Tribalistic Mindstas
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12-05-2022, 06:54 PM
[It opens up to see a Gorillaz style art where we see the trio walking in a mall somewhere where they get past by people, when they arrived to the food court, they see some young people who are vying for an autograph, while Tommy was chatting it up to some single mothers. Then we see Reggie signing an autograph, and even getting a hug from one of them, then JB looked at him and shook his head at him.]
Reggie: Why you shake your head at me?
JB: You know what you did, remember when you got in trouble in Mexico? You know how much that almost caused an uproar behind the scenes, I even gotten an emails from the boss how it would cost the company millions in lawsuits. I think you need to stay away from younger women, if you—
Reggie: Oh shut up punto! I was robbed by them chickas but they didn’t get the real pesos. Estúpido, solo querría...
[Then Tommy comes up with some bags from a Spencer’s gift, he pulls out a THUGS like shirts, some random keychains, and even replica dolls of Machina and Ruby. Then Reggie gets into one of the bags and finds a Roxxy Cotton Fleshlight box and he tapped Tommy on the shoulders.]
Reggie: Why or better yet, what the hell is this?... Why it got y’all’s boss girl face on it?
Tommy: Well, I’ve been bored lately touring and you know JB said no ho’s on the tour bus to the hotel while we tour….so I had to find something to pass the time with!
Reggie: Dude, you know you could easily get some chocas right? You didn’t need to spend 120 bucks on a fleshlight… did you at least by any lube for it?
[Tommy shrugged as he put the fleshlight back in the bag, then we see JB coming out of a Korean Dog counter with getting the boys various sorts of Korean Dogs. As Tommy ate the jalapeno cheese dog, Reggie ate a plain Korean dog, and JB eating the limited time Chicken Korean dog, they all get full in the process. About an hour later, they are walking around the mall, window shopping and all that. Then they stop by to see an separate autograph signing with look a like Ruby and Machina, then Tommy starts shouting and acting a fool at both stations until all three were escorted out of the mall, as fades into a blurb.]
[Then it shifts to see just JB and Tommy inside a small hotel room, where Tommy had Kate Micucci looking chick half naked on the bed, while JB was sleeping on the shitty fold out bed that caused him some back sores. As JB woke up, he was tryin to run the water but it wouldn’t come on so he just used a big bottle of water to brush his teeth with, and ran a coldest shower that would make a Charlie cry. After that was done, JB tries to wake up Tommy, but he refused to wake up so he left him in the room. Later that day, JB was at a coffee shop reading a book at a table, and he see’s Tommy coming inside the shop as they meet up to talk.]
JB: I decided to leave you alone, so I hope I didn’t bother you.
T: Nah man, me and the escort chick had a blast last night.
JB: I heard that… seesh, at least make noises that make sense… you sounded like a fuckin hyena last night!
T: Oh whatever, at least I get me some women on me… mister, don’t be fuckin around while we tour!
[JB rolls his eyes at him and continued to read his book, then his phone goes off on the table and he read a notification into his email that they were booked on Anarchy. Then he shows Tommy the email, and both men were indifferent towards it.]
T: Oh we on the main spot huh? Against our favorite dynamic duo of Ruby and Machina…. I feel like we fought them at some point, didn’t we?
JB: What do you think?... you pretty much been tryin to holler at them for a minute now.
T: Nah man, that anit true…well maybe Machina.. and I still have ruby’s bo--- ahhh fuck it. I guess we have to head to Candia to teach them some lessons from us. I know we might not in the odds to win against them, but I’m willing to say that we will beat the hell out of them. Maybe show the Canadian crow what it means to thug out the scene once again.
JB: I mean, we haven’t exactly left the scenes like that, but you right on that. I guess having to see Ruby and Machina makes me feel some type of way. Like, you know that you aren’t going to get the numbers but you still try and try till you get em down. I guess it’s going to be fun one tryin to take down former Anarchy champions, and maybe be the ones to claim that we beat the champs at they own game. Though we didn’t them tag straps, I consider this match as a consolation prize from Vinny. Look, I know we aint gonna win but hot damn we will act like we won when fight em to the death.
T: That’s what I am talking about man, we going to come back stronger than ever! Yes, we might not be in line of relevance, but damn we sure do know how to throw down. Those broads know what will hit em this Thursday, or if they do then that makes it even more sweater than blood of Jesus on a Sunday sermon. Speaking on Sunday, you how know I got that girl in my bed?
[JB then continued to read his book as T looked on with uncertainty as the scene simply fades.]