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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-09-2022, 04:45 PM

The store was quiet, as most of them were. Nobody ever went to these places anymore, with Wal-Mart and Target being the strangleholds on retail goods in most communities. Jenny didn't like those places, too many people. Small stores like this were the lifeblood of America. 
Mom and pop.
She laughed to herself. When had she ever given a fuck about America?
There were a lot of vintage games in this store, for console's no longer sold on the mass market. You would need to have a console already and have an interest in older, less graphic games. These older games were so simplistic, but there was a charm about them. A warm, nostalgic feeling. When you play them, you feel something. Like a slice of history, right there in your palm.
Jenny held a copy of WAVE RACE for N64 in her hands. She remembered this game as a little girl. She remembered that, at the time, it seemed like the most real thing ever. An escape from reality of life in the Nevada desert.....she used to pretend she lived in Miami Beach and was a professional Jet Skiier. A smile crossed her face, but then her eyes scanned the N64 rack even further and she saw Banjo-Kazooie! She squealed with excitement and snatched it up off the shelf. The cute characters in this game! She just wanted to squeeze them all!
Shelf upon shelf of memories, but these two games were the pinnacle of the small shred of happiness she had growing up. Playing these two games would take everything away, all the pain.
The section behind her was Sega Genesis, and original Nintendo NES. Those were a bit before her time, but she did remember some kids at school talking about the Aladdin game. It was based off the movie that had just recently come out. She didn't like games based on movies, they felt so unoriginal and she already knew the plot. Why stress to beat levels when you already know the end result?!
She knew NES had quite the history, but it was gone, in the past, over. Surpassed by those with higher quality, more demand, and just flat out better. That is what happened to all of these game console's. Life moves on. Even her beloved Nintendo 64 became the equivalent to a floppy disk to a CD when Xbox and Playstation began their Coke/Pepsi type war. The GameCube was Nintendo's desperate attempt to still matter, but their ship had sailed and the days of the awkwardly shaped controller than you could barely hold in your hand were over.
Her eyes flashed to the big window in the front of the store. A car pulled in and the engine cut to a stop. There were other cars in the complex, but it wasn't overly busy. The blue sky could just barely be seen poking through the clouds, and the Southern California day was shaping up to be 80 degrees and sunny, again.
So monotonous.
The chimes sounded as the door to the store opened. It gave Jenny chills and made her jump a little. She had been so on edge lately.
In the back of the store, by the counter where the minimum wage teenage employee stood, there was a demo station. You could play the games that you wanted to buy! Sample them before you bought them. Side-eyeing the man behind her who was getting a little too close in the N64 isle, she felt her breathing starting to get a little high again. The hair on her arms began to stand up between the razor blade scars. She shuffled towards the front of the store, holding her childhood in her hand.

"Jennifer, why aren't the dishes done or the trash taken out?"

His voice boomed as if from the heavens above, like an intercom all throughout the house.

"I--I am sorry Dad, I was playing WaveRace."

There was a pause, something slammed, and then the megaphone got closer.

"What the FUCK is a Wave Race?!"

Her Jetski was Pink, her outfit a white and pink. She was visible all throughout the race park. Out of all of her friends, she had the best time trial. Right now, she was just scooting around above water, exhibition, working on landing a flip.

"I don't give a fuck what waves you are have chores to do."

That's all her life was. School, chores, and making him money in a way a teen girl shouldn't be making money for herself or anyone else.

He appeared in the room, rolling in like a supercell over the plains, the face of impending doom. In his hand was a wrench. He didn't say a word, but instead hovered as if his feet weren't moving--literally as if he were floating--over to the television in the center of the room. You Jenny's eyes went wide, as she knew what was coming. He ripped the game out of the console, and threw it against the wall hard enough to put a small hole in it. Static enveloped the TV, with that hissing crackle. Turning back towards the television, his eyes were almost black. She didn't recognize the man from his eyes, and it scared her. He then ripped the console from its docking on the television, the cords wiggling in the air. He tossed it onto the floor and began to wail away on it with the wrench. Hitting it like he was attempting to open the earth and let the demons of hell through. His breath was hard and fast, through his nostrils like a thoroughbred on the last quarter mile. 

When he was done, he looked over at his adopted daughter with gasping breaths.

"Now you don't have an excuse. Go do your fucking chores."

Jenny got up quietly, tears in her eyes.

"Just know, you brought that on yourself. 20 minutes it would have taken, twenty minutes tops. Then you could have played Wave whatever-the-fuck all night for all I care."

That was the first time that she truly felt hatred. She truly felt as though she could kill this man. Rip his eyeballs out and feed them to him while squeezing vice grips on both of his hands. Smash his feet with the same wrench he used to destroy her beloved console. She sniffled into the kitchen and began to do the dishes in silence.

Later that evening, she was passing through the living room on her way to the bathroom. The wrench still sat on the table, as did the smashed console on the floor. Wave Race was against the wall where it hit. Her 'father' was passed out on the couch in an Jack Daniels induced sleep. His snoring was almost as loud as his yelling earlier, and every third or fourth snore he would choke on his own spit and cough and grumble, mutter something, then go back to snoring.

She stopped at the table, looking at the wrench. Her small hands reached out, feeling the cold metal. She lifted it up--it was heavier than she thought!

It was hard to walk with such a heavy object in her hands, but she shuffled her bare feet across the laminate floor to where he was on the couch. This could be quick. She could end it here, one blow in the right spot. One blow and there would be no more shouting. No more violence. No more abuse. He choked again, muttering something incoherent before shifting his weight and going back to snoring again. She could put the wrench perfectly onto his temple from here. She wanted to.

Lifting a quivering arm, her entire future flashed in front of her. Her 'father' was well connected. SOMEONE would put two and two together. She would be caught.

She didn't care.

She wanted him gone. Gone for what he did to her beloved Wave Race and her N64, the only solace from the shitty life he provided for her. She brought the wrench up over her head, her arm shaking from nerves and the weight of the tool........

She couldn't do it. 

Tears welled up in her eyes again and she dropped the wrench. It made a loud thud on the floor, which woke him up. She stood there crying as he jolted awake, looking around. He didn't seem to notice her standing there in the darkness, and quickly his drunken eyes rolled back again and he fell back into his obnoxiously loud slumber. She couldn't, wouldn't let him defeat her. She would get her N64 back, and she would get her Wave Race back!

She left the room and entered the bathroom, plotting in her head just how she would save up enough money to buy a Nintendo 64 all her own. With her paychecks and tips from work, she would have enough to buy another N64 within a year!


She had gotten a job, which got her out of the house a bit more. She always made sure she did her chores, and she even went above and beyond to make sure she did well in school. Her 'parents' would reward her with $20 for every good report card she had. Four quarters in a year, that was $80 right there, but she had to make sure her average stayed above 90.

Every single day she would come home and immediately do her homework before rushing to work. She put her mind to it, and busted her ass. Her father stayed off her a bit because she was excelling in school and it made him look good--at least in his eyes--and he finally had something to tell his friends at the social club that he was proud of her for. She collected change, any and all that she could find, and put them in a piggy bank she kept in the closet, buried behind some clothes so he couldn't find it. Her mind was focused on one thing--getting that console and her game! She needed it more than she ever needed anything else in this life. Without Nintendo 64, without Wave Race, she knew that she would end up killing herself before the was able to graduate.

Time passed and any free time she had she wondered if all of her friends had surpassed her time in the time trials, if they have beaten all the levels or unlocked the new color packages for their jet skis. She wondered if she would be rusty. She wondered if they would judge her because she was rusty.

The day came when she had enough money to buy a new N64 AND Wave Race from the FYE in the local mall in Henderson, Nevada. It was ON SALE! Almost 70 percent off for both! Another $10 for a controller! She had to be dreaming, this was amazing! She rushed home with the box, opening it in a frenzy and plugging it in. It was almost summer break, the hottest time of the year in the desert, and she had 3 months in the AC to hone her Wave Race skills!  She played it all night! Literally until the sun came up the next day, only stopping to go to school to tell all of her friends that PINK PERFECTION was back and she was going to kick their butts.

Her world was shattered into a thousand shards on that day.

"Nobody plays that anymore!"

"N64! Please! Wave Race is so corny!"

"Umm....everyone is playing Halo now. Metal Gear Solid is the shiznit! Where the hell have you been?! N64 is like sooooo 90's."

XBox and Playstation 2 had become the newest and hottest trends in 2001.

They had moved on. They had left Nintendo 64 in the past. They had forgotten about Wave Race.

All her money. All her hard work. Everything she had done to put herself in position to buy the therapy she loved so much.....and none of it mattered anymore.

That night was the first time she ever actually tried to kill herself.

Her world came crashing back when she hit that first flip off the ramp. She hadn't played this game in years! The Jet Ski's were a lot faster than she remembered! She raced a time trial, she played levels, she just jetted around. She had to be standing there for over an hour!
"Uhhh, mam" the teenagers nasally voice came from behind her, "we're closing. I am going to need you to check out."
"I'll take it!" she said, her eyes never leaving the liquid blue paradise.
"Take what?"
She didn't answer but he put it together.
"Oh....mam....uh.....this is just for nostalgic purposes. we don't sell Nintendo 64 anymore."
Her eyes narrowed, and her head turned slowly towards him.
"You sell the games."
"Yes for people who already have the console who can't find a game they want. These are all vintage games....."
"So what DO you sell?"
"We have XBox...."
Jenny reached into her bag and pulled out a wrench, the same one her father used on her system all those years ago.

[Image: hzlG7kj.gif]

"Damn Max from Stranger Things let herself go after Lucas left...

There really aren't any redeeming qualities to you. I have been looking with a fine tooth comb and I haven't found a single one. You just show up every couple of years for a couple week run and then you're buzz fades and you disappear back into your pixelated reality until the XWF talent pool is desperate enough to need you again. You got carried at War Games by War Criminal, who was only as good as Flynn allowed him to be, and when his buzz got too big Flynn put him down like Old Yeller. The rest of your team? Please. Misfits that make the Misfits look like Main Eventers. You were one Raion Kido miscalculation and a lucky roll up away from your little return being all for naught. I drafted the better team, and if it weren't for a cheap tights grab that would have been shown. But the past is the past, and we must move forward. Onto bigger and better things as I continue to surge and build momentum going into that tag match against the No Good Bastards, and you go back to having the same spot in everyone's mind as Sega Dreamcast. It existed, but did we really even care?

We love to play games, and you know I adore games, but sometimes you need to move on from what you love. You are always going to be a nice piece of XWF nostalgia, but you just don't add up to the better product XWF is putting out right now. You try your hardest, and that is adorable, but you will always be underwhelming. The XWF fans have been spoiled by some of the best talent on the planet and your 16 bit ass is just a receptacle bin of human disinterest.

I am going to smash your fucking face off of every opject at ringside. Just like my worthless piece of shit 'father' smashed the only thing I loved back when I was a girl! I am going to make sure that you remember my fucking name becuase I worked too hard for too long to be let down by a fucking game again! You are going to feel pain in this realm. You think getting your arm ripped off was painful? Just wait until what I put you through tomorrow night. You are going to beg me for death, but unlike the world of lies you come from there is no quitting and restarting. There are no save points. There are no extra lives. There is just pain.







I am going to rip your wires out and pour acid into your intake. You are NEVER going to be the same again, and you have nobody to blame but yourself. Your crime? EXISTING.

A game girl is just a band nerd without talent. We get it, you're from an actual video game reality. Does that make you suck any less? I thought you'd be gone after your War Games appearance, but here we are. A win over the XWF's resident Emo kid and all of the sudden Game Girl is on the radar......You make me want to CTRL ATL DELETE. At Savage, I have a chance to do that once and for all. You are going to fade into the abyss like all of the other console's have. Like all of the game characters that have been lost in the transition to the new and the better. The new era is upon us, and you're still stuck in the past. Tomorrow night in San Diego, I am going to leave you there." 

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-10-2022), Game Girl (09-09-2022)

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