Michael was standing behind the bar of The Dirty Goose Saloon. He owned the place after the last owner sold it to him and went on his way to the next step in their life. Michael didn't change the place much, maybe a new door here or new lights, stuff like that. He didn't see why he should change it. Many people came here, it was like a second home to them. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Michael was puffing away on a cigar and cleaning a whiskey glass when the door opened to the saloon. McBride looked up to see his friend Luna walk and make her way to the bar. She took a seat.
"Sup McBride? How's the day going?"
Luna Hightower was a pale skinned woman with blue hair put in a high ponytail. She was dressed in a black sports bra, cargo pants and black combat boots. She was part of the crew that their friend Shelby ran.
"Eh, It's a slow night. No fights thus far but the night is young."
"Well, that's good news. Last time I was here, there was a gun fight. That was fun."
"Yeah, for us. Not them."
Michael laughed and shook his head before setting the glass down.
"So, what ya havin' tonight lass? Whiskey? Beer?"
"Beer tonight, we got a job tomorrow. The Russian mob hired us to go get a package but I'm sure it won't be that easy. It never is."
Michael nodded. "That's the truth. What time are we going? Should I ask Jill to watch the Saloon?"
"Why don't you close it for the night?"
"Fuck that. People need their vice, plus in all the time we have been here in the city, has this place ever been closed?"
Luna thought for a moment and shook her head.
"True, so yeah, ask Jill to run it for tomorrow night."
McBride nodded before grabbing Luna a beer bottle, as he set the beer down, he looked up at the entrance of the saloon and saw someone standing in the door. It was a woman. A woman he had known a long time ago. Luna looked at Michael's eyes and turned her head around and saw the stranger as she walked up to the bar. There was something Luna didn't like about this new person. Michael took a drag from his cigar and blow out the smoke into the air.
"Hello Michael. It's been a long time."
Michael gave a small chuckle.
"Aye. That it has been. Last time I saw ya was in Dublin. When ya were workin for the C.I.A. and now twenty years later. You show up in me saloon. Why is that, Lisa?"
"It's Rachel now and I don't work with The C.I.A. anymore."
"So, you're a retired spook now?"
"Something like that but I wanted to talk to you. I need your help."
"Boy it feels great to be back and I have to say, it's going to be a fun ride. My last ride and the first stop is with you Mister Rabid. This is going to be fun and let me be the first to welcome you to The XWF. It's a great place and a bit crazy or rather a lot crazy but you'll get used to it. "
Michael laughed.
"Trust me, you'll get used to it, so don't let that bother you. I've been out of the game for some time now, so I can't say I have heard of you from other places, and I don't mean that as an insult. I'm just not on the up and up with younger gen of wrestlers but know that I will not take you lightly. I'm going to go all out but I do have ring rust and that's okay. It will be a good warm up for the both of us. So, make sure you are ready to have a wrestling match. I'm going to put you through the ringer and test your limits, win or lose. You'll know that you were in a match. This is just the start of your XWF career and your first opponent is one of the Top 50 in the company. I can't wait to see what you will bring to the XWF. I'll be helping you and you will be helping me to get back into that ring and kick ass. So thank you for that. I'll see you on Saturday lad. Let's put on a show."