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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Star WARFARE 05-04-2024
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-05-2024, 04:48 AM

A Long Time Ago...(05-04-2024)



- vs -

This match will take place in the Death Star II Docking Bay

- vs -
w/Special Guest Ref Mark Flynn

Xtreme Rules - This match takes place Death Star II Overbridge

- vs -

This match will take place in the Death Star II's corridors

- vs -

This match will take place in the Death Star II's Garbage Compator - Thw walls will completely close at the 15 minute mark crushing both combatants.

- vs -

This match will take place in the Emperors Throne Room - win via pin

JC: Hello everyone and welcome to The Death Star...2...where we are live for a special May the 4th edition of Warfare! I am joined by my co-host Brody Goodman and have we got a card for you. Three title matches including the Universal Champion Sebastian Everett-Bryce taking on former champ Prince Adeyemi.

Fireworks burst all around the X-Tron!

Razor Blade comes out wearing an American Nightmare outfit. Blade lifts his arms in the air and fist pumps as the crowd cheers!

“When Not Like Most Girls” hits. Latoya Hixx bursts onto the stage, spreading her arms wide open! Hixx walks straight down the ramp towards the ring!

The entirely epic XTron video of TNGB takes over the arena as the lights dim. A spotlight highlights the ramp, and Thunder Knuckles walks out onto the entrance ramp, hyped and ready to fight, pointing out into the crowd. Behind him, Bobby Bourbon deliberately walks out and stops, also pointing out into the crowd. Both men glance at each other and return their attention to the ring, delivering a no-look fistbump, then in unison point into the ring. The crowd sings along with the song.


TK slides into the ring and gets up onto a knee, beckoning the crowd as Bobby climbs the steps and enters the ring behind him. TK stands and appeals to the crowd as Bobby raises his arms at 45-degree angles.

- vs -

This match will take place in the Death Star II Docking Bay

JC: Welcome to what promises to be an exciting showdown here on the infamous Death Star II Docking Bay! We've got ‘The American Nightmare’ Razor Blade and “The Irresistible Force” Latoya Hixx gearing up to take on the nefarious duo, "Them No Good Bastards," Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles!

BG: And you can bet your bottom xbux that Thunder Knuckles and Bobby Bourbon are up to their usual dirty tricks tonight. But don't count out Razor and Latoya just yet! These two are a force to be reckoned with, especially when they're fighting for what's right!


JC: And here we go, folks, the bell has rung, and this match is officially underway!

Razor Blade and Thunder Knuckles locked eyes, each man ready to prove his mettle. Meanwhile, Latoya Hixx and Bobby Bourbon circled each other warily.

JC: Look at this! Bobby Bourbon's sticking his chin out, almost daring Latoya to take a swing at him!

BG: That's a bold move! But I think Bobby might be underestimating just how strong Latoya really is!

Latoya hesitated for a moment, but with a glint in her eye, she stepped forward, delivering a thunderous punch straight to Bobby's jaw. The impact rocked Bobby, staggering him back in surprise.

JC: Oh, my God! Latoya just rocked Bobby Bourbon with that right hand!

BG: I don't think Bobby was expecting that level of power coming from a female!

Latoya pressed forward, unleashing a relentless barrage of blows on Bobby, each one driving him back further and further. Bobby staggered under the onslaught, struggling to keep his footing as Latoya's fists rained down upon him.

JC: Latoya Hixx is absolutely relentless! She's not giving Bobby Bourbon a moment's rest!

BG: And Bobby's reeling! He's having a hard time keeping up with Latoya's relentless assault!

With a final surge of strength, Latoya lifted Bobby off his feet, slamming him to the steel ground with a thud. The crowd erupted into cheers as Bobby lay stunned by Latoya's display of power.

JC: What a bodyslam from Latoya Hixx! She's showing Bobby Bourbon that she's not to be underestimated!

BG: That's for sure! Latoya's proving why she's known as the “Irresistible Force”!

Meanwhile, across the way, Razor Blade had Thunder Knuckles on the ropes, pummeling him with a flurry of strikes. Thunder Knuckles staggered backward, trying to escape Razor's relentless assault.

JC: Razor Blade's not holding anything back tonight!

BG: Thunder Knuckles better watch out! Razor's got him right where he wants him!

But just as Razor charged forward, looking to deliver a Crossbody, Thunder Knuckles saw an opening. With lightning-fast reflexes, he caught Razor in mid-air and slammed him down with a thunderous powerslam.

JC: Oh, no! Thunder Knuckles just caught Razor with that powerslam out of nowhere!

BG: That's the experience of Thunder Knuckles shining through! He's always one step ahead of his opponents!

The crowd gasped in shock as Razor hit the floor with a thud, knocking the wind out of him.

Thunder Knuckles rushes Latoya from behind, clobbering her with a forearm to the back of the head!

Latoya stumbles forward, dazed by the unexpected blow from Thunder Knuckles. As she tries to regain her bearings, Bobby Bourbon steps in to lend his partner a hand.

JC: Uh-oh! Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles are teaming up on Latoya now!

BG: They're wasting no time! It looks like they're going for their signature move, the Skullbuster Special!

With Latoya still reeling from Thunder Knuckles' attack, Bobby and Thunder Knuckles each grab an arm. With lightning-fast precision, they deliver stereo haymakers to the opposite sides of Latoya's head, sending her crashing to the ground.

JC: What a devastating move from Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles!

BG: Latoya's in trouble now! She needs to find a way to turn this around!

Meanwhile, Razor Blade begins to stir on the other side of the ring. Then the worst thing that could happen, does happen… Bobby and Thunder Knuckles turn their attention to Razor.

JC: This doesn't look good for the American Nightmare!

BG: Razor's in a tough spot now! Let's see if he can fight his way out of this!

Bobby and Thunder Knuckles move in to grab Razor, attempting to pull him up from the ground. But Razor refuses to go along with their plans and begins fighting back with everything he's got.

JC: Razor's not going down without a fight!

BG: That's the spirit!

Razor delivers a sharp shot to Thunder Knuckles' gut, doubling him over in pain. Razor uses his technical wrestling prowess to escape Bobby's grasp and launches into the air with a Beautiful Disaster kick!

JC: Razor Blade with a brilliant counter! He's turning the tables on Bobby Bourbon!

Razor waits for Bobby to stagger to his feet, biding his time for the perfect opportunity.

JC: Razor Blade's got Bobby Bourbon in his sights! He's looking to capitalize on this opening!

BG: This could be Razor's chance!

As Bobby slowly rises, Razor springs into action, grabbing him underneath the head and flipping him over with lightning speed, executing his finishing move, the Blade Rose!

JC: Blade Rose from Razor Blade! He's going for the pin!

BG: This could be it! Razor's got the cover!

The referee slides into position, slapping the mat for the count.



But before the referee's hand can hit the mat for the third time, Thunder Knuckles breaks up the pin with a diving blow!

JC: Thunder Knuckles with the save! He's keeping his team's hopes alive!

BG: That was a close call! Razor Blade almost had this match won!

Thunder Knuckles goes wild, launching a relentless assault on Razor Blade, raining down blows with all the force he can muster.

JC: Thunder Knuckles is going berserk! He's not holding anything back!

BG: Razor Blade's in serious trouble now!

Thunder Knuckles continues his relentless assault on Razor Blade. He pulls the American Nightmare to his feet, looking to hit something big and put an end to this match once and for all. But Razor has other plans.

JC: Thunder Knuckles is looking to put Razor Blade away for good, he's got bad intentions written all over his face!

BG: Razor needs to find a way to turn this around! He's taken a beating, but he's not out of this fight yet!

Just as Thunder Knuckles goes for a running knee, Razor manages to slip out of his way. Razor then unleashes a flurry of strikes, catching Thunder Knuckles off guard.

JC: Razor Blade with a stunning counter! He's fighting with everything he's got!

BG: “The American Nightmare’s” turning up the heat!

Razor continues to press his advantage, unleashing a relentless assault.

JC: Razor Blade is absolutely relentless! He's not giving Thunder Knuckles a moment's rest!

BG: Thunder Knuckles is in trouble now! He needs to find a way to turn this around before it's too late!

But just as Razor seems to have the upper hand, Thunder Knuckles manages to regain his footing and mount a counterattack of his own. The two competitors trade blows back and forth, each refusing to back down an inch.

JC: These two are giving it everything they've got! It's a back-and-forth battle for the ages!

BG: Neither Razor nor Thunder Knuckles are willing to give an inch!

As the battle rages on, Razor manages to maneuver Thunder Knuckles toward the cockpit of a nearby TIE fighter.

JC: What's Razor Blade got planned here? He's got Thunder Knuckles right where he wants him!

BG: I don't like the looks of this!

Razor slams the cockpit into Thunder Knuckles head. Thunder Knuckles slinks into the seat and Razor slams the cockpit closed behind him.

Bobby Bourbon, having recovered, attacks Razor from behind. With a vicious blow, he sent Razor staggering into the TIE fighter.

JC: Bobby Bourbon strikes from behind!

BG: That's the kind of underhanded tactics we've come to expect from Them No Good Bastards!

As Razor struggled to regain his bearings, Bobby wasted no time in setting him up for the Bobby Bomb, but before he could execute the move, Latoya Hixx intervened, breaking up the impending disaster with a well-timed running lariat.

JC: Latoya Hixx to the rescue! She's not letting Bobby Bourbon have his way with the Razor Blade!

BG: That's what makes Latoya such a valuable partner, she's always got her teammate's back!

Bobby and Latoya locked eyes, a silent challenge passing between them as they prepared to face off. The two competitors wasted no time in trading blows back and forth in a furious exchange.

JC: It's on between Bobby Bourbon and Latoya Hixx! These two are going at it tooth and nail!

BG: This is turning into an all-out brawl! Neither one of them is holding anything back!

But Bobby unleashed a devastating roundhouse uppercut, catching Latoya off guard and sending her crashing to the mat.

JC: Oh, my God! Bobby Bourbon with the SHORYUKEN! He nearly took Latoya's head off with that one!

BG: That's gotta hurt, Jayce! Latoya's in serious trouble now!

Bobby quickly went for the pin.



THRE—to everyone's shock, Latoya kicked out!

JC: Unbelievable! Latoya Hixx kicks out of the SHORYUKEN!

BG: I can't believe my eyes! Latoya's still in this fight!

Determined not to let Latoya slip through his fingers, Bobby wasted no time in pulling her back to her feet, setting her up for another devastating move, the Bobby Bomb.

JC: Bobby Bourbon's going for the kill! He's setting up for the Bobby Bomb!

BG: It's over! Nobody kicks out of the Bobby Bomb!

With all his strength, Bobby lifted Latoya high into the air, and drove her into the mat with bone-crushing force.



THR—Razor Blade breaks up the impending pinfall with a desperate lunge.

JC: Razor Blade breaks up the pin!

BG: That was a close call! Latoya owes her partner big time for that save!

Bobby Bourbon and Razor Blade engage in a fierce brawl, and Bobby's heavy hits quickly begin to take their toll on Razor.

JC: Bobby Bourbon is really laying into Razor Blade!

BG: Razor's in trouble here!

Bobby sees an opening and goes for the Bobby Bomb. But just as he lifted Razor into position, the American Nightmare managed to slip out of his grasp, sliding down Bobby's back.

JC: Razor Blade escapes the Bobby Bomb!

BG: He's still in this fight!

Before Bobby could react, Razor hooked Bobby for his own finishing move, the Blade Rose. But just as he prepared to execute the maneuver, Thunder Knuckles fired a laser blast from the cockpit of the TIE fighter, catching Razor squarely in the chest.

JC: Oh, no! Thunder Knuckles with a laser blast from that TIE fighter!

BG: Those things work!?

Razor fell to the ground with his chest smoldering from the laser blast. Bobby climbed to his feet, a triumphant grin spreading across his face as Thunder Knuckles emerged from the cockpit to join him.

JC: Razor Blade's down and out, thanks to that cowardly attack from Thunder Knuckles!

BG: Latoya’s still shook from that SHORYUKEN! It's a two-on-one assault now! Razor's in serious trouble!

With Razor incapacitated, Bobby and Thunder Knuckles wasted no time in going for the kill.

JC: Here it comes, folks!

Bobby hoisted Razor up for a hanging vertical suplex, and on the way down, Thunder Knuckles caught Razor's right foot for a Thunder Strike.

Rainbow Laser Death Sequence!

JC: The Rainbow Laser Death Sequence!

Bobby and Thunder Knuckles both went for the pin, their combined weight bearing down on Razor's motionless body.




Winner - Them No Good Bastards

JC: It's over! Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles secure the victory with the Rainbow Laser Death Sequence!

BG: And an actual laser! What a despicable display! Them No Good Bastards will stop at nothing to get the win!

Shortly after the match, a jet black ship resembling the stealth bomber lands in the docking bay. Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles look up as a ramp descends along with a cloud of fog.

Natural Born Killaz blares throughout the entire docking bay. Vhodka Black walks out in a black robe, holding the large industrial fog machine along with her husband Vincent Black who is in a matching black robe.

JC: The Natural Born Killers have just arrived on Death Star II!

BG: That fog seems to be disorienting Them No Good Bastards!

Both Vhod and Vic put breathing devices on as the fog intensifies. Bobby and TK look around, bewildered, before sniffing and immediately smiling.

JC: That’s no ordinary fog!

BG: That’s definitely some medical grade cannibus!

Bobby and TK attempt to steel themselves for the Natural Born Killers, but the exhaustion from their match and the disorientation from the marijuana smoke seems to have them slow to react! Vincent produces an axe from his robe, the head itself darker than midnight. Vhodka produces a hilted three-foot long dildo wrapped in barbed wire with the phrase “Come To Mama” etched on the thick, veiny side of the thing. Vic slams the flat end of his axe into TK’s knee!

BG: The Natural Born Killers are getting their licks in on Them No Good Bastards!

JC: What goes around comes around! The Bastards have always done this to people, it’s about time it happened to them!

Bobby points and laughs at the massive barbed wire dildo. Vhodka swings, and leaves a barbed wire mushroom stamp on Bobby’s jaw, both humiliating and ripping out bits of flesh and beard! Vic holds the handle to his axe across the neck of TK, holding him up in a choke as he does! Vhodka rushes towards TK and punts him in the groin! TK drops to the ground! Bobby wearily reaches out to his partner! Vic looks over and rushes at Bobby, delivering a boot to his jaw! Both Vhodka and Vincent raise their weapons to deliver the coup de grace to TNGB, but both members of NBK drop their weapons as Rebel fire disrupts the entire docking bay!

JC: This arena is barely finished, and it sounds like the Rebel Alliance has found it!

BG: Corellian fire is bombarding the docking bay!

The Natural Born Killers retrieve their weapons and flee to the safety of their ship, leaving the docking bay!

We go to the overbridge of Death Star II. Through most of the windows we see a fierce battle raging outside. Some technicians in very phallic polished black helmets bring an elevated bench onto the bridge, and Mark Flynn walks out in a black and white striped referee style judges robe. He looks around, frustrated, and walks back where he came. Albert Poppinfresh, mustachioed private investigator and bailiff, walks out.

All rise!

The crew of the overbridge stands at attention. Mark Flynn walks back out and finds his seat at the elevated bench.

Match is now in session.

Albert leaves as the crew on the bridge gets back to their battlestations, fighting off the Rebel insurgency happening in the skies around them.

Onto the overbridge we see Tommy Wish. He’s dressed head to toe like an imperial officer with his hat backwards, like DJ from Episode VIII. Rather than his regular kendo stick, he ignites his lightsaber, which is black.

JC: And it looks like Tommy Wish is using the famous black lightsaber here tonight to battle Hank, the literal gorilla!

BG: That thing looks so cool.

Tommy’s music dies down as Flynn takes note of his black lightsaber.

The literal gorilla steps out onto the overbridge, looking baffled and confused by all of this. It immediately takes one of the shiny black helmets from one of the crew and starts to fiddle around with it.

BG: That gorilla doesn’t understand Star Wars!

JC: But he does understand how to be a megastar in wrestling!

- vs -
w/Special Guest Ref Mark Flynn

Xtreme Rules - This match takes place Death Star II Overbridge

Mark bangs his gavel to start the match. Wish prepares himself, holding his lightsaber up as he would a kendo stick. The gorilla absolutely freaks out from the loudness of the gavel and smashes a console on the overbridge. The crew all scatter due to the rampaging gorilla in their midst. Mark bangs his gavel repeatedly in an attempt to get order on the overbridge!

JC: That’s just making the gorilla more agitated when he bangs that hammer!

BG: That’s because it’s a gorilla, for crying out loud!

Wish sits back and watches as the gorilla lifts another console and hurls it, smashing it and another battlestation entirely. Wish turns off the lightsaber and looks up at Mark, who is busy watching the gorilla display it’s anger and confusion regarding being in space. Suddenly, several monkeys in NASA suits run into the overbridge!


BG: I see it, JC, but I don’t understand and I want to smash a console too now!


The gorilla looks absolutely shocked by the simian astronauts, most of whom are screeching and jumping around onto stuff, hanging from the ceiling, and generally behaving as you’d expect a monkey, albeit in adorable little space suits and helmets. The gorilla picks up a monkey and throws it at Wish! Wish ignites the lightsaber and strikes it down!

JC: Oh, PeTA is NOT going to like that one!

The gorilla starts lobbing monkeys thought long dead since the 1950’s everywhere with urgency. Wish, having had enough of this monkeyshines, rushes the gorilla! Wish with a huge dropkick to the gorilla’s back! It does nothing to the gorilla, who scuttles away and turns to look at Wish! Wish stands ready to fight! The gorilla snorts and sits, then picks its nose. A NASA monkey throws some grapes at the gorilla!

JC: Where did that guy get produce?

BG: The grocery store!

The gorilla has become startled by being hit by a grape! Tommy lights his lightsaber, and then with another button press, reveals it to be double sided!


Mark bangs the gavel, to which the gorilla stands and beats his chest. As he does, Tommy throws the lightsaber at him! A space monkey knocks it off course with a stray grape! It knocks into a panel above the gorilla, and carbonite cascades down onto the ape!

JC: The gorilla just got encased in carbonite!



The gorilla, encased in carbonite, falls backwards onto the ground, stuck in a primal frenzy of beating it’s chest. Tommy goes for the pin!




Mark’s gavel hits a third time!


As the match ends, a stray TIE Interceptor crashes into the overbridge, causing a breach! Mark and Tommy hold on to dear life as the vacuum of space pulls all the NASA monkeys and the gorilla into space! The apes drift away as blast shields close, sealing the room again.

BG: None good can come from that, JC!

JC: The match is over, but the gorilla is gone!

BG: You want a Planet of the Apes? Because this is how we get a Planet of the Apes.

JC: Folks, this next match previously only had bragging rights on the line!

BG: Pariah and Dionysus fought earlier this year… In fact, beating Pariah was the second-to-last step for Dionysus to earn a 24/7 briefcase! But, the Lord of the Vine came INCHES short against the Bizaare One!

JC: But, now, they have a rematch on Warfare! And, thanks to Pariah pinning former X-Treme champ Tommy Wish? The belt is, once again, on the line!

As Pariah's music hits and he emerges from a corridor in the Second Death Star, the crowd's reaction is a mix of awe and unease, reflecting his dark intensity and illusive je na sais quoi. His face is as golden and shimmering as the X-Treme title resting upon his waist… alluringly?

Y’know, maybe. If you’re into golden men.

JC: Pariah! One of the… uh… oddest? Newcomers to the XWF.

BG: Odd but effective, JC! Pariah, in a very short period of time is already a two-time X-Treme champion! He’s a clear frontrunner for 2024 Rookie of the Year! And that’s even without counting that he beat the 2023 Rookie of the Year on Anarchy!

As Pariah strides down the ramp, his focus is unbreakable. Pariah enters the center of the ring setup at the Second Death Star’s docking area, the air thick with anticipation…

JC: Say, how does this work?

BG: What do you mean, JC?

JC: Like did we rent a soundstage and make it look like the Second Death Star? Or are we in space right now? Are we in our universe or the Star Wars Universe?

BG: Try not to think about it too hard, JC. It’s just… it’s a Star Wars show. It’s fun.

JC: But, like… Does it include Star Wars Legends? Like… is Mara Jade in this universe or does she not exist?

BG: …I don’t know who that is, so let’s move on.

JC: What about Grand Admiral Thrawn?


The referee reaches out to take the bel-

*SNAP* Pariah bites at the official! The official full-on leaps backward terrified. Pariah sickeningly grins, before slinging the belt sloooooooowly off his waist, and draping it onto the mat…

JC: …Very odd.

BG: But, effective!

The lights dim as multiple spotlights rotate throughout the docking bay. As "Zenorus" begins to play, the spotlights all point to the automated doors, illuminating a velvet red curtain. As the orchestra dies down, vines creep from around the edges of the curtain, and rose petals begin to fall around the docking bay. Then, on the entrance of the choir in the music, the curtain is drawn open, revealing the imposing figure of Dionysus, holding a Thyrsus in his right hand and a shield on his left arm. He clashes the staff against his shield to rouse the crowd to clap with him, then roars, raising the Thyrsus above his head.

JC: And here comes the Lord of the Vine himself! Less than one month away from the Revelry, an entire Pay-Per-View held in his honor!

BG: And Dion has been rolling in victory! Scoring big wins left and right in the leadup to the biggest night of his career!

JC: But the last time he was on the verge of his highest peak, who knocked him from that height? Pariah! Will that happen again tonight? Or will Dionysus even the score and take back the X-Treme title?

Dionysus sets the Thyrsus and shield next to the ring apron and rolls inside, running to one of the turnbuckles and climbing up to rally the crowd behind him. He then hops down and limbers up, awaiting the start of the match.

- vs -

This match will take place in the Death Star II's corridors

The bell has barely rung Pariah is already on Dionysus like a mouse on cheese! He's throwing everything but the Death Star’s sink at him! Big punches, big kicks, and even a sneaky slap to the face that gets a rise out of the crowd!

JC: We saw this the last time these two met, Brody! Pariah opens things up with a furious flurry of offensive strikes!

Pariah backs Dion into against the ropes… Pariah backs up to the center of the ring, looking to clothesline The Lord of the Vine to the outs-

Dionysus springs into action! As Pariah backpedals, Dion clotheslines Pariah so hard you'd think it might decapitate the X-Treme champion![/size]

BG: Wow! These two both clearly want the win tonight!

Dionysus wraps his mitts around Pariah’s throat, heaving him onto his feet! Dionysus hooks Pariah’s under the arm, going for a hip toss! He heaves Pariah up and over…

But Pariah lands on his feet! Pariah twists his body like anaconda, seeking to arm drag Dionysus…

But Dion HOLDS his footing! He lifts his foot… AND STOMPS!

Nothing! Pariah narrowly rolls out of the way and out of the ring!

JC: Wow! What a high-energy sequence! Both men refuse to give up an inch!

BG: Neither can afford to, JC! Both these men clearly remember that their last match was decided by a razor-thin margin!

JC: Well, Pariah looks like he might take a breather to regroup and reassess an avenue of attack!

Pariah shakes his head beside the apron, trying to rapidly plan a winning strat-

WHAM! Baseball slide to the back of the Bizarre One’s skull! Dionysus’s feet PLANT Pariah’s skull onto the padded concrete!

The crowd goes nuts, cheering and stomping their feet for the Lord of the Vine!

JC: And just like that, Dionysus steps into the driver’s seat![/size][/color]

[white]BG: Pariah’s strategy of making this match a fast-paced affair seems to have backfired!

Dionysus grabs Pariah around the scruff of the neck to peel him off the mat… Dionysus peels the Bizarre one up to his feet…

PARIAH coils his neck and spits in Dion’s face! Dion is surprised, reflexively wiping away the spittle… Which gives Pariah the opening to THROAT-STRIKE the Lord of the Vine! Dion gets dropped like a bad habit!

JC: Pariah digging deep and getting desperate to take back control!

Dion buys himself time, rolling backwards into the ring, rubbing his throat to clear the airway… Pariah drops to a knee, recovering… And also sadistically grins as he reaches under the apron… For a steel folding laser-chair! A chair made entirely of lasers!

JC: Ah! Weapons were exactly what turned things in Pariah’s favor last time!

BG: And It's Xtreme rules, Jayce! Everything's legal!

JC: …Say, how does a laser chair work? It’s like a lightsaber chair? Like, would you sit on it? You couldn’t right?

BG: Production team, could you turn off BG’s mic? I’m just trying to enjoy a fucking Star Wars match over here.

Dionysus works his way up to his feet in time to see Pariah, heading his way, laser chair in hand!

Pariah rolls in the ring and lifts the chair over his head!

But Dionysus lifts his boot and connects with Pariah’s face!

Pariah flops onto his back… AND lands on his own chair! BZZZZZZZT! The Bizarre One buzzes and flutters like a goddamned moth on a bug zapper!

JC: Ooooh, looks like Dionysus watched the gametape from their last match! He’s been ahead of Pariah every step of this match thus far!

Dion raises a fist and the crowd cheers his name…

But Pariah, from the mat, grabs Dion by the ankle and launches into a double leg takedown, forces the Lord of the Vine onto his back! Pariah wraps both hands around Dionysus’s throat and he chokes with all his might!

BG: Pariah may not be the larger competitor in this contest, but he certainly has the meaner streak!

JC: Pariah choking Dionysus! Kinda like Darth Vader choking Admiral Conan Antonio Motti!

BG: …

JC: Y’know, maybe Pariah finds Dionysus’s lack of faith disturbing!

BG: Goddammit, JC.

JC: I’m trying, man. Shit.

Pariah bites his lip, fiendish in his malicious intent, as he attempts to choke the very life out of DIonysus! The crowd rains down boos upon him!

Dionysus’s eyes roll back into his head…

BUT IN A MOMENT OF PURE STRENGTH, Dionysus tosses Pariah up and over his head! Pariah rolls with the toss outside the ring once more, landing on his feet like a cat!

Pariah reaches under the ring and retrieves… DARTH VADER’S FIST!

JC: Oh my! A strike with Vader’s fist could end this match in one blow!

BG: Pariah’s odd behaviors may incomprehensible, but there’s one thing I think we all understand about him. He wants to win at any cost!

Pariah slips on Vader’s gauntlet as the crowd screams their disapproval!

Pariah slides back in the ring as Dionysus shakes off cobwebs, climbing back to his feet…

Pariah kisses his gauntlet with his golden lips… He reels back his fist!

DIonysus turns around toward his opponent…

Pariah swings!


Pariah spins around from overpowering his (supposed-to-be) finishing blow!

And Dionysus dips his head under Pariah’s shoulder!

AND heaves him into the air!


JC: Wow! Pariah came into this match with a clear gameplan…

BG: But Dionysus has been one step ahead… Every step of the way!

Dionysus presses a button on Pariah’s gauntlet… And the things pops off the champion’s wrist with a little release of air, landing on the mat with a thud!

JC: …Did Dionysus know which button would d-

BG: …

JC: I’m sorry! I’m just trying to understand!

Dionysus lifts his arm in the air, and quickly draws it across his throat, calling for the conclusion of this match!

JC: Dionysus is signalling for the end of this one! We may be looking at yet another X-Treme title change!

BG: But, never count out Pariah! Just when you think he’s done, that’s when he’s most dangerous…

Dionysus grabs Pariah by the arm and deadlifts the woozy golden one off the mat onto shaky legs! Dionysus pulls Pariah into position, looking for the Grapevine! (Rainmaker)

Dionysus pushes Pariah out…

Drags him back in by the arm!


Pariah forces his face forward past Dionysus’s strike…


JC: Oh my God! Pariah, on the verge of losing, pulls out one last stop!

BG: I’ve said it twice! I’ll say it thrice! Odd, but EFFECTIVE!

Dionysus staggers backward… Bleeding from the nose!

Pariah takes down the challenger with a dropkick across the skull! Dionysus hits the mat!

JC: An incredible turnaround! Pariah has snatched full control!

BG: And he won’t take his time turning control into a win!

Indeed, Pariah quickly pounces on the Catalyst… He grabs Dionysus by the arm and twists him into a wrist hold!

JC: Pariah seeking to end things with The Golden Flood!

Pariah backs his way up toward the corner… And up the turnbuckle!

BG: This could be over in just a fe-

Suddenly, Dionysus snps his arm out of Pariah’s grip! Pariah gets crotched onto the top turnbuckle!

The entire crowd lets out an ‘ooooooooooooh.’

BG: …Ooooooooh, that has gotta hurt!

Pariah grasps at the family jewels… Then flips painfully back into the ring, landing on his ass…

When Dion, still holding onto Pariah’s arm, YANKS him closer!

AND Hammers him in the skull!



The crowd erupts in delight, as Dionysus pulls Pariah by the legs to the center of the ring and covers!

The official counts!





The bell rings! The crowd rises to their feet, cheering! Dionysus rises to his feet, pumping his fists as the official slings the belt into the Lord of the Vine’s arms!

JC: What a match! Pariah had planned an almost shot-for-shot remake of his last victory over DIonysus!

BG: But Dionysus took creative control of the match from start to finish! And the score between the two is now one-and-one!

JC: But, once again, Dionysus holds the XWF X-Treme championship! Pariah winning the first match was his New Hope for a bright future! But tonight, Dionsysus Strikes Back! Will their next meeting be the Return of the Pari-

BG: JC, I actually need you to shut up now.

Dionysus celebrates his victory in the ring… Lifting the X-Treme title over his head…

Pariah slowly pulls himself up to his feet…

Also, snagging from the mat…


BG: *gasp* A Surprise Twist!

Dionysus turns around, to raise his belt to the other side of the cr-

WHAM! Pariah hits Dionysus with the gauntlet!

JC: Wow! Dionysus forgets the cardinal rule of the X-Treme Title! You’re always defending it!

Dionysus drops unconscious to the mat… Pariah exhaustedly falls backward against the ropes…

Pariah smiles a sickening smile as he presses the same button to release the gauntlet.

JC: Pariah is about to steal his belt back! We could have two X-Treme title changes in one night!

Pariah crawls to the ropes…

…As the docking bay beeps…

BG: We have a ship incoming to the docking bay! Checking the readings on the vessel…

JC: …So, we ARE in space?

BG: … It looks like a… Like a concrete block. Take a look…

JC: …That’s no concrete block.

Pariah pulls himself up to his feet…


JC: That’s a gorilla!

INDEED! It’s A Literal Gorilla still frozen in carbonite! Being ridden by the NASA monkeys!

BG: Incredible! The NASA monkeys that were ejected out of the airlock with ALG found a way to steer him back toward the ship!

JC: Those monkeys are incredible pilots! There’s a reason they were sent on space missions!

The monkeys steer ALG…

STRAIGHT INTO THE BACK OF PARIAH’S HEAD! He goes up and over the ropes to the outside!

The monkeys scatter into the Death Star’s various corridors, leaving ALG’s frozen body…


The official shrugs.

And counts!





The crowd erupts into a mixture of cheers and boos! On the one hand, they’re bummed that Dionysus lost his belt. On the other hand, that was the most amazing sequence of events anyone has ever seen.

JC: Well… uh…

JC: Quite frankly, I have no idea what to say after that.

BG: Then, maybe shut up for once, JC. Let’s just go to commercial.

The stadium spotlights rush up toward the ceiling and Waters appears under the XTron. She marches to the beat of Ode To Joy, the crowd roaring, her gaze set squarely on the squared circle. She climbs through the ropes and takes the center of the ring. Raising a single fist into the air.

The hymn-like hum vibrates through the area before Lauren Hill soundfully brings in the chorus. Jason Cashe comes out from the back, stopping at the edge of the stage. Looking around the arena at the live audience, he takes a long drag off an air joint before howling up into the sky! A few fans howl with him.

JC: Jason Cashe is set to defend his title yet again this time against one of the best competitors he's ever faced. Dolly Waters!

- vs -

This match will take place in the Death Star II's Garbage Compator - Thw walls will completely close at the 15 minute mark crushing both combatants.

With the sound of the walls scraping and the gentle pushing of trash, Cashe is already peppering Dolly with rights and lefts.

JC: Jason Cashe wasting no time here as he's going right at Dolly.

With the punches still landing Dolly manages to kick Cashe right in the knee, and she rolls him over and starts hammering him for a moment before getting up.  Dolly tries to lift Cashe for a standard vertical suplex, but gets blocked by Cashe! She tries a couple times, even hitting him at the rib section, but he still blocks only for him perform a float over snap suplex, disorienting Dolly!

JC: Dolly looking a little dazed and confused out there after that suplex!

BG: Looks to me like Dolly might have underestimated her opponent here tonight.

Cashe gets back to his feet and closes in on Dolly who like an opossum was playing dead by acting groggy, only to snap suplex him, and run to the walls, and as if she were a parkour expert, she runs up the walls before diving...

She's trying to do a Super Diving Elbow! At the last second, Cashe rolls away! Her arm is jarred by the impact and as the two get up and she's grabbing her arm and trying to get it out of that numb state, as if she'd hit her funny bone. With that distraction, she feels herself picked up as if he's about to hit her with a vertical, but no!

He's about to make her SAD! As he sets up and transitions quickly, allowing her no time to try and block him, as he hits his Scrap Action Driver!!!!

JC: That might just be all she wrote here for Dolly Waters!

As the trash compactor continues to push them closer and close, he finds his way out of the room, but Dolly, still unconscious from the driver, feels in the last seconds, the snapping, cracking and popping of trash and her bones as it closes in.

A ref goes over to Jason and raises his arm, declaring him the victor as EMTs try to salvage anything left of Dolly Waters.


As Cashe's hand is raised the walls of the trash compactor come to a screeching as the fans are left to wonder the state of Dolly Waters.

JC: A quick and decisive title defense for Jason Cashe who has really been on fire since his return to the XWF.

BG: Absolutely JC. Cashe seems like a man on a mission these days.

Prince Adeyemi stands backstage, unwrapping his knuckles as he stares into a mirror. The bright studio lights illuminate half of his body, while the shadow cast by them cloaks the opposite side. His breath is heavy, his chest’s movements almost exaggerated from every inhale. A familiar voice speaks as he walks into frame, basking in the same harsh lights as he steps forth.

“You gotta keep focused,” Ned Kaye’s voice is as calm as it is intense.

“You never leave the house without an afterschool lecture, huh?”

Prince’s head twists so his gaze can meet Ned’s with a smug smirk. Kaye doesn’t share in his amusement.

“Call it whatever you want, but the point is that you’re in a position to do something I failed to. You constantly talk about wanting to surpass me, well, here’s your shot.”

“Best you got is “I fucked up, clean up my mess?” Losing your touch, Ned,” Adeyemi scoffs before Ned steps in-between him and the mirror.

“Look, I’ve already accepted that, as your partner, I’m never going to find the magic string of words that makes you see what I do. And I have to watch you work towards inheriting ivory towers and bloody knives when I know that isn’t you! And every time I express your potential, you make an effort to get worse out of spite. But I need you to understand that that belt means more than all of that. It’s bigger than us. Bigger than Crucible. Bigger than every legend here and past. But as long as it’s around SEB’s waist, it’s no bigger than him.”

Ned pauses, a somber regret in his tone.

“That cannot be. And you are the person to solve it, Isaiah. Everything this federation can be lies in your hands. Good and ill. Great and terrible. I always tried to fight for this federation as its lone soldier, but right now, this battle isn’t for the people like me. I know friend is a four letter word to you, but I’m here and Sebestian and Pantheon might as well have separate locker rooms. I trust in you. I believe in you. I’m here for you.”

The Prince closes his eyes, nodding, his chest easing to a smaller, more delibrate breaths. The King opens his eyes, nodding as the crowd explodes in excitement for tonight’s Main Event.

“Now bring our title home.”

Cut to black.

The lights dim.  The screen lights up in a faint glow.  Distressed film crackle overlays simple blackness.  And then the screen alights with black and white footage as the cheerful calliope of “The Ballad of Czolgosz” begins to play.  
A man, shot from the neck down, walks down a busy city sidewalk.  He wears a denim jacket over a flannel shirt, chino pants, and dark leather gloves.

Czolgosz, working man – born in the middle of Michigan
Rose with a thought and away he ran
To the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo
As he passes a woman walking the opposite direction through the crowd, there’s a hand-off – a briefcase.  It’s seamless and fluid, with neither slowing or acknowledging one another.  Shortly after the hand-off, the man takes a sudden right turn to a doorway – the sign above it reads “BuzzKillers Exterminators!”  The man enters a code, and once through travels up a narrow stairwell.

Czolgosz, quiet man – worked on a quiet and simple plan
Strolled on the morning all spick and span
To the Temple of Music by the Tower of Light
At the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo

He opens a door revealing what appears to be a makeshift command center.  On a table covered in CCTV monitors, he throws down the briefcase and snaps it open: inside sits an XWF contract.

Czolgosz, angry man – said, “I will do what a poor man can,
Yes, and there’s nowhere more fitting than
In the Temple of Music by the Tower of Light
Between the Fountain of Abundance and the Court of Lillies
At the great Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo”

He reaches across the desk to grab a pen.  Uncapping it, he wastes no time in signing, though the signature line is just out of frame and thus unable to be read.

Wrapped him a handkerchief ‘round his gun,
Said, “Nothing wrong about what I’ve done,
Some men and everything and some have none –
That’s by design.

He turns his head to the right, and the camera now focuses on the wall.  It is covered with headshots of various XWF wrestlers, copious notes tacked under each one: Kieran King, Doctor Louie D’Ville, Dionysus, Thunder Knuckles, Dolly Waters, Mark Flynn, Vhodka and Vincent Black, Sloane Taylor, Jason Cashe, Ned Kaye, CYPH3R, ENIGMA, Thaddeus Duke, Corey Black…

The idea wasn’t mine alone, but mine,
And that’s the sign.

The camera focuses on two pictures, side-by-side: Prince Adeyemi and Sebastian Everett-Bryce.  It slowly begins to zoom in.

In the USA, you can have your say –
You can set your goals and seize the day –
You’ve been given the freedom to work your way
To the head of the line.”


Jump cut to the man raising two fingers to his lips and blowing on them like the smoking barrel of a gun.  His lips curl up into a confident smirk.

To the head of the line 


The ear-shattering guitar rift of "Black out the Sun" blares through the speakers as the crowd erupts onto their feet. Half scream in adoration while the other choruses into boos. Spotlights center onto the top of the stage as fire erupts from either side of the curtain. As the flames settle, Prince Adeyemi walks out, eyes shifting from the floor to the ring.

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown
I wanna watch your fortress crumble down

And when the witching hour sounds
I will be the one to count you down

Now that my backs against the wall
I have to fight to stop the fall
Don't need your approval, I will rise above"

He drops into a squat, leaning to the left and the right, stretching his legs out.

"I will not be denied, your kingdom come!"

The Prince leaps into the air as the crowd echoes "Your kingdom come!". He walks down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rushing to the opposite side. Leaping onto the first and second rope, he throws a fist into the air as his fans cheer for him. Dropping off the ropes, he leans against them and awaits the bell.

The lights in the arena cut out entirely, and the fans begin to buzz. The darkness holds for a moment before…

Fame by Royal Deluxe kicks in.

Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame

With each of the hits of the word “Fame” a spotlight flashes back and forth between the stage and a random spot in the audience. On the screen, the images alternate between key moments from the career of Sebastian Everett-Bryce, S.E.B. and Empire.

After the final Fame, the lyrics end.

Na, na, na, na…

The screen flashes with the words Welcome to the Empire.

As the beat drops, Sebastian Everett-Bryce flings his arms wide, lit up by a bright spotlight, his head covered by the hood of his jacket. He stands in the middle of the ramp, the lights beating down on him, before looking out at the crowd. He wears a long jacket, zipped to the waist. The jacket, which is cut away at the bottom and only runs down the back of his legs, is patterned with an elongated Union Flag, but it appears to be cracked, and broken. Distressed. His tights are short, with the initials S.E.B. emblazoned upon the front.

Fame makes a man take things over
Fame lets him loose, hard to swallow
Fame puts you there where things are hollow
It's not your brain, it's just the flame
That puts your change to keep you insane (sane)

The lights lift and Seb makes his way to the ring, stretching his neck from side to side as he walks, he slaps hands with fans as he walks, stopping with a random fan and staring into the camera and shouting “My Empire, right here!”. He climbs up the steps and steps through the ropes before standing in the middle of the ring.

Fame, what you like is in the limo
Fame, what you get is no tomorrow
Fame, what you need you'll have to borrow
Fame, fame, fame, fame
Fame, fame, fame, fame

He pulls back his hood.

Is it any wonder?
Is it any wonder?
Is it any wonder?
Is it any wonder? (Ooh)

The beat drops again, he flashes his arms out to a side, a satisfied smirk upon his face, he holds the position for a moment, to allow the crowd to take pictures, before pulling off his Jacket to reveal “EMPIRE” on the back of his tights.

As his music comes to an end, Seb backs to the corner and leans, with a satisfactory smirk upon his face.

- vs -

This match will take place in the Emperors Throne Room - win via pin

BG: What a site, JC! If I had to guess, several generations of someone’s family will NOT be going to college! All in the name of a badass looking setting for a wrestling match!

JC: I’ve been looking forward to this one! XWF’s fastest risers versus one of its most consistent players!

BG: What if instead of Pantheon, they called it MANtheon and it was JUST for the fellas?

JC: I feel like I’ve heard that one somewhere before, but nonetheless, curious to see if momentum has an effect here, because SEB has bankrolled a ton of it.

BG: Prince Adeyemi is also one of those athletes who can stumble on his own two feet and still run laps around whoever it is that THINKS they’ve got a clear shot.

JC: Truly anyone’s game!

Near the back half of the throne room, the passing of air between chambers seems to echo off the walls inside as the blast door slides open.

JC: Adeyemi is here, ready to make his family proud by laying claim to the title of intergalactic royalty!

PA takes cautious steps across the center aisle towards the ring. With each step, he allows his head to pivot from side to side, keeping eyes in the back, front, and grundle.

PD’s goes from heel to toe, shooting his gaze towards the ceiling out of instinct when out comes SEB with a smooth ass glide into the frame. He brandishes a light tube that glows a bright green.

BG: Of course.

Adeyemi smirks and reaches behind his back with both hands, pulling out a light tube in each hand, both with a purple glow.

JC: Nice little ode.

BG: Oh, come on. It’s obvious the match writer doesn’t know SHIT about this IP and just Googled what the lightsaber colors meant.

JC: What?

BG: Huh?

The two men circle each other, looking for an opening as they hear the opening bell.

DING DING DING!! (But in space)

Adeyemi takes a swing with his right, but SEB side steps. SEB goes for the leg sweep with his light tube, but Adeyemi jumps up to leapfrog it.

JC: Excellent savvy shown early on!

SEB spins the tube and tries to bring it down over PA’s head, but is met with a knee to the gut. PA tries with the tube in his left, but the champion is able to duck underneath and go for the ropes.

BG: SEB taking flight with the turnaround.


Both men collide with all three tubes shattering on impact as SEB connects with his, though PA is able to sandwich the champ between both of his and send a mist of broken glass out in a cloud.

BG: Didn’t expect that this early, but unusual circumstances mean you have to step your shit up!

JC: I don’t know that either man has the cover in them at the moment, only because they’re in as much shock as we are!

Both competitors execute a synchronized crawl towards opposing corners. Once they get to their feet, they fire off hate fuck eyes and dart for one another. Momentum is halted as SEB stops both his and Adeyemi’s momentum by firing off a stiff uppercut and rolling through for the pin.



BG: The Prince back to his feet, kick to the midsection from SEB and the mount!

SEB rolls through from sunset flip position and makes another cover.



JC: Momentum swinging the other way, cover by PA!




This time, both roll through and lock up as close to prone position as it gets and grind heels and knees into the mat as they power struggle their way upward.

SEB shoots under the grip and hooks Prince with a gutwrench, but the challenger is able to slip behind it and hook both arms.




JC: SEB rolling him back through!

BG: Nice little belly to belly and a cover.


JC: Quick shoulder up by Prince and SEB to his feet to regroup.

BG: When you come out of the gate with that fast pace and it doesn’t pay off for you as quickly as you would hope, it’s worth rethinking strategy.

PA hits a quick kip up to his feet and cracks his knuckles as he bounces back and forth on his toes.

JC: Prince limbering up as well and you know, to this point, neither man has grabbed an insane leg up on the other.

SEB goes for the tie up again, but it’s PA now who closes the gap with rapid right hand jabs that are quick to put the champion on skates. He gets to jabbering before rearing back for a hook, but both men are cut off as two more light tubes are dropped down between them from cables.

BG: That might be the universe reminding them that we’re in space.

JC: Probably, man, probably.

Yeah, nobody wants to see this wrasslin’ bullshit, yeah? SEB shakes the cobwebs and both competitors yank the tubes off the hook. They go to swing again, but this time, the tubes hold up and collide against each other to send a shower of sparks out from the point of impact.

BG: Movie magic come to life.

JC: Cinema!

BG: What if instead of cinema, it was cinebruh, and it was strictly for the-

JC: Don’t make this a thing.

The two battle for pole position again, but with the tubes going back and forth like windshield wipers.

BG: Bit of arm wrestling here.

The lights burn brighter and the sparks become bigger. Both men come nearly forehead to forehead and the sabers are repelled out of their hands and across the throne room.

JC: Stalemate again.


Now breathy and still looking for their respective answers to the equation, SEB and PA look up towards the throne which now spins around to reveal an occupant.

[Image: NEFfN25.png]


JC: You know he had to bring out the Triad piece!


The piece lifts from King’s hands and hovers in the air in front of him, his eyes turning a more pale shade of their normal blue.

JC: Look out!

BG: Thank God that commentary is happening remotely.

The room turns to a minefield as jagged strings of Force Lightning fire off in every direction. The two competitors step towards the center of the ring as the outside area is now completely bugged, floors showing the difference between life and certain death.

JC: I’m terrified if I’m these two men.

BG: I don’t see either ready to back down, but Hell of a chess move from The King.

A stray bolt zips sideways, inches from SEB’s head, allowing an opening for Prince.


BG: SEB ate all of that, but flops over into the pin!



JC: Quick shoulder up by Prince, but he really could’ve had that!

BG: PA rolling him over for the pin now!





JC: That really did buy him just enough time to avoid losing the belt there!

The champion struggles to hang out as Adeyemi pulls him back to his feet and takes a few steps back for another.








The two dig nails into the mat now, using upper arm strength to drag bodies that reliant on adrenaline towards one another. PA grabs at SEB’s scalp and gets a handful of locks between fingers, but it’s the champion who pivots around and goes for the sleeper.

BG: SEB going for Nightfall, but can he get that arm locked under the chin?

JC: It’s a struggle right now! What started off here tonight as a technical display is quickly becoming anything but pretty.

Adeyami pushes off his knees and hits an elbow to the gut to shake the hold, but SEB locks his arms around the waist.

BG: SEB is locked in right now, could this be the tipping point...


SEB rolls through it, lifts his opponent up and....

ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX this time into the turnbuckle.

The champ rolls off his opponent who is wabbly in the corner...Everett-Bryce backs up a few feet, takes stock of his opponent and charges at him...


At the last second Prince Adeyemi moves out of the way and Sebastian Everett-Bryce misses the last part of The Conquest, a standing a moonsault but it appears to be all for naught as Prince Adeyemi stumbles out of the corner only to turn around just in time for his face to snapped backwards courtesy of THE EMPIRE KICK!!!

Prince Adeyemi goes down in a heap as Sebastian Everett-Bryce falls down on top of him for the pin...





JC: What an absolutely fantastic match these two put on here tonight. Prince Adeyemi showed the world that he is very much still at the top of his game but at this present moment there my not be anyone in the business better than the current XWF Universal Champion Sebastian Everett-Bryce.

BG: I agree with you completely JC. SEB is absolutely at the top of his game right now and he looks unbeatable.

JC: Well that's all the time we have for you tonight folks. I hope you all enjoyed this special edition of Star Warfare!! See you in two weeks!

Thank You To The Following Match Writers:

Spencer Adams
Peter Principle
Bobby Bourbon
Jett Sterling
Mr. Oz

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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