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"The Cage She Can't Escape"
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Chelsea LeClair Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-02-2023, 09:39 PM

Chelsea LeClair finds herself in a dimly lit basement, presenting something completely different then her usual standard fare. The walls are littered with some heavy handed thoughts, words and phrases indicating feelings of sadness, helplessness, among other heavy handed emotions. And through it all, Chelsea sits on a chair and reflects on things as she begins to speak.

Chelsea: We’re switching it up a little. There’s not going to be any skits or productions this time. See, I’ve got Molly in a cage this coming Thursday and yet, it’s not the cage that is the biggest thing locking me in. It’s the status quop, the feeling of groundhog’s day. It feels like I am trapped, not inside the cage, but in this never ending circle…

I’m getting sick of the status quo honestly… seeing the likes of Sidney Grey and Edward win all the time… sick of Edward as a whole, not just as the Anarchy Champion, but honestly, his whole deal. I am even beginning to wonder if I’m getting sick of Anarchy and if I should just consider going to Madness or Savage. Shocking, I know. But it seems like no matter how hard I try, things always stay the same around here so this week? I’m really digging deep… staring back at the insecurities that once plagued me… staring back at feelings of frustration, of loneliness, of being made to feel like I’m not worth much, if anything, facing these cold, old hard feelings of doubt, of pain, of many things I’ve had to overcome to be the person, and the wrestler, I am today…

Weren’t expecting me to cut so deep, huh, Molly?

Chelsea takes a pause, standing up and grabbing her chair and tossing it across the room to express some of the frustration she’s felt with her Anarchy experiences recently.

Chelsea: We’re in the same boat. We might even have the same frustrations as of late. But I’m still doing what I can do to hold my head up high while you’re just standing there making a bunch of complaints with no real plan to do anything to get out of the rut you find yourself in. If anything, your words going into the four way that we had not so long ago… illustrate this…

To me? You’ve lost most hope you had left.

Why else would you even carry the attitude of ‘well, even if I lose the four way, I’m still making main event money’.


Chelsea pauses and lets out a sigh.

Chelsea: That proves it right there. You’re desperately grasping for any shred of light no matter how pathetic it is. But I guess when you’re trying to be famous and have no sense of having any sort of FUN at all…

Well, what kind of light is in your heart after all?

You’re trapped WORSE than me… trapped in your own ego, trapped in your own denial, trapped in your own spinning circle of self-esteem problems and I know you’ve got them because all you ever wanted to do, in regards to me, was moan, bitch and drag me down with you when literally the only thing I’ve done to harm you in any way, outside of the ring, is parody you.

Now, I’m not going to get into a deep dive omnibus about my personal hell and how I escaped it years ago, but the short version is I fell hard into an addiction at one point that threatened to destroy my career. It didn’t because I overcame the darkness in the same vain I’m about to escape it this Thursday by beating you… which I KNOW I will because while I’m a woman that knows her way out of her own hell, you’re hellbent on staying in yours. Rather than work on yourself, you shallowly try to insult me with schoolgirl level name calling like ‘daft twat’.

‘Useless flap of skin’.

Even going as far as to rag on my first and last name? See Molly, that’s not a reflection of me. That’s a reflection of you… and your lack of ability to say anything worth a shit about me. See, you’re throwing these empty words at me without knowing my true story. You see an entertainer that parodies things, and I suppose I am that, but that’s only part of the package. This WAS about fame for me… before I grew up… before I got out of my own darkness.

But I’m plenty more than that. You would think someone that’s been around the block like you have would be smart enough to know that, especially since I’ve won more recently than you, which includes a win against you and even a win with you. I’m not going to apologize for mocking you for your shortcomings. This is, after all, a grown up business and if retorting to preschool level insults all over some parodies or for whatever stupid reasons you don’t like me is how you respond to even the slightest hint of criticism, then maybe you should look in the mirror…

But you won’t…

Keep digging your hole, Molly.

Keep suffocating yourself with your own insecurities that you’ll fail to drown me in no matter how hard you try.

Because Thursday, I’m winning for the simple reason that I’m not the miserable, loathing, anchoring person you seem to want to be… for reasons I can’t comprehend or understand. You’re going to be the first step of creating some big change around this brand. Yes, I have my limits and I express how I feel and if I don’t like someone or something, yeah, I’ll be vocal about it.

But the difference between us? I do something about it.

So after this week? The cage I am leaving you trapped in isn’t made out of steel…

It’s made out of your own bitter feelings and insecurities that you won’t get to try to heap upon me anymore.

Chelsea exits the basement, ending the scene.
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