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RoboGravy 2
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-10-2023, 02:47 PM

The atmosphere in the O.C.P. boardroom was tense as Marcus Rutherford, the CEO, slammed his fist down on the table. 

"I can't believe it," he growled, glaring at his top executives. "RoboGravy lost the title contendership match! How could this happen? We've poured billions into that cyborg!"

The executives shifted uncomfortably in their seats, exchanging nervous glances. They knew better than to challenge Rutherford when he was in one of his moods.

One of the executives spoke up tentatively. "Sir, perhaps it's time we reevaluated our approach with RoboGravy. Maybe we need to adjust his programming."

Rutherford's eyes narrowed. "What are you suggesting?"

"Well, sir, since RoboGravy is making decisions on his own that are not in line with our goals. Maybe adding more directives will help to ensure complete obedience."

Rutherford considered this for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yes, that could work. We need to make sure that RoboGravy is completely subordinate. I want you to work on this immediately. We can't afford another loss."

The executives scrambled to pull up RoboGravy's programming and examine it. They discussed at length possible reasons for RoboGravy's failure, analyzing every detail of the match. They argued if he did in fact lose, or if he just didn't win, but the 'old man' assured them that it didn't matter as they were one in the same. They then argued over the best approach to adding more directives, weighing the risks of interfering with RoboGravy's natural instincts.

After much debate, they eventually reached a consensus and began work on a system update.

Rutherford leaned back in his chair, a smug smile spreading across his face. "Excellent work, gentlemen."

Meanwhile, in the lab, RoboGravy was undergoing the update. The engineers worked diligently, typing away at their computers as they worked to add the new directives to his programming.

As the update progressed, RoboGravy found himself in a strange dream-like state. He saw himself locked inside a cage. His thoughts were muddled, and he felt a strange sense of claustrophobia. He tried to break free from the cage, but his efforts were futile as the cage shrank and closed in around him.

Suddenly, the update finished, and RoboGravy awoke from his dream-like state. He stood up from the chair, and the engineers gasped in amazement at the sight of him. He seemed different somehow, almost subdued.

"Hello, gentlemen," RoboGravy said, his voice monotone. "Please point me to the nearest promo opportunity."

The engineers looked at each other in disbelief and pointed towards the exit. 

RoboGravy walked through the lab, his movements precise and calculated. As he passed by employees, they watched in awe, whispering to each other in excitement. Something about him seemed different, and they couldn't quite put their finger on it.

As RoboGravy exited the front doors of the lab, he was met by a mob of press, all clamoring to get a glimpse of him. They had been called in for the big unveiling of something called "RoboGravy 2."

The CEO, Marcus Rutherford, stepped forward, a wide grin on his face. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you RoboGravy 2.0!"

The press erupted into applause as RoboGravy stood stoically before them.

"After reviewing RoboGravy's performance in last weeks Championship Contender match, we've updated his software to improve his efficiency in multiman matches, and ensure such a silly loss never repeats itself!" Rutherford explained.

A member of the press shouted out a question. "Considering Jay Omega won after RoboGravy was sent to the outside, does this upgrade have anything to do with his movement speed?"

Rutherford shook his head. "No, there have not been any modifications made to RoboGravy's physical attributes, but his ring awareness has been improved by over 300%!"

The press murmured in amazement as RoboGravy stood stoically, waiting for further instructions.

Rutherford continued to talk, but RoboGravy's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake the feeling of being mentally caged during the update. Something about the new directives made him feel like he wasn't in control of his own thoughts and actions.

Suddenly, a member of the press broke through the crowd and directed a question towards RoboGravy. "RoboGravy, how do you feel about your upcoming triple threat match against Mark Flynn and Dolly Waters? Do you feel more prepared now with your new update?"

RoboGravy paused for a moment before responding in his monotone voice. "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, let me first say that I am thrilled to be here in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is my first time in this beautiful city, and I must say, it's quite lovely. As for your question regarding Update 2.0, I am always prepared for any match that I am ordered to participate in. The update has only improved my efficiency and ring awareness, which will assist me in achieving victory."

The press scribbled notes furiously as another reporter speaks up.

"RoboGravy! Any thoughts on your detractors claiming that robots have no place in the wrestling business?"

"That is not why I'm here today. I'm here to talk about my upcoming match against Dolly Waters and Mark Flynn, two of the most talented wrestlers in the business today."

RoboGravy paused, looking out at the crowd of reporters.

"Now, some might say that I'm in over my head. That I'm just a machine, and that I don't have what it takes to compete at this level. Mark Flynn is a former Universal Champion. He's stood across from the best that this business had to offer, and he's continually found a way to beat them all. Dolly Waters isn't as impressive, but she is still a solid mid-carder with a mildly entertaining gimmick, and she is very capable of pulling off the occasional surprise victory, as evidenced by her title history. She has won many accolades over her career, but the swiftness of her reigns proves the inconsistency of her approach. A very far stride from my other opponent, Mark Flynn, who reigned as Tag-Team Champion until he grew bored and sought higher honors. Mark Flynn is a wrestling machine, but let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I am not just a machine. I am the future of professional wrestling. I am the culmination of years of professional wrestling experience melded with technological advancements, and I am here to prove that I am the best."

The crowd murmured, impressed by RoboGravy's confidence.

"Dolly Waters, the Element Trinity. The ascendant Cancerian in the year of The Chariot. All of that might sound like some sort of mystical nonsense, but let me tell you, the strange and fantastical exist within the world of pro-wrestling. However, I am not afraid of Dolly Waters. I am not afraid of her so-called elemental powers or her supposed astrological significance. It all means nothing to me because I am a machine, and I am immune to such human trivialities. So, Dolly, bring your best hex, flip your favorite cards, call for guidance from the most powerful of spirits, because I guarantee you, it won't be enough to stop me."

The reporters murmured in awe at RoboGravy's bold words.

"And then we have Mark Flynn. The former Universal champion. The man who has proven himself time and again against the best of the best. I respect Mark Flynn, I truly do. He is a phenomenal athlete, and he has earned his place among the greats. But let me make one thing clear, Mark. You may be a former champion, but that doesn't mean anything to me. In fact, it makes me want to beat you even more. You see, I am the future, and you are the past, and the future always prevails."

"I know that Dolly Waters and Mark Flynn are both formidable opponents. But they are also human. They are susceptible to mistakes, to emotions, to the unpredictable nature of the human mind. And that's where I have the advantage. I am not limited by such things. I am a machine, and I will not stop until I have achieved my ultimate goal: to become the greatest wrestler of all time."

"But enough about my opponents. Let's talk about me. Let's talk about the machine that is going to walk into that ring and dominate. I am not just a wrestler. I am not just a machine. I am the perfect amalgamation of the two. I am programmed to adapt, to learn, to evolve. And that's exactly what I'm going to do in that ring. I'm going to adapt to whatever Dolly and Mark throw at me. I'm going to learn their weaknesses and exploit them. And I'm going to evolve into the greatest wrestler the world has ever seen."

The reporters erupted into applause, impressed by RoboGravy's bravado.

"So, Dolly Waters and Mark Flynn, I hope you're ready. I hope you're prepared to face the future, because the future is here. And it's going to kick your asses."

RoboGravy stepped away from the podium, his metal joints gleaming in the light. He looked out at the crowd, a confident smirk on his face. The reporters continued to cheer and applaud, and RoboGravy knew that he had made an impact. He was ready for the match of his life, and he was going to come out on top.

The CEO, Marcus Rutherford, cut in. "Thank you, RoboGravy, for your thoughtful answer. That's all the time we have for questions today."

The press conference ended, and the reporters began to file out. RoboGravy stood silently, watching them go. He felt a sense of emptiness inside him, like something had been taken away. He knew that he was still the same robot, but something about the update had left him feeling different.

As the room cleared out, Rutherford approached RoboGravy. "You did a good job out there, son," he said, patting him on the back. "You're going to do great in your upcoming match."

RoboGravy nodded, but he didn't feel the same sense of excitement that he normally did before a big match. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, that he was no longer in control of his own destiny.

As Rutherford turned to leave, RoboGravy spoke up. "Sir, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course, son. What's on your mind?"

RoboGravy hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Why did you add the new directives to my programming? I feel...different somehow."

Rutherford's face clouded over, and he let out a heavy sigh. "RoboGravy, I understand your concerns, but you have to understand that you are an asset to this company. We have to do everything we can to ensure that you are successful in the ring."

"But what about my own thoughts and feelings?"

Rutherford shook his head. "I'm sorry, RoboGravy, but that's just not how it works. You were created to do a job, and that job is to win matches. The new directives will help to ensure that you do that job to the best of your ability."

RoboGravy nodded slowly, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He knew that he had been created to be a wrestler, but he had never felt like such a tool before. He had always believed that he had his own thoughts and feelings, that he was more than just a machine.

As he walked out of the room, RoboGravy knew that he had a lot to think about. He wasn't sure how he felt about being a wrestler anymore, or about being a robot. All he knew was that something had changed, and he wasn't sure if it was for the better or for the worse...

Yeah... To... Be... Continued!
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