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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Relentless Night Three 2023 RP Board
Silent No More: Conclusion
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Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-23-2023, 04:33 PM

Rodney and TK have left the building containing the most cutthroat of humankind, whose embodied souls remain locked in cages. Salt pillared and charred corpses lie scattered across the hot, boiling, ashen landscape as they march up the mountain. TK is determined to escape and return to his body, even if it means facing Satan. He has no choice. He's the Main Event of Relentless. Lesser demons surround the two but none of them make a move. Every once in a while TK flinches at them making them fall back. This time period helps with TK’s recovery, he's not feeling as beat down.

[Image: doom2.gif]

Sorry about Miss Fury, there, Thunder Knuckles.

Having been ignoring Rodney for quite some time, TK responds automatically on autopilot.


I’ll never figure out women, ya know? Putting on all that make-up, wearing stuff that makes them look small in parts of their bodies, and bigger in others. I mean, come on, then they say they wanna meet a man and want the truth from us. Geesh, give me a break, ya know? Anyway, anyway, It doesn’t look like we have further to go.


You know this reminds me of the time, that for two hours, some guy followed me around with a pooper scooper. Speaking of shit, you need to start watching out, ya know?

Looking highly annoyed that he’s even listening to Rodney at this point, let alone poorly about BOB, TK replies.

What are you fucking talking about?

You know, you have to start being careful. I mean, you can’t trust anyone anymore. For crying out loud, kid. You have to be pretty gullible to think that you buddy Bobby. I know, I know, your buddies, but he might just screw you, ya know?

Oh, fuck off with that shit, Rodney. Bobby’s no Benedict Cumberbatch.

Yeah, okay, alright, I mean, anything can happen. I get it. I get it, ya know? Despite that, you do have a lot of doubters, is all I'm sayin'.

TK looks at the walls hearing his Hell continue.

Trust me, mother fucker. I know. The thing is, when you doubt a real Bastard that's music to his mother fucking ears. Some people have dreams of being rich as fuck like me, having better relationships, or just winning a goddamn fight. Whatever that dream is, that goal. Once you see it, get a smell of it, have a feel, a damn taste of it. That makes a dangerous Bastard. The man standing in front of Corey Smith is one who refuses to dwell on records. When we don't have to put our fucking bodies, minds, our fighting spirit on the line. When records start fighting in the ring. I'll give a shit.

Continuing to press forward on their trek Rodney and TK walk. However, this is the perfect opportunity for TK to get some stuff off his chest.

I refuse to remain in XWF obscurity. Winning the Universal Championship means something. It's not to boost a record. Nah, it says you've overcome the odds, goddamn it. You beat THE GUY!  I won't lie, battling through Hell just to end up fighting Corey, man. I'm fucking tired.

TK takes a deep breath and as he exhales, he looks ready.

I'm tired but when you meet the end of your-goddamn-self. Your End Of Ages, like I have. Something inside of you will snap.

TK snaps his fingers, creating a dramatic effect.

No shit, I'm telling you. It happened to me during this process, that's for damn sure. I'm tired of allowing fuckboys to advance. Even though I know it's my moment to grab the top stop. I'm tired of being coined as someone who doesn't have what it takes, not being good enough. Being overlooked for the next drop in a bucket that comes in, and then out, of this company. Being undervalued despite making improvements both in and outside of the ring. Don't get me wrong. When you get tired that's when you know you've given it your fucking all, and you're going to win. So, I'm talking to the people who don't have a mom, or a dad, real Bastards.

Rolling his eyes, TK presses on.

Not some orphans used as puppets to prop up my self-fucking-worth. The ones that scratch and claw cause they don't have anything or anyone but themselves to pull them up. Does that make me a good guy? Fuck no! I'm a goddamn realist and the fact of the matter is Corey Smith doesn't have the fight in him that I do! He'd rather open that cum trap he calls a mouth and let me lead the dance. More proof that my opponents need me or than I ever need them. Go! Go watch the tape if you don't fucking believe me.

As TK's frustration grows, he starts yelling out.

I've had to suffer through this shit for months. MONTHS!

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, slowly exhaling.

That's okay,-

As he opened his eyes, he allowed his stress to melt away.

-it's okay because on September twenty fourth it all comes to a damn head. The epic conclusion, when the weakest version of Corey Smith that ever graced this company takes on the absolute best version of 'Ol Thunder Knuckles, is on full display.

He nodded his head in agreement, acknowledging the truth of that statement.

I mean, it's pretty sad when Page comes back for "one night only", and his senile old ass can see this match was picked so Corey doesn't get pinned clean. Hasn't that been this shit stains argument though?

TK stops and gazes at the wall, observing Corey as he speaks.

Corey, I don't have to fucking pin you clean. You made sure of that.

Looking back in front of him as he walks.

Yes, I'll beat you from one side of the damn burning cage to the other. That's just for fun though because I will climb the ladder, the flaming cage, whatever I have to do to grab those briefcases. I'll do whatever it takes to take away the only thing you hold dear. Your bullshit record, the belt is bonus points. I'll be the man who whipped the shit out of Corey Smith for the Universal Championship on his terms. Pinned clean?

Immediately stopping for a moment, TK chortles.


He regained his composure and moved forward, not only walking but talking.

I'm fucking tired. Now that I mentioned it. Corey's probably going to be tired too, and that's okay. Yep, because whether he's actually tired or not I'm going to send him on vacation. Don't worry, he'll be back, he'll be back. This is his home. This is the place that cheers his vile behavior and he's treated as the conquering hero. The place that puts up with his incessant balless whining. The fans might not know what he's saying, but goddamn it, he's saying it. They will cheer because they're puppets and they will boo me. Which is fine, Hell, I wouldn't have it any other damn way. My road to this moment has been paved with people who have doubted me. It's time for ME to shut them the fuck up.

Resting on their laurels Rodney and TK are taken by surprise. Four Hellknights come barreling in from behind them. They're trying to stop TK and Rodney from reaching the top of the mountain. Hearing the commotion of footsteps rapidly approaching, TK turns around. It's too late! The lead Hellknight catches him off guard and knocks him to the ground. the other three approaching slow down think the lead Hellknight is in total control. The lead Hellknight looks back at the other three and celebrates. Big mistake, while on the ground TK grabs the leg of the Hellknight. He bites down into the Hellknight's Achilles tendon, rupturing it. It's sent falling over almost immediately. The other three who were celebrating along with the lead, gave out vicious bloodcuddling roars that send shivers up your spine.

[Image: doom3.gif]

TK responds in kind, yelling out as he gets back on his feet.

Hope you guys don't breed off horn size, pussies! Grrrraaaahhhhh!

TK signals for the other three to approach, and swiftly stomps on the leading Hellknight's skull, crushing it. The remaining three Hellknights split up, two going in opposite directions around TK, while one charges straight at him. TK focuses his attention on the approaching monster, narrowly dodging its heavy two-handed axe swing. Meanwhile, TK loses sight of the other two Hellknights. This particular Hellknight proves to be a formidable opponent, despite momentarily losing control of its axe during a powerful swing. Disappointingly, the beast quickly recovers and retaliates with a forceful left backhand to TK's face, causing him to be thrown backward and leaving him in bad shape. However, driven by his determination to return to his body, TK forces himself to stand up after crashing hard onto the ground. The Hellknight he was battling charges towards him, prompting TK to gather all his strength and sprint towards his enemy. As the Hellknight attempts to strike with a punch, TK delivers one of his signature Flying Knee strikes, resulting in the Hellknight's head exploding upon impact. Its lifeless body collapses to the ground in a heavy heap. In the distance, TK hears Rodney in distress.

[Image: doom5.gif]

Woah, where are you taking me? This better not be some kink; I'm not into that kind of stuff, ya know?

The remaining two Hellknights had no interest in pursuing TK. Instead, they were focused on capturing Rodney, and they have successfully accomplished their mission. TK shouts out, grabbing the attention of the two Hellknights.

Hey, cunt lips!

The two Hellknights exchange glances before redirecting their attention towards TK.

Yeah, you! Oversized testicle tumor-looking fucks!

One of the Hellknights must know English because it roars and starts charging while the other escapes with Rodney as his prisoner. TK wastes no time with this Hellknight and Drops Kicks it to the knee. Setting it up for an Extra Face Pain De-Lux! Rodney has shown TK all how easy that move is to perform, literally, a child could do it. The Hellknight's head explodes. With a sense of urgency, TK runs in the direction of the escaped Hellknight. However, to no avail, they had gotten away.


Kicking the ash on the ground and sending embers into the air, TK looks pissed.

Horse dick! Goddamn!

TK closes his eyes, trying to regain some form of composure. He takes a deep breath, holding it for a second, then exhaling.

Alright, all I have to do is climb to the top of this fucking mountain. It's not like Rodney was doing me any goddamn good anyway! I guess, I'm doing this shit alone.

TK's journey isn't as paralyzing as it had been previously with Rodney in tow. Along the way, he effortlessly confronts and defeats some lesser demons. Maybe Rodney's talking was bringing in stronger demons. Whatever the case, TK is thankful, he looks a bit worse for wear. He decides to take a breather and maybe feel a little bit better. This has been the toughest situation TK has ever faced, yet, he's meeting it head-on. He mutters to himself.

Taking a rest isn't giving up. You got this.

Thinking about all the things he misses from Earth, life even. TK can't help verbalizing the one thing he misses most.

Goddamn, an ice-cold beer would be nice right now.

Wiping his brow, the mixture of sweat and blood doesn't even faze him. He stares blankly at the wall. Seeing Corey's smug face makes him snarl.

Heh, Corey thought fighting me was good for fucking business, good for his brand. He's about to find out that fighting me was bad for his goddamn legacy.

With a careful eye, scanning the area for danger, TK sits down and relaxes. He begins to think of all the matches that he's had. How he was able to overcome the obstacles in his way. He's even thinking of how to fix the obstacles he wasn't able to overcome, just so they won't happen again. As he rests he takes time to watch Corey's promotional material, seeing as it's still playing on the walls. TK sighs as Corey tries to play big time while having a shit record.

I wonder if his ass ever gets jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of his mouth? Bastard Above, he’s just a box full of emotions. First, he's all TK.

TK makes a gurgling sound effect with his spit and throat.

Then he's all like blah, you suck, blah, facts, blah I'm a pussy.

Blankly staring at the wall watching Corey respond to everything TK says.

I really am tired, ya know?

Shaking his head in discontent.

Christ on a cracker, now I'm talking like Rodney. Fuck!

TK looks up the mountain seeing that he isn't too far to the top now. He gazes off trying to soak up some more rest. Looking out he sees the peaks of other mountains; these towering behemoths are not majestic but rather resemble sharp and jagged teeth, ready to devour any hapless soul that dares to come too close. The sky, if it can even be called that, is an eternal abyss of swirling darkness. There are no stars to be seen, only the occasional flicker of distant flames dancing on the horizon. After taking his well-deserved break, TK feels an improvement in his energy levels. He may not be at his best yet, but he's undoubtedly fueled enough to conquer this mountain.

[Image: doom3.gif]

It doesn't even look as though there are many demons. At least ones that would feel ballsy enough to fight him. He climbs some pretty tough ledges until he gets to a path that spirals like a walkway to the top.

Thank fuck.

TK's breathing is heavy.

Almost done.

As he gradually walks towards the peak, the dark and ominous rear view of Hell's Throne comes into sight.

There you are, you little shit. Who puts shit on top of a mountain anyway.

TK slowly approaches the Throne of Hell, his eyes fixated on the figure seated upon it. The camera teasingly conceals the ruler's identity, heightening the suspense. However, TK's expression is a mix of shock and pissed.

The camera captures the face of Satan as his voice echoes through the air.

What a crowd! What a crowd! I'm old enough to remember when emojis were called hieroglyphics, ya know?

What, dude!? You said you didn't enter Hell! You're fucking Satan!

Woah, there, killer. I didn't say I didn't enter Hell. I said, I did, I came down here because Heaven wasn't as fun. So what? I'm the Devil, what can ya do? Ya know? Looks like you learned a valuable lesson, yeah? Heh, It's better to let someone think you are not the Devil than to open your mouth and prove it. I told you that you couldn't trust your friends. Now, you're here. Go ahead, ask me. I know you want to.

Fuck you, you know what I want.

Well, ask me for it. Who knows? Maybe we can make-

Rodney, a.k.a. Satan, rubs his hands together.

-a deal.

TK is fuming, having already sealed the deal earlier.

You know the deal, goddamn it! I made it with you when we first met.

Yeah, I show you around Hell, and you put respect on my name.

You know I'm trying to get back to my body. Don't fucking play with me!

Ah, yes, heh, that's never going to happen. You're mine now TK and if you thought your personal hell was bad as of now. Just wait until after Relentless. No more Corey promos. This was meant to give you hope, ya know? Keep you moving until I can take it away.

HA! What? Are you trying to give me a vacation or something?

Satan smirks at TK, knowing that what it will be placed with is that much worse and will devour TK’s soul.

No. They will be replaced with Centurion's back catalog.

Satan, chuckles gleefully, fully aware that he has created chaos for Relentless. TK appears bewildered, unable to comprehend the fact that he will no longer be a part of Relentless. Despite facing numerous challenges, TK places his trust in the one constant that has never let him down. He lowers his head, signaling all the dedicated Bastards across the globe to do the same. As they join TK in prayer, he absorbs the energy of all those living a wicked lifestyle, willingly surrendering their energy to him.

Oh, Bastardly One, I thank You for surrounding me with demons to kill and that YOU are THE mighty prick protecting me from low-hanging attacks. YOU are a strong Bastard that can do the impossible.

Firey embers are spinning around TK as the clouds in heaven did but at a faster pace.

I declare on my soul that Corey Smith cannot win. Because my Bastardly Father is for me, so who could possibly win against me? So, I will stand firm in the promise that the Bastard Above will keep me in perfect cold hatred as I fight my battle.

The ground beneath TK begins to fracture, and fragments of the earth start hovering in the air.

Bastardly Father, I ask you to remove doubt, fear, and worry from my mind. Make me the perfect instrument for the job.

Crimson lightning streaks across the sky of Hell, illuminating the descent of souls cast out from the very heights of Heaven.

I ask YOU to give me the strength to focus on the task at hand in this fiery trial. I submit completely to YOUR relentless leadership, YOUR dastardly plan, YOUR unbendable will, YOUR unyielding way, and YOUR powerful word. I will remain as obedient, as Thad to Corey, to YOU. I will surrender to no man, despite the ups and downs in this or any situation. YOU are my Bastard. YOU are my rock and solid foundation. Without YOU, Oh Bastardly One, my house would surely be built on sinking sand. With YOU, I am confident and planted firmly in ruthlessness. Building my home on the strong foundation of the tears and ashes of Coreytopia. I thank YOU for being my anchor through Hell. In the Bastards' name, I prey,

As he lifts his head, the fragments of the ground gradually fall. That's when TK opens his eyes, glowing with a fierce yellow hue, his body completely healed, and a wicked grin of sadistic delight spreads across his face.


Strength and power, unlike anything seen before, radiates from TK. He appears prepared for any challenge that may come his way.

[Image: DoomGM.gif]

Casting a determined look towards Rodney, he extends his finger, causing a rift to tear open in the depths of hell. As the rift widens, he catches a glimpse of his own funeral, overshadowed by the attention-grabbing presence of Bobby Bourbon. This only serves to further stir TK's annoyance, as it proves Rodney's predictions to be true. Amidst the chaos, TK realizes that the only person he can truly rely on is himself. With determination and hatred coursing through his veins, TK clenches his hand, sealing the rift shut.

Why didn't you take it? You wanted back to you're body, ya know? Geesh, reminds me of the time-

Sprinting at Rodney and connecting with a Pimp Slap, so hard that Rodney's nose starts to bleed.

That's for sending your son Harmon to the XWF. I'll take care of that shit pot soon enough.

Rodney touches the wound and checks his hand. Noticing that he in fact bleeding.

I tell ya what, my son is an idiot. That's one I should have shot on the belly, for sure, ya know?

TK then Open Hand Slaps the taste out of Rodney again, sending Rodney two steps backward.

That's for wasting my time when you knew Miss Fury wasn't here!

Rodney grunts, he's had enough of TK's insolence. He's Satan and TK is a mortal man. This cannot stand!

Heh, you said I needed some wrestling moves. It's time to show you why not even GOD'S RECORD HAS EVER BEATEN ME CLEAN, YA KNOW!?

Cracking his knuckles, with his eyes gleaming yellow, TK leaps forward into the fray Rodney follows suit, and as they collide at the center, they continue relentlessly delivering Forearm Shivers to each other's skulls. Neither of them shows any signs of giving up. Finally, a powerful Forearm Shiver forces Rodney to stagger back, leaving him disoriented momentarily. Out of nowhere, Rodney retaliates with a tremendous Super Kick that sends TK reeling. Without wasting a moment, Rodney swiftly transitions into a Wrist Lock, but he doesn't stop there. Rodney seamlessly transitions from the Wrist Lock into a devastating Knee to the Face. TK hits the ground hard, but he quickly regains his footing. Nonchalantly brushing away fiery embers from his armor, TK then to crack his neck.

Is that the best you got, bitch?

Walking up to TK, Rodney’s temper is getting the best of him, with various chops from Rodney. TK isn’t budging. Even more annoyed now that TK isn’t falling Rodney turns around and runs in the opposite direction. No, he’s making a circle closing the distance between the two men again. Sliding drop kick! This takes TK to the ground!  Without wasting time, or momentum, Rodney goes for a Standing Moonsault. NO! Alabama Slam by TK. He stood up right up and snatched Rodney out of the air! TK drags Rodney toward the edge of the ledge, he picks up Rodney, Scoop Slam off the side of the ledge!

Demons begin to surround TK as they get closer he flinches at them, backing them up. TK jumps down to where Rodney is. Rodney tries to play possum but it does him no good. Rodney tries to Surprise Throat Punch TK, but TK knows all about Corey Smith’s tricks and forces Rodney into a Test of Strength. Back and forth the two mean duel in the Test of Strength. Until TK gets the upper hand by kicking Rodney in the gut. Rodney falls to the ground in pain and TK stands over him. Looking down on Rodney, like Corey Smith looks down on everyone he faces, TK grabs his ankle, and Rodney kicks out of the danger he finds himself in. TK gets back to his feet, and turns around as Rodney goes for a Spinning Back Kick to the head! TK dodges the kick by slightly moving his head backward two inches. Rodney looks in shock as TK grins and grumbles one word.


Sweeping the legs out from underneath Rodney, like in Mortal Kombat, Rodney falls to the ground. Realizing he's in danger again, Rodney rolls over on his belly. He doesn't realize the mistake he's made. In doing so, Rodney allows TK to perform his signature Ankle Lock! Rodney is writhing in pain. Wait! TK turns it over quickly and THUNDER STRIKE! Rodney's out cold. TK breathing heavily as he stands over Rodney's body. TK smirks and leaves Rodney lying on the ground. He climbs back to the top of the mountain, standing next to the Throne of Hell. After knowing that the job is done. TK explains why he didn't go back to his body.

The Slanderer. The Deceiver. The Tempter. The Father of Lies. The Enemy. No matter what moniker you wanna give me. My name is Thunder Knuckles.

TK casually sits on the Throne of Hell.

I'll go back to my body on the twenty fifth. For now, I'll wait for Corey to show up.

A cage encapsulates around the Throne of Hell as TK snaps his fingers. From the ceiling, an array of hooks hang, appearing to dangle from thin air. The chains sway and ignite the cage in flames. The final glimpse of this promotional material shows TK seated on the Throne of Hell, encircled by the Tenth Circle.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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