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The ascension.
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Wraith_ Offline
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07-08-2022, 01:37 PM

[Image: ivar-the-boneless-alex-hogh-andersen-gif...678213.gif]

It’s the typical Alaskan day; an overcast sky, but the sun protrudes through at several breaks in the clouds. Sabin stands at the base of a mountain, gazing upward; he is wearing a Black Diamond helmet, a harness, and several dozen quickdraws hanging on his left, and a chalk bag hanging on his right. Behind him are several dozen carabiners, but he will not need those until he’s further along his climb. Sabin continues to look upon the wall; there are bolts sticking out from the mountainside at specific locations, and further up, they diverge at several spots that take the climber on an easier route or a harder route… Sabin’s gaze locks at each of these spots for the briefest of seconds before continuing along the path, as far as the eye can see.


The familiar voice of Wraith says the single word, and then snickers. The wind howls beside the mountainside and Sabin is seen fastening the rope to the first bolt with one of his quickdraws. He gives a tug on the rope, but his eyes remain fixated on the path that he has already determined in his mind…

“Ever since I took my first step into the ring, I knew that this is what I was born to do. There are people who make their careers by staying in one place, and never straying; they remain in the refuge that has protected them for all their years where they shine, where they are the alpha, and they… are protected… I do not wish to be protected: I have the power and the skill to protect myself. I wanted to be something different; I wanted to do something different! I wanted to become a conqueror. To take everything that I could… To have the world bow at my feet. To have these people…worship…me.”

You hear the sudden crowd echoing in the background: You can’t kill him! They chant. Meanwhile, Sabin reaches behind to chalk his hand, and then slaps it against the other and rubs his palms together; he steps forward and places both of his hands onto separate rocks protruding. Sabin begins his ascension from the vertical base.

“The world saw me for the first time over one year ago. The world saw me conquer my first opponent by forcing them to tap out… The world saw my rise to glory, and the world witnessed me become a World Champion– one of the youngest to ever have the honor throughout the industry, by making the former champion…tap…out.” You can hear the pride in the entity’s voice that it felt from recalling that memory.

“But there is something more that a conqueror must do. A conqueror is not someone who is going to reside within their shelter– their home– their safe space– and claim to be something great… A conqueror conquers! A conqueror goes to enemy territory and takes. That– is how I am going to be great. That is how I am going to prove to everyone, and prove to the world that I am its future; I am the future. I am the heir. I am the king. I am the conqueror, and everything that you have is mine for the taking.” Its voice is filled with pure determination and confidence that it is going to do everything it sought out to do.

“Even as a conqueror, though, there are going to be times that you…” Sabin stretches his arm out for a rock and after a moment to ensure his grip is good, he moves toward it only for his fingers to slip from the rock; he begins to plummet downward, but despite the dangerous situation, he remains calm, “Fall… Times that you are going to fail. Times that you are going to feel worthless.” He reaches his hand to the belay rope, as his weight pulls on the rope as well to give him security, and stops himself from plummeting downward. He remains still for several seconds to regain his composure, but then moves forward again and grips the rocks again, “But that does not control you. You get back to your feet, and you look toward your goal… And you reach it. The Cannabis Cup: that is my goal. To stand at the end of the event with my arm raised as the winner: that is my goal!”

During this time, Sabin is continuing to ascend the mountainside and has not yet broken a single sweat… But here he is now at the crossroad: the easy route to his right, or the harder route to his left.

“There are two paths…”

The look on his eyes is clear in the direction that he is going to go, and there is no hesitation in any of his movements: he stretches his arm out toward a rock to his left to find a good grip and then pushes himself over with whatever grip he can find with his feet, while his right hand joins over to find another rock to hold onto.

“There is the easy path… There are a great number of people in our line of work, and guess what? Not every single one of them is destined for greatness. Not every single one of them is going to stand atop a company with the World Championship over their head, and truth be told…there are even people in the Cannabis Cup that are just taking up a spot. There are people that step into the rings with the likes of me that really…should not…because the fact of the matter is that all that they are going to do is get themselves hurt. I do not look at anyone standing across from me and consider mercy. The moment that the bell sounds, they are the enemy, and I am going to do everything in my power to beat them… And I am going to make sure they know that the next time they step into the ring with me: don’t. These are the people that I do not want to fight. These are the people that are wasting my time, and that are going to do nothing for the legacy that I intend to create. These are the people that need to know their place, and know that it is not in the same ring as me.” Wraith scoffs.

Having plotted his course, and decided the route that he would use to ascend the mountainside, Sabin focuses on each rock in front of him. Each rock that was part of his obstacle to attain his goal… His eyes remain fixed on each rock, and do not stray from each obstacle in front of him that would take him to his goal.

“While there are some people that are taking a spot, there are a number of people that actually have amounted to something within this industry. There are those that have earned the attention of everybody, and they are the ones that are sitting with the biggest targets on their back. Ricky Rodriguez– the man that I am going to fight in the first round… One of the family,” Wraith snickers again. Meanwhile, Sabin continues up the mountainside.

“He is the first step that I must face in this tournament… There is no getting around it, but I do not intend on failing. I do not intend on being stopped, so try, try as you may, Ricky; give these people the match of the night! The effort that shall be remembered forever, but one that you are just going to come up short with.” Wraith says while clicking his tongue a couple of times, “But I must look at everybody else and think of who is going to be the best ones to achieve my goal: I want people to look at me–” Sabin grits his teeth as the voiceover goes, “–and know that they are seeing the future of this industry…”

“Kimberly Pain or Ashlynn Cassidy; that is the next step, right? Those are the next two people that I may step into the ring with and while I do respect what Kimberly Pain can do inside of the ring… There is a part of me that just wants to share the ring with Ashlynn Cassidy. Ashlynn Cassidy; someone who has taken Centurion, one of the longest fighters in this sport, one of the most decorated and respected stars in this sport, to his limits. Someone who has been earning the recognition of people throughout the industry since she made her debut… She is one person that I am looking forward to stepping into the ring with.”

“What will be the third match can end with me being in the ring with one of four people… Mark Cross, Holden Ross, Dickie Watson, or Dane Preston…”
Wraith takes a momentary pause from his speech, but Sabin does not hesitate with his the next hold, “While any of them are capable of allowing me to stand out, one would let me stand out more than anyone else: that one person is Dickie Watson! Of everybody in this line of work, everybody in the industry, there are few that can outshine that excellence that is Dickie Watson. He is undoubtedly one of the favorites to win the entire thing, and he is no stranger to enemy territory… He, like me, knows what he is capable of doing. He, like me, wants nothing more than to be valued as the greatest to step foot in the ring. Dickie is one of those people that is on the list of nearly everybody as someone they wish to face, and this is my best chance to step foot with him in the ring. The first, and only, Empire Champion of FIGHT! NYC. A company that earned the attention of everyone! A company that had some of the greatest talent enter, but none, ever, stood as high as Dickie Watson. Out of thirty-two combatants, there is no doubt in my mind that Dickie is the true main event for anyone on our side. If–” Wraith chuckles lightly under his breath, “–when I manage to defeat Dickie Watson… I will know that I can make it through to the end. I will know that there is nobody left in the Cannabis Cup that I cannot beat!”

The excitement, determination, and confidence in the tone of Wraith’s voice matches that of Sabin’s movements. Each time he advances, he continues to move boldly forward with confidence, and zero hesitation; he is practically gliding up the mountain.

“While Dickie Watson is who I would consider to be the main event, and the man to beat… A man that I truly wish I could see in the finals, he is one that I will have to settle for in the quarter finals. And I must look forward, where there are two people that stand out to me, but one…over the other… Paul Montuori. The Montuori; a family legacy much like the Docherty legacy, much like the Blake, much like the Kane, and Paul… You are the next step in my journey.”

“That just leaves the opposite sixteen… And I have to be honest: there is only one name of those opposite sixteen people that impressed me. One person who has my attention, and one person who I can see standing across from me in the grand finale! That one person is… Sebastian Everett Bryce. Out of everybody on that side of the fence, he is the only one that I can see making it through to the end. A man that has earned a reputation; a man who has earned the right for people to want to face him in the end… A man who has earned everything that he has attained. The only way that I can cap off the night is with a victory over him. Anything less than that…”
Wraith clicks his tongue and scoffs, “Is a waste.”

“Every person that I aspire to fight in this tournament has one thing in common, and one trait they share with me… Conquerors! We are all conquerors! We are all willing to do what some just will not do; we are willing to step out of our comfort zones, we are willing to step out of our refuge, we are willing to step out of our home and wherever it is that protects us and step into enemy territory all in the name of glory. All in the name of ensuring that we are the ones standing at the end of the event. These are the people that do not have to bark for attention… These are the ones that already have the respect and admiration of their peers…or…like my own desire…the desire to show them who the alpha truly is.”

“People look at me… People know who I am because of who Mother is; they know that she has trained me to be the best, but I know– I know that they do not give me the same respect that she has earned… And that is their mistake. I am the person that people are overlooking because they are excited for the idea of stepping into the ring with Ricky Rodriguez! People are excited for stepping into the ring with Dickie Watson. Holden Ross. You can go up and down that list, and I promise you that these people are going to look at me as being at the bottom because… they… underestimate… me. They see– a kid– they see… a shadow…” Sabin reaches the top of the mountain and peaks over the top; standing atop the mountain is the figure that has laid out his path to glory throughout his duration: Wraith. The figure had the sadistic smirk on his face as he had been counting the days down to compete in the event, ready to hurt and mangle any that stood in front of him. Its eyes seemed to glow while looking toward the camera. The camera goes past Sabin and focuses front and center on Wraith.

“They do not see the monster! They do not know that I will go above and beyond…everything…to hurt them. To make the message clear as to who I am, and what I am to this industry. This is where I show them. This is where my legacy…expands. Mark my words: at the end of this event, I am not going to have to ask anyone to pay attention to me! I am not going to have to tell anybody who I am… They are going to know me. My name is going to be revered. My name is going to be feared. People are going to dream of stepping into the ring with me to make a name for themselves… and all they are ever going to accomplish is a humiliating defeat. This is my world now.”


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