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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF War Games 2022
War Masters 3: The Mastermind
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Mastermind Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-23-2022, 03:38 PM

[Image: zERvzYG.png]

We begin in the future where we have been with Dolly Waters, and Peter Vaughn. We see a desolate earth, where War has rampaged through it. This is only 25 years on from this time period.

Mastermind’s kids Vinnie and Jacob are desperately trying to find their twin sisters, Bernadette and Margaret, after they were forced to split up after a bombing raid from the enemy forced them apart.

Unbeknownest to both sets of twin siblings, they hadn’t been separated for more than a few kilometers.

After settling in for another quick rest period, Vinnie and Jacob had been talking about their father’s past when another bombing attack came out of no where, and they were forced to take cover.

Within half an hour Bernadette and Margaret were walking through the area, trying o be stealthful as came be.

MARGARET: “Looks like the enemy have hit again?”

Bernadette stops and bends down and looks at the ground.

MARGARET: “What is it sis?”

BERNADETTE: “Some people have been here, it looked as though they were trying to get their strength back.”

Margaret looked over to where Bernadette was kneeling.

MARGARET: “Is that a campfire?”

BERNADETTE: “It is, yes,”

MARGARET: “Not many people set it up that way, didn’t Dad teach Vinnie to do that method?”

Bernadette looks further at the clues, at the burned ground and what was left of it.

BERNADETTE: “Now you mentioned it, it certainly does, when was that?”

MARGARET: “It was after his most successful period within the XWF, where he called it his true Mastermind period.”

BERNADETTE: “He was certainly happy when he finished that period, it was the end run to his retirement, hey look at this,”

Bernadette moves dirt around, and discovers something glistening. She picked it up. It was a ring.

MARGARET: “That’s Jacobs, I’m sure of it,”

Scene slowly fades out.


I’m still getting used to being back in the XWF.

Having to deal with the grueling schedule of participating in matches every 2 weeks, or different shows which runs seems to run side by side.

I only came back to test myself on Anarchy, as Thursday Night Anarchy seemed to be the logical fit for me. My main thought was to take it easy and build myself back up to full time.

In my early years I could go flat out everyday with promos and being on the road. But ever since that dreaded health scare, I could only find myself having to recapture my form by being on the one show that you didn’t have to do very much.
But after only two appearances on Anarchy I am the Anarchy champion. I wasn’t even seeking any championships at first. And I still don’t know how the Anarchy title got to be with me. It feels like a dream.

And then there was that match I had to go back to Wednesday Night Warfare and compete in. Against Hanari Carnes. The guy who interrupted my return. I certainly did a job on him, and finally on my third attempt came away with a win against him. Throwing him through all four sides of the glass cage.

All I wanted to do was put him in my rear view mirror and mozy right along. But no, the powers that be, thought differently. They are good like that. But we’ll address that situation a little bit later on.

So as I’m approaching my Private Jet, all I wanted was to get home to be with my wife, Maria, and my four children. Two sets of Twins. One set Boys, the other set girls. The boys were almost 10, whilst the girls were almost 8.

Anyway I’m in my private car being driven to the airport by one of my employees, and all I felt was being sore from the match that I had just been in, and feeling really tired. I had to go to a medical facility to make sure everything was okay with my head, which it was, so all I needed to do was just get to my Private Jet, and head home, and see my wife and kids, and regroup. Sleep if I had to as well.

Before I left the Medical Centre I had received a call from XWF Management placing me in to a War Games Captain’s Draft. So as I was being observed by the medical team, I was picking my War Games team. I went with Peter Vaughn, the current Super Continental Champion, Dolly Waters, as someone I have much respect for and would always want to work with on a team, and Savannah Knightley, someone who I also had been wanting to work with.

My War Games team was now chosen and now all I had to do was go home, go back to New Zealand for a few days, recover, and plan on how to get this eclectic group with high egos together, to form a team so we can compete at War Games.

It would be my 3rd War Games. My second as a captain. My first two I lost, but I knew if I could get Peter, Dolly and Savannah to work together, then we would have much of a chance as any other other team out there. I was on a hot streak already in my come back. 3 wins from 3 matches. 2 on Anarchy and 1 on Warfare. It had been a while since I had been on such a streak. Heck my usual streak were always losing streaks, and my highest losing streak was 9. I never wanted to go back there again.

That was a different Mastermind. I am a different person now. And I’ll keep attesting to that.

I felt like I have been rejuniverated. Not only did I feel like a different person in the past, I felt there were 3 other versions of myself in my early days of the XWF.

First of all I was what people would call a Martyr. I lost so many matches in a row, because why? I was cocky? I entered into so many matches on Warfare and Savage that I wanted to prove myself? I won a few but lost a whole heap in this so called period. Then because of the work load that I had put myself under I felt overloaded and needed a break. I left for 2 two years.

During this time I rebuilt myself, I consider that period the Artist period. I wanted to be better than my Martyr self. So when I was ready to come back, I had changed a little bit into the so called artist that I wanted to be. I won the Television belt within the first few weeks and made a statement. I ended up being the 2nd most longest holder of that belt. I’m at number 4 now, but back then I had made a statement.

I morphed from the Artist concept into what I really wanted to be… The Ruler of not only the XWF but also the XWF Universe. That was why I built myself a stable, and did what I did. I felt close to succeeding until my health broke that run.

Now 18 months later, becoming the Anarchy champion in just my 2nd match back, and staying unbeaten, I have morphed myself into my 4th incarnation. Which is what i had been looking for all along. The one and only…. The true form of myself….. The Mastermind.

I’m aware that I need to get together with my War Games team that I have named The War Masters, in order to prepare for our War Games match. I have to get Dolly Waters, Peter Vaughn and Savanah Knightley together and work with them. First of all I have to find them. But at the moment in time I needed sleep, and at least a couple of days rest before I could get the energy together to go and find my team mates.

I closed my eyes again, and fell asleep.


I finally flew back into Wellington, and made my way home. There I was greeted by my children, two sets of twins. Twin boys Vinnie and Jacob, and twin girls, Bernadette and Margaret. It was so good to see them. I said hello to my wife Maria, spent an hour spending time with them, and then once again exhaustion took it’s toll.

I then went to take a nap. Well, it lasted a whole day.

I finally got up, it was the middle of the night, and I was making my way to the kitchen when I past my office. Something made me go in and check. There was a package on my table. There was a note on the package it said:

“I saw your return from your illness and
I saw you made an instant impact upon returning
To the XWF.
And I saw you make yourself a War Games Captain.

We’ve had a few matches against one another over the years.
And so I think I owe you something.
Therefore in the box is something that you can used.

Use it to open the spare room.
I have placed something in there that you could use.
It’s been in there for a numbers of years but you
Weren’t ready to use it. Now you are.

Use it to find your War Games team mates
Bring them together and work together
To win your first War Games.

FROM: You know who

I certainly knew who it was from.

I opened the box, and it revealed a key.

I knew of the room that my adversary was speaking about. I made my way to the section of the mansion that I don’t usually use, and made my way to a door that I hadn’t been able to open in years.

I put the key into the lock and it unlocked the door. I opened the door and walked in.


The camera is turned on, and we see what looks to be a high rise building. The camera is looking out at a bustling city, the weather is nice and warm.

The camera is turned to face the roof, and Mastermind appears and walks up to the camera and kneels down, and looks into it. He sees it is recording live to the XWF Universe.

He stands back up and walks to the edge of the roof and looks out at the bustling city. He turns back to face the camera.

“At the moment we are in a state of peace, but come next weekend we will be in the middle of something very high stakes, and very unpeaceful. It will be War Games.

“I am the leader of my War Games team for just the second time in three attempts. I have brought together three very tough competitors that I know can help me win against our opponents.

“Peter Vaughn is the current Supercontinental Champion for Warfare. I respect him a lot. I’ve followed his rise from the beginning while I have been away, and I have no doubts that he can help me filful my needs of wanting to win this our match.

“Then there’s Dolly Waters. I’ve never met her in a match before but like Peter, I have kept an eye on her, throughout her many runs here in the XWF, and she is also someone that I would like to work with, and that is why of he stubborn hard nose approach that I brought her into my team.

“And then there’s Savannah Knightely. She has got what it takes to be someone who can go places. She just needs to believe in herself, and that is why that I chose her, to have Peter, Dolly and myself work with Savannah into helping her become a better wrestler.

“Team War Masters is our name, and team War Masters will win this match, and we will show you how and why when the time comes,”

Mastermind stops and looks back out into the bustling city. Then he seems to creep nearer to the edge of the roof, and slowly sits down, on the edge while continuing to look out.

“And then there’s our opponents. A team that has a well, to me, a pathetic sounding name that is more about their bumbling, and mumbling, and idiotic team skills than anything else. Team War Games World Record Speedrun.”

Mastermind stops speaking and seems to shake his head at the sound of the name.

“Calypso, you had a chance to build a strong team. But that you failed. You failed to build a strong team, but what you did build, was something along the lines of a joke of a team. Game Girl, someone who loves playing video games, who thinks she is a video game, North Korean War Criminal, who is just a War Criminal, and the real joke is Hanari Carnes. Your last pick.”

Mastermind once again stops, and starts chuckling.

“That’s right you had to pick Hanari Carnes. He was the last one to be picked. To be chosen. Because no one else wanted him.

“We fought last Warfare Calypso, Hanari and I did. I’m sure you are well aware of that. I destroyed him in the glass cage match. I finally exericised my demons against him with it being my third attempt in trying to beat him. And I beat him to a pulp. He won’t be the same again.

“You may think you have a strong team yourself, Calypso, but it’s still a joke.”

Mastermind continues to laugh, but then stops, and pulls himself away from the edge, and stands up. He walks towards the camera. He picks it up off of the ground, and walks back to the ledge.

“I am, sorry, we are the War Masters, and I am the leader of the War Masters, and I will lead my team to victory, because Calypso, your team, the so called War Games World Record Speed Run is a joke of an outfit, and not worthy to be moving on. You aren’t worthy, Game Girl treats this like a joke and isn’t worthy, and well Hanari isn’t worthy to be facing me so soon after last Warfare.

“It’s still another week before the battle commences Calypso, and a week is a long time in Wrestling, just ask Vinnie McMahon. Our team will be dropping your team on your asses, and if you want proof of how we are going to achieve that………..”

Mastermind holds the camera out over the edge of the roof, and he smirks his infamous smirk. Mastermind lets go, and all it sees as it starts dropping to the ground below is Mastermind laughing and then disappearing as it hits the ground.


I returned to the room that housed the Taimarus. I had to leave for a few hours as I had to firstly do my promo, and then spend time with my family.

What is the Taimarus you may ask? It's a built-in time machine.

Why do I have a time machine you may ask? Because I need it to find my teammates.

Why do I need to find my teammates you may ask? Good question. And the answer to that is all 3 of my teammates have disappeared from this time period into the future.

Why have my teammates disappeared into the future you may ask? Another good question. I don't know the real reason, but it's something that has just happened and I'm sure to find out along the way, now stop with asking so many questions.

Suddenly as I open the door to go into the Taimarus I receive a text from XWF Headquarters.

Savannah Knightley has been diagnosed with covid
Therefore we are pulling her from your match
Therefore you now have a new replacement
It is the one the only Thaddeus Duke

I almost drop my phone. No wonder I couldn't find the whereabouts of Savannah on the location section of the Taimarus. She was pulled back to this time. I get another text. Again from XWF Headquarters.

We do not where Thaddeus Duke is
One moment we had contact with him
The next minute he's disappeared
So you are going to have to find him yourself
as you are the Team Leader.

I knew exactly what had happened with Thad. He had joined the other two (Peter Vaughn, and Dolly Waters) in the future. Now it was up to me to go get them. Using the Taimarus, meaning I also had to find Thad as well.

So I entered the room that housed the Tairmarus and went about my next task. Finding Peter Vaughn, Dolly Waters, and Thaddeus Duke. My War Games teammates.

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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[-] The following 7 users Like Mastermind's post:
Dolly Waters (07-23-2022), Game Girl (07-23-2022), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (07-23-2022), Raion Kido (07-31-2022), Ring Master (07-23-2022), SavannahKnightley (07-23-2022), Theo Pryce (07-23-2022)

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