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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Soft Deadline Party Of Grief: Tommy's Story
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Tommy Wish Offline
Some Nobody

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-27-2022, 09:20 AM

September 13, 2014

[Let’s go back in time, when Tommy who was about year in XWF back home in Texas with his Nephew Ziggy and his older sister Samantha at home, watching some wrestling on TV in her living room. We see Tommy handing him an old wrestling buddy he had when he was his nephews age, as Ziggy was playing with it his sister came into the room and looked on with glee.]

Samantha: Oh Tommy, you still got that rustic old thang? Where did you find it?

T: Oh you know, I have been digging in the crates in our parents stuff in the storage down the area. I just happened to dig around, and bam, I found those plush wrestling dolls.

Samantha: Oh Tommy! You should have told me earlier that day, I too also wanted to find some stuff there as well. So much stuff in there, chock for all memories… also, did you cover last month’s rent for the storage?

T: I did, you got the next one?

[As Samantha said yes, Ziggy then bodyslams the buddy on the floor and climbs onto the couch and elbow drop but missed it and hit the rug, then he started to hold his little elbow and cry. As Samantha reprimanded him, T signaled her to calm down as he held his little elbow and see’s bruise.]

T: Hey son, you alright?

Ziggy: No… I don’… know… oww!!

T: Wait right here.

Ziggy: O…okay.

[Then he goes to the bathroom and got him a bandaid, while Samantha stopped him from going to the living room. Then she takes him to the kitchen to talk to him privately.]

T: What’s going on Samantha?

Samantha: I think my son is going through some shit right now.

T: What do you mean?

Samantha: I think he’s hurting himself on purpose to get attention. He’s been acting like this since his father left us.

T: Well are you giving him the attention he needs, I mean the guy who impregnated you did abuse you both.

[Samantha then slams her fist on the counter, and slaps him in the face for that comment. T then wanted to strike his sister, but he held back due to his own respect for her. Then she storms off to her bedroom, while T then brings Ziggy a bandaid and a popsicle. Then they sit back on the couch, about an hour later they hear an abrasive knock on the door. Then Tommy opens the door to see a Walter White looking middle aged man who was drunk, who pushes T to the side and gets to Ziggy by pulling his arm. T then pushes him off Ziggy, and before they could tussle, Samantha quickly breaks it up between the two of them.]





[Then T punches the man in the face, and the guy he punched stumbled onto the couch trying to regain his focus. Then Ziggy stood behind T, scared out of his mind and the guy got back on his feet and he knuckled up to T, and Samantha tried to calm him down.]

???: Who da fert is this fuse?

Samantha: It's my stupid baby brother, Tommy. Tommy this is Patrick Lopuns, he’s a guy who owns an oil company who i’ve been seeing with for awhile, and that’s Ziggy’s father.

Lopuns: Well, tell your brother to get out of my house… he don’t need to be here!

T: Um excuse me? I have a right to be in her home, just like how you have a right to not put your hands on my nephew and my sister.

Lopus: Oh cry me a river boy… I do what I want… how I want! Now gert yer yella but outchea or imma call the cops on yer ass boy!

[T then backs down from this man, and Ziggy tries to follow him in his PJs and socks, but Lopus grabs him by his arms away from T. Then T looked on behind him in anger over this man, and Samantha slams the door in his face, and he walked away from the property never to return there after.]

October 14, 2022

[Eight years later, Tommy ended up returning back to Samantha’s home, due to getting a call from his Nephew while he was doing his Relentless tour. While Samantha was away, he was able to spend some time with his only nephew, and even going fishing with him. Then on that one dreadful day, Tommy noticed that Ziggy wasn’t in his room, and he found a letter that basically told him that he was a tortured child who never finished high school, and how he wasn’t long for this world. After he read it he started to panic, and breathing heavily as he called out for his nephew. Then he heads to the basement where he hears crying, and he beams into one of the rooms where he sees him on a chair setting a noose on his neck.]


[Before Ziggy placed the noose on his neck, he see’s his Uncle who tried to off the chair, but Ziggy kicked Tommy in the chest and face and giving him a signal to back off. T then finds the old wrestling buddy on the floor, and shows it to him, making Ziggy wanting to cry as he stood on the chair, then he gets off the chair and he hugs Tommy as the two embraced their tears.]

Ziggy: I’m So Afraid of being alone… alone… in this house… she left me here…

T: I know… I know Ziggy… but you don’t need to do this… I am here for you!

Ziggy: I know Uncle T… you always were… I was just… jus—-

[T shushes him and held him into his shoulders to cry on. It was about 2AM the next day, where T was sitting on the couch with Ziggy whom slept on his shoulder. Ziggy ended up waking up to see a message from Lopus, telling him that he should kill himself for just being born from him, and he angrily tossed his phone on the floor, which woke him up in shock. Then he see’s Ziggy trying to leave the couch, but T held onto him from leaving it.]




T: NO!

[Then after about a ten minute scuffle passed between them, T breaks his hold over Ziggy as he went back downstairs. As T was rushing to stop him, as soon as he opened up the door, he was already too late as he seen his lifeless body hanging on the ceiling. T then leaves the room, in tears as he called 911 outside the house. After the sent their dispatch, he tried to call Samantha a few times, but she didn’t pickup her. Then T ended up deleting and blocking her number out of spite and sat at the stair of the front door. As the police arrived, everything became a blur afterwards for T.]

Current Day

[We see T at his estates alone, with a camera turned on in a room where he was drinking some coffee and eating some danish pastry on a plate. After he was finished with his pastry, he wiped his mouth, and took a sip of some more coffee. Then he looked into the camera, letting out a verbal sigh as talk into it.]

“Fuck, here I am still in my home trying to keep myself from going off the deep end. JB and Reggie too have some major losses in our own lives we are currently dealing with, and I am just questioning my own sanity to put up a fight. I am questioning what made me come back to put up a fight to wrestle in a ring, when I am kinda burnt out from all that wrestling and touring. Hell, when I saw that email from Vinny that he’d booked me and JB in ECW arena the week before I am going solo to Texas, I was pissed off he did it, but it was also a divine intervention from a higher power who told us to continue to move forward with our time as a team.

I personally was upset about not us not winning the tag titles last month ago, but due to my own ignorance I had forgotten that we didn’t need to be represented by a belt that only caters to those who kiss a whole lot of asses to be put on by the shareholders. Shit, I already figured that we aren’t well liked in the back in any shape or form, so why would the care about a thug like us or even me? I still can’t claim that piece of dungheap of a spinner belt that most people would treat as a joke, no matter what the stips are placed in front of it. So no, I am not calming that belt even if Vinny calls it down the middle, since I am not popular enough to hold it.

Now, here I am with a void in my life that no belt can place in. Not even Ruby’s boots smells can make me hard enough, even if I still claim ownership to Dolly’s socks she’s given to me out of gag… I still feel like i am nothing inside. When I wanted to let my nephew know that he has something to live for, it slipped out of his mind, and it broke me. I know i’ve done shit in the past that I used to not regret but now, from that moment, had flustered in my psyche to where i can’t even sleep at night. I still have nightmares of all the shit i’ve done to people, inclusive to that Darlene Gentry prisoner i murdered for the sake of being cool with a team that didn’t give a damn bout me. I feel like, why should I care if I die or not if I don’t want others to suffer… I could have said, “fuck this wrestling shit, leave me out it!”… but I guess, I still have something to accomplish in my life, and its the main reason why I decided to sign up for this coming Warfare.

I was inspired due to hearing Theo’s pleas for making Warfare more of a viable show to be at. When I heard how low the turnover was, I knew something was up and I had the chance to make something right for myself. I could have just left myself off it, but I told myself that I can’t do that at all, you either in or out… and well, you all know that I am all fucking in most of the time. I might not see eye to eye with Theo on a lot of things, and lord knows he don’t even know I exist on the companies payroll since the days he was on the scene as The Kings (yes I know that’s an old timer thing to know). I don’t know if I will have it in me to return to another show, but if I do then you know where my head is at.

As a opener, I am up against a new comer who I already know that they will push to the moon. They see money out of this man, they see a future contender for the Supercontinental strap within a two year period, and that man is Isiah King. I know that they want to discard me, and have him get a big win over me, the joke that keeps on giving to others. Well guess what kid, you aren’t going to just get one over me that easily, even when I am in grief I know fully that I am still able to go at it as hard as I need too. I need to show you, that I might not have the same frame of ego as you, but I do have a lots of heart in what I can do in that ring, and I hope you do too as well. I know you are in your rented Lambo flexing on the gram to your trillion followers, spewing out shitty lines about how nice you are, maybe even doing those red pill videos to exploit those men who are disparate to be conned by your looks.

Isaiah, you don’t know what you are getting into with a mad man like me, and when I am feel low and sad, that’s when my animalistic side comes out to play at night. This Warfare might be the last time you will even want to come across from me, because I might end up in jail for attempted manslaughter as they carry you to the same morgue where my nephew is laid in right now. I don’t even care if I win or lose, all I care about is beating the fuck out of you in San Antonio next couple of Wednesday from now… oh remember this Isaiah…

Quote The Tommy, never less….see you in hell, King.”

[Then it abruptly cuts to black, then it fades to a image of his nephew memoriam, then it fades back out to black.]
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