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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2023 RP Boards
173 Hours
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-27-2023, 08:23 AM

It was raining.

That is about all she knew. Where was she? How long had she been walking? Why did she feel compelled to go wherever it was she was going? Fuck if she knew. The entire world seemed to be a blur around her, and all she was focused on was the building she saw in her collective consciousness. Her body knew where to go–or what was left of it did.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind, and her head pounded from the effort of racking her brain. The last thing she remembered? She was beating the brakes off Dolly Waters and then……

Darkness surrounded her.

A suffocating darkness, at that. A  tightness in her chest and dirt filled lungs that  strained, each breath a thousand daggers piercing her chest simultaneously.


Mud and grime flowed off her like a river in the rainstorm, and the precipitation smacked the gravel beneath her feet. Her feet were scabbing, the remnants of open wounds from seemingly endless walking on bare asphalt. The pitch blackness consumed her, and any lights were blurry balls of lumens in this distance. The occasional car would illuminate her position, so she could see that she was on a highway of some sort, but they were all moving much too fast to catch a plate in these conditions.

Where the fuck was she?! Why couldn’t she remember?!

She couldn’t tell if it was the rain, or tears running down her face, but she managed to find a guard rail. She sat down against it and put her head in her hands.

The grass was wet underneath her, and provided a soggy cushion. She didn’t even care. She was going to sit right here and rack her brain, no matter how long it took!

Oh god, how long has it been?

[Image: O4am6rL.png]


The look on his face was like when someone smells a fart on a plane, and has no way of moving away from it. His bottom lip was curled, and his nose turned up.

"I missed you! Did you miss me?"

"Not in the slightest"

"Awww, I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Her converse sneakers touched down on the pavement outside the Spectrum Center, and she breathed in the North Carolina air. It smelled, well……better than New Jersey. That’s always a plus, right?

Looking back at the bright lights of the arena, she turned back and began to walk. It was a nice night to walk, and what else was there to do? She had come back to XWF to participate in War Games, an event that she captained and SHOULD have won last year (thanks a lot Raion!) and was going to make sure that this time, she did things right.

She began to walk up East 5th Street, taking in the scenery of downtown Charlotte. It was much different than her home in Las Vegas. She knew the XWF event was still going on behind her, and part of her wanted to stay, but her legs were making her decisions for her. She turned onto Beatties Ford Road as the city limits were approaching in the distance. This War Games was going to be different, she just knew it. The draft was bleh, the teams were bleh. Dolly Waters? Sarah Lacklan? Angie Vaughn? Ned Kaye? She appreciated the women’s movement at the top, but this year's Captains were mild sauce when you ordered hot. Disappointment from bite one.

XWF just hadn’t been the same since she’d been gone. The X-Title that she had revived had become an absolute joke, and now was held by one of the biggest yokels in the business, with a controversial finish that would make even the worst cheaters feel….well….cheated.

No offense to Marky Mark but his legacy just feels……dirty. They didn’t want her cashing in and becoming Universal Champion so they protected their own, screwed her, and tried to pacify her with the TV Title. It was Robert Main all over again, just with less body hair and more whining. Optimal Path yadda yadda. She laughed to herself, because he lost anyway……..then Sidney cashed in when nobody even knew ‘they’ had a briefcase, and poof…..Mark Flynn is…well…..human again.

Funny, because now he is X-champ and they’ll wash his back like a loofa until its time to cash in again and Marky Mark will win it the cheap way. Ten years, down the drain. Real shame, he’s a good kid….or, was.

[Image: HYblmk5.png]

Jenny’s legs continued to guide her, she looked up to see the sign “ENTERING KENTUCKY”. She shivered a bit and two words came to her mind. DOLLY WATERS. Also, herpes infestation, homie hopper, giant disappointment, and hype killer. Dolly had no business being TV champion, and she showed it with one of the shortest reigns in recent history. Jenny had mailed it in against Noah, got herself DQ’d. She had mentally checked out after the Montreal level screw job. She LET Dolly push her in that casket. She hoped it would be her escape, her new beginning, and her righteous end in a company that has treated her worse than Wal-Mart treats their hourlies.

Kentucky, jesus. How long had she been walking?!

She wasn't sure why everyone gives it so much shit. Kentucky was full of fun stuff. Live music, mud racing, hog roast, fireworks, bonfires, ATV trails, camping and monster truck rides and that bathroom liquor they call "Moonshine". It was also the birthplace of Chris Stapleton (you know, the man who made it big singing about a different state). At least Kentucky had one celebrity.

She made her way through America’s shittiest state and took in the landscape around her. Storms began to roll in the distance. It was gonna rain.


The downpour began but her legs didn’t stop. There were several truck stops selling fireworks, which made her giddy, but she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. She. Had. To. Keep. Walking.

[Image: d4kgMh8.png]

Jenny felt the rain on her head. It had begun. When it rains it pours, they say. She laughed at this. Corey Smith was a polarizing figure, but if you don’t give him ammunition he is rendered useless. Virtually incapable of being creative without preying on your mistakes. Plus he complains SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. Everything is an issue for Corey. Is it because he knows that if Jenny and Co. wrestle a perfect match in that ring that he could turn out to be the weak link on his team (no, not missing link, Dolly, this isn't 23 and me). The weakest link, even more so than Dinosaur or whatever his name is. At least his name isn’t white bread basic. Barney and the Basic Bitches. The basic bitches and Unknown Soldier, who is flakier than an old man’s scalp. Barney and the Flakey Basic Bitches.

Still not as good as Meat Clowns, but again Raion Kido fucked all that up when he couldn’t even beat the drowned Korean Mall Rat…….

Worst number one overall pick since Jamarcus Russell.

Dino should be team captain, at least then they would have SOME credibility.

The bottom soles of her converse were basically worn off, and her skin scraped the road. Her feet were cut and bruised, and each step was excruciating. A terrible stench filled her nostrils, causing her to do a Theo sized pig nose curl. What was that?

She looked up through the blistering rain and the sign smacked her in the face with an open palm.


[Image: 9bfLrvX.png]

Jenny pulled her hands from her face. She was in Ohio!

What the hell was she doing in Ohio?!

She stood up from the guardrail and looked dead ahead, a determined look in her eyes.

“I must go to Lima” she said under her breath. “Even if it kills me.”

She continued to walk, dragging her damaged feet down the wet roads towards a town she had never heard of in a state she wished never existed.

[Image: Fa7G4m8.png]

The sign read “SHADY ACRES” in peeling, chipped writing. Weeds were overgrowing it, and it hadn’t been painted since Clinton was in office. Simpler times, they were.

Stickier, too.

She splashed through the puddles as a force outside of her own seemed to push her past it, like an invisible hand on her back that gave her no choice but to keep going. She walked past rows upon rows of manufactured rectangles whose only differences were the AC units in the windows (these ranged from number of units to size to amount of clogged ducts per unit). Despite the rain, people were outside in their rickety porches, many of whom smoked cheap cigarettes. Why were they ALL wearing faded pajama pants? Why were they seemingly all outside, too? It had to be late night/early morning, didn’t these people have jobs to go to?

Oh, wait.

She kept walking as she heard a woman whose skin looked like someone stretched a silly putty over their knee complain in a raspy voice between puffs of discount cancer stick.

“‘Ey been coming up and down the road all gotdamn day.”

*PUFF, cough a flemy cough, PUFF*

“Big ass crates too, ma. Like shippin’ some sorta weapon or sumthin’”. This man musta been her son, using "ma" like that. Coulda been her lover, as well. Though, in Lima, it could be both. “But ion see no camo trucks. Jus’ da dagone shippin’ people.”

Jenny was within spitting distance of these people, but it was like they didn’t even notice her. Too caught up in their own redneck world to pay any mind to the pretty blonde with ravaged feet in tattered clothes just strollin’ on by.

Twas just another night in Lima, Ohio.

“Dem damn trucks” another man said loudly from his porch, “sounded like a dang tornado come through here.”

Where the hell was she? Why the hell was she there? And why couldn’t she turn around and walk out, find herself a hotel with a hot shower and some questionable room service?

Instead, an invisible force brought her here to SHADY ACRES.

SHADY ACRES, home to all sorts. Mostly, the type of people who wholeheartedly believe that the last words of the "Star-Spangled Banner" are "Gentlemen, start your engines."

SHADY ACRES, The type of place where their year-long, rotting  Halloween pumpkin on their porch has more teeth than their spouses.

SHADY ACRES, The type of place where they think loading the dishwasher means getting their wife drunk.


The rows of siding covered boxes began to space out, and she could see a light coming from a standalone at the very back of the park. Still a decent way away, but something about that “house” (generous description) made her feel comfortable. It was where she was supposed to be.

She continued to walk as the trailer got closer and closer still. She noticed there was a light on in what she would presume to be the kitchen. The only thing brighter in the darkness of the parks rear was that fucking door. Why would anyone put a new door on that piece of shit? Better yet, WHO put it on? She was getting frustrated now.

The fuckin’ door (because that all she could focus on) was only 50 yards away. The lawn was littered with old bicycle and car parts, with the trailer for a boat but no boat on it covered in rust and years of neglect. It’s Ohio, and deep into it at that. There isn’t suitable boating water for hundreds of miles so who the fuck would have a boat out her—



She turned her head around to see what looked to be a van rolling down the half-paved street. The headlights were blinding but she thought through squinted eyes she could make out a yellow hood.

Ducking behind another vehicle parked on the street, she posted up and waited to see who–or what–this was. Maybe she would get some damn answers!

As the van got closer she could make out that it was indeed yellow. Yellow with big red writing on the side.


–Damnit she was hungry, she’d been walking for a week or more.

It was, disappointingly, just DHL. Who even uses DHL anymore?

The van pulled up to the old rickety shack and a man hopped out, slamming the door behind him to shut in his overly loud country music.

The driver had a clipboard and walked up the lot towards the shiny fucking door when suddenly it opened. Coming out to greet him was a man in a tracksuit and slicked back hair.


It was fucking Jimmy.

This little slimeball was the inhabitant of the trailer? And if Jimmy was there, TK wasn’t too far behind………

Oh fuck, what had she just walked into?

“Just a receipt for all them parts,” said the driver. “And a bill from HIMS, for–ya know”

“Shhh….just give me that. Give me that and get the fuck outta here.”

“Maybe if you used HIMS more you wouldn’t be so ornery…”

“Okay I signed it just fucking go, you’ve done your job!”

“One more bill.”

“Oh jesus mary and fucking joseph what now! You can’t see I’m busy?!”

The driver looks around and the barren park, the pajama’d complainers long since back inside now.

“I brought that load to Charlotte, for ya. It was out of my network. I’ma need to get paid for that.”

–Jenny’s eyes went wide, and she brought her wet hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp. She KNEW she had recognized that voice. This was the driver who brought her and her present for Theo to Warfare…….but why was Jimmy involved? Why was TK’s—--oh god.

—She suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

“You did me a favor.”

“I used a company vehicle. I may get fired. Ima need to get paid for—”

Jimmy reaches into his tracksuit pocket and pulls a wad of cash out, shoving it in the man's chest.

Instead of leaving, however, the driver stands there and counts the cash.

“Met your buddy”, he says.

“Theo? You’re talking about Theo?”

“I don’t know his name. Mr. Price or some shit. Wears a cheap suit and patent leather shoes, a skinny tie. Carries himself like he means something to someone. Kind of a prick, to be frank.”

“Yah. That’s Theo. Big prick with a little prick, if ya know what I mean.”

“Sure do, HIMS.”

Jimmy inhales deeply, letting that comment slide.

“Okay, it's all here. Good on ya. If ya need another load just message—”

The door was shut again before the driver could finish his sentence. Jenny waited for him to back out and leave. After what seemed like a calendar year, she heard it.


The truck did a three point turn and burned out of there, kicking up mud behind it.

Her attention turned back to the shack with the overpriced door. Jimmy was there, which must mean TK was there. But why would she be compelled to walk all the way from North Carolina to this hovel in the sticks with Thunder Knuckles and his circus monkey?

She had to find out.

The trailer had to be 30 feet from her now, and through the dull thud of the rain hitting what used to be a yard, she thought she heard voices. Unmistakable, that was TK. But who else was in there?  Jimmy looks back and sees Jenny. He quickly walks over.

“Jenny, so, um, I didn’t actually tell Thunder Knuckles that you’re on his team yet. How about you wait outside? Just-”

Jimmy points across the road to some bushes.

“-over there, in the bushes. It’ll be fine.”

What an odd request, Jenny thought.

“Sure, are we going to surprise TK?”

Dumbfounded Jimmy replies.

“Yep. It’ll be a surprise. Just wait for my signal.”

“What signal?”

“I’ll open the door and wave you over.”

“Right. Got it.”

Jenny has been waiting for like ever, her legs hurt and she needs to use the bathroom. She finally caves, walks aross the street, and slapped the new shiny door with a muddy hand a couple of times. The voices stopped. Footsteps like gunshots across the creaky floors behind the pearly white entrance to hell. But it didn’t open. She slapped it a few more times.

It opened.

Thunder Knuckles stood there, looking aggravated. Once he saw Jenny standing there his expression changed.

“Sorry about your door.”

He huffed, looked over at Jimmy, and mumbles something, but wasn’t as mad as he woulda been had it been someone with smaller tits.

He stepped aside and Jenny walked into the trailer, looking around. It had been the first time she had been anywhere but in the elements in over a week. She felt so good getting out of that coffin but now the claustrophobia came back all over again. God this place was small.

She turned her head, and sitting in the kitchen was the legendary Doctor D’Ville. He had a glass of whiskey in front of him and was puffing on a cigar. These two, and more specifically her beau Chris Chaos, sure had history and not all of it was pleasant. One thing is for sure, despite personal feelings, he is one of the best to ever do it.

“Hi Doc.”

He nods, taking a drag of the cigar.

“Where’s Mad Dog”?

TK thumbs towards the bathroom, just as the toilet flushes. Mad Dog comes out double fisting PBR’s and belches loudly.

“Well, that answers that. Hiya MD!”

He nods as well, taking a large swig from one of the cans.

“I heard another voice from outside. Someone else here?”

Doc chimed in. “Mr. Tiberius was for a second, but he poofed.”

“He’s a poofer.”

“The poofiest for fucking sure.” TK chimed in.

“TK can I use your bathroom, it’s been a long trip.”

“Jesus Christ, yeah, but I’m out of shit tickets so.”

“Just use your hand girl and wash up after.”

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 6 users Like Jenny Myst's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-27-2023), King Kieran (05-27-2023), Mark Flynn (05-27-2023), Theo Pryce (06-04-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-27-2023), Vita Frickin Valenteen (05-28-2023)

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