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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF War Games 2022
One Night Only- Part 1
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-25-2022, 02:33 PM

Manhattan, New York
Velvet Rabbit
2022 CCPE Cannabis Cup
6:00 PM

Ft: Candice Wolf-Page

The final day of the 2022 Cannabis Cup Supershow is upon us as the first session has wrapped up where we have learned that Corey Smith will meet CCPE’s Mark Flynn in the Main Event of the entire event. We catch up with Chris Page as our scene opens just outside the Empire Room to find him having a private conversation with Theo Pryce. The conversation isn’t heated, Theo is explaining something that sees Chris agree with a very reluctant handshake between the two. A few more words before they release the shake and Theo walks away toward an elevator to head up to the Venue where he passes by Candice Wolf-Page.

Candice gives Theo a cocked eyebrow as she passes to acknowledge that something was communicated between the two men.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Did I see what I think I just saw?

Candice kisses Chris before lightly pulling away waiting for an answer. Chris watches Theo enter the elevator where firm eye contact is maintained. She snapped her fingers in front of Chris's eyes. Chris shakes his head before turning toward his wife. He opens the door to the Empire Room of the Velvet Rabbit as he responds.

CHRIS PAGE: Let’s go inside.

Candice enters followed by Chris who closes the door behind them. The Empire Room is an invitation-only room of the Velvet Rabbit where only fourteen or fifteen people have access which explains the private nature of such a luxurious space.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Babe, what was all that about with Theo?

Chris gathers his thoughts before he gazes into the eyes of his beautiful bride.

CHRIS PAGE: What if I told you that I was just asked to do something that I never thought in a million years would ever be in the equation? In my absence from the active competition here, I have traveled all over the world on a tour that has brought more attention my way than I ever dreamt. I feel like things always happen for a reason…

Chris states as he leads Candice to one of the private tables where they have a seat beside each other while he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: I had to leave the XWF because of a stipulation that ended my career there; I mean it spawned what I have become, I never thought I’d be asked to come back as a competitor, Theo just asked me to fill in for War Games next Sunday.

Candice has an utter look of shock appear on her face as she responds.


CHRIS PAGE: It’s a one-time deal because names are dropping like flies, and while I would be inclined to watch them crash and burn I can’t help but think that had I not lost to Main back in September that maybe I wouldn’t have blown up into the guy that people call when they need something saved?

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Babe, you’re like two hours away from a Death Match against Corey Black, you HAVE to be overseas tomorrow for IIW, back in Boston for CU:LT later this week; oh and by the way, I am doing War Games on Sunday!

Chris looks to interject but Candice throws her palm up at him.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: And by the way… we don’t know what the hell is about to happen later tonight?!?! I’m starting to think that you do have a death wish.

Candice lowers her hand as she rolls her eyes.

CHRIS PAGE: Can I speak now?

He asks with a hint of sarcasm in his voice drawing a nod of the head from Candice.

CHRIS PAGE: The XWF is like my mistress. The opportunity to be able to not only take part but make a pretty fucking loud statement in some form or fashion? It’s my ego, I can’t turn it down because it might not ever come around again.

Chris then continues.

CHRIS PAGE: Not to mention do you know how desperate he was to resort to having to have that conversation to even gauge my interest to return in front of the camera within any capacity.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Isn’t this a conflict of interest? Like, there’s got to be something for whoever survives?

CHRIS PAGE: When does any other federation have not only an issue with putting staff members on television, but SOME even have their titles on them. I suppose the difference within this scenario rests with if I was to somehow walk in cold and win the entire fucking thing I wouldn’t want to reap any rewards.

There’s a brief pause from Chris before he follows up.

CHRIS PAGE: My motives are to show up and let the cards fall where they may. I mean, it’s not like I don’t have other irons in the fire as well, and it’s not like the XWF isn’t the only federation that’s come crawling and begging for the Face of Professional wrestling to save them from their failures.

Chris holds up the index finger of his right hand as he acknowledges something Candice mentioned.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ll give you that there’s no telling what kind of condition I will be in because I am stepping onto a deathmatch stage, and yeah I do have appearances Monday Night, and an I Quit match on Friday Night. You’re one-hundred percent correct that entering the possible two War Games matches that MIGHT come with next Sunday might not be the smartest move to make, but I can’t think of any better way than continuing to establish that I am still one of the best of the bests in Professional Wrestling.

Candice lets out a deep sigh as Chris reaches out taking her by the hand. He gazes into her eyes and begins to then state with conviction within the tone of his voice.

CHRIS PAGE: Just coming into the dance this late in the game is a huge disadvantage, and if I can somehow, someway pick the right spots at the right times then all bets are off.

Candice finally breaks her silence upon Chris finishing his sentence.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: You’re going to do what you want to do, but be careful that you don’t continue burning the candle at both ends. Even Chris Page is human.

She lightly squeezes Chris’s hand before getting up out of her chair.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Come on. You probably should start getting ready, I mean you did think a deathmatch was a smart idea too.

Chris gets out of his chair as Candice is walking toward the closed door to the Empire Room.


Candice stops just before she reaches the door where she turns around to face her husband.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m going to be fine.

She immediately responds without any hesitation.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I’m glad one of us thinks so.


Hello kids,

Let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the room off-rip. How and why am I here if I lost an XWF Career vs Career match back at Relentless last September? See above. Cliff notes since I lost my XWF career and took a role as a General Manager on Warfare the void my in-ring presence left was entirely too much for any of YOU to overcome. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so before any of YOU whine and cry about my involvement YOU should bitch and moan to yourselves because YOU are the ones that refused to step up and fill my fucking shoes. Don’t get me wrong I’ve seen what YOU have done because as I said being a GM one of your jobs is to pay attention to the product. The last thing that I’ve been is impressed with. What’s happened to me though? What’s happened to my career since exiting the in-ring competition in the XWF? It’s flourished while YOURS has stagnated. I have toured the world taking on the best of the best within any acronym, any umbrella establishing that some TALK about it and some ARE about it. Anyone can talk about being the best, they can pat themselves on the back for dominating or decimating an entire federation; yeah, fucking fantastic! Talk to me when YOU take the entire profession by the skull and fuck it six ways from Sunday.

Before YOU get YOUR panties in a bunch this is by no means a full-time return, oh no. The XWF doesn’t get to have that from me. They don’t get to leech off my name as a talent on top of the heavy lifting I’ve done over the last THREE YEARS!

YOU are responsible for MY presence and now I am going to make sure YOU never forget it.

I want to take a moment and make something clear if YOU have already cast me to the side as a non-factor; effective now I don’t wear a GM cap. I’m not a part of the office, I have zero opinion on a fucking thing because I’m a talent within this year's War Games contracted for one night only. Save YOUR bullshit because I’m on my way to leave YOU sucking on the tip of my cock! Let’s go ahead and at least talk about how this is allegedly a TEAM event, right? Nah man, not really. This is an event that’s based on surviving two matches. The only thing YOUR team is good for is using it to make sure YOU get that one fall that matters at the end of the night.

Don’t kid yourselves.

What I bring to the table is instant credibility.

The crying when Thaddeus was announced as a replacement was laughable. It’s almost as if it’s okay to compete but don’t put someone in that has a chance at stealing YOUR thunder. Well, if Thad wasn’t stiff enough competition Theo shattered it when he announced my involvement shortly after. I’ll be the first to admit that when I saw all the voids that needed to be filled, part of me wanted to take part because I saw whose team needed that boost above all others. People can say whatever they want about this dude but the one thing he carries an abundance of is heart. YOU can knock him down but be rest assured he’s going to get back up. So yeah, Ozzy, knowing that I would be able to help aid YOU in YOUR quest to conquer War Games gives my involvement even more purpose, or at least to me personally. When I see YOU standing across the ring from me I see a guy that when you’ve seen one of his promotional packages you’ve seen them all, I see an insecure little girl that picks and chooses when she rears her head when the time benefits YOU the most, I see an inconsistent luchador that’s better suited slinging cocktails than trying to pretend YOU are a threat to anything or anyone on this entire goddamn card, and then I see YOU in the background never amounting to anything but a footnote on everyone’s career that has put YOU down.

Where’s the challenge?

Because from what I see it’s pretty non-existent.

Outside of Ozzy, I don’t care about any of YOU, real talk.

I can care less about some King that picks and chooses when to wear the crown and I’m not concerned with a random Dick sighting; although to be fair at least Dick is funny. I don’t need to coexist; I don’t need to pretend that I care if YOU are on board or not because again I am going to use YOU just like YOU are going to use me so that the finals are made. I’ll tell YOU this if we make that final… all bets are going to be off.

What about my CCPE brethren?

Several are booked across the board which means there’s a fairly good chance that our paths are going to cross in some form or fashion come the end of the night. Let me go on record now by saying that I have but one dog in this race, and once I establish the dominance that I am going to establish the rest of this shit falls on YOU and how YOU play it. It’s far from the first time that we’ve had to do battle amongst ourselves, and I’d venture to say that it’s not going to be the last. YOU do what YOU have to… so will I.

I don’t expect a lot of happy campers now knowing that YOU are once again in the presence of the sheer greatness that IS Chris Page. The one thing that YOU should remember is I didn’t ask for this, I was ASKED to do it. So while most of YOU will hurl the same meaningless duds that so many others have thrown I want YOU to remember that YOU are the ones living in the glass houses and that I was asked to save YOUR show because anytime YOU make a replacement on a wrestling card YOU do it with someone greater than your replacement; and in a world where reliability seems to be a lost art, there’s not a single goddamn person on the face of God’s green Earth that is more reliable than the man that’s going to show up Sunday Night regardless of the condition I find myself in to do one thing…




I’d be lying to YOU if I didn’t say that of the names involved in this event there’s only a handful that are even worth my time or energy, and while YOU will no doubt be generic as fuck with YOUR approach trying to find nonsensical ways of trying to speak on everyone just know that not only am I hip to YOUR game… I can beat YOU at it. The bitter pill that YOU have to swallow at this point is that while I have been behind the scenes watching most of YOU flounder the opportunities given to YOU but just how bland YOU truly are within a much bigger picture… and to think YOU dared to tell me that I sucked, YOU try so hard to run me down yet the levels of success that I have found speaks to the contrary. Please don’t take that route. Save yourselves from that embarrassment. YOU’RE welcome.

YOU’RE welcome for being one of the few that have given people a reason to purchase this fucking shit-show.

I understand the process.

I understand what it takes to be successful in this unpredictable environment. It’s a two-step process. I’ll co-exist why I need to especially if it means that I can say that I’ve beaten YOU.

,,, but at the end of the day, YOU are small potatoes.

There’s but one of YOU that steered my decision. I’ve been watching YOU for a very long time and let’s just say that several things have to play out and go our way if our paths are destined to cross. I will tell YOU that I’ve seen YOU flirting back which only further entices my interest in seeing what the hype is all about first-hand. Why don’t we forgo all the politics or dealings and just give each other our word that we will do everything in our power to bring our universes together for one chance encounter? Something I want to leave YOU all with is how I didn’t even have twenty-four hours to prepare for this and I’ve already smacked YOU around in more ways than YOU can fathom until YOU rewind this mother fucker and rewatch it. If I’ve already gotten in YOUR head with very short notice, can YOU imagine what I’ll do next with a week at my disposal? Yeah, I felt YOUR asshole pucker too. Just in case YOU are picking up what I’m throwing down, allow me to make it clear. There is but one of YOU that I'm coming to War Games to see, specifically… and unless YOU #burncosmos it’s safe to say it sure as shit isn’t YOU.

Oh yeah…

Before I forget.

Where the hell is that bitch ass Xtreme Champion of yours? For a guy that talked a lot of shit YOU certainly aren’t anywhere to be seen when YOU could back up those words, right? Protect that strap and continue a lackluster run, bud. You’re doing great as the only twenty-four-seven Champion who evades an event that's notorious for having that particular piece of hardware change hands several times over. That doesn’t make YOU smart that makes YOU a…






… and that my friends is exactly why I am simply better than YOU.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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