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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
What is the world coming to?
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-31-2023, 02:10 AM

Oswald sighed, as he watched his match.

"It's a good thing I lost, even if I wasn't the one who got pinned. To have a pathetic excuse of a partner like that. She didn't truly believe in my message. She didn't truly believe in me."

He turned his television off, as he sat in his large couch in his large living room meant to host and entertain a party of people. It was almost sports bar like in the way there were several large t.v.'s that had different forms of entertainment. Wrestling for one screen, different action movies for another, ghost stories on cable television on another, horror movies being played right next to it.

The camera was then called for as he looked into it.

"My life. Looks like luxury, does it not?

It's a cage. Money is nothing, and it is the same as being poor. You feel like you can never go higher. You feel like you're stuck. I have all the money in the world, but I'm still stuck in this godforsaken cage, just mine happens to be gold instead of caesium. When you have money, things look bright, as if you could capture the very stars themselves, but it's always for a fleeting moment, before you are dragged back down, like Icarus and his wax wings, melted and crashing to the sea.

This is why it's always important to experience things at the top and at the bottom. Struggle happens at both ends of the stick while if you live in the middle class, you are always scared, even though you are the one holding it. You are the ones who choose who runs this company called government. Those cowardly sheep, full of animals playing at human with the one at top pretending to be the shepherd.

You, are the shepherd. If I could live a life in the middle, I would. The amount of suffering I could end by voting people into power! The amount of poor people that could join us instead of wallowing in the muck underneath your feet.

These are the things I aim to change in the XWF. You see, those at the top? Those who hold the titles hostage? They're nothing but the animals I spoke of. Except, they weren't voted in. No. They forced their way in. They waged wars in order to grab those titles, but how many of them actually deserve those belts? Some I agree with. Most of them, did they truly earn it? Or did they win the titles when the X-treme Title rules were a bit more... lax? When I held the title, it was conveniently changed. It was almost like by design. Like they knew Scully wouldn't defend the belt when I pinned, so they moved the goddamn goal posts on me.

How many of you have ever felt that way?

So close to being rewarded, holding what you thought was a great prize, only to have your own goal posts be moved? You got your prize, sure, but when the bigger prize is harder to receive when your predecessors barely had to do a goddamn thing, it's like a smack in the face, isn't it? Dance for us more, you fucking circus clown! Entertain us further!

I HAD BRAIN DAMAGE, AND THEY FUCKED WITH ME! They constantly fucked with me when I was nothing more than a Broken husk of myself. I needed help and instead the higher ups didn't give a shit! 'Fight more, boy!' 'Hurt yourself more, boy!' 'Boy, you better make us some motherfuckin' money as champion!'

I must've not done so. Because the man that broke me, was my first match defense. I had to go and get surgery to try and fix my mind after that match, which is why I had to essentially let myself be pinned and relinquished of the belt by a loss before my second defense.

They weren't going to let me have a continuation of that streak. I had defended that belt for a month, a week and a half, before I lost it and regained it the same night. That streak was going to be fucking rebooted. I knew it. I'm glad I had to get surgery instead of being fucking humiliated further, forced to fight for another month, defending against everyone, including Doctor D'Ville who was to be my next legitimate opponent.

I wasn't going to give them what they want. I wasn't willing to allow those above me to continue to profit off of my suffering, off of my mental damage! I wasn't going to let them try and move the goal posts even further out of my reach!

It's why I don't go for the title that much anymore. It seems like whenever they have a... unfavorable, champion, they choose to change the rules.

I don't expect to win this match, but I'm fucking going to try my damnedest, to prove them wrong. To change my fate. To change the fate of those who have ever felt like me; stuck in a cage where others determine how much you're suppose to work. Even when you attain that goal, they move it further away, to mess with you, to make you think it's unattainable, but laud how prestigious it is to be an X-Treme champion.

SO WONDERFUL! It's so fucking amazing! To put your body and mentality on the fucking line from any goddam hasbeen thinking they can steal it from you, would-be competitors that they think that would deserve the belt more than you no matter how hard you work, how much you deserve it over them.

I'm glad they are placing new rules on it every once in a while. Keeps people wondering when they're going to get fucked next by the next rule change. It's not worth my time anymore. I came to this company, originally, to grab that belt, and I've held it twice. I've no reason anymore to try to go after it, nor think of it as a belt that should be given such prestigious love as it is receives.

These briefcase holders who earn it that way, are going through the path of the least resistance. It's sickening, it's cheap and it's why people like me, will never receive the top prize. Those of you who are like me, you see what I mean. You fight, tooth and nail to get to the top, only to be told that someone else is considered more "that" person. The person who is willing to do everything they can to just cut the line, to be the Boss's best friend, while they do the least amount of work around you, but because that tongue is so good up there, they get all the lovely promotions and they get overtime pay without actually doing overtime. You do the same job, but they get more money than you.

That is what briefcase winners through the X-Treme Title are.

Now, what is all of this leading up to?

Well, to be considered the King of the XWF, or Queen if you identify as a female or feminine presenting. This is a tournament, that NO ONE can cut their lines into. No one can cash in and take the only true title, as in like Lord or Baron, or King. Not a championship belt. This title shows just who is actually worth their salt in this company. To show who is deserving to be seen as "that" person. Not because they chose the path of least resistance, but because they did it like us! They fought tooth and nail! They sweat, they bled, they cried through pain, in order to get to be called the top of the top, without needing a gaudy prize to wear around their waist. You win this tournament, no one can ever deny your superiority.

This is what I aim for. To show people like me, that are treated poorly, are capable of fighting from the bottom of the barrel and raise their stock until they become the cream of the crop! Oh yeah. So let us see how this goes, Sidney. Will you be capable of driving yourself to the top? Do you honestly see yourself all the way up there? Because if you beat me, then you can trust in one thing about me.

I will be there for you. I will help you to the best of my ability. If you never saw my last promo, then I'll tell you why I'd do it for you if I lose: Because I am someone who should have the respect and honor tied to someone who would be considered the elder statesman of this company. After all, I've been here for going to be on my 9th year. I'm one of the only wrestlers in this company that is still going in this company more often than the others from my era. They either left, were fired, or they're actually running the XWF right now.

But I'm not considered that. No one shows me the respect I actually deserve, and if I can't reach the end of this tournament the winner, then I will help you. I will guide you so that you never become like me. Without respect from most of your fellow wrestlers, even after years of dutiful service.

However, I am going to win. I speak of a hypothetical situation. Should you do win over me, you can believe in me, to be there in your corner. Should you win over me and lose, I will be there for those who keep going in the tournament, because I want to see people succeed where I failed. Where you failed. Where they failed.

You can believe me, when I say all that.

You should just believe me in general. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to anyone here. When I say something, when I promise something, I stay true to my word.

Believe in me, and you will go far.

Believe in me, and should I lose to you, I will help you.

Believe in me, and you can see a crown in your future.

Believe in me, and you will receive the kind of respect that is locked away from me.

All that I ask of you?

Is to believe, in me..."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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