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Goth vs Ring Master rp 2
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Goth Offline
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02-09-2023, 01:36 PM

OOC: It has been a tough week for me irl with a certain death in my family approaching. But wanted to finish this rp.

My suffering is a blessing

“A swollen sun melting in the horizon
Between the sheets where I wait for her to cum
A living flame, impossible to resist
Burning me deep with every bite, kiss and lick
I'm haunted
I'm haunted
I'm haunted (by her)
Invades my sleep with tumescent intentions
Hades I'm sure must be missing a demon.“

The shot opens up inside a dark bar, Goth and Melissa are seen inside the bar in a dark corner. They are busy discussing something while drinking their glasses of whiskey, something that Goth has not done in quite a long time after his alcohol abuse that he had endured.

“Gerrit? Are you sure you want to do this??“

The shot turns towards Goth, who looks like he has not slept for days. The wells underneath his eyes are clearly visible, his face hasn’t been shaven in a while either as we see his eyes move around in clear fear.

“I need to find a way to shut her out Melissa….“

The words causes his fiancé to roll her eyes as she places her hands against her head and starts to shake it in disbelief.

“Let me guess, Lady Ashe??“

The mere mention of the name of the ghost that has been haunting Goth’s mind triggers him, quickly pushing his hands towards her in order to silence her. The sudden reaction from Goth causes Melissa’s eyes to widen as silver platters as this reaction from her causes Goth to get startled. He quickly pulls his hands away from her.

“Forgive me, I…. I overreacted.. I…“

Goth has his head between his arms, lowering it to the table out of shame as he is too scared to look at his fiancé. Who immediately extends her hands towards him, wanting to caress his arms to calm him down. Only to find him tense up, pulling his arms away from her out of fear as he looks around in fear before turning his attention back to Melissa.

“Yes, she is scaring me….“

The truth in his words causes Melissa to raise her eyebrow in surprise, she had never heard him ever use the word scared when it came down to any of his opponents or people in general. Realizing that this “ghost” must really gotten underneath his skin, causing her to prevent him to reach for the glass of whiskey that he had already drank away half of the content.

The touch of her soft hand causes his hand to shake, quickly placing his other hand on top of his wrist in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent her from noticing it. Their eyes meet halfway, causing Goth to notice the concern in her eyes, causing a tear to emerge from his left eye as he feels he has failed her. He quickly drops down to his knees, grabbing both hands as he stares into her eyes with desperation in his eyes as he attempts to make things better.

“You know I love you right???“

“Gerrit.., I….“

Goth places a hand upon her mouth, trying to silence her as his hand is shaking uncontrollably. He grinds his teeth, focussing upon calming down as he can find the right words to say.

“I love you Melissa and I want you to know that I am not crazy.“

Melissa grabs his hand and lets the back of the hand caress her cheek as she keeps her focus upon his eyes.

“I know you aren’t Gerrit, but I believe you need help.“

The words of concern causes Goth to get upset as he jumps up to his feet and stares at his fiancé in anger.


The sudden reaction startles Melissa, causing her to cry as she lowers her head as it falls into her hands. Goth feels the shame falling upon him as a sudden shadow falls over him. He wants to lean down before his fiancé, but he notices that she is no longer there as well as he is no longer inside the bar.

“Oh God, not now!!!!“

He is twisting and turning his head, looking around if the area that he is in seems recognizable. Whispering to himself that this is nothing more than a dream, that he cannot be hurt. When all of the sudden he feels two hands squeeze his throat muscles, causing him to be unable to breath. His hands instinctively reach over towards his throat, feeling the sharp finger nails digging into his flesh while pulling him up higher and higher off the ground. He feels his body suddenly seemingly become paralyzed, helpless to whatever assault Lady Ashe has got in store for him.

“Did the little bug caused issues with his fiancé??“

The voice of the vampire causes the anger to grow inside of him, the realization of being so helpless against the torment that she has put upon him in the past. This causes him to willingly accept whatever fate she will bestow upon him, only to realize that her grip upon his throat is lessening.

“Is this how a king should behave Goth? To willingly surrender when things get rough??“

His bloodshed eyes stare her down, he feels her grip has let go off him as he lands on his own two feet upon a moss like surface. He lets the words sink in, realizing that she is not only referring towards his King of Kings monicker, but also for the March Madness tournament. Scowling at himself as he has forgotten the fact that he will be squaring off against the man they name Ring Master.

“You couldn’t have stayed away for a few moments longer?? I was about to….“

“Get down on your knees and beg Melissa for forgiveness?? Oh please Goth, I did you a favour this time.“

These words causes his blood to boil even further, causing him to verbally lash out towards Ashe.

“Why don’t you keep your freaking mouth shut for a change you damn leash!!! You have NEVER shown compassion towards anyone but yourself!!! So why would this be any different???“

Ashe is about to say something as Goth lashes out with an open hand strike against her face, causing her to touch her jaw with her long fingers and sharp finger nails.

“Did I tell you to speak you damn cunt!! I have allowed you to torment me for way too long!! I have allowed myself to make a deal with the fucking devil, but you stay away from the woman that I love damnit!!!!“

He turns around, staring into the void as he tries to contain his emotions and not want to show the tears of anger that are pouring from his eyes with a burning sensation. He closes his eyes for three seconds before reopening them as he notices the vampire slowly emerge before his eyes, this time she is wearing a white gown.

“Did it feel good Gerrit?? To unleash that aggression???“

He opens his mouth in order to lash out towards her some more, but decides not to. Her words have clearly sank into his mind as they had a purpose beyond angering him, this causes him to lower his head as he sighs.

“For fuck sakes, if I didn’t know any better I would say that you were trying to motivate me.“

He stares into her eyes as he notices her suddenly smiling, as this implies that he was wrong. This causes him to grab her by the throat, feeling his fingers to dig deep at pale white skin as her breathing seemingly starts to grow more difficult with every passing second.

“I DON’T NEED YOU!!! I neer needed you in the first place!!! So do me a favour, get out of my stinking life and never come back!!!“

He suddenly sees the face of his deceased wife show up instead of the spot where the vampire ghost was a few seconds ago. This causes him to hesitate for only a split second, only to recover his determination as he shakes his head and start to squeeze tighter.

“You…. Are… Not… My… Dead…. Wife….. “

The words slowly escapes his mouth with confidence as the visual of his dead wife slowly changes back to the ghost. Whose look on her face shows a sinister smile

“You are truly a fool to think that you could kill a ghost Gerrit…, you got a better chance against Ring Master.“

Goth suddenly gets thrown off of her by a seemingly invisible force, we see the vampire ghost emerge closer towards him before changing into the opponent of Goth. Who allows his hateful feelings towards her to take over his sanity, jumping towards the “Ring Master” that she has turned into.

“Is this what you want?? To have my aggression towards you to be implemented upon my opponent for this week?? Is this what you need!!! You didn’t deserve to even be allowed to swerve this planet!!!! You need to be inside that crypt that you were dropped in so many years ago!!”

“But I have to inflict my punishment upon “Ringmaster” That I wish to inflict upon you!!! Well fine!! If that’s the only way to finally be free?? Then so be it!!!!“

His eyes burn a hole into the figure that isn’t the real Ring Master, but Goth’s mental state is too far gone from caring who it really is. His loud breathing causes the figure to blink its eyes a few times as Goth slowly lowers his face towards his “opponent” for this Weekend Warfare.

“Has this been what you have been waiting for Ring Master?? To be up close and personal with the man that will annihilate you?? Oh yeah, strong words I know. But look into my eyes you dumb son of a bitch, I am desperate, I am begging every single day to have my mind erased from every single memory of that dumb bitch!! And you?? You are not even caring about acknowledging me!!! I guess it is true what they say Ring Master, inside those four corners you will be trapped as nothing more than a piece of meat that is being thrown inside a cage full wild animals. Ready to sink their teeth into the meat and blood that is inside of it. Slaughtered as you mean nothing to me!!!”

“No, that was insensitive. But reality is true that caring in this business will hold you back Ring Master, it will only allow the bane of my life to ruin everything that I have worked for since early 2000’s!!! The financial stability means nothing to me if I stare certain death in the eyes every single fucking day!!! And then there’s you…, the man that does not care. The man that lives his life and enjoys the fruits of your labour isn’t it? Well, that will all end Ring Master. Because when I suffer, I intend to drag every single human being along the path of misery until you beg me to be released from your misery. And seeing I am still the gentleman that I have always proclaimed to have been…. I will… because when I suffer, I prefer to suffer alone…. Because not you or anyone else in this stinking March Madness have the pain level that can endure what I have gone through and will go through until it’s over…. I see you this Saturday…. Just don’t expect anything glorious.“

Goth drops the “Ring Master” before walking off, causing it to slowly turn into a laughing ghost as the shot fades.

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