. She climbs through the ropes and takes the center of the ring. Raising a single fist into the air.

JC: Listen to that ovation! Dolly Waters is here and she's ready for a fight!

BG: Even staring through the blinding gleam on her head, you can’t deny the focus in her eyes, JC!

The lights dim as multiple spotlights rotate throughout the arena. As "Zenorus" begins to play, the spotlights all point to the stage, illuminating a velvet red curtain. As the orchestra dies down, vines creep from around the edges of the curtain, and rose petals begin to fall around the arena. Then, on the entrance of the choir in the music, the curtain is drawn open, revealing the imposing figure of Dionysus, holding a Thyrsus in his right hand and a shield on his left arm. He clashes the staff against his shield to rouse the crowd to clap with him, then roars, raising the Thyrsus above his head.

"Making his way to the ring, from Minneapolis MN, weighing in at 270 lbs; he is The Catalyst, DIONYSUS!"

Dionysus sets the Thyrsus and shield next to the ring apron and rolls inside, running to one of the turnbuckles and climbing up to rally the crowd behind him. He then hops down and limbers up, awaiting his opponent.

JC: Dionysus looks ready for battle tonight! And let's not forget, he's got a huge Universal title shot against Sebastian Everett-Bryce at The Revelry!

BG: That’s right, JC. This whole event is named after him, and he’s got everything to prove. If he can dominate this match tonight, it’s going to send a strong message to Sebastian Everett-Bryce, and he knows it.

JC: Speaking of which…

The competitors in the ring have their attention drawn to the rampway where a table is being carried out to ringside. A long line of people carry out boxes and bottles. Once the table is in place, they hurriedly begin to top the table with meats, cheeses, breads, oils, salads of various type - and of course, a number of bottles of fine wine.

BG: What… Is going on?

As the newcomers disappear from view, there’s a moment of silence before… 

Sweatpants by Childish Gambino hits. The crowd pop for the XWF Universal Champion. Sebastian Everett-Bryce makes his way down the ramp. Flynn and Dolly exchanged frustrated and confused words, but Dionysus looks vaguely amused. As Sebastian takes a seat, he leans back in his seat. Dio offers a congratulatory round of applause as Seb sets the XWF Universal Championship, pride of place, front and centre of the table and settles in. He plucks a cherry tomato from a plate and begins to eat.

JC: Well that’s interesting, I guess?

BG: I guess the Champ wants a ringside seat for this match - dinner AND a show.

Mika Hunt will be your official for this contest—and she calls for the bell!

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Standard Triple Threat

BG: Here we go, JC! This triple threat is going to be off the charts!

JC: Three of XWF’s top talents, all in one ring, ready to tear each other apart. I can't wait!

The match begins slow with a three-way standoff in the center of the ring. Mark Flynn, Dolly Waters, and Dionysus circle each other, each looking for an opening as the crowd roars in anticipation.

BG: Who’s going to make the first move?

—And Flynn strikes first! He crashes into Dionysus with a quick knee lift. Dionysus stumbles into the ropes, but Dolly halts Flynn’s advancements with a spinning back-fist!

Dionysus recovers quickly and levels Dolly for her efforts with a powerful clothesline, sending her straight to the mat!

BG: I’m sure he’s thankful for the help, but Dionysus knows that it’s every man for himself tonight!

Dionysus doesn't waste any time and lifts Mark Flynn off the mat. Flynn fights back with a series of sharp elbow strikes to Dio's midsection. The two men end up exchanging heavy blows in the center of the ring.

JC: This is turning into an all-out brawl!

Flynn attempts to gain the upper hand with a knee to Dionysus's gut, but Dionysus shakes it off and counters with a massive spinebuster, slamming Flynn into the mat with authority!

BG: What impact! Dionysus just flattened Flynn with that spinebuster!

Flynn writhes on the mat, clutching his back in pain as Dionysus stands over him.

Dionysus turns his attention to Dolly, who is beginning to stir. He charges at her, delivering a series of running elbow drops to keep her down.

JC: Dionysus is making sure Dolly stays grounded!

BG: Smart strategy, JC. He’s keeping both of his opponents on the defensive!

After the third elbow drop, Dio turns to Sebastian at ringside who offers him the same kind of applause that Dio offered him before the match. Dionysus shifts his focus back to Flynn.

JC: Dionysus is in complete control right now!

Dionysus picks up Flynn and throws him into the corner. He follows up with a series of shoulder thrusts to Flynn’s midsection.

BG: Dionysus is relentless! He’s just punishing Flynn in that corner!

JC: Flynn’s got to find a way out of this, quickly!

Dolly rolls out of the ring to recover, leaving Dionysus to focus on Flynn. Dionysus steps back, then charges forward, delivering a crushing clothesline that nearly decapitates Flynn.

BG: What a clothesline! Dionysus is dismantling Mark Flynn piece by piece!

JC: This is a brutal showing from Dionysus. He’s got the former Universal champion right where he wants him.

Dionysus grabs Flynn by the arm and drags him out of the corner, lifting him high into the air for a delayed vertical suplex. The crowd gasps as he holds Flynn up for—




An eternity—

—before slamming him hard to the mat!

BG: What a display of strength!

JC: Mark Flynn is in serious trouble here! The impact alone was devastating, but the blood rushing to his head will mess with his balance and ability to focus!

As Dionysus stands over Flynn, Dolly re-enters the ring by springboarding off the ropes and connecting with Dio just as he turns around.

JC: Dolly reenters the match with a springboard crossbody!

Dolly hooks the leg for a quick cover.



Dionysus powers out, sending Dolly flying off him.

BG: Close call, but Dionysus is still in it!

JC: This match is far from over, BG. Dolly just showed she’s not backing down!

Dolly quickly gets to her feet, ready to take on Dionysus.

Dionysus rises, and the two lock eyes, each determined to outdo the other.

They charge and meet in the center of the ring with a flurry of strikes!

BG: Look at this back and forth! I can’t believe that Dolly is standing toe-to-toe with Dionysus!

Dionysus lands a heavy forearm to Dolly’s jaw, but she spins into it and responds with a series of quick jabs to his midsection. Dionysus powers through the blows, grabbing Dolly and tossing her into the ropes. As she rebounds, Dionysus goes for a big boot, but Dolly ducks under it with a dropkick to his knee.

JC: Smart move by Dolly! She’s targeting those legs to take the big man down!

Dionysus staggers but doesn’t fall. He grabs Dolly by the waist and hoists her up for a bear hug, squeezing the life out of her. Dolly struggles, her face contorting in pain, but she refuses to give in. She fights back with a series of rapid headbutts, causing Dionysus to loosen his grip.

BG: Dolly’s not going down without a fight! She’s showing incredible grit!

JC: Dionysus is the one in trouble now!

Dolly slips out of the bear hug and lands on her feet. She quickly follows up with a spinning heel kick to Dionysus’s head, staggering him further. Dolly runs to the ropes and rebounds with a flying forearm, hitting Dionysus squarely in the chest and finally taking him off his feet.

BG: Dolly Waters is in full control!

JC: She’s showing everyone why she’s a force to be reckoned with!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Dolly stands over Dionysus, her eyes shifting to Mark Flynn, who is beginning to stir on the mat.

At ringside, Seb lifts a glass of fine Merlot in celebration of Dolly’s fantastic work.

Dolly rushes in with a burst of energy, hitting Flynn first with a lightning quick spinning heel kick that sends him stumbling backward. She follows up with a shotgun dropkick that blasts Flynn into the turnbuckle. Not giving him a moment to recover, Dolly charges forward and delivers a running chop across Flynn’s chest, leaving Flynn clutching his chest in pain.

BG: Dolly’s on fire! She’s not letting up for a second!

JC: You can’t with Mark Flynn!

Dolly’s looking for Running Waters on Flynn when she notices Dionysus getting back to his feet. Dolly pivots and catches Dionysus with a spinning mule-kick that sends him reeling. She climbs to the top rope and launches herself off, connecting with a meteora that crushes Dionysus back to the mat.

JC: Incredible! Dolly Waters is flying high tonight!

Dolly hooks Dionysus's leg for the cover.



Flynn dives in and breaks the count, just in the nick of time.

BG: Flynn with the save! This match is still anyone's to win!

Dolly and Flynn face off, each breathing heavily from the intense action. Flynn’s dazed, but that doesn’t stop him from countering Dolly’s next move with a knee lift and snatching her up for a picture-perfect Argentine backbreaker.

JC: What a counter by Flynn! Dolly’s in trouble now!

Flynn quickly goes for the cover on Dolly, looking to capitalize on the momentum shift.



Dolly kicks out, much to the relief of the crowd, who cheer loudly for the continued action.

BG: Dolly’s still in this, but she needs to regroup fast!

Flynn decides to isolate Dolly. He grabs her arm and executes a series of snap arm drags, causing her visible pain. Flynn then transitions smoothly into a Fujiwara armbar, applying pressure to Dolly’s shoulder and elbow.

JC: Flynn is focusing on Dolly’s arm, trying to weaken her bit by bit!

BG: Smart strategy, JC. Take out one of her limbs and you take away a lot of her offense!

Dolly grits her teeth, struggling against the hold. She tries to roll through to alleviate the pressure, but Flynn’s grip is too strong. Just as Dolly looks like she might tap out, Dionysus breaks the hold with a big boot to Flynn's face, breaking the hold and sending him sprawling to the mat.

JC: Dionysus might have just saved his chances!

BG: While proving he has the power to turn things around in an instant!

Dionysus picks Flynn up by his throat. With a roar, he lifts Flynn high into the air for a chokeslam.

The crowd gasps in anticipation—

—but before Dionysus can slam Flynn down, Dolly catches Dionysus with a chop block, targeting his right knee.

JC: Dolly Waters with a chop block, once again taking out the big man’s legs!

BG: That’s how you level the playing field, JC! Take out Dionysus’s foundation and he’s much easier to deal with!

Dionysus drops Flynn, clutching his knee in pain. Dolly wastes no time, hitting the ropes and coming back with a low dropkick to Dionysus’s knee, causing him to collapse to the mat. Flynn, still reeling from the big boot, shakes off the cobwebs as he watches Dolly move in for the cover—and sees his opportunity!

JC: Dolly with the cover!


Flynn quickly gets to his feet and—


—grabs Dolly, and applies a modified crossface, pulling back on her neck and putting pressure on her injured arm.

BG: Flynn breaks the pin by going for the submission!

Dolly screams in pain, but she refuses to tap out.

She inches towards the ropes, the crowd willing her on.

Just as she’s about to reach the ropes, Dionysus lunges forward and breaks the hold with a powerful forearm to Flynn’s back.

JC: Dionysus with the save again!

BG: No one wants to lose tonight!

Flynn rolls away, clutching his back, as Dionysus and Dolly struggle to their feet.

Dionysus rolls out of the ring to recover, trying to catch his breath. Dolly follows him to the outside, launching herself through the ropes with a suicide dive that sends both of them crashing into the barricade.

JC: Dolly Waters putting it all on the line!

Not to be outdone, Flynn sees another opportunity and climbs to the apron leaping off with a swinging dropkick, catching both Dionysus and Dolly and sending them sprawling back to the floor.

JC: Mark Flynn with a spectacular dropkick from the apron!

BG: This is the kind of action you can only get in the XWF!

Dionysus is the first to stir.

He reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. With a roar, he swings the chair at Flynn, but Flynn ducks at the last second. The chair clangs against the ring post, and Flynn capitalizes, grabbing Dionysus and hitting a German suplex on the unforgiving floor.

JC: What a counter by Flynn! Dionysus is down!

BG: This match is getting more intense by the second! How much more can these competitors take?

With his adrenaline pumping from the crowds approving roars, Flynn gets back to his feet. Dolly is slowly pulling herself up using the barricade, and Dionysus is writhing in pain on the floor. Seb leaves his seat and immediately tries to offer Dio his glass of wine as if it will restore him to his full strength. Dio, to his credit, ignores the attempt.

Dolly, clutching her side, summons her remaining strength. She springboards off the barricade with a diving dropkick, catching Flynn square in the chest and sending him crashing into the steps!

JC: Dolly Waters with a diving dropkick off the barricade—And Flynn takes the full impact of that unforgiving steel!

BG: This match is out of control! Is Mika even counting them out!?

Dolly quickly rolls Flynn back into the ring and goes for a quick pin, hooking his leg tightly.



Flynn kicks out at two, much to the frustration of Dolly and the delight of the crowd.

JC: Flynn kicks out! This match continues!

BG: Dolly is throwing everything she’s got at Flynn, but he refuses to stay down!

As Dolly gets to her feet, Dionysus re-enters the ring with a vengeance. He grabs Dolly from behind, lifting her up for an electric chair drop. Just as he’s about to slam her down, Flynn breaks it up with a chop block to Dionysus’s knee.

JC: Flynn with the chop block! He’s not letting Dionysus take control!

Dionysus drops to one knee, releasing Dolly in the process. Flynn quickly follows up with a belly-to-back suplex, sending Dionysus crashing to the mat.

JC: Flynn with a BIG belly-to-back suplex!

Flynn grabs the steel chair Dionysus introduced into the match earlier and smashes it across Dionysus’s back and tosses it to the mat. Dionysus arches in pain as the steel meets flesh. Mika Hunt warns Flynn, but doesn’t call for the bell.

BG: Flynn is using that chair to his advantage! Mika Hunt is giving them way too much leeway!

JC: The fans want a clear winner, and it looks like Mika Hunt is going to let them fight it out!

As Flynn turns his attention back to Dolly, she catches him with a springboard DDT onto the chair, leaving him writhing in pain on the mat.

JC: What a move by Dolly Waters! Flynn is down and out!

BG: She’s taking every opportunity to stay in this match!

With Dionysus already getting back to his feet, Dolly hits the ropes, but Dionysus grabs the chair and uses it to swat a flying clothesline from Dolly right out of the air with a sickening CLANG!

Dionysus quickly tosses it aside, and hits a pop-up cutter on Flynn, driving him face-first into the mat.

JC: Dionysus with a pop-up cutter on Flynn!

Dionysus then turns his attention to Dolly. He pulls her up and goes for the Grapevine (Rainmaker), but Dolly dodges and breaks free. She hits the ropes and comes in at Dionysus with a series of quick-paced moves to bring the big man down to his knees. Just as she's about to set up for the Running Waters, Mark Flynn intercepts with a counter powerslam, leaving all three competitors reeling on the mat.

JC: Flynn with a counter powerslam out of nowhere!

BG: What a turn of events! All three competitors are down!

Flynn, crawling to the corner, uses the ropes in an effort to pull himself up.

Dionysus is the first to get back to his feet. He grabs Flynn and hits him with the On Your Shield (STO Backbreaker), driving the air out of Flynn’s lungs and leaving him gasping on the mat.

JC: Dionysus with the On Your Shield! Flynn is down again!

Dio tries for the cover!




Dionysus sits up to his knees and briefly argues with Mika Hunt, insisting it was a three count.

JC: You can’t blame Dionysus for questioning that one, it was close!

Meanwhile, Dolly has climbed to the top rope and has her eyes locked on Dionysus.

The crowd rises to their feet, as Dolly prepares to launch herself.

JC: What is Dolly planning here? She’s perched up high!

BG: Whatever it is, it’s going to be big!

Dionysus pushes up to his feet and turns around just in time to see Dolly leap off the top rope!

Dolly soars through the air, aiming for a Serenity Fall (Diving Frontsault Legdrop) on Dionysus. At the last moment, Dionysus steps out of the way, causing Dolly to crash hard onto the mat.

JC: Dolly misses the Serenity Fall! Dionysus just avoided disaster!

BG: That was a huge risk, and it didn't pay off!

Flynn grabs Dolly and sets her up for The End. He hooks her in a front-face lock, hoists her into the air for a suplex, holds her for a few agonizing seconds, then drives her down with a cutter.

JC: Flynn with The End on Dolly! This could be it!

Flynn goes for the cover, but before the referee can count, Dionysus dives in and breaks up.

BG: Dionysus with the save! He’s not letting Flynn take the win!

Dionysus, summoning all his strength, gets back to his feet and grabs Flynn. With a roar, he hits Flynn with the Grapevine (Rainmaker), clotheslining him with devastating force that flips him inside out.

JC: Dionysus with the Grapevine! Flynn is out cold!

Sebastian acts as cheerleader at ringside, as he drops some prosciutto into his mouth. Dionysus shakes his head, and turns his attention to Dolly, who is struggling to get back up. He sets up for the Wine Mixer (Shining Wizard followed by Lionsault), but Dolly rolls out of the way just in time, causing Dionysus to stumble into the ropes.

BG: Dolly dodges the Wine Mixer!

Dolly quickly fires in with some rapid offense, landing quick jabs and kicks to Dionysus. She manages to get him down to one knee, then positions herself for the Running Waters (Running Shining Wizard Knee Strike). Dolly charges in, but just as she’s about to connect, Dionysus springs to life and hits a Pop Up Cutter!

JC: Dionysus with a Pop Up Cutter! He’s still got fight left in him!

Before Dionysus can capitalize, Mark Flynn explodes to life and grabs Dionysus in a reverse DDT, slamming a knee into his spine before transitioning into a Cross Rhodes and planting Dionysus face-first into the canvas.

BG: Logical Conclusion by Flynn!

Flynn remains face down on the canvas sucking air and doesn’t capitalize.

JC: Everyone is down!

With all three competitors laid out on the mat, Mika Hunt has no choice but to begin a TKO count.

She begins to count slowly, the crowd on the edge of their seats.





JC: Will any of them get up in time?



The crowd erupts in wild cheers, chanting and clapping to encourage them—


BG: They’re all struggling! This could end in a draw!



—and just before Mika reaches ten, all three competitors use the ropes to pull themselves back to their feet.

Dion seems to be the first one to knock the cobwebs loose and he charges right at Dolly and leaps towards her, Dolly sees the charging foe and at the last minute slinks down while pulling the top rope with her which sends Dionysus flying over the ropes and crashing hard onto the ground below.

JC: That's gotta hurt!

BG: No doubt JC. No doubt.

Dolly Waters looks down at Dionysus who is writhing in pain below.

With her attention diverted Flynn comes up from behind Dolly and hits her with the Logical Conclusion. A DDT knee into spine followed by Cross Rhodes and then a cover...




Winner - Mark Flynn

JC: What an incredible opening match!

BG: You're telling me partner. If this is how the show starts I can't imagine how it's going to end.!

As the ring clears, a frustrated Dionysus gets to his feet, a hand on the back of his neck in recognition of the battle he’s just been through. At ringside, the XWF Universal Champion, Sebastian Everett-Bryce is applauding a valiant battling performance  along with the fans in attendance. Dio glances at Seb, and for a moment it looks as if things could get a little physical. Dio already on the outside, walks around to the other side of the ring coming face to face with the man he’ll face at The Revelry.

JC: These two stars, set to face one another for the biggest prize in the business, the XWF Universal Championship in two weeks time!

Their exchanged words aren’t clear, but initial concerns seem to be unfounded as there doesn’t appear to be any major hostility between the two. Dio points at the XWF Universal Championship, and then gestures around his waist. In response, Sebastian lifts the Championship from it’s place of display and raises it in the air, and holds it in place symbolising his position as Champion.

BG: This is going to be one hell of a battle, JC!

The crowd pop for the exchange, and then… Sebastian holds up a bottle of wine? Dio takes it from Seb and looks at it - he rolls his neck in consideration, before shaking. He places it back on the table before presenting Seb with an entirely different bottle.

JC: Where, exactly, did Dionysus get a bottle of WINE from!?

Seb looks at the bottle and seems to be perfectly happy with the choice. He gestures wildly at the table, with all of the food lay upon it. Dio looks out at the fans, as if asking if they think he should partake. They roar their agreement,  as the Champion and Number One contender take a seat at the table, and begin to share charcuterie and vino, as Sweatpants plays out over their impromptu picnic.

BG: "Here comes the newest member of the roster and a man of few words. The grappling guru from Ironwood, Michigan… Holden Payne!"

JC: "And you know, BG, Holden’s been chomping at the bit, looking for a real challenge here in XWF."

Holden Payne enters the ring after grabbing a microphone from ringside. He waits for the music to fade and the crowd to settle before he begins to speak.

Holden Payne: "I've been here, waiting, and ready to tie anyone in knots who dares to step into this ring with me. Now, I’ve thrown out a challenge, and all I've gotten back is one squawking bird and an offer for tag titles. But look around! Do you see a partner by my side? No, you don’t, and that’s fine because I’m not here to rely on anyone else."

The crowd reacts with cheers.

Holden Payne: "So here I am, not just ready but eager to showcase what real grappling looks like in this ring. But it seems like it's just crickets out there. No one's stepping up. No one's answering the call. So I'm changing my challenge. I’m not waiting until The Revelry’s over. I’m not waiting for Madison Dyson. I’m ready now."

He begins to pace the ring.

Holden Payne: "XWF management, hear me loud and clear. I’m not the kind of man who likes to wait, especially not on the sidelines while others get their hands dirty. I want a challenge, and I want it at The Revelry. Find me someone who’s got the guts to face me in this ring, someone who can actually give me a fight worthy of Pay-Per-View."

The crowd erupts.

Holden Payne: "I’m not here to sit around waiting for the perfect moment. The perfect moment is now. So bring me someone who wants to fight, who wants to grapple, who thinks they can survive in the ring with me…

…And let me show you why they won’t!"

He tosses the mic with and exits the ring.

BG: "Well, JC, that’s a call-out if I’ve ever heard one!"

JC: "Absolutely, BG. Whoever answers that challenge better be ready to go to war because Holden Payne looks like he means business."

KRSH! The screen fizzes!

JC: “…-t’s goin-”

KRRRRRRRRRRRSH! The screen fizzes once more!

The feed is replaced with… Yellow scrolling text.


Jump cut to a law office.

And sitting on the corner of a desk…

It’s… Mark Flynn! Dressed in a suit and tie, holding a folder, looking at it very intently!

”BG: Mark Flynn! We saw him compete earlier tonight!”

Flynn snaps his folder, before pointing at the camera!

”Do YOU need a beating?”

”Do YOU need to SHUT THE FUCK UP?”

”Looking for a one-way vacation to the GODDAMNED WOODSHED!?!”

Flynn frisbees his folder away… THEN ELBOW DROPS HIS OWN DESK!

…He bounces off of it and lands on the floor!



Flynn is walking down a hall… The walls are covered with velvet paintings of himself in various-colored suits.

”You’ll never find a more dedicated opponent than me! I will work day-and-night to personally BEAT the SHIT out of YOU!”

”But, don’t take my word for it! Check out THESE thrashed morons that thought they could beat me!”

A rapid-fire slideshow slips across the screen, showing faces like Doc D’ville, Kieran King, Peter Vaughn, Dolly Waters, Bobby Bourbon… AND it stops on Dionysus AND Sebastian Everett-Bryce!

JC: Those two are the main event at Revelry! Flynn clearly stuffing this message full of fighting words! And not just for Holden Payne!

BG: Accurate fighting words, JC! He beat SEB the only time they’ve fought one-on-one! And he beat the number one contender earlier tonight!

”Accept no substitutes!”

”You want an ass-kicking? Make sure you’re working with the ultimate ass-kicker!”

”And I will personalize your beatdown! So you know I personally HATE you!”

Flynn briefly covers his mouth.

”HOLDEN PAYNE” Says a voice clearly added in post-production.

Flynn uncovers his mouth. Followed by a thumbs-up and a star-wipe to black!

JC: “Wow! Holden Payne came down here to lob out an open challenge… I can’t imagine he expected an XWF wildcard like Mark Flynn to respond!”

BG: “But if anything, Holden looks excited, JC! Both these guys are technical wrestling marvels! Anyone who tunes into Revelry is going to see a bloody masterpiece!”

JC: You're absolutely right partner. We will be right back after this commercial break with our second match of the night."

JC: What a show thus far!

BG: And it’s only heating up here in Charlotte, baby!

JC: That’s right, because up next we’re diving into some XTreme Rules action.

BG: Can one of these men… or Ape… finally find their footing as champion and begin their chase for that elusive 24/7 briefcase?

JC: It’s so difficult to predict! This belt has changed hands 5 times over the last month!

BG: And here comes one of those men looking to begin his journey now, Bulk Logan!

The lights suddenly dim and Bulk's theme hits the speakers.

Bulk Logan emerges from the back. The crowd's reaction is immediately split.

Bulk seems unfazed by the negative reactions as he strides down the ramp. He acknowledges only the cheering fans, offering them nods and smiles of appreciation.

As he approaches the ring, his steps are steady and confident. Bulk occasionally slaps hands with fans reaching out from the cheering fans.

Upon reaching the ring, Bulk ascends the steps and enters between the ropes. He takes a moment to stand in the center of the ring, looking around at the cheering fans, soaking in their support and repaying it with some playful posturing.

JC: Well, Bulk is Certainly going to have his work cut out for him tonight, because making their way to the ring right now, is one of those former champions. A Literal Gorilla!

BG: What makes a Literal Gorilla so dangerous… besides being a literal, 500 pound animal, is the unpredictability he brings to the ring. Anything can, and will happen when ALG is between the ropes.

The opening horn salvo from Gorilla dominates the air as the Gorilla wanders out curiously onto the stage, looking around in awe at the crowd and the ring. It's gaze narrows as it recognizes the ring in front of him. "Precious" Percival Penniworth IV walks out, proud of his noble beast companion. A literal gorilla gets into the ring.


Who Let The Dogs out by the Bah Ha Men blasts through the speakers. And the XWF XTreme Champion, Roger, makes a very confident, and heroic looking stride toward the ring.

JC: And here’s our new champion, Roger! The man who defeated ALG for the title… somehow…

BG: He looks primed and ready to defend that gold here tonig-

Roger halts in his tracks as ALG begins shirking in the ring, clutching his hands on the side of his head! Penniworth looks terrified, and tries to calm his client down, but apparently the threatening sounds of the Bah Ha Men blasting through the speakers have spooked ALG.

- vs -
- vs -

Xtreme Rules

ALG charges at the ropes, running through them and completely destroying one side of the wrestling ring. He barrels toward Roger with a vaulting gallop assisted by his knuckles. The blood runs from Roger’s face, and the xtreme champion turns around and begins sprinting toward the backstage area. While all of this is happening, Bulk Logan slides out of the ring and watches the action from a safe distance, steadily creeping up from behind, a terrified look on his face.


Roger reaches the threshold of the XTRon, but not quickly enough! ALG smashes into the champ’s back with a painful looking shoulder. Roger’s body flies into a piece of the steel foundation of the XTron. Roaring all the way, ALG grabs Roger’s limp body by the leg and begins slamming him repeatedly into the floor.

Penniworth screams, begging ALG to pin the champion, but the Bah Ha Men is still blasting through the speakers, and ALG can’t hear anything overtop of the sounds of barking dogs that ALG desperately wants to eat.

Roger has been completely flattened, and ALG leaps on top of the steel structure of the XTron climbing up toward the loudspeaker. He smashes his fist in to the speaker, and begins ripping the wiring out.


JC: Look! It’s Bulk Logan!

Logan stands overtop of the unconscious Roger, looking unsure at first. He looks at the audience looking for their approval. Suddenly Bulk flexes, and rounds a hand up to his ear, he then repeats the motion on the opposite side before taking a few steps back and…

BG: Leg Drop of Gloom!

ALG looks down to see Bulk taking advantage of Roger… but he’s too busy wondering why these dog wires in the loudspeaker doesn’t taste like dog at all.

Logan pins Roger!





JC: The reign of Roger has ended not too long after it began and now Bulk Logan will go into The Revelry as the new XWF Xtreme Champion.

The hymn-like hum vibrates through the area before Lauren Hill soundfully brings in the chorus. Jason Cashe comes out from the back, stopping at the edge of the stage. Looking around the arena at the live audience, he takes a long drag off an air joint before howling up into the sky! A few fans howl with him.

Stopping as the aisle turns to ringside, Cashe drags a foot creating an imaginary line. This is the line where when passed, the talking stops. Cashe leaps up on the apron onto his left knee. He stands, ducking under the top rope to enter the ring.

JC: “Cashe stated he is defending the ring AS Champion and looks the part here tonight!”

BG: “He is the DiOGee!”

The ear-shattering guitar rift of "Black out the Sun" blares through the speakers as the crowd erupts onto their feet. Half scream in adoration while the other choruses into boos. Spotlights center onto the top of the stage as fire erupts from either side of the curtain. As the flames settle, Prince Adeyemi walks out, eyes shifting from the floor to the ring.

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown
I wanna watch your fortress crumble down

And when the witching hour sounds
I will be the one to count you down

Now that my backs against the wall
I have to fight to stop the fall
Don't need your approval, I will rise above"

He drops into a squat, leaning to the left and the right, stretching his legs out.

"I will not be denied, your kingdom come!"

The Prince leaps into the air as the crowd echoes "Your kingdom come!". He walks down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rushing to the opposite side. Leaping onto the first and second rope, he throws a fist into the air as his fans cheer for him. Dropping off the ropes, he leans against them and awaits the bell.

- vs -

BG: “A Prince named King is a former Universal Champion and one half of the current Tag Champions. This is the challenger who could not only take the TV Title but raise the bar with it in his possession!”

JC: “I think the current Champion would have something to say about that!”

Just as the bell sounds to start the match, Champion, Jason Cashe comes out of his corner, passing the Television Title to the referee before turning to Isiah King. His foot dragging across the canvas with the heel of his boot, Cashe calls to Adeyemi looking for a fight.

BG: “Cashe is drawing a line in the sand and wants Prince to cross it!”

JC: “This could get good quickly!”

Amped up by the idea, Prince approaches the center of the ring to join Cashe. As Prince steps within arm’s reach, Jason Cashe snaps and cracks the challenge to the jaw with an abrupt right hook! Adeyemi shoots back with a right of his own that lands flush! The two begin trading shots, strikes, elbows, knife edge chops!

Taking a hard palm slap to the chest, Cashe hugs himself briefly before throwing a quick thumb to Prince’s eye and hurries to pull him in for a standing side headlock. Bent over with his head wrapped in Cashe’s arm, Isiah King backs them both into the ring ropes behind them. Off the ropes, Prince rushes and shoves at Cashe so his headlock releases and sends the Champion across the ring.

Cashe grabs the ropes to stop his movement. Turning back, the ‘DiOGee’ sees Prince Adeyemi racing at him. Dropping a shoulder, expecting to catch Prince with a shoulder toss, Cashe catches a stiff kick to the face. Standing with his hands to his face, Cashe falls back into the ropes. Prince Adeyemi whips himself around before crashing an elbow into Cashe’s jaw! As the Champion slumps, he falls between the ropes and out onto the ring apron.

JC: “The Prince named King is taking it to the Television Champion!”

Keeping hold of the ropes, Cashe remains on the apron as he brings himself up to his feet. Prince Adeyemi races across the ring, away from Cashe. Bouncing off the far ropes, Prince becomes a bullet as he picks up speed. As he comes in at Cashe in a hurry, Prince dives over the ropes, snatches Cashe’s head and swings around, pulling Cashe off the apron and spiking him into the ringside floor with a HUGE diving DDT!

JC: “GoD! Adeyemi hits a wild form of his Finisher!”

BG: “Oh you're right, look! His legs are still wrapped around Cashe to secure the Guillotine! He has the Champion secured on the outside!”

JC: “Both of them felt that high risk move! They both took that bump to some degree!”

Shoving Cashe off of him, Prince pushes to his feet before stumbling as his hand grabs his lower back. With the referee reaching 5 on his count, Prince turns to see Cashe groggily rising from the ringside floor. Taking a single step from the apron, Prince leaps up and cracks Cashe to the chest with a Bicycle Knee! The Champion is thrown back against the guardrail.


In a raging roar, Jason Cashe growls as he bursts from the railing and barrels into Prince Adeyemi’s midsection. Crashing into the side of the ring, Cashe lifts Prince across his shoulders in a fireman’s carry before turning and spiking Adeyemi into the ground with a sloppy but vicious Death Valley Driver! Both men lay on their backs at ringside.

BG: “Ohhh man! Did you see King’s head spike off the ground?! That hurt!”

JC: “It's Prince. Prince Adeyemi and you should put some respect on it..”

BG: “A Prince named King!”

JC: “The Heir Apparent!”

Posted near the ropes, the referee shouts EIGHT as he holds that many fingers into the air.

JC: “It's getting close and neither man seems to be getting up!”

Cashe rolls onto his side. Prince coughs as he sits up and the two get busy moving.

BG: “You ever notice how much slower the second half of a ten count is than that first five?”

Turning from his situp, Prince pushes to his feet. His hand against the back of his head as he rises. Turning to the ring, Prince finds Cashe swinging wide and wild, Prince ducks the baseball swinging punch and dives under the bottom ropes to enter the ring.

NINE! The Referee shouts. Jason Cashe spins around to the ring and hurries to hop up on the apron with a knee. Using the rope, Cashe pulls himself to a stand before ducking down and stepping through the ropes to stop the count.

JC: “We have seen a quick brawl between these two and it's mostly been OUTSIDE the ring! Let's see what they bring to the table now that the action is inside those four sides of ropes! WHO will walk out as XWF Television Champion?”

BG: “You should sell Used Cars, really..”

Flying at Cashe, Prince Adeyemi comes in with a forearm. He crashes into Cashe and goes into the Champion with rapid fire! Shot after shot, Prince wasn't giving Cashe any space to breathe. Up against the ropes, Cashe is hit with a nice combination of boxing shots. A right body shot followed by a quick connecting right hook that lands flush!

BG: “Jason Cashe should thank the ropes for keeping him on his feet right now!”

Putting his back to Cashe, Adeyemi puts his opponent in a standing headlock before taking off and hitting a running bulldog! Cashe slaps and rolls onto his back after taking the bulldog and Prince Adeyemi is riled up with adrenaline as he bounces back to his feet!

Diving between the ropes, Adeyemi hurries out onto the ring apron. Turning to face the ring, he grabs hold of the top rope before springing himself up and launching himself back into the ring. With Cashe down, Adeyemi comes crashing down across right into the face with a devastating Elbow Drop!


BG: “We could have a new Champion!!”

Making the pin, Prince rushes the referee to make the count.



Th- Kickout!

Slapping the canvas before clapping his hands together as Prince doesn't like the kickout. As he gets up from the failed pin, Adeyemi pulls Cashe up with him. Drilling his opponent to the gut, Prince nods and drops to his back in front of Cashe as he looks for his ‘Blade Sharpener’ move but Jason Cashe swings and drops an elbow drop into Prince’s chest.

BG: “Oohhhhh! Cashe said Nnnoooope!”

Both men race to their feet. Prince shows signs of frustration as he springs up from a knee and locks up with Cashe in an aggressive grapple. The two push and shove around, pressing against the ropes, rolling into the corner, neither would lose the standing grapple. Getting Prince’s back into the turnbuckles, Cashe drives a knee into his midsection.

Pulling Prince’s head down, Cashe wraps his arms around Prince’s waist, looking for a piledriver but Adeyemi lifts Cashe up before slapping him down with an overhead Spinebuster!

10 minutes remaining

JC: “Beautifully done!”

Shaking off a little daze, Prince Adeyemi throws himself back into the corner. Quickly he props himself up, sitting himself on the top turnbuckle.

BG: “Uh oh! What's a Prince named King doing?!”

JC: “He’s going for the Crown Shatterer!”

Sure enough as Jason Cashe slowly starts to rise. Prince Adeyemi stands and steps up high on the turnbuckle, as high as he can stand as he watches and waits for the perfect time to strike. As Cashe turns, he leaps and shoves into the ring ropes, taking the balance out of Prince as he drops and sits painfully on the turnbuckle.

JC: “The Prince’s Jewels!!”

Grabbing Prince’s head, Cashe pulls it lower before blasting him to the side of the face with a stiff punch. Another lands and then another. Adeyemi tilts a bit on the top turnbuckle as Cashe scurries back before snapping forward, cracking Adeyemi with a massive Superman Forearm! The sound of connection was heard in the nosebleeds as Prince Adeyemi drools as he leans over sitting on the top turnbuckle. Shoving him back so he is sitting up better. Jason Cashe climbs up the turnbuckles in front of Prince.

JC: “What is Cashe trying to do here?”

BG: “Looks dangerous, could be cool!”

Tucking Adeyemi’s head down, Cashe balances as he wraps his arms around Prince’s waist. Pulling the Challenger from the top, Cashe plummets off the top rope and spikes Prince Adeyemi with a Sitdown Piledriver off the top ropes! Even the referee cringes as the audience roars in ‘Oooohhhhhhs’ and a mixed bag of cheers and boos.

JC: “Holy shit! Cashe just killed Adeyemi!!”

Bouncing and jolting around, Cashe was grabbing his butt.

BG: “I think Cashe busted his butt bone!”

JC: “Tailbones can be painful.”

Fighting through the pain, Cashe shoves Prince Adeyemi onto his back and crawls across him as the referee drops and slaps the canvas.




BG: “The Prince kicked out!”

2 Minutes Remain

First to his feet, Cashe stands at the side of a downed Prince Adeyemi. Bending down to pull the challenger up, Cashe is surprised with a powerful uppercut!

JC: “Hey! That's the latter part of Prince’s Blade Sharpener!!”

BG: “Cashe took ALL of that right to the kisser!!”

Now it was Cashe on the canvas and Prince Adeyemi crawling and diving across Cashe to make the pin before time runs out.



TH-- Cashe gets a Shoulder up!!

Staying in a side position, Prince Adeyemi shows his frustration as he drives down sharp elbows into the jaw and face of his opponent. Making the cover yet again, it was seconds from timelimit.




The bell sounds, signaling the end of the 15 Minute Time Limit. The referee waves for the end of the match and Prince Adeyemi is livid!

JC: “I understand his irritation. Moments away from becoming the Television Champion..”

BG: “Cashe kicked out. This match wasn't over, they had more to give!”

A small rumbling within the crowd, you soon begin to hear what they are chanting as everyone gets in sync with the words.




JC: “These fans want more! I want more!”

BG: “Can we make this happen? Where is Theo when he can be useful?!”

Prince is pleading with the referee and Cashe gets to his feet and begins to do the same. Now working together to persuade the official.

JC: “The fans want it! We want it! Both of the competitors want it!”

BG: “Five more minutes! Five more minutes!!”

After some deliberation, the Official nods and calls for the bell to restart the match. Prince Adeyemi takes the moment with no referee eyes on him and field goal kicks Cashe to the man parts!

BG: “Foul! Bad show, Princey!”

Grabbing hold of the ropes, Cashe tries to keep himself up but drops to a knee. The referee questions Prince but Prince doesn't want to waste time, they only have five more minutes. With Cashe on a knee, Prince blasts him with a huge haymaker right hand!

JC: “I felt that right hand over here!”

BG: “Pretty sure he knee slapped..”

JC: “He did not!”

Turning away from Cashe, Prince races across the ring, hits the ropes and picks up speed as he soars back across the canvas towards a kneeling Jason Cashe. Pushing to his feet, he wasn't quick enough as Prince Adeyemi leaps at him, snatches his head, wraps his legs around Cashe and locks in his Guillotine!

JC: “He’s got it locked in! All he needs now is to whip back and hit the DDT!”

Cashe pulls Adeyemi’s legs off from around his waist before dropping to a knee, hitting Prince with an Atomic Drop followed quickly with a Hip Toss that sends Prince Adeyemi over the top ropes, dumping and tumbling to the outside floor!

JC: “Cashe is buying time. Time neither man has if they want to win this match!”

BG: “Nut shots should be given five minutes alone..”

JC: “This isn't MMA!”

BG: “MMA cares about the genitals! You heard it hear, folks!”

Stupid is as stupid does so as Adeyemi begins to stir on the outside, Jason Cashe races across the ring.

BG: “Uh oh! Is Cashe about to take flight?!”

JC: “Not really his style but doing something dumb and dangerous is so.. You can never be sure..”

Pumping his arms trying to gain speed, Cashe roars as he dives in between the top and middle ropes, stabbing into Prince with a javelin accuracy that sends them both crashing back into the guard railing! The building goes crazy!!

With adrenaline pumping through their veins, both Adeyemi and Cashe shove to their feet. Cashe swings wide, Prince ducks and launches himself towards the ring, sliding into the ring under the bottom ropes. Giving chase, Cashe crawls under the ropes and enters the ring to Prince coming in hot with rapid fire stomps.

BG: “Cashe is getting stomped down!”

Reaching down, Prince Adeyemi rips Cashe to his feet but Cashe shoved the challenger back. Prince breaks into a sprint, passing by Cashe. Spinning around to keep eyes on Adeyemi as the ‘Heir Apparent’ leaps up, springs off the middle rope and shoots back catching Cashe with a Springboard Stunner!

1 Minute Remaining

Stuck in a tilting balance, Cashe wobbles a step to his left then his right before stumbling back as Prince Adeyemi hurries to his feet. Leaping up to again look for his ‘GoD’ Guillotine DDT, Cashe bursts forward and hits a beautiful Superman Elbow strike! Adeyemi goes limp before he hits the canvas as Cashe falls and face plants into the ring.

BG: “Both of them are worn out like an old tube sock!”

JC: “30 seconds left..”

BG: “Oh Jason Cashe will most definitely be on Mars after this match, win or lose.”

JC: “Huh? Oh the song..”

Trying to get into position to pin Prince Adeyemi, Cashe had little left to give. He needed a smoke break and maybe some appetizers. Shoving at Prince, Cashe can't get him onto his back.

The referee waits as the time counts down to zero, shakes his head and waves his arms around before he signals for the bell.


BG: “It's over! Neither man could finish the job!”

JC: “Going 20 minutes, 5 minutes of that was overtime and they are stuffed, full of the appetite of competition but they find themselves with a draw in the end!”

BG: “Listen to these people! They are big maaaad!”

JC: “Hopefully we can see a rematch between these two down the road.”

BG: "I sure hope so. There is money to be made there."

JC: "Absolutely partner. Anyway that's all we have for you tonight XWF fans. Join us in two weeks from the Bohemian Grove for our June Pay Per View - The Revelry."




After the Warfare main event and the outro from Jacuinde and Brody Goodman, the screen fades to black with the XWF logo and copyright information.  Seconds later, the screen fades back in to the backstage area.  We share a first person point of view with the camera.  We're led down a series of hallways and make several turns before coming to a door with a placard hanging from it by a thread that reads:  WARFARE GENERAL MANAGER.

A hand reaches up and fixes the placard.  The hand opens the door and for the first time, they're in front of the camera dressed in a non-descript hoodie with the hood covering their head.  They disappear for just a moment into the blackness of the darkened office.

Seconds later, a light switch is flipped on and the buzz of fluorescent lights is evident.  They flicker several times before staying on full strength.  The room is covered in dust and cobwebs, evidence of the length of time since there had been a Warfare GM.

The person waves their hand in front of them, clearing through some of the cobwebs.  Turning around, their head and face are still concealed by the hoodie.  Lowering their hood, the revealed man looks up.  The frame freezes and turns Warfare Red.

[Image: 4vhBwLK.jpeg]

Thank You To Our Match Writers
Jett Sterling
Dolly Waters
Jason Cashe

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Bulk Logan (05-18-2024), Dewey Gobblecoque (05-18-2024), Holden Payne (05-18-2024), Misty Waters (05-18-2024), Thaddeus Duke (05-18-2024)
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TITLE - X-treme Champion

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-18-2024, 02:54 PM

Backstage we find Dolly Waters sitting against a wall, leaning her neck into an ice pack. She’s gassed and struggling to pull herself from the floor when suddenly- -


The cracks of a flashing camera blind her,

Dolly! How’s it goin? How’s it feel being defeated in such an embarrassing fashion again? After talking so much trash against people who ignored you? Your sole purpose was to beat Mark Flynn, and he completely ignored you!

Chaz Blinbar, the photographer for paparazzi magazine who’s been harassing her for weeks now closes in, the condescending tone of his “concern” Is this healthy for you, Dolly? dropping like bombs on her senses. you must feel awful. are you considering retiring? Giving up forever?

The ice pack slides away from Dolly’s neck and slaps against the floor as her head straightens. Her expression is washed , her wide eyes dilating under the barrage of flashes from Chaz’s camera.

As XWF security pulls Chaz away from Dolly, her gaze remains unmoved. Even an involuntary twitch from the corner of her mouth does little to break her from the trance she’s under. Instead, she pushes her lips together and begins whistling ‘ode to joy’, her eyes unmoved as she pulls something sentimental from her pocket.

[Image: RokUf7N.png]

Her chariot to The Revelry…
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