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The Gold Standard (Buster Gloves vs. Lexi Gold)
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Buster Gloves Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

02-04-2023, 12:22 PM

[The scene opens with Buster Gloves sitting behind a desk. Actually, it’s a cheap, breakable table he most likely found under the ring. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. A red tie dangling from his neck. A pair of thin glasses rests on the tip of his nose while he squints at the laptop screen in front of him. He’s hen-pecking on the keyboard, with a frustrated look on his face.]
BUSTER: "Ugh, I can't take it anymore. My stonks are down and my portfolio is just… boring."
[A charismatic voice answers from off-camera]
VOICEOVER: "Hey there.”
[BUSTER looks up. Startled. Then around the room at the ghost voice.]
VOICEOVER: “Hey! Guy with the laptop. Yes… you. Do you want to protect your wealth and secure your future?"
BUSTER: "Yeh. I do.”
[A loud metal switch is thrown and the room is flushed in yellow light]
VOICEOVER: "Then it's time to invest in… GOLD!"
[Buster straightens up in his seat.]
BUSTER: "Gold?”
VOICEOVER: "That's right! Gold has been a symbol of wealth and stability for thousands of years. It's a safe haven asset in times of uncertainty."
BUSTER: “But I don’t want any Gold.”
VOICEOVER: "Yes, you do! Everybody wants Gold. Investing in Gold is easy and accessible. So why wait?"
BUSTER: "I don’t know. How do I know if Gold is right for ME?
VOICEOVER: “Because we need to wrap up the scene and word count is running low.”
BUSTER: “Can I think about it first?”
VOICEOVER: "Absolutely not! Invest in Gold today. Invest in your future. DO IT NOW!"
Buster Gloves sits across from his girlfriend, Emily Simms, feeling uneasy. Ever since CCPE vs. the World, he’s been avoiding talking to her about his next big match. He’s done a pretty good job of hiding his feeling, but she’s growing suspicious. So, when he picks her up at the airport after her business meeting with the Pepsi Cola Company, she confronts him in the airport parking lot and refuses to get in his car.  
"Buster, what's going on?" Emily asks, studying him closely. "You've been acting so strange lately."
Buster sighs and rubs his temples. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. You’re distant. Did I do something wrong? Is there someone else?”
“It’s not that. It's a wrestling thing and I don’t wanna bother you about it.”
“Well, it’s making me feel like you don’t like me very much. Can you just tell me?”
Buster goes silent. “This match…" he says. "…against Lexi Gold… it scares me."
"You’re upset about Lexi? What for? She can’t beat you.”
“Yeh, I know. She’s been a real bitch to you lately and I should just kick her ass.”
“So, what’s the problem then?”
Buster hesitates, leans back against his truck, and looks down at the asphalt. "It's just... I’m not comfortable with it."
Emily furrows her brow. "What’s the big deal? Is it because she’s a woman?”
“There’s a coffin and snakes. The whole thing has me shook.“
Emily paces around the car and grabs Buster by the hand. “Look. You're one of the strongest people I know. Why are you afraid of some stupid snakes?"
"I don’t like snakes. I mean, I REEEALLY don’t like snakes. But that’s not even the worst part."
Emily sighs and wraps her arms around his waist, pressing her face against his chest. "Don't let Lexi Gold or her stupid snakes scare you. I believe in you."
Buster kisses the top of her head and the two of them make their way into the truck, but Buster stops before starting the ignition. Hands on the bottom of the wheel. "Do you remember all that stuff I told you about my addiction? Well, there's a part of that story I never told you.”


Go top off that cup your refreshments.

We'll be right back!!!!


“So, I tried to sell a stolen car to a gypsy.”
“Come again?”
“I met the guy in a bar. He said he’d buy the car if I brought it to his house. Only his house wasn’t a house. It was a compound. Like a trailer park with armed guards.”
“Did they buy it?”
“Like I said, I TRIED to sell it to them. But they just wanted to talk me into taking a bare-knuckle boxing fight.”
“You were a bare-knuckle fighter in a GYPSY fight club?”
“Kind of. Before I could fight, I had to meet with their mother. This group of gypsies all had the same mother. So, they worshipped this woman as some kind of mystic or something.”
“You’re making this up.”
“I shit you not, Emmy. So, they take me to this house. It’s a single wide trailer, wheels still on the house. They take me inside. Their mom is laying on her couch, watching The Price is Right, cigarette in her hand, oxygen tubes in her nose. She had these glowing green eyes that paralyzed me. They tell me to sit in a chair that’s covered in cigarette burns and tell me not to say anything."
“What did she say?”
“She offered me a deal. She told me that if I won the fight, she’d lift my curse of addiction.”
“And you did it?”
“I didn’t have a choice. I already committed to the fight. I didn’t think she could actually cure me, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.”
“So, what was the fight like?”
“They tried to make it seem legit. It was in some kind of cheap ball room in New Jersey. They had a cage and we had to do weigh-ins before the match. They were telling me my opponent just got off the couch, and he was soft and that he wasn’t very good. But right before I weighed in, they made me stuff rolls of quarters into my pockets.”
“Why would they do that?”
“This fucking guy looked like he’d been lifting prison weights every day for the last 5 to 10. I weigh in. I do the fight. I should have lost, but I’m resilient. He busted my face up real bad, before I choked him out. I guess I wasn’t supposed to win because all the gypsy brothers were fighting with each other afterwards. I thought they were gonna kill me. They took me to their mother’s house and made me sit on her cigarette burned chair while I waited. I was still bleeding at the time and needed a drink, but I was scared, so I just sat there.”
“Well, you aren’t dead now, so it must have worked out.”
“Yes… and no. I sat there for like 45 minutes. For the first 15 minutes they just argued. Then the boys left and for the next 30 minutes she was in the bathroom. The old woman flushes the toilet and comes out to see me with a little glass bottle in her hands. Inside is a glittery golden liquid and what looks like a tequila worm. I didn’t know if it was booze or poison or whatever, but she told me to drink it. She says ‘The cure to your addiction is gold. Use it for health. Use it for wealth. Gold will bring you fame and happiness and eventually it’ll bear you a golden child.’ I’m paraphrasing.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad. So, you drank it?”
“I did, but I left out the last part. She told me that gold would fix everything, but it would also be the death of me.”
“Like, it would kill you?”
“I don’t know. And I was too afraid to ask. So, I drank the potion/possible poison and left. I never came back. I never fought for them again. And I stopped drinking.”
“Just like that, it worked?”
“Just like that. I was afraid, but I wanted it to work too. So, either it really was magic, or I just believed it was. Doesn’t matter. I felt stronger, healthier, and happier than I had in years. I still do. But you can understand now, why I don’t want to wrestle Lexi Gold, especially in a dangerous match that involves snakes.”
“Actually, no, I still don’t understand.”
“I’m afraid to die! I should have never drank that potion!”
“If you hadn’t, you would probably already be dead by now. She told you what you needed to hear.”
“Maybe you’re right, but whenever I see gold, I go on high alert. I don’t wear gold jewelry. I don’t like golden retrievers. As soon as I win my first world championship, I’m getting a custom strap done in platinum.”
“My guess is that you feel powerless to this prophecy the same way that you felt powerless to your addiction. I think that’s why you haven’t won more wrestling championships already. Gold can mean a lot of things. It COULD be Lexi Gold. Or it could be a gold championship. Hell, it could be gold hair like mine. But you seem to like me an awful lot. So, get your shit together and take this bitch down already.”
Someone once told me that a gold mine is just a hole in the ground with a liar on top. That doesn’t necessarily mean that all gold is false. It just means that there are a lot of people out there claiming to hold the key to real, substantial treasure. I wonder if Lexi Gold is real or fake?
There’s a lot of trashy women in this sport who claim to be Goddesses. These blue-haired fake-ass raccoons are soulless husks that run their mouths when they want to look tough and bat their eyes when they need mercy. Lexi Gold is NOT one of those women. I’ve said way too many means things recently and I’m hurt some people with those words. That’s not how I want to do Lexi.
It’s not the match stipulation or the opponent I would choose for such a major event, and I still don’t understand how the Nevada State Athletic Commission approved it, but I fulfill my commitments. If this were a beauty contest, Lexi would have me beat. But King Ugly don’t wanna be Miss America. Hell, I don’t even want to be Miss Congeniality. I just wanna wrestle.
The ironic part about Lexi is that she’s so attractive, so charismatic, and also so completely awkward around other people. My guess is that somebody hurt her at some point and now she trust snakes and porcelain dolls more than flesh and blood. Lexi and I are about to get biblical with each other. Old Testament style. And then we can be friends.
LEXI! You’re about to get smacked in the mouth! All these months of working for any and every company is about to catch up with you. You’ve been spread WAAAY too thin. So thin that your sanity hangs in the balance. It would be my pleasure to bury you, in a casket full of your scaley friends, so that you may be reborn as a new, and improved Golden Goddess.
You need real friends. People in your life you can trust. Meet me in Las Vegas at the DPI and let’s become real friends who understand each other. You give me 100%, and I’ll give you a home. Not a mansion like the one you own and never have any time to live in. I’ll give you a friendship, with a colleague, who will back you up, 100 percent of the time.
You bring some of that weak shit I’ve seen against Emily Simms and I’m gonna OBLITERATE your ass and put you in the box. I’m tired of seeing you be passed around from federation to federation like a Girls Gone Wild tape. Show me that you have integrity.
Gold is a form of condensed chaos. I’ve been friends with chaos at times in my life too. Come on and walk a different path with me. Take my hand and stay golden.
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