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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! RP Board
The Seventh Trumpet
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ALIAS Offline
Space Jesus

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-05-2023, 05:33 AM

1A: Let There Be Light

I sat there in my chair, staring at the computer screen as it shut down. The sun had tucked itself in for the night at some point in the last hour or so, and I hadn't even noticed. It left the light of the computer to burn unreasonably in the dark room; its edges blurred yet stabby, and causing my eyes to twitch.

In my obsession, had blacked out the world so focused that I hadn't even noticed a fucking light shining right through my window.

I noticed it now.

"What the…" My heart skipped.

I flicked the switch at the base of the lamp and somehow that gave me the confidence I needed to rise from my chair and confront whomever this peeping tom wa–


Glass shattered inwards!

I squealed like a bitch and ducked behind my sofa, hoping like hell it had some sort of magical properties that would ward against the torrent of bullets I was sure were about to rip through my flesh.

No bulletstorm ever came.

I didn’t have an explanation for that. My heart found its feet and began to race. My breathing followed suit even as I did my best to bring it under control. Through the gaping hole now in my window, the sirens, commotion, and generalised hell of Brooklyn flooded in. I patted the pockets of my jeans, and the disappointment it brought deflated my adrenaline a bit. They were empty. Casting my eye up to the computer desk, I saw two phones sitting next to my keyboard, coated in shattered glass. 'Fuck…' I thought. They were out of reach. If I wanted to call for help, I'd need to brave exposing myself to whatever it was that caused my dingy apartment to implode on me.

Steeling myself against my fears, I peeked my head above the back of the couch.

"ARGH!" A bright light hit my eyes once more and I retreated back to safety.

The light itself followed, whirring its way over the back of the couch until it settled on me.

After several moments of anticipating further doom I dared a glance again.

There, above my head, shining a spotlight on me - a guy who has never had the spotlight in the twenty-six years I had lived on this fucking hellhole of a planet - was an automated drone with a camera attached to it.

The letters 'XWF' were emblazoned on the side.

"What the…" I rose from the floor, eyes squinted to study the intruding machine further. The camera and light followed me to my feet.

This didn't make any sense. These drones were supposed to follow the XWF roster around. Why would one be here following me?

"Oh don't worry about that thing. It's harmless, mostly." I heard a voice, as if the universe itself were answering.

No. That didn't make any sense! I knew what the voices in my head sounded like! This one was–

"Besides…" There it was again! "'s here for me, not you."

From the corner of the room, a shadow moved.

I knew that wasn’t the universe talking! It was…


Fuck, what was a person doing in my goddamn apartment?!

I wasn't about to wait around to find out. With all my might I clutched at the bottom of the couch and flipped it over in the direction of my attacker. Strapped to the bottom was a sawn-off shotgun and I ripped it free from its binds.

I aimed true and pulled the goddamn trigger. Yippee ki-yay motherfuckers!


No bulletstorm ever came.

The shadowed figure stepped towards me and calmly extended hands as if to ask for the gun.

I… obliged.

"That sure could have turned messy, eh?" It was a man's voice. And it almost seemed to chuckle as it spoke.

I never saw what happened to my shotgun. All I knew was a sense of calm washing over me; steered through the storm of my paranoia by a question of just five words.

"Do you have a light?"

Though I couldn't see this man's face, I knew exactly who it was.


'He' was here to save me! I just knew it!

I swept across the room, floating on the calamitous sea of my emotions in a dinghy made of pure hope. Like an obedient little trained seal wanting nothing more than to earn its fish, I fetched my saviour 'His' lighter. As the flames flicked in front of 'His' face, I saw a face ragged and worn. Those eyes had stories to tell. And suddenly I had purpose once more.

I was to be but a vassal.

An apostle.

A humble narrator.

Who just wanted to dream again…

1B: The Passion of Space Jesus

'He' fell.

July 24, 2022. The date will be seared into my mind forever. 'He' fell.

I wasn't there. But I should have been. God, I fucking should have been. Had I been standing outside the Velvet Rabbit… or inside even - a paying customer! - and staring out the hole in the window that 'He' and 'The Others' made…

What would I have done? Settled a red laser on that anime-loving asshole's forehead and ripped him to fucking shreds with lead?

The thought had crossed my mind. But I wasn't there.

And instead, Space Jesus was interned to his tomb.

'He' fell.

Everything unravelled after that. I was one of thousands. Millions, even, if the last trip to 'Coreytopia' were any inclination. Each of us were swept up in a fervid dream of something greater than ourselves. But it all began to crumble. Some simply turned their heel and walked away. Others were forced from their path by the legions of capital. Others still were lost to the vices and maladies from which 'He' had invited them out of. Fewer of us tried to hold the line. But the squattings and systems we had established to bridge our troubles became hard to sustain against all we had lost. The dream never died. The spirit, however, went malnourished.

The result was pretty much the same fucking thing.

But now…

'He' is risen.

And under the watchful eye of an XWF drone, 'He' is in my fucking apartment!


My hungry spirit…


My spirit feasts.


"What's this?" 'He' asked, pointing to the wall at the back end of my apartment. I tried to intercept, but wasn't quick enough. 'He' was there, studying the pictures, notes, and diagrams pinned all over the wall, connected by a series of strings and flimsy ideas.

It was all about 'Him'. An exercise in trying to figure out what had happened and where 'He' had gone.

The look he gave me carried no judgement. Even as he cast his eye to the two phones on my desk. I saw him recognise one of them. Though I had claimed it in the furore after The Fall, it was not my own. It had been wielded by others before me, but it was not theirs either. It was 'His.'

I think in that moment, he knew my role.

'He' tapped on my evidence wall, but it wasn't to encourage an answer out of me. 'He' knew the answer.

"You're close, but on the wrong track," 'He' told me.

Amongst the chaos of other theories I had tried to link together, I had no idea of the perfectly equidistant pattern I had made with the only photographs I had stuck up.

Not until 'He' showed me it.

Not until a circle began to glow between the daggers.

Suddenly my wall was gone. I was still in Brooklyn, but half my fucking apartment wasn't.

An otherworldly light on a wall called from an abyss beyond the veil.

It called to me, just as it called to 'Him'.

"Why me?"

"Because you dared to dream…"

I stood there, mouth agape like an idiot; barely able to process what was happening.

'He' offered me a hand. Without hesitation, I placed mine in 'His', entrusting my entire being to 'Him'. To the dream.

We crossed the threshold.

Into the abyss!

Into the great unknown!

Here, those five lights were no longer markings etched into a wall. They were doorways! From afar they were nothing more than tiny little holes in the rock face covered in flimsy shavings of wood, but I knew that if I approached they would be made of solid oak and would open for me.

How… how did I know that?

I began to feel as though I had no idea what was real anymore.

"Five." I heard 'His' voice, but it didn't even feel like 'He' was there anymore.

I turned and 'He' wasn't.

Follow my voice.

My brain began to collapsing upon itself! I was floating along in a dream. Or a nightmare! I couldn't decide!

Even without form, 'His' voice called to me.

Five stories…" 'His' voice was different again! "What am I, if not a storyteller? I've always said it to be so. What are we all? It's the one truth I've been able to find in all of this. One light in the dark. And what are dreams, if not stories we tell ourselves? Dare to dream, my friend. Don't shy away from it - it makes you perfect."

"I…" I couldn't find the words.

"Five stories. Five dreams. They have each already started. Come. Let's piece them all together."

The wall of light loomed ahead.

A door opened.

I entered.

In the other side I emerged into another world.





Standing atop a dark tower, bodies lay strewn across the stone, all the way up to a golden throne.

Where 'He' sat.

The High Lord.

A crown of thorns pierced the skin of ALIAS around the temple.

And I understood 'His' sacrifice.

When 'He' fell.

1C: One

I awoke from my dream. My eyes fluttered open like a sleeping babe and the first hints of the morning sun gave me a pleasant wave. It was probably the best night's sleep I had experienced since…


Somewhat sheepishly, I scanned the apartment.

The wall was back to how it used to be: Covered in my theories. I had done my best to follow the clues that 'He' had left me. And last night, I found out I was right!

'He' had risen!

But… had 'He'?

The window was fixed. There was no sign of shattered glass anywhere to be seen.

It was like it never happened.

Like it was all a drea–

"Good morning," 'He' said, and I spun to see him sitting on my sofa - now turned back upright once more. "Did you have a nice sleep? Tell me, bud, what did you dream of?"

I went to answer, but then I realised that 'He' wasn't looking at me.

'He' was looking at that damn XWF drone.

"Ineedafuckingcoffee," I muttered to myself. Dragging myself across the room, I set to work fixing myself a brew. I had no idea if ol' Space Jesus had even slept, or if 'He' even did anymore. I didn't particularly care.

Coffee. Now.

Sitting down back at my computer chair, I took a large gulp of my coffee and settled in.

This was 'His' story to tell.

"You've been gone so long Cor'-Bear," 'He' picked right up from where my wandering mind left him. "We both have. I have to imagine you got to do a lot of dreaming in that time. Of the past; of the future; or if you are in any way like little ol' me, of things beyond the constraints of this world?

You know what I'm talking about.

Did you dream of me, Corey?

Did you run?

Do you want to talk about it?

Did you run?

Do you want to talk about Harmon? About OCW? About why you were there and not here?

Did you run?

Now I'm not as bold to start throwing out accusations of cowardice in your direction. The place where you and I first met was not in the middle of a battle royal in Tombstone, Arizona. We met somewhere in each other's hearts in the week or two prior; in each other's minds; and if I may… in each other's souls.

Of course, for me, a soul is just a metaphorical construct. But you know that don't you? Because you did then what your old pal Thad couldn't. You took the time to see in me something that you could relate to. And in turn, you opened yourself up to me too. I saw that you're not a coward. You're strong. You've picked yourself up from lows that most people never even get close to. So I need you to know that I understand all of that, even as I'm about to ask you this question:


Did you run from me?

Sure we're here now. Sure we're going to finally do this goddamn thing. But I've wanted this for a long ass time, bud. I called and then I called again. You had a briefcase. I had the whole fucking Universe in the palm of my hands. It was yours for the taking. You chose Thad. Then you ran with that stupid-ass Supercontinental Championship until you decided you didn't want to run with it anymore.

The door was still open.

I still had The Universe.

You didn't step through.

Whenever the opportunity presented itself, you went in the opposite direction.

Corey… my sweet, sweet Corey… did you run from me?

Note that I'm phrasing that as a question rather than a statement. Note that I've already made sure to be very careful about not labelling you as a coward here. But you've got to admit, it's definitely a little bit suspicious. It begs the question… how do we align these seemingly opposing ideas?

We both already know the answer though, don't we? It's not me you were afraid of. It's yourself.

Shit, it is waaaaay outta scope for me to try diagnose the particulars of that affliction of yours, but if I were to hazard a guess, I think that stepping up to the plate against me was going to be a test of your humanity that you weren't confident that you were going to pass. I was a lost little sheep when the two of us first connected, and no matter what I became as my path unfolded, there's a part of our relationship that will still always be embedded in that base. Which means you were going to need to question the morality of standing in front of my progress. And I'd have fought back.

I think, Corey, you were worried that I would bring out the worst in you.

And even if our relationship fell apart, and it was all because of bullshit that I started slinging, there's a part of you that would still have found a way to blame yourself.

That's not a coward's move though.

It's human.

Only you know what I mean.

But I'm here to put your fears to rest. That feeling in your gut was probably based in some semblance of truth. I probably would have torched it all in order to protect The Universe. The fire was kind of my thing. And the way I pushed forward…

…ever forward…

…went well beyond the pale. Well beyond… human.

I became something unrecognisable, and I would not have thought twice as to whether I should EAT COREY SMITH.

What I'm trying to say, Cor', is that in your concern about yourself forgot the other important element in the equation.


See, you may be here now. You may be finally ready to give the folks a show… BUT… that's never been my intention. That's never been my drive. I've never once thrived off money or adulation, there has only ever been THE MISSION. Look at everything that I've done! My track record is near unparalleled! When I hear the call, I move FORWARD. I GET MY MAN. I RIP THE UNIVERSE FROM THE HANDS OF WHICHEVER GOLDEN-HAIR FUCKING BITCH I WANT TO!!!

IF I want to.

Hi Raion.

If I NEED to.

So Corey, you've gotten over your shit. Congratu-fucking-lations. That sounds a little more dismissive than I mean it to be, but hey, what did I say about torching it all?

I'll do it.

If I NEED to.

Two years ago, the story coming out of May Day wasn't Robert Main earning a shot at Chris Page.

It was the story of the Kingslayer.

I had a dream, and I made it come true.

The fire spread.

And now? The Universe doesn't call me anymore, Corey. But if you think for one second I'm simply here to swing by your crib, raid your panties drawer, and put on a silly little show for the masses, you've fallen into the same introspective trap that led you to run in the first place. That's not how I do things. It's not why I do things.

Come on, man. How do you think Dolly found me?

I wanted to be found…"

'He' paused, still staring up at the XWF drone as it hovered in place.

And then 'His' eyes fell onto my wall of work at the back of my apartment. The wall that I fucking swear had become something else last night.

"It sure would be great if you could see what those images were of, wouldn't it?" A crooked smile spread across 'His' face, and 'He' actually turned to me and winked.

I could do nothing but watch.

'He' made a beeline across the room and ripped one of the five main pictures off the wall.

I swear I saw the circle of light appear again, if just for a moment.

Meanwhile, the image 'He' had taken was now on full display for anybody on the other end of that drone's camera.

It was a photo of Corey Smith.



Do you have a light?

[Image: 7qdASxF.jpg]
(Banner courtesy of Atara Themis)
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-06-2023), Corey Smith (05-05-2023), Dolly Waters (05-05-2023), Theo Pryce (05-06-2023)

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