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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2023 RP Board
Devils and Sinners
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-29-2023, 09:59 PM

Oz sits in his library tower, seated in his large, expensive recliner, staring forward as if staring a hole through the very wall itself until the tiny camera floats by and he notices it.

"It's been almost two years. My last time holding the Anarchy title in my hands. The demon I keep locked up, this devil that guides me towards my goals, it wants out for at least this match. So I'm going to oblige it. You saw him, EDWARD. You saw my Devil when I couldn't contain him and he wanted to show you what true power is. True strength. You are a creature of habit, creature of nature, but you never learned how to adapt and survive. You never learned how to truly...


I do this. Every few years, I adapt to the climate of the XWF and I change. I become the biggest threat to any title picture. I end up petering out. Once I come back though, it's the same process all over. I am revitalized, I take control, and I become the most feared entity in the entire company. Three years ago, I came back after a hiatus. I joined the then Brotherhood of Baddies. I became Star of the Month. I almost got the briefcase at that year's Leap of the Faith. I translated that into winning the Anarchy championship.

Edward, it's time for me to grab what's rightfully mine. Clean it up, then show you what it means to be a true champion.

The thing is this: I don't have to hurt you. I can heal you. I can make you more powerful than you could ever imagine. I could help you evolve. I can help bring you to the mountaintop. Why would you want to stop with the Anarchy championship when you could go for the Universal?

Look at the former champions of your belt. Look at the former Universal champions.

My belief in them made them soar beyond their limits and put on a helluva show.

I believe in you, Edward, but you have to follow what I say or else you'll never break free and embrace your true power.

The path to that power though, isn't here at Anarchy anymore. If you let me help you, I can back you up, I can help you take any titles you want. However, this one?

The Anarchy Title will be mine.

You are the Gonzo plushy in a claw game, and the belt is Kermit the Frog. Nobody wants you, but will want the belt instead. You're just there to fill in a space, mine, so that you can move on.

It's time, Edward. To evolve.

When Leap of Faith happens, you're going to lose to me. It's inevitable, Edward. How badly do you want to be a big name in the XWF? How would you like that? Because if you come with me, I will mold you into your perfect self. All I ask in return is one thing:

Believe, in me.

Believing in me is what helped Sidney become Anarchy champion and then become Universal champion. I am a Kingmaker, Edward. I can help you simply by believing in me. You will be the most respected Edward ever.

Just give me the Anarchy championship, and you will be free of all the weight of being a champion. I will hold onto that weight for you.

However, I understand if you want to continue this fight. But if your apes come around again, I will kill them. Should that come to pass, then you should be angry at yourself buddy, if they do die. Because you should know how dangerous I can be, and yet if you choose to put them in harms way, I will not be held responsible for what happens.

I wrestle Kodiak bears, Edward. Apes mean nothing to me. Monkeys mean nothing to me. In the end, the only thing that matters is your surrender. Because if you don't?

Believe in me, to desecrate your remains.

Believe in me, to take everything you hold dear away from you.

Because you don't want me angry, Edward. You would rather be my friend, right? After all, don't I have a trustworthy face?"

With that, the camera cuts, then comes back to Oz, wearing his mask, looking straight at the camera, as it shows his eyes are seemingly blacked out. No pupil, no iris, only a black sclera for both eyes this time. He then speaks, as if it is modded to sound higher pitched, warbled as if he was using a machine that vibrated his throat as he spoke

[Image: UYugEAVl.png]

"Don't you trust this face, EDWARD?! Don't you like seeing the Devil come out to play!?"

His voice warbling, higher pitched but gravelly

"At Leap Of Faith, you will face your demons, caveboy. So keep your ape friends away, while the Devil's out to play."

He opens his arms as the head tilts so eerily, as if he snapped his own neck to be at that angle.

The screen turns to black, and once visuals come on, it shows Oz's mask in a closeup, but blood seeping from his blackened eyes, the nose of his mask, the lips of it, pouring onto the ground as the camera fades to black.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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