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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Fire and Ice II - Double Cross 2023 RP Board
If The Right One Doesn't Get Ya...
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Centurion Offline
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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

11-25-2023, 04:17 PM

We open up inside the newly renovated Brooks Mine at Nay Aug Park in Scranton, Pennsylvania. There, we see Centurion leaning against a replica minecart in the middle of the mine, which now operates as a museum and tourist attraction.

When people mention the city of Scranton, they may only think of a couple of things. They think of The Office, of course, and the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin. They think of President Joe Biden, who was born and raised here. If they're real sports nerds, they may think of Sleepy Jim Crowley, one of the legendary figures in Notre Dame football back in the 1920s. But for me, I think of someone - and something - else. 

I think of the anthracite industry that built the power of the United States in the late 19th Century…and I think of Dutch Savage.”

Centurion stands up and raises his hands from inside the minecart, revealing a replica of the legendary Coal Miner's Glove on his right hand.

Savage was a professional wrestler who worked primarily on the West Coast, but he was originally from Scranton. His father worked in the coal mines, so he grew up knowing the hard work that went into the profession. So when his feud with Bill Ramos reached its boiling point, he knew of the perfect way to put down his enemy once and for all, and that was by calling back to his roots and creating the Coal Miner's Glove match.”

Centurion lifts his hand with the glove on and stares at it. He moves his fingers and squeezes his fist into a ball before turning back to the camera.

Savage didn't just create a stipulation that his opponent couldn't beat him in, he reached into the very depths of his soul and unleashed a power that was locked inside him through generations of hard work and sacrifice, and that…is exactly what you're going to need to do, Edward.”

Centurion steps back from the minecart and turns to walk deeper into the mine. The camera follows him, continuing to film him from the front.

I must admit, Edward, that you've already proven me wrong. See, I haven't been watching the product a lot lately. When I returned, all I saw was that you were the champion, so I assumed you were the same dumbass that was doing Thunder Knuckles’ bidding and dedicating your life to the all powerful “shiney”. Even you have to admit, the glory of being in the ring wasn't as important as having anything sparkly in your possession. But now? 

Now you see it. You see the title as more than an object - it's a symbol of accomplishment that has been achieved by beating the very best that has been thrown at you. Holding the title makes you, in all honesty, the Strongest Warrior. So I tip my hat to you, Edward. For the past several months, you have been the Strongest Warrior on Anarchy. 

Which is good…because you'll need all that strength, and then some, if you want any chance at retaining against me.”

Centurion reaches the center of the mine, which contains a table with maps of the local mine system, as well as pictures and memorabilia from days gone by. Centurion approaches the table and places both hands on the table. 

I don't know how you were able to regain full use of your hand. I don't care - it's impressive. Remember, though, that the entire fight that lead to that moment was YOUR fault. You were the one who decided to inject yourself in that match I had with Thunder Knuckles. I needed to teach you a lesson. Granted, it wasn't my intention to take your entire fucking hand, but I did want to show you that actions have consequences, and it's not always fair or reasonable. Sometimes a person goes beyond the limits of what is acceptable in order to get what they want. 

And trust me, Eddie…if you think I'm brutal outside the ring, just wait until you see me inside one. 

I have spilt pints of my own blood, and gallons of others. I have stared down the greatest wrestlers in the world, and I have done unspeakable things to them. You're going to have to dig deep inside you, Edwin, if you want to survive against me. You're going to have to abandon your training and bring out your animal instincts.

And even then…it might not be enough.”

Centurion raises his fist and pounds the metal part of the Coal Miner's Glove against the table, sending a loud metal rattle echoing throughout the mine.

One punch from this glove can split a human being’s skull right open. If I get a hold of it, I plan on using it until you have the decency to stay on the mat. That could be only punch, or it could be a dozen. It will be up to you. Will you accept defeat, and know when it's time to throw in the towel in order to preserve your health and your career? Or will your stubbornness and your desire to be the strongest warrior going to make it so I have to due untold harm to you? Either way, Fire & Ice ends the same way - with me, holding the XWF Anarchy Title, and with you, being carried out of the arena after 
having met your…


[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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