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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Snow Job RP Boards 2023
The rise of the fallen
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Jacki O'Lantern Offline
Frightfully Delightful

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-23-2023, 05:59 PM

It is a Sunday evening and for Jacki she used this day to relax and unwind from her wrestling schedule. She sat on the couch with a throw blanket over her legs, dressed in her pjs, and of course her trademark face paint. Next to her sat her three cats, who were fast asleep. Her focus was on the television screen that had the movie There's Something About Mary playing on it.

Everything seemed well at normal until her cats woke up and decided they were in a playful mood, so one of them swiped the remote away, and it landed on the floor. “Come on now, you paused it just as it was getting good.” Jacki groaned in frustration. From there, the cats continued to play with the remote, and eventually it slid underneath the couch. She got up, and the cats quickly scattered into the kitchen. “Thanks for the help guys.” She laughs it off, then lifts the couch with ease like Wonder woman, then grabs the remote along with a random folded up paper, not remembering that ever being there, but regardless returns to the couch with it, opens it up with curiosity and reads it out loud.

I remember the first time you got introduced as the new kid in my classroom, you scared me a bit. Judging by your looks I thought you were going to be mean, but after hanging out with you on the playground and after school, you turned out to be really nice, and you ended up being my best friend in the whole world. I hope one day we both could say we made it as wrestlers. That would be so cool. Thanks for everything.

Your friend,

She sighed, folded the letter back up, then, and just held it in her hands while it caused her to get somewhat emotional while rubbing her eyes. The backstory of this story is that Jacki and Lexi went to the same elementary school together and overtime became friends. They shared a lot of the same interests. Wrestling being one. The fact that they both succeeded in getting into the business made Jacki proud. Luckily, they still remained friends today and kept in contact.

The pumpkin warrior tied up her hair back into a high ponytail. Just as she was set to get comfortable again, there was a sudden knock at the door. She looked at the clock, not expecting a visitor today, then got up to answer it. Lexi stood behind the door. Coincidence? Jacki looked at her, surprised to see her appear there, as the two women stood across from each other.

Lexi: Hey Ash, sorry for randomly showing up to your doorstep, but I was in the area and figured I'd pay you a visit. I probably should have called first.

Jacki: It's fine. I was just watching a movie and relaxing. Would you like to come in?

Lexi stands there fumbling with her keys in her hands before smiling and responding to her question.

Lexi Gold: Sure, but only for a bit.

Jacki leads her inside and into the kitchen and the two take a seat.

Jacki: Would you like anything to eat or drink, bud?

Lexi: I'm good, but thanks. I love your pjs by the way. They are super cute and look cozy. Where's your cats at?

Jacki looks around and shrugs, then grabs a cookie from the tray and bites into it.

Jacki: Beats me. They have been driving me crazy, but on the bright side, they did help me find something. Something you might be familiar with.

Lexi's eyes grew with curiosity as she listened in closely.

Lexi: Let me guess you adopted another cat, or better yet a snake.

Jacki: No. I didn't adopt another animal. I actually found your note you wrote to me in fourth grade. Do you want to see it?

Lexi: Wow Ash. I wasn't aware you still saved it, considering it's been so long. Let me see it.

Jacki remembered she stuffed it into her pants pocket, so she digged in there, pulled out the paper and handed it off to Lexi as The Golden Goddess unfolded it and her eyes scanned it.

Jacki: I'm not going to lie, I misplaced it for a very long time, then it turned out it was under the couch as I was in search of the remote. I'm glad I found it, though. It brought back good memories.

The two women sat in silence for a bit. The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the clock on the wall. Eventually, Lexi was the one to break the silence.

Lexi: Those memories will never go away. No matter how far we drift apart in life, or no matter how crazy life gets, those memories will stay with you forever. I may sound like a total cheeseball when I say this, but I'm glad we are still in each other's life rooting each other on while being there for each other no matter what life brings up. I want you to take over the world. Continue getting your name out there and proving you are more than a girl who loves pumpkins and cats. Do you think you could do that?

Jacki: I don't think I can. I know I most definitely can. I will show that at Snow Job against John Madison Jr. I hope you'll be watching it.

Jacki looked at her enthusiastically as Lexi got up and gave her a hug.

Lexi: Wouldn't miss my friend kicking ass for anything. Anyway, I will be on my way now. Good luck.

Lexi gets out of the chair and notices one of Jacki's cats circling her leg. She bent down to give it a scratch on the head before turning to leave and exiting toward the door.

I knew at some point I'd stumble and fail at my chances at succeeding here in the XWF with my two losses that I suffered at the final Warfare and on Madness, but with every failure or victories that I've collected throughout my career I learned to get up, walk up to my next competition and stare at them dead in the eye and fight. Fight with every fiber of my being. That is what my goal is at Snow Job, and to reinvent myself to something bigger.

I must take out the big dogs of this business and it just so happens that this big dog's name is John Madison Jr, who is one half of the tag champions with Angie Vaughn. I'm unsure what I did to deserve this opportunity despite the fact that no titles are on the line, but still, that deserves a thank you for me. At Snow Job we may be sharing the same platform, but when the dust settles there could only be one person standing in the rumble, and you are looking at her. My name tends to get slept on. Well I am about to wake everyone up.

John, I know you got skeletons in your closet regarding your father being in confinement. While there are some wrestlers who will use that against you, for me, it's not in my nature, so you don't have to worry about that. There is something else that I would like to point out and that is your relationship with your partner Angie Vaughn.

You seem to value her opinion of you to not screw things up. Unfortunately for you, I believe that this type of mindset will serve as a distraction for you, and you'll lose sight of the plan, hence the beginning of your downfall. You had your shining moment when you captured gold with your partner and now it's time I earned my way to the top.

When my name gets dropped, most people just associate me with the girl who paints her face like a pumpkin, but what they fail to notice is my willingness to enter any match regardless if I walk into it terrified to death of it. The fear goes away when that bell rings, and it's replaced with adrenaline. Snow Job will be my necessary stepping stone needed to help me.
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