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Ol' Dirty THUGS....
Author Message
T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-11-2022, 06:37 PM

[It opens up to JB, Tommy and Reggie sitting on a park bench where they've been dressed in old age makeup, with older man accessories like a cane and all that. While JB and Reggie were playing checkers, Tommy was feeding the birds with some bread crumbs at another bench across from them, then a kid came up to them holding a Ruby doll, asking one of them to sign it.]

Old T: We can't sign that young whippersnapper…

Kid: Please!... I don't want to not have this signed by anyone else!

Old Reg: Sorry kid, we aren't Ruby…but I think there's a Ruby lookalike down the street somewhere.

[Then he points to the kid at a line of people at the Ruby cosplayer, which the kid walked down towards in existent. Then Reg then goes back to the bench to continue his checkers. Then after a few moves, JB slammed his hand on the tile as Reg looked annoyed.]

Old Reg: How the heck you won this one?

Old JB: I just know how to slam them pieces like if it was domino's and shit, you wouldn't know what will hit em, how else You think I got Theo's million dollar Ruby chain? I beat one of his associates for it like back in fall of 1972.

Old Reg: OH bullshit!.. T told me you just took it off her neck in the middle of the game!

Old JB: Whatever… let me check on..oh come on, T!

[Tommy was creeping on the Ruby cosplayer by spreading some bread crumbs over it, which made her feel uncomfortable. JB drags him by his cane back to the bench to talk to him.]

Old JB: what's the matter with you! You know this is your third strike before you go to jail for hornyness!

Old T: Man I don't care…. Let me perv in peace! Plus…i think she looks like someone we know…some kinda superhero within anarchy I think?

[Then they looked at the cosplayer who was brushing off crumbs and both men looked at her and nodded, as Reg was busy clearing up the checkers. Then we see them all head to a local dinner, where they all ordered tea and some reuben sandwiches. While JB and Reg were eating their sandwiches, T ended up looking at…the same cosplayer who sat a few tables down from their side. T wanted to go to her, but JB stopped him with his cane.]

Old T: Wha whaa was that for?

Old JB: We aren’t tryin to catch a case her this afternoon, you already caused enough trouble towards that chick in the Ruby outfit. Don’t you already have Ruby’s old boots in your storage at home?

Old T: Hell Yeahh brother!... just like how I took them from our previous bouts against her… ah good times.

Old Reg: I just read on a newspaper that you both are gonna take on the burberry kid and his two conservative, right wing nutjobs soon… you think they are gonna stop y’alll?

[Then they paused their eating and looked at one another, and they all laughed at the same time, until T was choking on something. Then the Ruby cosplayer then tries to help with doing the heimlich maneuver, which made Tommy spit out the sandwich on the table. After that was done, he gave her a hug, but she pushed him away from him as she walked away shook, then she tripped on her cape and somehow her boots were off. T then tried to hand her boots back, but she ran out of the diner, so then they all paid for their food and went back to their “old man cave” to play some game of Uno and talk to one another.]

Old T: Ah that girl looked like Ruby from XWF, that’s why I kept on tryin to bother her! I think she’s teaming up with some THUGS?

Old JB: Oh yeah those boys, they know how to do some damage in the ring. Maybe Ruby can learn a few things from them boys or not.

Old T: All I know is that, HGH kid needs to get his ass whooped for what he’s done to that Tommy boy last Thursday. He needs to learn about some southern hospitality, including his MAGA cohorts Booty and T-Charlaw as well. It’s a damn shame what that team of Ruby, and THUGS can do to that megar team of nobodies.

[As Reggie was shuffling the deck of Uno cards, they all grab their own can of sprite to drink out of in a glass, as Reggie was shuffling them out new Uno cards to play.]

Old Reg: I mean, I don’t know if you heard, but I think they were supposed to invite her to their vignette things… but they didn’t have time nor the money to fly her out to shoot it. Plus, I heard that she got some GoPro she’s gonna do it from anyways… but oh well, we’ll see how they will fair this coming Thursday.

Old T: I think they might fair well against that team of ring wing nutjobs… they won’t stand a chance at all against that team of a Superhero and some Thugs… speakin of which… UNO!

[Somehow, T had only one card as they were talking and putting down the cards, with JB with four cards and Reg with like six on his hand. Then they slam their cards on the table in frustration, then JB finds an old Vinyl and it starts playing some Stevie Wonder shit off it. Then all three men start nodding their heads to the beat.]

Old JB: Before we see the THUGS and Ruby in action, lets just jam out to this piece of old ass shit. Just like that HGH and MAGA troop… they anit shit! Fuck em!

[Then they all said “FUCK EM” in unison as the song played, and they danced until the scene fades out.]
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