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CTN Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2023, 02:06 PM

[Image: Hwa5ovF.gif]

“Sidney, you mean to tell me that you don’t have ONE friend on the entire XWF roster?” The Doctor paused, shaking his head.  “Not just the roster…but anywhere?!”

Sid gave an exasperated sigh.  “Didn’t you see Anarchy?  I was literally attacked by an entire gang of thugs and no one came to help me!”

“And why exactly, do you think that is?” He arched his brow.

Sid gave a dismissive wave.  “It’s lonely at the top.  Everyone wants to be where I am…and where I will be after I defeat EDWARD and take back my championship!”

“You know, I have half a mind to not allow you to fight this week.” He played with the paper on his desk that she needed in order to be cleared. “Maybe some down time would do you good.”

Sid narrowed her eyes.  “Relentless is right around the corner…YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!”

Doctor Recker shrugged.  “So far it’s been the only thing to get your attention.  Since losing the Universal Title and the Anarchy Title, you’ve spent nearly every waking minute sauced to the gills.  You’ve sleepwalked though weeks of matches.”

Sid folded her arms as she countered, “I’ve retired Centurion, beaten a pair of number one contenders, and pinned the Anarchy Champion.  You call that sleepwalking, but no one else has come close to that.”

Recker found it hard to argue with that, but he had another ace up his sleeve.  “Yes, you’ve made a fair accounting of yourself through acts of desperation to stay relevant…barely, but even you have to admit that you’ve squandered the biggest prize in the entire XWF…becoming King.” 

Sid looked confused.  “What do you mean?”

“The eyes of the company are on its King or Queen after March Madness.  They get to write their own ticket, but you’ve done nothing with it…not a single thing!”

Sid snorted.  “I became a War Games Captain!”

He corrected, “You stole the captaincy and used it to humiliate Centurion and the rest of your team.”

Sid stared at him and a long slow smile spread across her face that threatened to split her entire head in two.  “Wasn’t that fucking amazing?!”


Sid rolled her eyes.  “…no one appreciates a good joke these days…”

“The only joke here is what you are doing to yourself!”  He looked down at the authorization on his desk.  “I’m not going to sign this.  If I do, I will only be enabling your behavior or telling you that the things you are doing are okay.”

“WAIT!” Sid jumped to her feet, reaching over the desk and grabbing his hand.  “Give me another chance!”

He shook his head.  “You can’t even follow the simplest task that I give you.  I don’t see the point in continuing this.”

“One more chance!”  Sid pleaded.

Doctor Recker signed, sitting back and cocking his head to the side as he stared at her.  “Okay…one more chance…your LAST chance!  Make a friend…someone that you can confide in.  Not family, not employees, and not fans!” He started to sign the paper, then stopped as he looked up at her.  “I’m serious…if you don’t do this, you’re done!”

She held up her hands.  “I got it!  Consider it done!”

He scribbled his signature on the form and handed it over to her.  “Good luck.”

Sid chuckled.  “Luck is for losers!”

[Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]

It’s been a rough few weeks for me.  I lost in my attempt to become X-Treme Champion, I was mauled by the entire roster of a backyard wrestling fed, and I was forced to count the pinfall for EDWARD’s last title defense!  Humiliation, after humiliation, after humiliation…but, the cream always rises to the top and there is no one creamer than me!  That XWF Anarchy Title is coming back to me and no one else is going to get in my way!

Which brings me to you Mr. Oz…

Once again, I find you to be the obstacle standing in my path…just like at March Madness.  You were my very first opponent and you told me that if I won and believed in you…you’d be with me…but you weren’t there!

…not that I needed you…but STILL!

Being a man of your word is very important in this business!  Backing up your words with action and following through is what makes you special and sets you head and shoulders above the rest.  That is why I am Lady King of the XWF and that is why I am about to become a two-time Anarchy Champion…after I make good on my word!

This Thursday night in Louisiana, I’m going to remind you of the promise that you made to me in March…and in so doing, I am going to remind the XWF of just who I am!  I’m the woman that beat the best that this company had to offer, all on my own!  I started that run against you and now I will start my next march to another championship by going through you!

You had your chance and you came damn close.  Hell!  You decapitated an entire family of monkeys in your bid to win a title, but even that wasn’t enough to get you the upper hand.  So now, it’s time for you to step aside…or to be moved out of my way!  Where you fell short…I will succeed, but not because I believe in you…but because I do exactly what I say I’m going to do and everyone believes it!

…and if they don’t, they will…

Thursday night…I remind everyone that whether they love me or they hate me…none of you can stop me!

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