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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF War Games 2022
Let The Games Begin!
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-23-2022, 09:43 AM

The traffic was bananas. She had never seen this many people in such a small area before, this many cars clogging roads that were far too narrow, and this many buildings in such a close proximity. It gave her the jitters, to be honest. Sure, she was from Las Vegas, and that could be a clusterfuck at times, but it's a desert. It is much more spread out than whatever this abomination is.

The Big Apple.

Big Apple is Bananas.

“I like to eat, eat, eat…apples and bananas” she hummed to herself as she looked out the tinted windows of the car she rode in. She hadn’t actually said a word since they picked her up at the airport. Or on the plane, for that matter. Or even since she humiliated Bobby Bourbon on national television. She had been mute. She really had nothing to say to anyone. She knew she was a wanted woman. A target on her back, and the entire XWF breathing down her neck. Nobody wanted her to be successful. Nobody wanted to see her glow up. Nobody seemed to care how far she has come in such a short time. She would speak when spoken too or when it was warranted from now on.

Her mind drifted back to the large double doors that took her on the tram from the terminal to baggage claim at the airport. The doors opened, on their own, for her. Initially tentative, she entered, pushing her foldable stroller which she brought with her on the plane despite the dirty looks--some people were so RUDE--and then they closed behind her. She looked at her reflection in the window of the tram door as it took off from port, and knew that there was no turning back now.

Jenny watched the belt spin, people's entire livelihoods on display for everyone else to see and touch. She would never allow Goldi to be touched by anyone else ever again. For that matter, she needed a new name. Goldi was Nickles stiche, and he was a deplorable human being. Every time she looked at Goldi' beautiful face, she saw his ugly mug. She smelled his B.O. Looking down into the stroller she smiled.

Angie was struggling to collect all of her bags as they came by, because OF COURSE they weren't together. She looked at Jenny as if to say "a little help, here?"

A hand came down and grabbed the last of the suitcases, yanking it off the belt.

"I mean damn girl, you moving in and didn’t call me so I could clean the joint first?! I mean fuck, we just living out here in these streets ain’t we, Miss Vaughn?!"

Elijah had arrived.

Elijah Martin was driving the car, and Angie Vaughn was in the passenger seat. Two XWF competitors she had drafted and was supposed to lead into War Games. Two people that she had confidence in as performers, and two people she hoped would still be friends when this was all done.

You can never have enough friends. She gripped Artie with her off hand, and glanced over at Goldi who was strapped in next to her. Buckled up like a good girl. Safety first, after all.

Elijah seemed to be navigating the traffic well. He was from this god awful place, after all. It amused her how often he used the horn.

“Go fuck yourself you son of a bitch! I'll come right outta the car and fuckin' whack ya, you fuckin' prick!

Why you fuckin' hard on! I'll fucking Aaron Judge yer fuckin' head with a Louisville fuckin' Slugger! Whaddya think of that ass fuck!?

This place was total gridlock. It reminded her a bit of the XWF. So many members, so many rushing to get to their destination, so many stuck in one place.

So many never get where they want to go.

The car shifted gears and the engine revved as it left its lane and cut off another to only get two cars ahead.

"You fuckin' bitch! Fuck you! You forgot to use your directional you dirty whore! I'll fuckin' drop you with a boot to the fuckin' skull you cum guzzling queen!

Die, you fuckin' prick! I hope you choke on a fuckin' bottle cap, ya fuckin' son of a fuck! Eat shit! Eat my shit!"

Elijah had some good insults! She wished she had a notepad with her, she would write some of these down!

"Shooters shoot" she laughed to herself. Fuck GARRY! Fuck him with a rusted metal dildo.

"Fuck you, you fuckin' uppity bitch! I'll fuckin' fuck you and all your lesbian fish-eating friends in front of your fuckin' mothers! You're gonna die, bitch!"

She giggled audibly. His rage was exactly why she drafted him. He was perfect. Lexi Gold didn’t deserve him.

She needed that killer instinct on her team if she was going to survive this War Game.

And she adored games.

”NO NO NO NO NOES! Mister Martin, sir, such foul language! And that behind the steering wheel! If ever someone was in need of having their mouth washed out with soap, sir, then well… you could certainly join the queue! My word, I say!”

Elijah didn’t seem particularly impressed however, and Angelica simply put her index fingers in her earholes and looked out the window to soak in the scenery and forget everything she’d just heard out of Elijah’s mouth.

Jenny wondered what she was thinking about, if she was excited for this game, too. She wondered how far Angie was willing to go, how down and dirty she was willing to get. She moved her head side to side, the symphony in her head nearing its crescendo. The trumpets…..oh the trumpets were on point tonight.

……and there’s the saxophone. The baritone. Even a tuba!

Angie decided she had had enough of Elijah’s vulgarity and put in her Air pods. Her sunglasses on and window was down, even though the AC was on, she seemed to be relaxed. Jenny envied that. Her BPM hadn’t been below 107 in months!

She couldn’t lie, she liked the rhythm. Sometimes she snapped her fingers to the beat.

The radio station droned on some drab alt-rock, but it was only white noise at this point. Her leg bounced in anticipation, she tapped her nails on the window. Get there. Get there. Get there.


Her anxiety was beginning to build as the world crawled by just a few feet from her, jerked forward every 2-3 minutes by Elijah's shitty driving.

Deep breaths. Wooooosha.

The doctors had always told her to breathe through it like a fucking lamaze class.


She wasn't sure she could trust those doctors, or anyone for that matter. At this upcoming event, she had no choice. She had to put her faith in three other people to get the job done, to make sure the MEAT CLOWNS advanced. She had to put her trust in them, and them in her. Raion said he had a special treat for them, and he was going to be in New York. He seemed excited, and for someone with his normal stoic demeanor, this got her thinking. What kind of special treat could this be? He said to meet in a practical location, one that they could all feel comfortable at.

She just hoped Elijah's driving didn't kill them before they arrived there.

The car rolled up to Flame Hibachi on 3rd Ave. It was a swanky spot, right outside Central Park. The cars were a lot fancier on this side of town, and the people all dressed better. She wondered if they tasted better. Was that bad?

Elijah pulled the car up to the curb and got out, closing the door harder than necessary. He tossed the keys to the valet. Angie got out and immediately squealed at a small dog on a passerby’s leash. She asked to pet it. She just HAD to pet it. He kept walking. New York hospitality at his finest. Looking put off, she stood up with a frown and a sigh, pushing her sunglasses up onto her blonde head.

“This is the place huh?” she asked. “Any reason as to why?”

"Oh great, just what I need - sitting 3 feet away from hot flames and get sake squirted at my face like I’m a dirty five cent whore on a dead end street in the middle of Brooklyn… just what the doctor ordered for the newly single man!"

Jenny just stood and stared at the entrance for a few moments. The entrance was fancy with big glass doors and torches on each side of the massive doors. It was like entering a glass palace. It was like something she would see in her hometown of Vegas.

She doesn’t say a word but walks up to the massive glass doors, which open automatically for her. She looks at the door suspiciously. Walking in she walks right past the reception desk, right past the tables, into the kitchen.

“MAM! EXCUSE ME, MAM! You can’t go in there!”

Jenny kept walking. As the hostess who chased her down reached out to grab her arm, her own arm was grabbed.

Elijah stands here staring at her. The woman looks horrified.

She backs away slowly, and when he lets go, she runs back into the restaurant. He smirks. Looking back he only see's the back of Jenny's head as she is through the door already.

"Man, this fucking chick… few nuggets short of a Happy Meal, couple Aces short of a full deck, has some screws loose upstairs… and SHE is the fuckin’ captain of this ship?! OH DIOS MIO!!!"

”Shaking my head… Ess Emm Aitch! Jenny could you pl0x and kindly not be so totes rude? This isn’t a Wendy’s!”

Jenny, unphased, kept walking through the back door, opening two separate doors, which opened into what appeared to be an attached garage in the back of the building. There was a distinct clanging sound coming from the back side of the large room. Jenny, followed by her two other teammates, made their way towards the sound.



This room was massive, almost the size of the restaurant itself, and not very well lit. Jenny pushed forward with reckless abandon, not afraid of what may lie ahead. She trusted her teammates to have her back if any scary monsters made their presence known.



The sound echoed off the walls again.

Jenny walked closer to her fate, whatever it may be. Every step of her Converse sneakers seemed to be in rhythm with the cling and the clang now. The universe felt united. The galaxy in order.

The symphony had finally stopped.

"When I was named captain, I was shocked. When I had the first overall pick, I was shocked. When I looked at the team I assembled, I was shocked. This is all surreal still, but I am excited. This is a big Pay Per View, and I get to lead a group of some of the best in the business into battle. I chose Raion number one overall because I have seen what he can do in that ring, and I know that he is on the fast track to success here with that briefcase. I chose Elijah because of his profound mean streak and how he takes no prisoners. I chose Angie because I think she gets overlooked a lot, I think she had\s a lot more to give than what she gets credit for, and I saw a lot of myself in her. I see potential in this team like no other, and to put them up against the XWF's Tim Tebow and his band of midcarders is a perfect way to start the show!

The only thing 'Notorious' about Ned Kaye is his fucking haircut. Mr. Never Quite Good Enough gets to be a War Games captain because he is everyone's favorite ass-kisser. Ned Flanders doesn't have what it takes to be a War Games captain. He doesn't have the stomach for it. Poor thing. His name was thrown into the field and Theo still had a little drizzle on his chin, so he decided in that euphoric moment of bliss to name Ned a captain. How is it going to feel to be the first one on your team to get eliminated, Nedry? How does it feel to be a disappointment in the eyes of people who rely on you, to let other people down the way you let yourself down? How does it feel to walk in the shoes of failure? How does it feel to know that the Meat Clown has mastered you?

I bet pretty shitty, huh?

You couldn't even be bothered to be in the draft room, you had to do it via satellite. You pretencious prick. If that were me, I would probably be stripped of my captain role and shamed like the the chick in Game of Thrones. Theo and Vinnie would have a field day with my embarrassment, but Ned Kaye gets to skate by because he spreads his cheeks a little more often then the rest. Ned Kaye has always been the poster boy for what a champion SHOULD be, but never was able to have the reign of those with a little more kick ass and a little less take dick. I have moved mountains to get where I am at. I have slain the legend of Centurion. I sent GaRRy packing. I beat the Bastard of Bastard's Bobby Bourbon. I am making strides here, Main Eventing every week, beating the odds and the stacked decks when you needed Theo Pryce to reinvigorate your floundering career. The Trilogy? Could ya'll be any less creative? The Notorious Alliance? Funny name when your team doesn't even like you. A mishmash of 'talent' thrown together hastily, with no fluidity or congruence. Mac Bane? Ring Master? Jason Cashe?

You have a chance to have your entire 'team' eliminated in round one. Plane crash, no survivors. Your 'teammate' Mac Bane refers to himself as the "The One Man Wrecking Crew". That should be you, Ned, because you ruin everything you touch.

But hey, if this wrestling thing doesn't work out for Mac--which, lets be real, its clearly not--he'd make for an excellent rodeo clown!

The best thing you could have done is align yourself with Raion, because at least then you could make up for the talent you lack. Jason Cashe is your other crutch, and even that foundation has cracks in it. Ring Master has racked up the losses to everyone he has faced with a droplet of talent, and got lotto lucky against Elijah. Two titles matches, two losses. Fits seamlessly with your band of misfits, doesn't he? All that muscle, and nothing but disappointment to show for it. The Kaye family reunion.

Jason Cashe still owes me anyway. Oh, you all thought I'd forget? You only beat Centurion because I provided the necessary distraction. Your signature win on my score sheet, Jason. Centurions blood on my hands, not yours. You think I was just going to move on and let you take the glory that should be mine? Oh no, no, no. I cannot allow that. But since you enjoy blood so much, I am going to make sure there is plenty of it. Enough to fill an ocean, or at least a salad bowl. I am going to make sure that I give you exactly what you wish for, the violence. Raion will not stop me either, for his goal is to win as well. When this is all said and done, even your own mother won't love you anymore.

What is love but a less intense form of hate, anyway? I don't feel love. I am incapable. It helps me help me.

You love weed and toilet humor. You're a teenager in a redneck's body. You probably think advancing to the Cannibus Cup makes you some superhuman entity in the stoner community. It doesn't. You're still the same tatted douche with a compensation complex and the mentality of a high school jock who was never good enough to impress his father. You have all that braun and no substance to go with it. I don't know what Raion sees in you! Then again, I don't see what he sees in Ned either. He is a talented dude but I question his character judgement. You look like Jake Gyllenhaal's dickhead cousin who bribed a judge to get away with date rape in college. Raion is so regal, I really can't see the connection here.

All I know is that we're coming to play, and we're taking over the playground.

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2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 7 users Like Jenny Myst's post:
Angelica Vaughn (07-23-2022), Ash Q (07-23-2022), Game Girl (07-23-2022), Jason Cashe (07-29-2022), Raion Kido (07-23-2022), Ring Master (07-23-2022), Theo Pryce (07-23-2022)

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