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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-30-2023, 05:32 PM

[Image: qEIb8bF.jpg]

A replay of the closing moments of the 5 Count Match between Sidney Grey and Gina Van Zyl is shown from the January 12th edition of Anarchy…

[Image: BbV3NBt.png]

Sidney Grey’s body met the mat with murderous impact from the brutal belly to belly suplex from Gina Van Zyl. The young South African was quick to capitalize as she went for the cover and the crowd counted in unison with the referee…






The crowd erupted as the aging reality star managed to shove Gina off of her at the last possible moment. Sidney rolled out of the ring, stumbling to her feet as she collapsed into the commentator’s table, startling Vinnie Lane and Bama.

Inside the ring, Gina glared at the referee, her mouth hanging open in a look of utter shock, which quickly turned to blistering rage. “THAT WAS 5!!! THAT WAS CLEARLY A 5 COUNT!!!” The referee could only hold up their hands as they insisted that Sidney had beaten the count.

Vinnie Lane could only shake his head. “Man, Sass is getting a mouthful tonight.”

Vinnie’s announce partner, turned the attention to Sidney as she struggled to right herself against the announce table. “Is Sidney Grey okay? She's clutching her shoulder pretty tight here.”

Sidney was a worn and beaten mess and pain was etched deeply into her face. She fell against the announce table, stretching out her hand to Vinnie as she seemed to plead for his help. Vinnie seemed conflicted and unsure of what to do. “Oh damn, you injured Sid? Everything okay?”

Sidney shook her head, holding out her hand to him as she urged for him to take it. Eventually he took her hand and Sidney grabbed it with both of her own, thanking him profusely as she sobbed. Vinnie was confused, but Sidney suddenly pulled away and dropped to a single knee, seeming to quickly regain her composure.

Vinnie looked at Bama, shrugging his shoulders. “Weird.”

Bama looked down at Sidney as she continued to apparently gather herself. “What was that about?”

“Not a clue, dude.” Vinnie answered, turning his full attention back to the match.

Inside the ring, Gina finally turned her attention away from the referee who refused to hear her case. Her face was flushed with a mixture of frustration and anger. She was determined to end this, once and for all, and there would be no debate after she dropped Sidney for the final time. She gestured for Sidney to get back into the ring, which she seemed much more willing to do than she had earlier.

Vinnie froze, looking at his hands, then checking around the table frantically before looking back at Sidney as she wore a sadistic grin on her face. “Wait a minute... That crazy chick stole my Hall of Legends ring!”

Bama snapped back, “Oh snap, baby! That thing's crazy expensive!”

“Solid gold and bejeweled with diamonds, big too! ... And could do some damage... Oh I see... Man, I better get it back.” He sat back in his seat, an anxious look on his face.

In the ring, Gina charged at Sidney, peppering her elder countryman with lefts and rights before having her offense halted by a vicious chop to the sternum. Gina stumbled back, holding her chest for a moment, then let out a blood curdling cry of rage and anger as she charged at Sidney, looking to take her out of her boots with a crazed lariat. The reality star seemed ready for the charge as she sidestepped the wild attack with the sudden grace of a well-practiced bullfighter and connected with a haymaker right that smashed into Gina’s temple. The crowd let out a gasp as the young woman collapsed like a marionette that had its strings suddenly snipped.

The entire arena seemed to go silent as Sidney dove onto the motionless woman, with the referee diving in quickly to make the count.






The arena erupted into a chorus of boos as Sidney quickly secreted the ring away into her tights. She glared down at the still motionless Gina as the referee checked on her, a crocodile’s grin on her lips as she raised her hands in victory.

Outside the ring, Bama gave an approving nod. “Impressive display from Sidney Grey, experienced fighter and one wicked mind!”

Vinnie seemed far less impressed as he looked down at his bare fingers. “... I'm not getting my ring back, am I?”


XWF cameras caught up with the reality star as she made her way back to the locker room, looking worn and beaten from the fight, but a wry smile spread across her surgically inflated lips. Sid digs her hand into her tights, but quickly pulls it out as Steve Sayors approaches.

“Ms. Grey! Can I have a word?” Steve moves into prime interview position, microphone in hand. “First of all, congratulations on a successful, if not dubious victory here on Anarchy against Gina Van A-“

Sid quickly cuts him off, her smile contorting into a look of confusion and righteous indignation. “Dubious? DUBIOUS!” She screamed, causing Steve to take a step back. Sid raked the hair back from her face as she went nose to nose with the interviewer. “There was nothing dubious about what happened out there tonight! I told the world what would happen when Gina got into the ring with me, and true to my word, I put her down and now she can go back to burning tater tots and spaghetti-o’s on that dumb cooking show of hers!”

Steve musters the courage to confront her on what the entire world saw happen. “With all due respect, you clearly took something from Vinnie Lane and hit Gina with it!” Steve points to Sid’s tights. “You stuffed it in there!”

Sid’s mouth drops open as she takes a step back, looking horrified, then inexplicably, she steps up to Steve and slaps him so hard that he nearly falls down. “HOW DARE YOU?!” Sid menaces Steve as the commentator holds up his hands. “THIS IS HARASSMENT!”

Steve stutters as he backs away, one hand over his rapidly reddening cheek. “I-I WASN’T! IT’S JUST-JUST, WE ALL SAW…”


Fortunately, the censors were quick to blur out the image as Sid pulls down her tights and Steve covers his eyes as if someone had just lifted the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. The entire scene is utter chaos as security rushes in and it cuts to static.


“So, can we ask, what happened to the ring?” the Producer asked. 

Sid raised one of her eyebrows as she glared at the person behind the camera. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ring? What ring?!”


The confessional cut away to an earlier scene of a panicked Sid as she ran out of the shower, with a towel barely covering her. “I CAN’T GET IT OUT! IT’S STUCK!”

Sidney’s new Executive Assistant, Paula Shock-Smith got to her feet, panic spreading across her face as well. “Hold on Miss Grey, I’ll help you!” Paula switched on the flashlight of her cellphone and reached for the towel that covered her employer. “Let me see how far up it went!”

Sid slapped her hand away! “ARE YOU CRAZY?!”

Paula rubbed her hand, stepping away. Then another idea came to mind. She began hopping up and down. “Jump Miss Grey! Just jump until it falls out!”

Sidney groaned as she started jumping up and down, doing her best to dislodge the Hall of Legends ring. The two women both jumped around the locker room like a pair of lunatics, as the scene faded to black…


[Image: 6oIqqJi.jpg]

“So, I assume the ring has been taken care of?”

Sid rolled her eyes, giving a dismissive wave of her hand. “All of that is old news darling, just like Gina Van Zyl! She wanted to make an issue of things with me and she paid the price for it. All of that talk about me being old and not being able to beat her? Well, I think I proved to her and the rest of the world that I’m not only far from being old, but I can throw hands with anyone on the roster. I’m going to own Anarchy, just like I’m going to own March Madness!”

[Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]

[Image: CsJueL0.jpg]

When my first opponent for March Madness was announced as you, “Money” Oswald, I assumed I was being paired against a veteran because XWF recognized that it would take someone with as deep a knowledge of the ring as me, to be competitive. You’re one of the longest tenured wrestlers in all of the XWF and you’ve held championships, galore! A two-time X-Treme Champion, Hart Champion, Intercontinental Champion, and Anarchy Champion. XWF really knows how to put on a good show for the fans!

Or is that all just dumb luck?

Imagine my disappointment when I saw that our match wasn’t the result of hours and hours of research to find the best possible match up. No…it was a stupid fucking wheel that just picked a bunch of names at random! I could have just as easily ended up facing a ham sandwich, but luckily for me, I got the draw that shouldn’t only put me on the map, but make me the odds-on favorite to win the whole thing! It really and truly was the luckiest draw for me…or so I thought!

Now, trust me when I say this; I am NOT some bug-eyed research nerd like my daughter-in-law, Sarah Lacklan. I don’t spend hours and hours watching tape of old matches and scouring YouTube for interview clips. Quite frankly, I’m a busy woman with a life and responsibilities, but I did ask my Executive Assistant to take a look and get back to me. Do you know what she told me Oswald? She told me that you were just as decorated as I thought you were, but that was the past. You might have been someone, back in the day, but now you were just looking to recapture your former glory!

That is just sad! In fact, that is the most pathetic thing I can possibly imagine! Living in the past and thinking that the world owes you something because of who you USE to be? Who even does that?!

So, with that revelation, I am right back to my original assessment. This whole wheel thing is nothing but a huge let down! I should be making my debut outside of Anarchy against the odds-on pick to win it all, so when I beat you, all eyes are on me. Instead, I’m going to end up as one more reason why you finally wise up and decide to stop getting your head kicked in and find yourself a nice cushy position on the XWF staff! You could be the next Steve Sayors, interviewing people about their gynecological mishaps!

But I digress.

You’re looking for that last hoorah as you ask those around you to believe in you. Well, I believe Oswald, I believe that you’re at a crossroads. I don’t mean that as a slight, like what happened to Gina. She could have been someone, all she had to do was listen to me. You already were somebody, and you’ll always be somebody to me. When people look to see the road I took to get to finals, they will say it all started with you…my own personal footnote!

The only thing you have to worry about, is how it ends after I advance. Do you keep on reaching for that Hall of Legends brass ring…that next big accolade, or do you take your place in the past?

I know that you’ll make the right choice Oswald…I believe in you!

[Image: FYKIoOU.gif]

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