11-26-2022, 05:34 PM
From Ruby’s Go-Pro…
The nights were long, dark and chilly these days. But that didn’t stop the Super Dear’O from seeking out the rooftops that felt as familiar and comfortable to her as a warm hearth and a cup of steaming chai tea.
However, while the rooftops provided an excellent vantage point for the city down below, Ruby found herself distracted, more often than not. And the reason was the handheld device in her hands.
Ruby: “Annihilape, Rage Fist!”
She screamed out the move alongside her trusted Pokémon, as she was on the verge of gathering her final badge. But she looked up as she heard a loud crash down below, and the screeching of tires. She quickly clamped her Switch to her utility belt and scurried over to the roof’s edge as she saw the perpetrator fleeing the scene of the crime.
Ruby: “Flip! A hit-and-run!? Now, really??”
But ignoring it wasn’t an option, and she took a big leap, activating her Rubychute and propelled by strong winds she descended upon her quarry. In mid-air, she put in an anonymous, automated call to 911 that detailed her current location, and she went in full-on pursuit.
Ruby: “Woowee, Super Duper Darlings! It’s been a while since I went full-on flippin’ Cowabunga like that! Always good to shake it up, eh? I can do with the practice, because Bad Medicine is everything I’ve worked so hard for over the past few months. Lux, Raab, HGH, Cashe, Ozzo, even the formidable Latina Flippin’ Submission Machina… They were all obstacles I needed to get past to get back to where I’ve always belonged: fighting for the Anarchy Championship. It's been too long since I’ve had my baby with me. And practicing at great altitudes always comes in handy when you’re in a ladder match. It’s probably my favorite kind of stipulation. No better place to fight than up there were the air is clear!”
True to her word, Ruby whooshed down upon the hood of the car she was pursuing. She clamped on to the windshield wipers and waved at the face of terror behind the wheel.
Ruby: “Sup, my dude? Thought you’d make a quick escape, eh? Nobody gets away from the Banana-Lime Blur!”
The car tried to swerve in an effort to shake her off, but Ruby had excellent balance. She crawled on top and used a nifty gadget to cut through the sunroof’s glass. In a matter of seconds, she was in the passenger’s seat, and with a well-aimed elbow to the temple, knocked out the perpetrator. She quickly changed seats with him and brought the car to a safe stop before alerting the authorities.
She dragged the man out of the car and hogtied him, something she’d gotten really good at over the years. Satisfied, she crossed her arms and looked at another job well done.
Ruby: “Boom, baby! That’s what you get for not respecting my authorit-ah!”
The man slowly seemed to come to, and Ruby shook her head.
Ruby: “Now you just lie there and wait, while I get the Switch.”
“No! No! Not the switch! Please!”
Ruby: “Oh, you an XBOX dude? Fair enough, my guy, I don’t console-shame.”
“My grandma used to hit me with the switch every day! Please!”
Ruby: “Wh-? My dude, not THAT kind of switch! You seriously think I’m gonna spank you out here in the middle of the street? What kind of lowlife do you take me for?”
Shaking her head, Ruby unclipped the Switch from her belt, but her eyes popped as she saw the on-screen notification.
Ruby: “Console battery low?? Nooooo! I wish this thing had HALF the battery life of my Go-Pro, that thing NEVER seems to run out of juice! Now I gotta start over the entire Gym fight.”
Sighing, she put the console in her backpack and put her hands on her hips.
Ruby: “This is all your fault! Maybe I SHOULD find a proper switch somewhere and put a spanking on your hiney so fierce you’ll have a burning bottom till Kingdom Come, mister!”
Before he could respond, Ruby gagged him and pointed the GoPro at herself.
Ruby: “Flippin’ unbelievable! Although I guess this gives me some time to address Bad Medicine. Because as far as I’m concerned, this is my match of the year. And for Edward, this is the toughest challenge he’s faced since, what, 10.000 BC? I know dudes like him are strong, but he’ll have to be savvy, too. And no disrespect to my boy Edward, because he does the best with what he has. But I’ll rip his tonsils out before I let him bite my fingers off, believe you me! It’s time for ya girl to become the FOUR-TIME Champ! Not going to take anything for granted against a dude who was frozen in amber and has survived the ages to be winning championship titles from outta nowhere. But I’m comin’ straight at him like a Banana-Lime Missile, and knock his backside back into the Stone Age! I was tempted to ask my buddy WarpZone to go back in time and stop Edward from getting imprisoned in time, but that would technically be cheating, and we don’t do that, do we? DO WE??”
She gave the guy on the ground a soft kick, and he mumbled something in feigned agreement.
Ruby: “Good! So ya heard it, my Rubinites, bust out your Banana-Lime foam fingers, ready your Super Dear’O capes, and we’re gonna bring the title back to where it belongs. At Bad Medicine, I’m gonna bust out some flips, climb sky high, bludgeon good old EDWARD’s face in, grab my title from the flippin’ ceiling, follow it up with a Spin-a-Ruby, so that we can finally… FINALLY! Bring Order back to Anarchy.”
And as police sirens could be heard in the distance, the Super Dear’O darted off into the night.
*end broadcast*