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Grimgor Ironhide
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Raion Kido Offline
The Lion


XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

07-15-2023, 05:44 PM


[Image: drax-the-destroyer.jpg]

Wrestler's Real Name: N/A

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: N/A

Height: 6'6''

Weight: 300 lbs.

Hometown: The Old World

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Monster Heel

Pic Base: Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer

Backstory/Important Character Details: 

A big, mean, violent brute of an Orc that daubs himself in dark green paint, and speaks in a stereotypical Cockney accent for comic relief. He lives to fight and fights to live, and everything he does is for fun - which usually involves mayhem and destruction. He’s cosplaying the eponymous character from Warhammer Fantasy.

Strengths: He's big and strong, and very violent. He does not do it out of hatred, though - as common Warhammer knowledge goes, "ORKS IZ MADE FER FIGHTIN' AN' WINNIN'!!!"

Weaknesses: He's an absolute brute, and there's not much else in his brain than the thought of "smash dem gitz".

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version): "DA ORK SONG"

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing): As Grimgor's song begins to hit the PA system, DA ONCE AND FUTURE GIT appears on the stage, screaming "GRIMGOR IZ DA BEST!" . He marches down to the apron and climbs to the ring without paying any heed to the fans, and once he's in the center, he raises up his fist and lets out a savage scream: "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): Powerhouse/Brawler

10 or More Standard Moves:
  • European Uppercut
  • Stalling Suplex
  • Clothesline From Hell
  • Spear
  • Torture Rack
  • DA GORKBUSTA (Gordbuster)
  • DA GIT STOMPIN' (Mudhole Stomping)
  • DA FIST O' GORK (Heart Punch)
  • DA HAND O' MORK (Low Blow)

Trademark Move Name(s): Chokeslam
Description(s): Chokeslam

Finishing Move Name(s): "DA ALPHA SLAM"
Description(s): Jackhammer

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: He'll find a way to make anything and everything into a weapon, just for the fun of it.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): Every time he's in the ring, he'll always let out the Orks' trademark scream: "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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