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Saturday Night Savage 9/10/2022
Author Message
Jonathan Barrows Offline
XWF Management
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
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09-10-2022, 06:34 PM


[Image: V3i33MC.png]



- vs -
Tag Rules - 2 RPS @ 3K

- vs -
Standard Singles - 1 RP

- vs -
Non-Title Match - 1 RP

- vs -

HHL: Hello, XWF Universe! Welcome back once again to Saturday Night Savage, here from the Pechango Arena in San Diego, California! We're on the final stretch as we head towards RELENTLESS, the biggest three-night event in the XWF's year!

PC: So many great matches have already been announced! A Madness Hollywood Walk of Fame Ladder Match! An Enchantment Under The Sea Brawl for the XWF Tag-Team Titles! A Blast From The Past Brawl for the Supercontinental Championship!

HHL: And, of course, the main event everyone's anxious to see, Raion Kido defending the XWF Universal Title against Mark Flynn! Talk about a dream match!

PC: Tonight, you have to expect a few more matches to be announced, as you know Savage will be representing itself well on all three nights!

HHL: We've got an amazing night of action stacked up, including the Television Title once again being on the line! So don't go anywhere, we're just getting started!

The camera shot shifts us away from ringside. Bam Miller walks through the back entrance of the Pechango Arena while drinking a Miller Lite Beer, preparing for his Tag Team match tonight. As he makes his way down the corridors of the backstage area, he notices a commotion at the other end of the hall. Several employees and a handful of fans with backstage passes are huddled around someone and chattering excitedly.

Bam watches curiously when suddenly a stagehand tries to rush past him and join the group.

Bam Miller: Hey, what’s going on over there?

Stagehand: Its the GOAT! James Raven is back!

Bam Miller: Like, back back?

The stagehand shrugs his shoulders, and takes off to join the group while calling back over his shoulder.

Stagehand: I don’t know, but he’s here tonight!

Bam rolls his eyes and chugs the rest of his beer, then crumples the can and tosses it against the cement wall. It clatters and falls to the floor, echoing as Bam stomps down the hallway and past the group. He eyes The Peoples GOAT, looking him up and down with disgust.

James notices.

James Raven: I’m going to choose to believe that sour look on your face is because you just chugged the rest of your lukewarm backwash, and that it’s got nothing to do with me. Get better beer.

James smiles condescendingly.

Bam Miller: Naw anything with the name Miller is just fine but I’ll tell you what my issue is. Guys like you that haven’t been around here in a while show up during the biggest time of the year and steal the spotlight from people like me!

The group of onlookers take notice and murmur amongst themselves but James politely throws up his hand to stop them, his expression suddenly more serious.

James Raven: Nobody is stealing the spotlight Bam, I can’t help that the shit follows me every time I walk on stage. This is the XWF, and I’m James Raven. Don’t try and pretend that I don’t have a right to be here, Bam, or you’ll make yourself look stupid.

Bam balls his fist, but James isn’t finished.

James Raven: You’re trying to win the Xtreme title right? To prove yourself to everyone around this place? I won that thing, like, ten times… and list it, like, thirtieth on my list of accomplishments because of everything else I’ve done here. Get cocky when you bring home a Universal title or three. Get entitled when you move the needle enough to get a match at Relentless and not have to worry about whether I’m here to “steal your spot” or just support my wife.

The vein in Bam's forehead starts to pulse as he starts to get agitated from the words he just heard and again the interviewer tries to intervene but Bam pushes him out of the way.

Bam Miller: I sell tickets you fucking prick! You think another legend like Chris Page would sign me to CCPE if he didn’t see the money in me. I put asses in seats because the fans know they are going to get their money's worth because I always show up for a FIGHT! And right now I’m itching to smack you with a brick!

James Raven smirks at Bam and even chuckles. He rolls up his sleeves, and the onlookers in the hallway begin to slowly back away from the two stars for their own safety.

James Raven: Bam… if your agent Chris Page was here, he would let you know you're writing a check that even HE can’t cash. So maybe… and JUST maybe… if you're not the monosyllabic Neanderthal that we all think you are… you’ll reconsider what you're doing right now.

Bam Miller: Fuck you!

James takes a step towards Bam, but suddenly a voice calls out from down the hallway.

Atara Themis: Dove! Are you coming?

James turns, and sees his wife waiting for him. James turns back to Bam and smiles softly, then winks at him.

James Raven: See you around, kid. Sorry if I take your spotlight with me.

He backs away slowly, and turns to join his wife as Bam remains rooted in place and furious.

The sound of a motorcycle is heard as it rolls on stage with Bam Miller on it. He points around to all the fans before riding down the ramp and riding around the ring. He parks his bike and gets a Miller Lite beer tossed to him. He walks up the Steele steps, and walks slowly into the middle of the ring. He opens the can up and as soon as the can touches his lips pyro goes off behind him. As the pyro stops Bam Miller walks over to the corner to wait for the match to start.

HHL: Bam Miller looks like he's in a bad mood tonight, after that confrontation with James Raven.

PC: Yeah, but he needs to stay focused on the match in front of him tonight. There are better brick targets coming his way.

HHL: This isn't a hardcore match, the bricks would get him disqualified.

PC: I doubt that matters to Bam.

The lights in the arena go completely dark as 'One for the money by Escape the Fate' hits the speakers. Only a spotlight hits the very top of the stage as you see a man and his wife standing with his back turned the back of the shirt reads 'Casino Kid'. Pyro goes up into the air from both sides of the stage as all lights then come on and Justin York and his wife turn and begin down the ramp, Taunting fans as they go. Once entering the ringside area, he takes a walk around the ring rudely gesturing the crowd and taunting some more before holding the ropes for his wife to enter and getting into the ring and giving his signature middle finger to the camera with a cocky smirk while boos reign down from the arena.

HHL: In an interesting twist, Justin York accepted this challenge with Bam due to both of them being CCPE members. However, York then left the CCPE last week.

PC: I'm glad he's fulfilling his contractual obligations, and not just leaving Bam on his own. Although you'd think the CCPE could have found a replacement.

HHL: Maybe York just wanted to fight. There's no word of any bad blood between these two.

PC: Hey, that works for me. One final team-up.

The crowd erupts as the tandem of Dolly Waters and Vita emerge out to the top of the ramp to a nice ovation from the crowd. They make their way to the ring tagging some hands along the way. The duo enters the ring, staring over at their opponents.

PC: The Midnight Dolls are prepped to face The Thugs and Them No Good Bastards at Relentless, but tonight they get a little bit of a warm-up.

HHL: I wonder, if Miller & York win here tonight, could they make an argument for the Dolls' spot?

PC: They could argue it, but I doubt they'd win. Maybe they could convince someone higher up to insert them into the match, although Bam already has a match on Night 2.

- vs -
Tag Rules - 2 RPS @ 3K

A brief moment of silence occurs as the bell rings, the fans getting warmed up for another surely exciting night of XWF competition as the two sides seem to be in discussion of who’s going to be starting off for them first. Dolly and Vita quickly agree on the former starting things off, while between Bam and York, York takes the initiative to head on in.

HHL: It looks like it’s going to be an exciting and entertaining start here once again between Dolly Waters and Justin York!

PC: Oh, please. Something tells me that little pipsqueak in there’s gonna grab York by the balls… metaphorically. Maybe literally!

HHL: I’m not sure if we’re going to be allowed to show the latter on live national television…

The two sides waste no time circling around the ring, and Dolly looks to want to use her speed to dart in and starts quickly peppering York with some hard shots to the midsection. Her fists go flying, lighting York up first with a chop and then hammering away with a series of uppercuts to the gut!

HHL: Dolly Waters proving once again she’s a deceptively effective striker within the XWF! Her power might leave something to be desired, but when it comes to the pure technique of a strike, there’s few who can do it better!

PC: Sheesh, did York learn nothing about trying to cover up?! Look at Dolly go!

York finally manages to come to his senses, frantically bringing an arm up to shove Dolly away just so he can get a quick breath in. But it won’t be much of a help for him as Dolly darts in - SHOTGUN DROPKICK HAS YORK FLYING INTO THE TURNBUCKLE!

HHL: Oh! The back of York’s head gets slammed right into the turnbuckle from that dropkick! Just as a reminder, folks, that padding is only so thick. York’s head might as well have been bashed into steel directly, and he’s sure feeling it right now!

PC: Unreal how this is all coming out from just a small little pipsqueak… and look at her! She’s still raring for more!

Dolly is trying her best to get to York and continue the match, but the referee is right there, keeping her from him just so he can check on his status! York might be a bit concussed here on the spot, but the ref is getting down to ask him if he wants to continue… and he nods yes gingerly!

HHL: Gutsiness on the part of Justin York to continue despite a clear injury here.

PC: Gutsiness, or stupidity? He’s got a career to think about, here!

York gets back to his feet, clearly woozy, and the ref clears things up for the match to continue! He pops out of the corner with a strong first step, but Dolly’s speed right now is unmatched! Her first step is far more explosive, and she manages to do a somersault roll to avoid the incoming lariat attempt! York turns around as Dolly gets to her feet and leaps -

HHL: ODE TO JOY! Look at Dolly fly off those ropes to hit that uppercut, landing clean on the jaw! If York wasn’t concussed before, he surely is now!

PC: Exactly what I mean about ‘stupidity’ with continuing here, Heather…

York is crawling, clearly out of sorts, but he sees the waiting hand of Bam Miller reaching out to him on the apron! Bam nods to York, and his partner intrinsically understands, bringing him in!


HHL: And in comes the fresh partner!

PC: Let’s hope he can have some better luck here than York…

Dolly nods, understanding this challenge is going to be at least a bit tougher. Exhaling sharply, she goes in, trying to keep a brisk pace, but Bam looks to cut her off with a knee to the gut! Dolly catches the knee though, bringing it back down and looking to hit Bam with a CHOP!

HHL: Look at Bam effortlessly absorbing that hard chop from Dolly Waters, the same kind of chop that just lit up his tag partner’s chest not too long ago! And look! He’s calling for more!

PC: What, you expected something different? Bam Miller might as well be a freak of nature! He’s got ten inches and one-hundred and ten pounds of pure MUSCLE on her! Dolly’s gonna have to bust out a few tricks if she’s gonna try and fell the ‘Top Guy Slayer!’

Dolly looks at least a bit unnerved at the sight of Bam absorbing her strike and beckoning for more. She looks over to the sides, feeding off of the energy of the fans for support, who deliver it to her in spades. She nods, trying to get fired up, before cocking her arm back and hitting Bam with yet ANOTHER chop! Bam gets rocked by the hard shot, gritting his teeth and shaking his head angrily before roaring back and STILL asking for more!

Dolly switches up her tactics, going for fast and fluid leg kicks down to the knees! Bam’s stance slightly buckles with each kick on him that lands, and it looks like Dolly is actually building up momentum here. She revs up, trying to go for another kick - BUT BAM LUNGES IN-!

HHL: And a hard lariat by Bam Miller takes Dolly down to the mat!

PC: There’s that size advantage coming into play again! Dolly’s gonna have to take ten strikes to do to Bam what he can do to her in just one or two!

HHL: Well, it looks like Dolly’s getting back on her feet quickly and is ready to keep going…

But as Dolly gets back onto her feet and starts to beckon Bam over to bring it, Vita reaches out from her corner to tag Dolly right on the shoulder!


PC: Yeah… Looks like her partner has a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle something to say about that…

HHL: Well… the Midnight Dolls have been going through some communication issues recently. Dolly doesn’t look too happy about that as yet another example of that shows itself here tonight…

PC: I dunno what she’s complaining about. Vita might as well have just saved her from getting squashed into a pancake!

HHL: I think it’s the principle of the matter…

Vita looks to come in like a house of fire here! She darts in, looking to try caving Bam’s face in with a hard elbow shot-


HHL: Vita Valentina in a world of trouble right now! If she can’t get out of that hold Bam’s got her in, he could very well break her arm!

PC: Maaaaaaaybe Dolly should have stayed in…

Vita delivers another forearm shot to Bam, this one actually hitting, but it does nothing to faze him! Another shot! And another! And another! But Bam just applies more pressure on the shoulder, and Vita knows she’s two seconds away from hearing that wet pop coming from her arm!

She manages to reach her arm out and grab the ropes in time! The referee orders a break, and Bam glares at him, but obliges and releases. Vita rubs her sore, practically dead arm, trying her best to get some feeling right back into it as she stares daggers at Bam.

Now it’s Bam’s turn to appear cocky and beckon Vita forward, wagging his finger at her as he bounces on his feet, adding insult to injury here! Vita nods, getting ready as she darts in once more! She tries going fast and furious - a kick to the legs, a palm thrust to the gut, a forearm to the face, but Bam is not fazed in the slightest by it all-!


HHL: That belly-to-belly suplex from Bam Miller just sent her halfway across the ring! What a monster!

Vita latches onto the ropes, using both hands to try and pull herself up and onto her feet to face her enemy… but before she even realizes it, Bam is running straight towards her!


HHL: WHAT A VICIOUS KNEE STRIKE! That arm has to be in dire shape after Bam went full throttle at it!

PC: And just think… they have a title match coming up soon at Relentless…

HHL: I don’t even want to think about what kind of shape Vita will be in for that…

Vita screams out in agony, holding her arm as she falls to the ground, but as Bam showboats and displays his strength to the crowd, Dolly seizes her opportunity and reaches over to Vita in order to tag herself in!


York sees Dolly coming in but can’t call out to him in time as Dolly darts across the ring to dropkick Bam out! But York DOES manage to reach over as he’s going out of the ropes and tags himself in as well to try and keep up his team’s momentum!


HHL: We’re right back to how we started! Justin York trying to make Dolly Waters pay for how this match-up started earlier…

PC: Yeah… I’m not sure how far that’s going to go…

York tries to slip in and go for a running crossbody, but Dolly rolls underneath as York hits the ground! He holds onto his jaw, which allows Dolly to build up some momentum and hop onto the apron! She has York right in her sights, before bouncing off the apron ropes and twisting in the air in order to hit a springboard version of the SERENITY FALL!

York quickly looks to be out of it as he rolls over, and that’s just the opening Dolly needs! She grabs him by the wrists and pulls him up to his knees, before running off the ropes and HITTING HIM IN THE FACE WITH HER KNEE AS HARD AS POSSIBLE!

HHL: Running Waters! Running Waters! Dolly nearly bashed Justin York’s nose in with that shot! Proving once again she has one of the hardest-hitting finishers in the game!

PC: Looks like a trip to the hospital is in the cards for him…

Dolly hops on York for the cover as the ref counts!







HHL: A great opening match here on Savage and a big win for The Midnight Dolls as they head into their title match at Relentless against The THUGS and Them No Good Bastards.

Backstage we find Vita Valenteen alone in The Midnight Dolls locker room. As she unlaced her boots in front of her open locker, there was a sudden and unexpected knock at the door, but before Vita could answer, a mysterious woman walked into the room.

[Image: 1a7a21703daebb5d29fe7240ccefe0fb.jpg]

"Um, excuse me!"

viXen straddled the bench that Vita was sitting on and silently stared into her eyes.

"Do I know you?"

"All that power, and yet you choose to squander it while dining on rodents."

Vita had heard a very similar line spoken before, and hearing it again from whoever this was set her on edge. Vita jumped to her feet and put some distance between herself and this woman.

"I asked you a question!"

viXen's curiosity with Vita seemed to peak after her reaction. viXen smirked as she stood and Vita took a defensive position.

"Imagine the disappointment of the one who sacrificed herself so that you could have that power."

viXen began to approach Vita. Vita threw up her hands in a defensive stance.

"I've looked into you Vita Valenteen. A hopelessly lost puppy, a poor judge of character, and an unwillingness to do what is necessary for your own survival."

viXen was now standing mere inches from Vita.

"There is a long list of people that you have chosen to call friend who in the end have proven themselves to have never had your best interest at heart. Noah Jackson tossed you to the side as soon as you became inconvenient. Ruby only plays nice because you do. Her friendship is nothing more than sugary words for her simp fan base, and you are nothing more than the poster child for her ability to break a wild spirit. Vicious Vita Valenteen: Thinking back, perhaps that was you being the best you. She would never resort to kissing Sarah Lacklan's ass to gain nority in some meaningless tournament, or being marched to her certain death by an ill prepared partner at Relentless."

"Okay, that's about enough! I don't know who you think you are, but do I know that if you don't 180 right this minute, we're about to have a problem!"

viXen smirks. "There's no need for that. I will leave, but let me ask you one more question before I do."

Reluctantly, Vita's curiosity got the best of her and she nodded her approval.

"The cracks in The Midnight Dolls are glaring. You two may have pulled it together well enough to get over tonight, but what happens at Relentless?"

Confidently: "The Midnight Dolls become the NEW Tag Team Champions!"

viXen scoffed with a chuckle. "Please, you two can't even align your schedules to train together. Do you really believe yourselves prepared to defeat the former Tag Team Champions while also striving to prevent The Thugs from stealing any momentum that you may gain? You won't, because despite your pretty words Vita, it's painfully obvious that The Midnight Dolls aren't a team, and it will take a team to capture the Tag Team Championships."

Something she said seemed to resonate with Vita causing her to break eye contact and look towards the floor in a moment of uncertainty. "So, what are you suggesting?"

"Simple. Drop the charade."

Vita is left stunned. What does she mean? What does she know?

viXen is already halfway out the door before looking back at Vita.

"Some may shun the real you Vita, but this viXen is pretty vicious herself, and I'm devilishly loyal to my friends."

viXen leaves as Dolly walks in right behind her.

"Hey... Who was that?"

"Oh... Nobody."

The camera focused on a conflicted and confused Vita Valenteen as we cut back to ringside.

PC: "Something about that woman seemed familiar, didn't you think Heather?"

HHL: "Does this woman even work here? Who is she, and why didn't Vita tell Dolly why she was there?"

PC: "Maybe Vita is considering her offer!"

HHL: "There's no way that happens Pip, Vita isn't that woman anymore!"

PC: "No, she's just an undead spawn of Satan is all!"

Jenny Myst comes down to the ring eyes fixated on her opponent. She rolls under the bottom rope and immediately takes up position opposite Game Girl awaiting the bell.

Helix Nebula by Anamanaguchi blasts as colored lights in beat to the rhythm pass over the roaring crowd. When the beat kicks in Game Girl swoops down from the rafters on her flying cloud, Nimbus, going over fans and reaching down to give them passing high fives before sailing over to the ring and flipping down to her feet into a fist-raising pose.

- vs -
Standard Singles - 1 RP

The bell rings and the two women circle, sizing each other up. Jenny swings first, Game Girl rears back, and then goes for a high kick but Jenny rears back. They continue to circle.

Finally they lock up. Jenny has the slight strength advantage and is able to throw Game Girl into the corner. Jenny charges, but the nimble Game Girl moves, and hits a jumping Round House, putting Jenny on her back. She is quickly back up, but Game Girl hits a low sleep to put her on her back again. Reaching down, grabbing Jenny by the hair she stands her up.

PC: Two totally different styles here. Game Girl is more tactical, calculated. Myst is a bull in a china shop. So far, tactical is winning.

HHL: It's early, Pip.

PC: Why do you ALWAYS defend her?

Jenny ducks a shot from Game girl and scoots behind. She locks her arms around and goes for a suplex, but Game Girl lands on her feet. Jenny turns around into a standing drop kick. Jenny again gets up quickly and is clearly frustrated. Game Girl gets into a fighting stance as Jenny stares at her.

The two circle again. The San Diego crowd is buzzing, Relentless is right around the corner, and Savage has been on fire. They tie up again, this time Jenny is able to wrench, putting Game Girl in a side head lock. She yells something at the crowd as she runs towards the ropes, goes for a bulldog. Game Girl shoves her in mid air, Jenny lands on her feet, and Game Girl goes for the drop kick as as turns around. Jenny has it scouted and ducks under, putting Game Girl on her shoulders.


PC: WOW! Not usually a move in the repetoire of someone five feet tall, but Jenny has been known to surprise us from time to time!

Jenny grins, wiping her black lips.

She goes down for the cover.



Game Girl gets a shoulder up!

Jenny looks frustrated but they smiles a toothy smile. She gets to play more!

She picks up Game Girl by the head, and throws her back into the corner. Jenny runs and connects with a forearm. Jenny beginning to take over physically now, bouncing Game Girls head off the turn buckle. She goes to one knee, and Jenny lifts her knee and connects with the chin of Game Girl, knocking her onto her back. Jenny feels confident now, going for Insult to Injury, but when she flips back Game Girl moves. Jenny's knees strike the mat, and she grabs at her leg.

Kienzan!! (V-Trigger!)

Game Girl goes to one knee, Jenny is down.

HHL: Fast paced match so far! Back and forth! You can tell its Relentless season, Pip!

Game Girl lays on top.



Jenny kicks out.

Game Girl lifts her up by the hair, and goes for the Bimmy-to-Jimmy belly to belly suplex. Jenny blocks. She goes for it again, Jenny blocks. Jenny elbows Game Girl in the side of the head to create separation, and a knee to the gut bends her over. Jenny then plants her with a twisting neck breaker!

Jenny doesn't pin, however, but rather drops her knee down over the throat of Game Girl. She presses down as Game Girl kicks. Jenny laughs and lets off, only to drop the knee down again. The ref counts to 5, and she breaks the hold.

Game Girl rolls out of the ring, holding her neck. Jenny is in pursuit, however. She is right on Game Girl on the outside. Grabbing her by the head she runs her face first into the ring post.

PC: This is that mean streak we've seen in Myst. She wants to prove a point here going into Relentless.

She laughs as Game Girl crawls away. Jenny hauls off and kicks her in the side with a thud. The ref is counting from inside the ring. At the 8 count, Jenny rolls her opponent into the ring. Game Girl is woozy getting up, and Jenny appears to be setting up for the running boot to the face.

HHL: She wants to put it away here, in a brutal fashion!

Just as Jenny begins her charge, Game Girl puts her hand up.

Power Geyser! A pillar of energy shoots from her hand, knocking Jenny back. Moving with a burst of speed, she hits Hyper Bomb! The overhead strike with a ball of pure energy takes Jenny to one knee and Light Bomb! A huge ball of white energy bursts from Game Girl's hand and Jenny suddenly can't see! She is blinded by the light! Game Girl is ramping up for a combo.

⇩ ⇩ B, A, A, ⇧ ⇧ A, ↺ A+B, ⇩ ⇩ A+B - SUPER COMBO! - Shift-Slide! Punch! Punch! Raging Uppercut! Hyper Bomb! Romper Stomper!

Jenny is flat out. Game Girl goes for the cover. Just then LEXI GOLD's music hits. This distracts Game Girl mid combo. PC: Why is Lexi coming out here? And why would she want to HELP Jenny?

But Lexi is nowhere to be seen.

Game Girl looks confused also.

Jenny is behind her, catching her her bearings.

She grabs the tights, INFINITY ROLL PIN!



3---Game Girl pops out at the last possible second.

Myst, clearly frustrated again, yells and slaps the mat.

HHL: Clearly Jenny set that up. She knew Game Girl can get distracted during her combos and she had a trick up her sleeve! Lexi isn't even in the building tonight!

Game Girl, showing resiliency, gets back up. Jenny connects with two hard strikes, then drops her with a Choking S.T.O. She comes off the ropes with Insult to Injury, driving her knees into the mid section.

She doesn't pin, though.

Instead Jenny lifts her by the head. She grabs a handfull of hair and brings her face close.

"You did this. YOU! You couldn't just go away and let us forget about you! Now...I'm gonna put you away!"

Jenny hauls off and slaps her, with an "oooohhh" from the crowd. She whips her off the ropes and on the rebound Game Girl ducks. She comes off the ropes with a flying cross body, taking Jenny down, the two roll through it and pop back up into a standing position where Jenny plants her with Go To Hell! The spike DDT and Game Girl is flat on her face.

Jenny walks snarls her lip, and wipes some more black lipstick all over her face. She stares at the camera with a trance like look. She tilts her head to one side. Game Girl, showing guts, is starting to get up. Jenny grabs her, bending her backwards.

PC: Uh oh, we've seen this before......

She kisses Game Girl on the forehad then plants her with Myst Opportunities.

She covers.





PC: Statement win here over a very game competitor! Jenny is prime and ready for Relentless, or so it appears!

HHL: I see what you did there.

The honeyed rasp of Atara's voice blares over the facility's PA in unison with those words appearing on the multitude of screens and displays littering the arena.


The crowd pops and gets to their feet shouting in near total unison a single word.


Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose Atara emerges from the back taking spot centerstage atop the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.

Grunge walking to the ringsteps, she climbs and stops at the top to posture again for her adoring public. Hand on her hip, the Grecian moves to the middle of the apron to blows a final kiss to the camera and enters the ring through the middle rope.

The arena lights turn gold as the intro of “Soldier Dream” by ROOT FIVE hits the PA.

Raion Kido appears on stage, letting out a lion’s roar.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Mezasu kiboo no iro wa
Kedakai hodo utsukushii…”

Raion spreads his arms and breaks into a bird run towards the ring, slapping the fans’ hands along the way. He slides into the ring on his belly and springs into his feet.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Tsubasa wa ten wo kakeru
Erabareta moushigo no you niiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

Facing the camera, Raion throws a one-two punch forward, his final pose as the music dies down.

- vs -
Non-Title Match - 1 RP


Raion Kido and Atara Themis both begin circling the ring as soon as the bell is sounded. Slowly the two wrestlers come towards the center of the ring, where Kido extends his hand out to invite Atara Themis to a contest of strength. Themis, the wise vet that she is, chooses to ignore the offer of a strength contest and just continues making circles around Kido, albeit continually smaller ones.

HHL: “Atara knows she won’t win this match with brute strength, so why even bother?”

PC: “For the honor!”

HHL: “Pffft right.”

Kido eventually puts his hand down and shrugs, and that’s when Atara Themis decides to leap into action! The smaller woman charges towards the universal champion and swings out with a lariat, but Raion wisely ducks underneath it before charging at the ropes. Kido hits his back against the ropes and is propelled back towards an expectant Atara Themis, who is able to take the champion off his feet with a reverse spinning elbow that seemingly shoots towards his face out of nowhere!

PC: “Incredible elbow from Atara Themis! I don’t think Raion saw that coming at all?”

HHL: “Atara Themis has a one-on-one match with the universal champion, and she’s going to pull out all the stops to come out on top!”

Raion Kido hits the mat roughly after the surprise elbow, but he quickly pushes himself back up to his feet before Atara is able to capitalize on her advantage. As Atara rushes to move in on a quickly rising Raion, the champion sweeps her feet out from underneath her! Atara falls to the mat back-first, and Raion immediately hops onto her in the top mount position! Atara tries to fight him off with her guarding legs, but Raion pushes them out of the way before delivering a big blow to her forehead with his right hand! As Atara’s lights start flickering on and off for a brief few seconds, Raion decides to try and lock in an arm triangle choke! IT WORKS!

PC: “Uh oh, this is a bad spot for Atara to be in! Raion may not be a submission machina, but he might well be a world-class expert at all types of combat sports!”

HHL: “He’s the world champion for a reason, Pip! Kido is one of the most versatile wrestlers we’ve ever seen in the XWF!”

PC: “Atara is going to have to work her way out of this hold, and quick! Or this one could be over!”

Kido presses Themis’s arm against her neck as he squeezes her head like a pimple. Atara tries to push herself out of the submission hold and towards the ropes, but as she does that, she accidentally lets both of her shoulders hit the mat! The referee starts the pinfall count!




PC: “He almost had her right there!”

HHL: “She’s on her back right now, she’s being submitted, she’s being pinned, Atara desperately needs to change the momentum and flip this script!”

Atara repositions herself so that her shoulders are off the mat as Raion Kido continues working his arm triangle choke. Atara is able to slip around in the hold and put herself on her stomach. In doing so she was able to avoid any more attempted pinfalls, but now, she’s opened herself up to a REAR NAKED CHOKE, and Kido is locking it in!

PC: “The rear naked choke! Kido is especially dangerous with that maneuver!”

HHL: “Atara tried to twist off her back, but in doing so, she gave up her neck to the universal champion! Not a smart idea!”

PC: “Well you know what they say, Heather- everyone has a plan until they’re being choked senseless!”

Atara’s face starts to discolor and her breathing starts to grow shallow as Raion Kido squeezes her neck with every ounce of strength the champion has. Atara Themis starts slowly pulling herself to the ropes, army crawling forward on her stomach, as Kido continues to apply the pressure of his rear naked choke. Atara’s energy seems to be fading fast, as her crawl steadily grows slower and more exhausting by the second. Just when it looks like Atara Themis may be about to pass out, she finally reaches out and is able to graze the ropes with her middle finger!


PC: “It couldn’t have come at a better time for Atara! She almost looked out of it!”

Raion immediately gets off his opponent as soon as she touches the ropes. The universal champion backs up to the opposite side of the ring to allow his opponent to regroup and rise to her feet. The referee checks in on Atara as she uses the ropes to assist her in standing back up. The referee asks Atara if she’s okay to continue, and she assures him that he is. The referee looks at her pale face and blue lips, but just shrugs and decides to allow the fight to continue.

HHL: “Raion may have gotten off to a hot start, but it looks like Atara still has plenty of gas left in her tank!”

PC: “She’s not going to quit, that’s for sure!”

Atara Themis takes in a big, deep breath before she lets go of the ropes and starts walking over towards a smiling Raion Kido. Atara glares daggers into Raion’s soul as the champion steps back to the center of the ring with a bit of earned cockiness. Once again Raion extends his hand out, challenging Atara to a classic contest of strength, and once again Atara rebuffs the offer- only this time she slaps Raion’s hand out of the air to do it!

Raion looks to the side as his hand is forcibly displaced, and then, he looks to the other side as Atara hits him with an OG pimp slap that leaves a hell of a red mark! Raion Kido is forced to take a couple steps back as he brushes his bruising cheek. Atara, meanwhile, is gearing up for a question mark kick that hits Raion right on the chin and forces him back into a corner turnbuckle!

HHL: “Did you hear that kick connect, Pip?!”

PC: “Raion’s going to feel that one tomorrow- and probably next week, too!”

Atara looks out to the crowd, which seems torn between her and Raion, before she turns her attention back to her opponent in the corner turnbuckle. Atara makes a few taunting gestures before she charges straight at Raion Kido with a JUDGEMENT OF PARIS!....but Raion sees it coming and springs out of the corner just in time! Atara’s knee makes contact with nothing but the turnbuckle pad, however, Atara is able to catch herself on the top rope.

PC: “Raion got out of the corner just in time to avoid that makeshift version of Atara’s finishing move!”

HHL: “But she was able to catch herself on the top rope- let’s see what she does from here!”

As Raion turns around to look back at Atara, she turns around and stands tall on the third rope. Before Raion knows what’s coming, Themis leaps off the top rope with a missile dropkick that connects straight to Kido’s dome! Kido collapses to the mat and Atara hooks the leg as the ref counts the pin!




PC: "The champion won't go down that easy!"

HHL: "This could still be anyone's match, but Atara is showing the world she can hang with the best of the them still!"

As Raion pulls himself up, Atara is right there, landing a series of kicks that staggers the wrestler. She then grabs him by the head and locks him in, before dropping with a quick DDT that stuns the champion! The fans are getting into it, wondering if a major upset could be happening before their eyes, as Atara gets to her feet. She moves over to the corner, prepping herself once again to go for the Judgement of Paris!! She waits for Raion to get to his knees, then runs forward... but Raion doesn't stop there, popping up to his feet and spinning, catching a surprised Atara with a discus clothesline!! With Atara down, Raion makes his own cover, hanging on.




HHL: "These two wrestlers are not holding back!"

PC: "Why should they? Kido's got honor on the line, and Themis would love a big victory on her return to active wrestling!"

HHL: "I wonder if James Raven is watching in the back right now."

"You know he's itching to be out here."

Raion is back up now, having a hold on Atara Themis as he drags her over to the corner. He begins to chop away at her, landing some serious strikes, showing that he's fully committed to treating Atara like an equal in there. With Atara leaning heavily in the corner, Raion walks away from her, pointing out to the fans. He then turns and charges back in, maybe thinking about going for a high knee, but Atara surprisingly uses the ropes to spring over his charge. She twists in mid-air, catching him from behind and yanking the startled champion backwards into a roll-up!! The ref dives in.




HHL: "That was nearly it!!"

PC: "That just goes to show you that a good roll-up is always a threat to beat anyone, even the Universal Champion! Raion Kido very nearly took a big loss there!"

HHL: "Which is not the momentum he wants, heading into his Relentless Night 3 event with Mark Flynn!"

Both wrestlers are back up now, with Raion taking a flustered swing at Atara. He misses, though, with Atara able to club him in the back of the head with a forearm, knocking him forward. Raion shakes it off, then turns around, only for Atara to come launching at him, taking him down with a Slingblade!! Raion's down again, as Atara gets to her feet. She looks towards the turnbuckle and nods, grabbing at Raion's arm and basically dragging him across the mat, getting him closer to the ropes. She works to get him onto the turnbuckle, as the fans get to their feet.

HHL: "Wait, is Atara thinking what I think she's thinking?"

PC: "Can she really get Raion Kido up on there for From A Dove??"

HHL: "She's certainly trying, and if she can hit this move, she might defeat a Universal Champion!"

It's not easy, but Atara makes progress, slowly getting Raion up the turnbuckle and into position. But it's taken too long, as Raion starts fighting back, striking away at Atara's mid-section. She tries to readjust, taking a swing, but Raion blocks it, instead landing a headbutt that nearly causes Atara to fall. Raion, though, hangs onto her, turning her around... and coming off the top with ROLLING CRASH!! The top-rope release German suplex sends Atara flying half-way across the ring, leaving her in a heap, as Raion takes a moment to recover rather than trying to pursue for a pin.

HHL: "That was a heavy impact for Atara Themis!!"

PC: "She went for it all on that gamble, and it didn't pay off. Her only hope now is to get out of that ring and buy some time."

HHL: "I don't think Kido's going to give that to her, Pip..."

As Atara gets to her knees, holding the back of her head, Raion Kido has positioned himself in the corner. He gives Atara a nod of respect, liking the fight that she's brought to this contest. As Atara pulls herself up, Raion sprints in at her, giving her no time to react...


Atara crumples to the ground, as Kido turns and maneuvers around her, making the cover.




Winner - Raion Kido

HHL: "What a finish! Atara almost got him, but Raion Kido once again comes out victorious!"

PC: "I bet Mark Flynn watched this one live, and I bet he watches it on replay several times. The only way to take down someone like Kido is to be better prepared than he is, and Flynn's one of the few who could do it."

HHL: "We'll find out for sure at Relentless! For now, a great match from Atara Themis!"

In the ring, Raion Kido seems to be offering his hand to Atara, to help her up. But Atara rolls away instead, ending up outside the ring, where James Raven has already appeared to give her a hand. The two move away, as Kido watches them go, standing proudly.

Lights in the Sky hits as the fans begin to boo. Marf makes his way out onto the stage, looking around at the audience and shaking his head in disgust. He marches to the ring while the crowd continues to boo and insult him. Marf rolls into the ring and goes to a corner, climbing up and then flipping off the crowd for more heat.

HHL: Marf is going to try to do tonight what Jenny Myst and Xavier Lux could not: stop the Television Title reign of Bobby Bourbon.

PC: So far, Bourbon's looked extremely strong as the champion. But Marf could be seen as a wild card.

HHL: Marf is ALWAYS seen as a wild card.

PC: Okay, you got me there. But he's got a major opportunity tonight.

The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.

As Godzilla blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison.


HHL: So far, Bourbon stripped Myst of her title & hair, then took gravity from Lux in his first major defense. But tonight, Bourbon surprisingly didn't want a special gimmick.

PC: He probably hit the limits of his budget. You know how much an anti-gravity cage costs?

HHL: Not a clue.

PC: Exactly, because you could never afford one!

HHL: Well, nonetheless, we're having a straight one-on-one contest tonight, which means countouts and disqualifications do apply.

PC: Which gives Bourbon the champion's advantage.

- vs -

Bourbon takes an extra moment to show the Television Title off to the crowd, then finally hands it over to the referee. He watches the referee move away, then turns back to Marf, who comes out of the corner and blasts into Bourbon with a clothesline!! Marf runs past Bourbon, snapping at the booing fans on the front row, then turns back, only to see Bourbon already getting to his feet! Marf, surprised, runs at him again, hitting a second clothesline. He spins around... and Bourbon pops back up, turning to face him. He snaps something at Marf, shaking his head, so Marf hits a THIRD clothesline! Marf turns back, expecting Bourbon to stay down this time, but he's already getting back to his feet, as the crowd cheers!

HHL: Marf's clotheslines are having absolutely no effect!

PC: Oh, no, they're having an effect, I'm sure. Bourbon's just ignoring it. His chest will be sore tomorrow, but right now, he's got that adrenaline flowing.

HHL: To Marf, I don't think the distinction matters. He looks a little frustrated.

Marf kicks at the ropes, pissed that Bourbon isn't staying down. He runs at Bourbon, trying again, but this time, Bourbon ducks under the clothesline and heads for the ropes. Marf stops his momentum and turns, trying to get back to the Television Champion, but Bourbon's already rebounding his direction. He smashes into Marf with a huge clothesline, flipping Marf backwards to a painful landing on the mat! Marf rolls over and starts to get up, trying to do what Bourbon did, but Bourbon doesn't give him the time. He picks Marf up in a bear hug, then charges into the corner with him, before coming out with the Honestly Brutal slam!! The ref slides in...



And Marf kicks out in time to avoid the quick loss!

HHL: What a series there by Bourbon, showing the world that he deserves that championship!

PC: If anyone knows clotheslines, it's Bobby Bourbon.

HHL: What do you mean?

PC: .... I mean, he's been involved with a lot of clotheslines. C'mon, Heather, don't pick apart my commentary!

Bourbon already has Marf back up, wasting no time. He shoots the stunned Marf into the ropes, then catches him on the way back, landing the Dinosaur Extinctor!! The pop-up spinebuster rattles Marf, as he arches his spine painfully on the canvas. Bourbon is showing no signs of stopping, as he grabs Marf by the head and pulls him to his feet. He picks Marf up into the air and twists him around, landing the Richter Spike (Fisherman's Falcon Arrow)!!! With Marf immobilized again, Bourbon makes another cover, hanging onto one leg.



THR... and Marf manages to get a shoulder slightly off the mat!

PC: We're going to be hearing from that team of seismologists in California again...

HHL: I don't know how Marf got out of that pin, I thought it was over!

PC: Did Bourbon shift his weight at the end there? Allow the shoulder to get up?

HHL: Now you're just randomly speculating...

PC: So what? I ALWAYS do that!

The ref backs away as Bourbon slowly brings an exhausted Marf to his feet. Bourbon talks to him for a second, with whatever he's saying not getting picked up by the cameras. Marf doesn't seem to respond at first, but he finally tries to throw a punch, with Bourbon taking it across the chin. He takes a step back, nods as if having gotten his answer, then moves in, kicking Marf in the gut. He then easily picks him up, spinning around and around in the ring for a few seconds before coming down with the BOBBYBOMB!!! Marf is out cold as Bourbon makes the pin, telling the ref to end it.





HHL: Another title defense from Bobby Bourbon!

PC: Could we even call this a defense? It just felt like Marf's heart wasn't in this match.

HHL: Well, Bobby's definitely was. I'm starting to wonder if anyone will be able to snatch that championship away from him at this rate. Plus, he might be also holding the tag titles after Relentless!

PC: You could definitely say that Bourbon's not on the rocks, so that must make him neat...

HHL: Pip...

PC: Yeah, I know, I regretted saying it immediately...

As Bobby Bourbon gets his championship, he looks over at the downed Marf and shrugs. He begins to leave the ring, stepping onto the apron...

PC: Wait a second...

HHL: Here's a guy we haven't seen a lot of, Jonathan Barrows! One of the Savage General Managers!

PC: But why's he coming out now?

Bourbon steps back in through the ropes, waiting, as Jonathan Barrows walks slowly out onto the stage, wearing one of his custom-made suits. He looks towards the ring with a bit of a sneer before shaking his head and raising up a mic.

Jonathan Barrows: Well, that was a 'sensational' way to end Savage this week, wasn't it?

The sarcasm is dripping off Barrows' voice as he shakes his head again. Bourbon seems to shrug, as if saying "What do you want me to do? I won." Barrows starts pacing the stage, as he keeps the mic up.

Jonathan Barrows: You know, Bobby, when I heard that you were going to be defending against Marf, I had my reservations. But I said to myself, Jonathan, this one's not up to you, so bide your time. Keep quiet and wait for your moment. Well, Bobby, this match went down as I expected, and you know what? The moment is now.

The crowd seems to react with confusion to that, as does Bourbon, who shrugs again.

Jonathan Barrows: I'm here to announce that as of this moment? I, Jonathan Barrows, am now in charge of booking our main events here on Savage. You know what that means, Bobby? That means that you aren't going to get any more easy rides like this one here tonight. The fans here? They want a match that will blow them away. They want contests that will shake the very foundations of this arena. They deserve that. And I want to give them what they want, because, let's face it, they're paying my salary...

This gets a mixture of boos and cheers from the crowd, as they're interested in getting what they want, but they don't really like Barrows' reasons for doing it.

HHL: Barrows is being a little blunt here.

PC: There is some truth there, though. If attendance at Savage events drops because of poor main events, it could cost Barrows his employment here. He's been in the business long enough to know that the fan's happiness makes a difference to his bottom line.

Jonathan Barrows: So, Bobby, due to my new authority here tonight, I've got a few announcements to make. First off, we have Relentless. I know you and your long-time friend Thunder Knuckles are fighting for the XWF Tag-Team Titles on Night One. In the main event, at that! Hey, best of luck to you guys, I'd love to see those belts defended on Savage again.

Bourbon is saying something towards Barrows in the ring, but no one has been sent to give him a mic, possibly on orders, so you have to be a lip-reader to know what he's saying.

Jonathan Barrows: Unfortunately, Bobby, you're not done after that. You see, we have a slot on Night Three that needs to be filled. You need to defend that Television Title once again. And you know what? Your opponent was already set up. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce Bobby Bourbon's opponent...

The beat kicks in and I Invented Sex echoes through the arena, the crowd cheers and parties! Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling as Dick Powers saunters onto the ramp with a rose between his teeth and bounces his head smiling followed by his manager Riley Reed who smiles nodding his head to the rhythm. Dick drops to his knees and opens his arms wide, flaunting what he's got to the crowd as his pyro goes off behind him. He hops to his feet clapping, dancing and high fiving fans nearest to the ramp, but he doesn't move towards the ring, eventually going back to where Barrows is standing.

HHL: It's going to be Bobby Bourbon defending against Dick Powers at Relentless!!

PC: Man, Bourbon's got a hell of a test ahead of him!

HHL: The crowd sure seems to love it, but then, they always love Dick... Powers.

As Powers and Reed stand to the side, Barrows gives them a nod. The shot switches back to ringside, where Bourbon doesn't seem too concerned. He actually looks a little pleased with the announcement. We go back to Barrows, who takes a step backwards as if to leave, and then turns back, remembering something.

Jonathan Barrows: Oh, Bobby, one more thing. You see, I know fighting for the tag-team titles against two teams is going to be tough. I know having a match with Mr. Powers here will also add some difficulty. But if you do manage to come out of those contests intact, there's one more thing you should be aware of. I've also just signed tonight the first #1 contender to the Television Title after Relentless is over.

Bourbon leans forward on the ropes, very interested. The crowd seems to grow quiet, wondering who's coming out next.

HHL: So he's already booked two of Bourbon's opponents?

PC: Not necessarily. If Powers wins at Relentless, this'll be HIS opponent on Savage.

Powers and Reed are also very intent, looking over at Barrows. They seem to have known something was coming, though, as neither looks surprised.

Jonathan Barrows: On Saturday, October 15th, the winner of Bobby Bourbon/Dick Powers will be facing a man who had a hell of an August. It's put him strongly in the running for Superstar of the Month, and I want him to continue that streak throughout the year. Your opponent for the first October Savage...


[Image: 200w.gif?cid=82a1493bsto855k9tk0ve81r3e5...w.gif&ct=g]

Green and purple lasers!




[Image: onkgw3.gif]

Gravy charges onto the stage! He actually gets a pop! It's quickly drowned out by the boos! He stands there on the opposite side of Powers, staring over at him before looking towards the ring. Bourbon has straightened up, his expression slightly changed.

PC: Barrows is hitting fast here! First we get Bourbon vs. Powers, and then we've already got Graves waiting in the wings!

HHL: The Television Title's difficulty level has been raised!

Barrows looks between the three men before raising his mic one more time.

Jonathan Barrows: Good luck at Relentless, Mr. Powers. Good luck to you as well, Mr. Bourbon. And Mr. Graves? We'll see you on the next Savage.

Barrows drops the mic and turns, walking away. Powers and Graves stare at each other, with Reed hesitant to be between them. The two men then turn, looking towards the ring, where Bourbon confidently raises the Television Title above him. The picture slowly fades out.

Special Thanks To:
Jenny Myst
Finn Kuhn
Charlie Nickles

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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (09-10-2022), Dolly Waters (09-11-2022), Finn Kühn (09-10-2022), Marf (09-10-2022), Raion Kido (09-11-2022), Theo Pryce (09-11-2022)
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(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-11-2022, 04:43 AM

“If at any time before this match I have been disrespectful, Mrs. Raven, please accept my apology. This has been my honor.

να είσαι καλά!”

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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