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Thursday Night Anarchy 10/12/2023
Author Message
Jett Sterling Offline
XWF Management
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

10-14-2023, 09:53 AM

10 - 12 - 2023

[Image: BbV3NBt.png]




Fade in to the unforgiving desert landscape of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The relentless sun beats down upon the arid terrain, turning the sand into a scorching sea of gold. Cacti stand amidst the heat, and jagged rock formations pierce the sky.

In the distance, a solitary tumbleweed tumbles across the barren wasteland. 

As the camera pans across this unforgiving terrain, the distant howls of coyotes echo through the vast emptiness.

Just as the stark beauty of the New Mexico desert begins to captivate your senses...


Suddenly, the serenity of the desert is obliterated by an explosion of vibrant pyrotechnics. 

Yeah... Pyrotechnics...

[Image: 434761780057201.gif]

The ground rumbles beneath the fiery detonation, and a colossal plume of flames soars into the sky.

As we cut to the arena, cheers of a lively crowd fill the air.

Zooming overhead, Anarchy CamDrones capture the electrifying atmosphere, whizzing past banners that proclaim:





GATOR: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Anarchy, coming at you from the blistering heart of the American Southwest: Albuquerque, New Mexico!"

TODD: "You've got that right, Gator! This crowd is amped up and ready for a night of pure Anarchy!"

GATOR: "We have a stacked card tonight, and it all starts with a Fatal Four-Way between French Canadian Bed Shitter, Molly Barnes, LSM, and my favorite, ROGER!"

TODD: "The French Canadian Bed Shitter is a newcomer with an interesting name. He will be looking to make a colossal impact tonight! But let's not forget Molly Barnes, who's hungry to bounce back after her loss to Mastermind at Relentless!"

GATOR: "Exactly, Todd. Molly Barnes has a lot to prove tonight, and she's not alone. Roger's riding a two-match winning streak and looking to extend that run right here in the desert. And then there's LSM, part of 'The End', and she's got ruthless aggression running through her veins!"

TODD: "And don't forget about The Thugs, battle-tested veterans of the tag division. It's worth noting that 402 BLOOD STREET were on the losing end of a triple threat tornado tag match with HGH and LSM from 'The End' last Anarchy, and you have to think that will push them to fight even harder tonight."

GATOR: "That's the truth, Todd, but if anyone's ready for the fight, it's John Black and Tommy Wish. Later tonight, HGH is taking on the number one contender to the Anarchy title, Mastermind. HGH has been trying to reenter the title scene since losing the championship to EDWARD back in May. You have to think that he'll be looking to make a statement tonight!"

TODD: "You just have to wonder if that statement will be made legitimately, or if HGH will once again call on The End to drive his point home? But Finally, in our main event, we'll see the enigmatic duo of EDWARD and North Korean War Criminal, now referring to themselves as 'The Collective,' face off against Sidney Grey and her mystery partner... Who's Sidney's pick? Will it be Bobbi, Maxine, or a wild card? Maybe Sarah Lacklan? I know they don't exactly see eye-to-eye, but...?"

GATOR: "Who knows? Sidney never released a promo or a name!"

TODD: "No doubt the chaos her opponents caused at CTN studios had something to do with that!"

GATOR: "No doubt about it, Todd. But now, let's take things inside the ring, It's time to unleash Anarchy on Albuquerque!!!"

French Canadian Bed Shitter
- vs -
Molly Barnes
- vs -
- vs -
Fatal Four-way Match!

The Canadian National Anthem starts to play throughout as French Canadian Bed Shitter makes his way to the ring, scowling at children and ladies as he does.

As the pyrotechnics burst into a dazzling display of light and sound, Roger, determined and brave, steps into the arena. His face shows a hint of nervousness, but his heart is filled with the noblest of intentions, dedicating his performance to the sick and dying children of the world. With each step, he overcomes his initial fear, ready to give it his all in the ring.

"I Predict A Riot" by Kaiser Chiefs echo through the arena, and the crowd erupts in anticipation. Molly Barnes emerges from the curtains. She strides confidently toward the ring, feeding off the energy of the fans who are on their feet, roaring their support. 

The lights in the arena go dim as a latin trap banger is blared through the PA system. As the bass bumps through the arena three different spotlights begin rotating over the crowd: one green, one red, and one white. After a few seconds all three spotlights coalesce on the entrance ramp, where we see Latina Submission Machina kneeling on the ground, holding a Mexican flag across her back! Pyrotechnics pop off the entrance ramp just as the crowd hits it's biggest pop of the night.

Latina Submission Machina bounces to her feet, still holding the flag of her nation across her back. Her half-painted face is twisted into an angry expression, but really that's just for the camera, because this luchadora is as calculated and cerebral as they come! She walks down the entrance ramp with a confident swagger before climbing the steel steps and slipping between the ropes. As her name is announced, she charges onto one of the turnbuckles and holds her nation's flag up high.

LSM hops off the corner post before barking at a ringside attendant to come take care of her precious flag.

The bell rings and the crowd jumps to their feet as the action gets underway. Roger looks around the ring nervously, a bit unsure and a bit insecure in the face of such strong women. On the other side of the ring, the French Canadian Bed Shitter is doing unspeakable things. LSM and Molly Barnes, meanwhile, have charged into the center of the ring and are tying up! At first LSM gets a slight advantage, but within a few seconds Molly is able to use her strength to get the upper hand. LSM breaks the tie-up off with a kick to the gut, causing Molly to keel over. That's when LSM hits the ropes before charging back at Molly Barnes, only to be brought down to the mat with a scoop powerslam out of nowhere!

TODD: Look at the power!

GATOR: Nah...I'm looking at her ass!

TODD: ....*sigh*....

On the other side of the ring, the French Canadian Bed Shitter has taken the fight directly to Roger! FCBS charges at Roger and delivers a nasty lariat that send both men tumbling over the top rope, and outside of the ring! It takes the two men a few seconds to pull themselves back up to their feet. Roger sets to work dusting himself off, but that's a poor use of his time as the FCBS starts smacking him up right where he stands! Roger gets a bloody nose as his face is rammed straight into the ringside apron outside the ring.

GATOR: OOFT, THAT'S GOTTA HURT! But we're not paying for Roger's new nose, or limbs, or any surgeries he might need! He's on his own as far as that's concerned!

TODD: Roger is a tough lad, I think he'll be fine if he can just focus on that Canadian menace!

Meanwhile, back inside the ring, Molly Barnes has Latina Submission Machina trapped in a tight headlock. The referee is asking if she wants to submit, and she looks close, but eventually LSM is able to snap out of it and break away from the headlock by plying free from Molly's grip. LSM immediately gets up and hits the ropes once more, before leaving the ground and jumping into the air! As LSM flies closer to Molly, she tries to hit her with a flying superman punch- BUT MOLLY DUCKS IT! On LSM's way down to the ground, Molly Barnes grabs a hold of her arm! The armbar is locked in tight!

TODD: That armbar is locked in tight! This could be THE END right here!

GATOR: Nahhh!

While LSM struggles to get free of the armbar, the FCBS and Roger continue to battle outside the ring. So far FCBS has gained the advantage, but that all turns around in an instance when a very pretty woman in the audience plants a kiss on Roger's sweaty cheek to give him motivation. Like Popeye the SailorMan, we see Roger bulk up and beef out before he starts completely dismantling FCBS with haymaker after haymaker. Eventually FCBS is forced to the ground outside the ring, but instead of using this moment to get back into the ring, Roger just keeps beating the dogshit out of FCBS! FCBS is completely busted open by the madman that is Roger, who seems to have lost control of himself!

GATOR: Roger is going on a rampage! He's looking unstoppable right now!

TODD: But Gator, he needs to get back into the ring to win the match! And look- LSM and Molly Barnes are both on their feet!

But back inside the ring LSM managed to break free of the arm bar. LSM scrambles up to her feet before rushing to the center of the ring to confront Molly- but Molly is ready and waiting! Within an instant, Molly kicks LSM hard in the gut before she finishes her off with The Barnestormer!

GATOR: What a powerful northern lights bomb! This could be it right here!

Molly hooks the leg and the ref starts counting the pin.


Roger hears the ref tap the mat and he looks up with quite a fright etched across his face. He immediately dashes into the ring, intent on breaking up the pin.


Roger slides under the ropes before reaching out and trying to disrupt the pinfall- but he doesn't get there in time!



GATOR: Wow, what a win for Molly! A pinfall victory over the 2-time Anarchy champion, this is one of the biggest wins of her career yet!

TODD: Molly Barnes is improving each and every week! I know I wouldn't want to face her when she's on a hot streak like this!

The ref raises Molly's hand in victory as the crowd grants her a standing ovation. Roger sighs before extending a handshake out to congratulate Molly on a job well done. Eventually the two wrestlers leave the ring, walking up the entrance ramp almost as if they were old friends, with Roger complimenting Molly on her performance while Molly compliments Roger on beating the shit out of the french Canadian bed shitter.

TODD: Uh oh, the Candian looks mad! He's going into the ring, and he has a flagpole!

The FCBS, looking pissed and angry, has grabbed the Mexican flag and the flagpole it's attached to from ringside. He slides into the ring with the pole and starts looking at LSM, licking his lips.

TODD: Oh no, I think the French Canadian has bad intentions! He has that Mexican flag on a pole, and he might just beat LSM to death with it!

GATOR: I think the has other plans, Todd!

TODD: Oh...oh no!

GATOR: Oh yes! This is classic XWF, baby!

The FCBS has dropped the flag pole to the ground, and he starts slowly unbuttoning his trousers while crouching down, as if he were preparing to take a shit all over the Mexican flag while LSM looks on from the ground helplessly, still recovering from Molly's finishing move.

That's when we see a large, sweaty man jump the barricade.

GATOR: Oh my god, someone's jumping the barricade!


Sure enough, Charlie Nickles slides under the ring before the FCBS can shit all over the Mexican flag. While the FCBS is still hunched over, The Nickleman charges up at him and locks him into a doublearm DDT. Then, Charlie Nickles slams the man's head down onto the Mexican flag, knocking him out cold.

GATOR: Noooo! We were just about to get to the good stuff!

TODD: Who would have thought Charlie Nickles would come out here to save the day?!

GATOR: You know, I thought Charlie would be the kinda guy to really appreciate the artistic intent of pooping on a Mexican flag.

TODD: In the abstract you may be right, but you have to remember: LSM is his daughter! He doesn't want to see her embarrassed like this, on national programming!

With the FCBS dispatched of, Charlie Nickles turns his attention to his injured daughter. Charlie reaches down and lends her a helping hand, assisting her to her feet. The crowd has a mixed reaction to this turn of events, with both boos and cheers raining down sporadically on the father-daughter dyad. LSM looks up at Charlie defeated and heartbroken, but he simply messes her hair up before encouraging her to follow him back up the entrance ramp.

TODD: It has not been the strongest showing from LSM since she came back and joined forces with The End, but maybe now her father can take a more active role in her life and help her turn this losing streak around!

GATOR: I think something smells fishy here.....

TODD: That's only because you've been snacking on tuna sandwich's all night, you big goofy goober!

John Black and Tommy Wish
- vs -
Rey Blood and Asesino Blood
Tag Team Match - 2k Tag Team limit

Rey Blood and Asesino Blood start in the ring.

We see the X-Tron come to life with the words THUGS in red font, and smoke comes out of the stage! The camera sees Tommy coming out first trash talking to the camera, then JB follows behind as he raises his fist in the air as they walk down to the ring. At the ramp area, Tommy and JB smack talk some people, and they both climb to the ring enter it, and bask in the mixed reactions as their theme cuts off.

GATOR: Blood Street aren't looking into this match.

TODD: Well tough luck for them, THUGS are lookin' ready to go!

GATOR: Gee, I wonder how this match will play out.


Tommy Wish and Rey Blood start off the match; Wish rushes in and squashes Rey into the corner, hitting Asesino with a stray forearm to block him from trying to help his partner.

GATOR: Smart thinking from Wish there.

Wish gut checks Rey before whipping him into the opposite corner; Rey slams into the turnbuckles and JB restrains Rey in a full nelson as Wish runs in with a huge boot into Rey's mush which makes his legs weak in Black's grasp and Wish tags in his partner; Wish strikes a knee into Rey's gut and sets him up into a powerbomb as JB steps up to the top turnbuckle and leaps of with a flying lariat as Rey is at the peak of the powerbomb and Rey is slammed down into the canvas as JB comes crashing down on him!

TODD: Beautiful move there, great teamwork from THUGS!

JB takes Rey into the center and goes for the cover!




Asesino rushes in and stops the count with a forearm into JB; Black steps up and lands a punch against Asesino as Wish enters the fray with a-


Nasty gore from Tommy sends Asesino reeling clutching his ribs in pain.

JB picks Rey up as Wish plucks Asesino up and the two nod at one other before...

GATOR: Hide Ya Face from Wish!!!

Impaler DDT knocks out Asesino and at the same time-


Signature Death Valley Driver from JB sends Rey to the shadow realm!!!

And JB goes for the cover as Wish cockily counts along.





- vs -
Standard Match!

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldn't be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:


As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:


He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind.  Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn.

As HGH confidently struts down the ramp, soaking in the mixed reactions, a blur of movement catches him off guard. Out of nowhere, Victor 'The Judge' Mental delivers a devastating clothesline, causing HGH to crash onto the ramp.

TODD: "Ambush! Victor The Judge Mental just blindsided HGH!"

GATOR: "It's all kicking off, mate!"

Scarlett 'The Hunteress', rushes in, followed closely by Kris Von Bon and Melanie 'Crazee' Childs. The assault on HGH is merciless. The Hunteress delivers a brutal kick to his ribs while Kris and Melanie hold him down. Victor, not done with his initial attack, starts stomping on HGH's left knee, clearly trying to cause as much damage as possible.

The crowd is a mixture of horrified gasps and cheers, feeding off of the frenzy outside the ring.

TODD: "This is hard to watch, Gator. They're tearing HGH apart!"

GATOR: "Yeah, Todd. I've seen some beatdowns, but this?"

HGH attempts to fight back, landing a punch on Kris, but The Hunteress retaliates with a vicious elbow to his head. The group drags HGH to the steel steps. Melanie, with a crazed look in her eyes, hoists HGH up and, with the combined strength of her and Kris, sends him crashing spine first into the steps.

TODD: "My God! His back! That could break a man!"

The chaos outside the ring shows no sign of stopping as Victor, grabs a steel chair, but instead of going for HGH's knee again, he aims for his lower back—swinging with all his might.

The clang of metal meeting flesh is sickening.

Referee Mika Hunt, bravely steps in, trying to put an end to the mayhem, but Melanie 'Crazee' Childs corners her with a wild look in her eyes, screaming threats.

TODD: "Melanie has Mika cornered! There's no order out here!"

GATOR: "It's pure Anarchy, Todd!"

With Mika out of the way, Scarlett holds HGH in place, pulling him up to his feet by his hair. Kris, wielding the steel chair, mercilessly slams it repeatedly into HGH's already battered back. After a series of devastating blows, the chair is nothing more than a twisted mess of metal.

GATOR: "Holy shit! That chair's as broken as HGH might be after this assault!"

TODD: "This is a massacre!"

With HGH's resistance seemingly squashed, Kris and Scarlett manage to roll his limp form into the ring. Inside, Mastermind is waiting, eyes focused, and hungry for more destruction.

TODD: "Mastermind's in the ring, and he looks ready to end this!"

GATOR: "End it? It's already over!"
As Referee Mika Hunt steps into the ring, The Misfits quickly corner her.

TODD: "Clear intimidation from The Misfits!"

Mika hesitates briefly before reluctantly signaling for the bell to start the match.

GATOR: "This ain't fair, but the match is on!"

Without wasting a moment, Mastermind seizes the opportunity, swiftly locking in the devastating Mind Controller (Boston Crab) on the already battered HGH.

The agonizing strain on HGH's back is evident.

Within seconds, HGH fades as his eyes roll back.

Mika wastes no time, urgently calling for the bell to end the match.


TODD: "Dear God, look at the torque on that hold! Mastermind might've just ended HGH's career!"

GATOR: "Bloody hell! That's not just a win, that's a message to the entire locker room."

Even after the bell rings to signal the end, Mastermind remains relentless, wrenching back on the brutal hold. Mika, frantic and concerned for HGH's safety, shouts at Mastermind, threatening to overturn the victory if he doesn't let go.
Realizing he's already proven his point, and not wanting to jeopardize his victory, Mastermind finally releases HGH.

As medical personnel swarm the ring, urgently attending to the incapacitated HGH, Mastermind and The Misfits gather in a corner, raising their arms in victory, their faces a mask of unapologetic triumph.

TODD: "I've never seen a beatdown quite like this. Mastermind has sent a chilling message."

GATOR: "It's clear as day, mate. He's telling EDWARD: 'You took my Anarchy title last year, but I'm coming for it, and this is what awaits you."

The medical staff carefully strap HGH onto a gurney, immobilizing his potentially injured spine.

Mastermind, basking in the chaos he's orchestrated, pauses for a moment to look at HGH. His gaze, cold and detached, with no trace of remorse. He then exchanges a few words with his Misfits allies, who respond with approving nods.

TODD: "Look at that, not even a hint of concern from Mastermind. He's more focused on the upcoming battle with EDWARD."

GATOR: "If I were EDWARD, I'd be on high alert after tonight."

With HGH now being wheeled up the ramp, Mastermind and his crew make their exit.

As Mastermind's theme blares on the speakers, there's no doubt he will stop at nothing to reclaim the Anarchy title from EDWARD.

EDWARD© and North Korean War Criminal
- vs -
Sidney Grey and ???
Tag Team Match!
Sidney Grey can name her partner in her promo. Will it be Bobbi, Maxinie, or..?
2k Tag Team limit

The lights dim in the arena, as the crowd begins to roar in anticipation. The camera pans across a cheering crowd, banners and signs flashing in support of their favorite wrestlers.

GATOR: We’ve saved the best for last tonight! There is no shortage of animosity between  these two sides

TODD: Agreed, Mister Gator!

The entrance music hits, and EDWARD, the Anarchy champion, emerges from the ramp. The caveman looks ready for battle with his wild hair and fur loincloth. Beside him, the AI robot possessed by the North Korean War Criminal moves with mechanical precision.

TODD: EDWARD and NK! They call themselves ‘The Collective’! An odd couple if I’ve ever seen one, huh, Mister Gator?

GATOR: You wouldn’t figure a caveman and a communist would pair well. But, they, with their occasional third, A Literal Gorilla, have leapt to the top of Thursday Nights!

TODD: That’s true, The Collective certainly dominated in its first outing as a team! …Although, if there’s anyone on the Anarchy roster who could oppose them… It’s their opponent tonight.

EDWARD steps on his knuckles

“Suffocate” by Cold begins to play as the lights dim all through the arena. Fog rolls through the entranceway as a bright light shines from behind it. A shadowy figure is projected through the fog, standing upright, tapping her foot impatiently. Sidney Grey emerges and surveys the crowd as they boo her loudly. She sneers, as she flips off the crowd and steps in time to the beat, marching down the ramp, headed to the ring with purpose and conviction.

Behind her, looking tough, are her partners in crime, Bobbi London and Maxine!

TODD: EDWARD and Sidney Grey waged an all-out war for the Anarchy title at Relentless! But, somehow! Some way! That kooky caveman champion retained against the Lady King of the XWF herself! And in a few short weeks, EDWARD’s going to face off against Thunder Knuckles for the Universal Title!

GATOR: And you have to imagine that’ll piss Sidney off. Sidney hates ANYONE stepping into her spotlight. And EDWARD’s recent successes have drawn a ton of shine towards him!

Grey climbs the steps… Both Maxine and Bobbi London hang on the ropes as NK and EDWARD look on from their corner.

TODD: SIdney Grey, of course, gets to choose her partner to face off against The Collective with! Who do you think she’ll pick Mister Gator?

GATOR: If she wants raw strength, she’ll go Bobbi London… If she wants a more technical backup, she’ll go Maxine.

TODD: Two very able partners, although NK and EDWARD both claim Sidney isn’t exactly the best teammate… And that neither one would help her.

…Sidney eyes Bobbi..

Then, Maxine…



Then, she sneers.

And points back to the ramp!

Both Bobbi and Maxine look shocked!

TODD: Whoa! I think Sidney is choosing NEITHER woman for her partner!

GATOR: Sidney, apparently agreeing (at least on some level) with her opponents’ barbs! She’s thinking she’d be better off going this fight alone than have Bobbi OR Maxine hold her back!

Bobbi and Maxine both try to reason with Sidney, leaning over the top rope, but Sidney firmly points and scowls until the two women sheepishly step down off the apron, and start walking up the ramp…

GATOR: …Sidney Grey is a former Universal Champion. And one of the best to ever grace the XWF! She’s the Lady King!

GATOR: That said… I think this is one time where she’d be better off sharing the spotlight. She’s going into a two-on-one fight against a synchronized unit in The Collective!

TODD: Especially coming off a recent loss facing just one of these men and Relentless! Now that same caveman she couldn’t overcome last PPV has robotic backup in his corner…

Sidney spins toward her opponent, furious… Gritting her teeth angrily.

EDWARD and NK both raise a fist in collective unity, before NK steps out to the apron.

GATOR: Seems like EDWARD is starting this one off!

TODD: You have to admit, though… Just a few short weeks ago, a furious Sidney Grey punched through Mister Oz like tissue paper! Can she tap into that rage? Can the Lady King pull off a win by herself tonight?


The Lady King springs into action, diving at EDWARD in his corner!

EDWARD forward-rolls under Grey’s attack!

… But as Grey is moving forward, the War Criminal leans over the rope and CATCHES GREY WITH A ROBOTIC RIGHT TO THE SKULL!

TODD: The War Criminal sneaking in a cheap shot! I don’t think his partner saw that one!

EDWARD bounces off the ropes, running toward the Lady King (whose crown just about got knocked off by that punch) and hits her with a RUNNING DROPKICK!

The Lady King explodes backfirst into the corner. EDWARD scrambles to continue the att-

Smack! NK tags his caveman comrade on the tucchus!

GATOR: The War Criminal tags himself in!

EDWARD looks curiously at this surprise intervention… But the War Criminal points to the top rope…

EDWARD’s eyes gleam at GREAT HEIGHT! And he begins to climb the turnbuckle!

Meanwhile, NK steps between the ropes, yanking Grey by her hair to the center of the ring!

TODD: NK manhandling Grey! And she is no lightweight!

NK scoops the Lady King off her feet… lifting Grey into power slam position…



TODD: oooooh! I’ve taken a look at NK’s schematics and his knee is the hardest part of his robotic body!

Sidney Grey grasps at her back, agonized… NK executes a forward-tumble towards his corner and tags EDWARD, standing on the top rope!

NK points to his partner! EDWARD points to the sky!

EDWARD leaps!


GATOR: Wow! A devastating combination by The Collective!

EDWARD hooks the leg! The official drops to count!





The crowd cheers!

EDWARD lifts his arms to the sky! War Criminal can’t wait to raise the Caveman’s arm, delighted!

…Grey rolls under ropes, looking furious and disgusted… Like, she can’t understand how she could lose to these two weirdos… She sees the crowd cheering for the two… And that only makes her more angry!

TODD: An explosive, dominant win from The Collective here tonight!

GATOR: EDWARD continues to dominate Thursday Night Anarchy… But with Spooky Night Savage looming, can he take that dominance to the weekend? Is this the beginning of the EDWARD ERA?!?!


Mark Flynn
Charlie Nickles
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