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Saturday Night Savage 5/14
Author Message
Karen Hunt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

05-14-2022, 07:10 PM


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OOC: SAVAGE RULES is 2 RPs with a 3k Word Limit. All matches have a 3k word limit UNLESS otherwise specified. TV Title Matches follow SAVAGE RULES. You must post 1 cold open RP before the soft deadline of 05-06-2022 at 11:59pm board time.
Hard deadline for Savage will be 05-13-2022 at 11:59pm board time.

Fireworks shoot up from the stage as Savage opens to various shots of screaming fans and the familiar voices of Pip Collins and Heather Halliwell.

PIP: "Welcome, everyone, to Saturday Night Savage! As usual, we've got a good one in store for you tonight!"

HHL: "TV Title's on the line as Charlie Nickles defends his precious Goldy against former XWF Xtreme Champion, Cage Coleman in a Last Blood Match."

PIP: "Angelica Vaughn will be in action against Reggie Estrada, and we've also got a Cage Match between Raion Kido and the Ring Master!"

HHL: "And we're kicking things off, right now, with an Xtreme Rules Match between Jenny Myst and Lexi Gold!"

Jenny comes out to the stage, where she was smiling evily at the camera, and she walks down to the ring, then she bangs her head to the theme from her X-Tron. She climbs to the steps, and enters the ring. She then waves at the camera, as her theme fades off.

Lexi Gold appears from behind the curtain to a chorus of cheers from the crowd. She slowly makes her way down the ramp and gazes out on the jam packed arena before she runs roward to fans at ringside and claps their hands. The Golden Goddess then makes her way up the steps and goes through the botom rope and taunts a bit before she makes her way toward the center where her eyes remain fixated on the stage as she awaits her opponents music to hit next.


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Myst and Gold circle around one another in the ring, then Myst lures her in with a Test Of Strength, and they lock hands. We see Lexi gaining the upper strength of Jenny, but Jenny then stomp Lexi on the foot and she Eye Rake’s Lexi. Then she throws some punches at Lexi with all her might, and she even kicks her in the gut, then she grabs her arm, and she takes her to the ropes. She then hooks her arm on the rope, and she pulls it up until the ref breaks it up. Then she kicks her in the gut, and she whips her to the ropes and she connects with a Forearm Smash on Lexi.

Jenny heads out to the ring, and she searches for some weapons and she manages to toss in a chair, a stop sign, and various playthings in the ring. Lexi then goes outside, and she pushes her on the floor. Then she stomps on her, and she goes to the crowd to get a frying pan, as she gets it Jenny Back Rake Lexi, and she grabs her and beams her to the steel steps, and she takes the frying pan and smacks her head with as she was on the floor. Jenny then starts to shout at her, and she starts to Choke her, but Lexi slams her face to the steel steps.

Lexi then picks up Jenny, and hits a Scoop Slam on Jenny on the padded floor. She taunts at the front row, and she gets a cup of beer from them, and she sniffs it and she dumps it on Jenny. She quickly got on her feet, and she and Lexi started to go punch for punch with one another.

“Man, these women are going crazy at one another Pip, kinda make me glad I’m not the one officiating the match up!”

“Tell me about it, Heather, this might turn into a crime scene as it continues.”

Then Lexi Knee’s her in the gut, and she lifts Jenny up and hits a Stun Gun on the barricades. She then grabs one of the cables from the camera, and she strangles Jenny with it, but Jenny manages to spit in her face. Then Jenny grabs her hair and tosses her across the floor with it, then she goes for Mounted Punches. Then she picks up Lexi, and she slams her head on the apron of the ring, and slides her back into the ring.

Jenny comes back into the ring, and she grabs a Kendo Stick, and she starts to wail the back of Lexi. Jenny had a sadistic look on her face, and she wails on her some more with the Kendo Stick. She drops the stick, and picks up a barbed wire bat, and she grazes Lexi in the face with it, then she slams her head onto the mat. She then tries to hit her back with the bat, but Lexi moves out of the way and quickly gets on her feet. Jenny swings connecting with the jaw of Gold causing her to crumble to the mat. Myst puts a foot on the chest as she raises the bat in the air.












The lights in arena turn into an explosion of pinks, purples, greens, rainbows, unicorns on fire, lucky charms, rivers of sugar, and mountains of Meow Mix Ocean Explosion tuna treats as Angelica Vaughn walks out onto the ramp. She pauses with her hands on her hips, letting her cape sway gently, and gives her opposite coast home crowd a wide smile. Behind her, a blur of black and red speeds forward and under her arms as Sarah Lacklan slides in front of her and matches her pose, her head nearly a full foot under Angie's. Sarah tilts her head way way way back and up and flashes her Billion $$$ Smile, and the two wink at each other. Angie then takes her hands off her hips and pushes Sarah forward, making the former Universal Champion squawk in wide-eyed surprise, before the two make their way down the aisle.

Halfway there, Angie slows to a stop, her face turning slack, with her jaw falling to her chin. Ahead of her, Sarah sighs and rolls her eyes before backing up to Angie and, with a gentle firmness, pulling her away from that Cute Boy she had noticed sitting in an aisle seat. Angie looks longingly at the verified Cute Boy while Sarah shakes her head.

Once at ringside, Sarah slides into the ring underneath the ropes as Angie climbs the steps. Sarah gets to her feet and pulls down the top rope with all her weight, allowing Angie to step over the top rope like the most giant of giant wrestlers. As Angie walks to the center of the ring and stands with her hands on her hips, Sarah takes a microphone from Tigs and gives her a big wink.

SARAH: Hello, everyone! My name is Sarah Lacklan-

The crowd, dutifully, responds with the sound of a trumpet’s fanfare.

SARAH: World’s Greatest Life Coach and I am here to introduce to you the very FIRST member of the Family First of the XWF and my absolute (non-spouse) #RideOrDie. She is standing at the eternally totes-too-tall height of five feet and eleven inches...


SARAH: ...and weighing in today at about...oh...I'd say about thirteen or fourteen well-fed kitties...and because she likes dumb, useless, God-awful farm chores-

Sarah shutters in disgust.

SARAH: -she is fighting out of the Supes Totes Amaze Ranch in Texas...she is the Leggy Blonde of Legend…President of the Deborah Hodge Fan Club…the FUN-raiser of the XWF...the Vaughnemous A.N.G…

The crowd waits patiently as Sarah takes a deep breath.


Angie raises her hands into the air as a bedazzled spotlight shines down on her.


The crowd breaks out into a chant as Angie leads them with pumps of her arms.


It shows "The Rebellious One" on the X-Tron, then we hear the guitars playing and Reggie walks down to the ring. Then we see him walking down the ramp, and stop at the camera and give it some dap, as well to the fans as well. Then he rolls into the ring, and goes to the top rope and poses. Then he jumps down, and chills on the corner as his theme cuts off.


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We see the fans chanting Angelica's name, and Reggie wasn’t too phased about that. Then Reggie and Angelica shake hands in the middle of the ring, and they go back to their corners. We see them lock up, and Angelica manages to put Reggie in a Side Headlock. Then Reggie beams her to the ropes, and he does a Leapfrog into a Japanese Armdrag.

Japanese gets on her feet, and they lock up again, this time she grabs Reggie by the arm and she Wrings it for a bit, then she does a hold to his arm as he kneels on the mat. Then he gets on his feet, and overpowers her and gives her an Arm Wringer. Reggie then Wrings it and hits a Elbow on to the back of her left shoulder, and he then goes to her left leg and stomps on it. He keeps on stomping on it, then he locks in a Single Leg Lock, he locks it in for a minute and breaks the hold.

He then lifts her up, and gives her a Headbutt, and follows it up with a Wined up Punch to the chin. He goes back to his corner, as she was crawling to her corner as she was getting up to her feet.

“I see this match is well off between these two, I even noticed Reggie’s being strategic as well.”

“Well If you think him doing a wind up punch is being strategic, then think again, Heather.”

Then they come back to the middle of the ring, and Reggie taunts Angelica to hit him, which she does with her Elbow Jabs, finishing it off with a Palm Strike to his face. He then slouch at the corner, and she charges to the corner to hit him with Corner Big Boot to his face. She then does some stomps on Reggie, and she stops as she was getting the crowd behind her.

Then she heads to the outside of the ring, and searches for items, then she pulls out the Versace Million Dollar table under the ring, and slides it into the ring. She climbs back into the ring, and Reggie kicks her in the chest, and he then goes for the chop to the chest. Then she grabs his hand, and she beams him to the ropes and she Rebounds with a Sick Kick that makes him fall out of the ring.

Reggie gets up confused, and he does a Flair face bump to the ramp. Reggie then gets on his feet, and he goes underneath the ring. Then he pulls out a Canadian flag table from under the ring, and he puts it on top of his head and runs around the ring, butchering O’Canada to a crowd of boos. He then tosses the table into the ring, but Angelica comes outside and slams his head into the commentary booth.

“Why is Reggie being so disrespectful to the Canadian table! I see why Angelica smashed his head on our table, serve him Right!”

“And I THOUGHT I was the bad guy… tell em how you feel Heather!”

She then slides him back into the ring, and she enters it and she kicks him into the side of the ribs. He then is on fours, and she keeps on kicking him on his sides. She then sets the canadian table up, and she taunts the crowd who say “PUT EM THROUGH IT!” and she lifts him in a powerbomb position but he ends up Back Body Dropping her.

He then puts the legs back on the canadian table, and places it on the corner, Reggie lifts up Angelica and he tries to whip her to the table, but reverse the whip and beams him to the table but it doesn’t break, and he slides off it.

Reggie then crawls to his feet, pleading for Angelica to stop, but he then eye pokes her, and punches her in the gut. Then he does a Neckbreaker on Angelica, and runs to the ropes and hits a Knee Drop on her face. Then he does an Edgecator on her legs to wear them down.

“Reggie might be conning sob, but he knows how to pinpoint her weakness. It’s like he studied her tapes before he entered the ring with her.”[/size]

“I mean, even if Reggie isn’t the best, smartest wrestler… he knows how to exploit the weakness of others, including this one time Soccer reject.”

He breaks the hold, and he sets up the million dollar Versace table, then he inhales the rich texture of the table with its leather exterior. He then stomps on the mat to get her to wake up, and when she slowly gets on her feet, he hits her with a Side Suplex.

Then he locks Angelica with an Armbar, and he locks it tightly but she manages to break the hold by giving him a judo chop to the neck. Then she hits Reggie with a Mule Kick, and she hits a Pele Kick on Reggie that knocks him out. Angie then lifts him into a powerbomb position at the corner Canadian table, but he claws her eyes to make her fall into the mat.

Reggie got on his feet, and kicked her in the gut, and he went for a Dudley Dog to the Versace table, but Angie managed to grab him midair and toss him to the outside, as the whole arena erupted after that.


“Well, I don’t know what he expected when he tried to hit that move on this tall woman.”

Reggie then was still out of it, as Angie was getting cheers from the crowd. He then slowly got on his feet, and he stood at the apron. He looks at her, and while she is waving to the crowd, Reggie blindsides her with a punch to the back and he turns her around and he punches her in the jaw.

Then he Legsweeps her left leg, and he does a Single Leg lock again, and he transitions it into a Single Leg Wishbone. He then stomps on her leg repeatedly, then her arm as well into the carnage.

Reggie then lifts up Angie, and he tries to hit a DDT but she reverses it into a Side Kick, then she Side Kick him again until he leaned on the canadian table in the corner. She claps and stomps her feet to the crowd, and she charges after him and hits a Cannonball driving Reggie through the table!


We will Rock You blast throughout the arena as smoke rises from the stage. Ringmaster appears from behind the curtain as the lights pop on and he dances his way down to the ring with great enthusiasm from the audience. As Ringmaster nears the steel cage around the ring a referee opens the door and allows him to walk into the ring between the ropes. Once he’s in the ring Ringmaster immediately begins bouncing across all four ropes to test the integrity of the cage. Once he’s satisfied that the cage is properly built, he starts rolling his neck around his shoulders and cracking his knuckles in anticipation of his opponent.

PC: “Ringmaster went for the Gold and fell last Savage against Charlie Nickles: now let’s see if his fortunes can change tonight!”

HHL: “That match against Charlie was Ringmaster’s first loss in the XWF! He was undefeated before the very last savage!”

PC: “That’s right, Heather! Everyone should know by now that this big man is no slouch!”

The arena lights turn gold as the intro of “Soldier Dream” by ROOT FIVE hits the PA.

ANNOUNCER: “And now, standing tall at 6'0" and weighing in at 227 lbs., from Osaka, Japan, “The Lion”... RAIOOOOOOOOOOON… KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”

Raion Kido appears on stage, letting out a lion’s roar.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Mezasu kiboo no iro wa
Kedakai hodo utsukushii…”

Raion spreads his arms and breaks into a bird run towards the ring, slapping the fans’ hands along the way. He slides into the ring on his belly through the open door in the cage and springs into his feet.

“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Tsubasa wa ten wo kakeru
Erabareta moushigo no you niiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

Facing the camera, Raion throws a one-two punch forward, his final pose as the music dies down.

HHL: “Raion Kido has undeniably become one of Saturday Night Savage’s biggest stars since his debut! It’s just going to be a matter of time until he wins a championship belt in the XWF!”

PC: “Much like Ringmaster, Raion Kido’s only shot at gold so far was blocked by Charlie NIckles- and just barely at that! After Charlie leaves the TV division, these two men have to be next in line!”

HHL: “That’s exactly why they are in the co-main event, Pip!”

Ringmaster and Raion Kido are left alone in the ring as the referee closes the door from outside the cage and he calls for the bell.

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They both look at their new surroundings with cocky smiles, both men clearly thinking they have an advantage inside of this cage. Ringmaster spreads his arms out wide as he begins approaching Raion Kido while talking some trash. Raion Kido is four inches shorter and around 100 pounds lighter than Ringmaster, but he doesn’t back down at all. Raion Kido himself begins approaching Ringmaster while talking some smack of his own. The two wrestlers then meet in the center of the ring for an intense staredown.

PC: “These are two of the nicest guys in the locker room, but from the looks of it they can’t stand each other!”

HHL: “This could get ugly, that’s for sure!”

Raion looks up at Ringmaster with controlled rage whilst Ringmaster looks down on Raion with a burning anger lodged deep within his heart. Both men place their foreheads together as they continue talking mad shit. Then, Ringmaster shoves Raion Kido so hard that he tumbles to the ground! Kido quickly scoops himself up, but he gets to a standing position just in time for Ringmaster to make him eat a big boot to the face!

The sudden impact sends Raion stumbling back towards the ropes and the cage wall. Ringmaster made sure to press his advantage, so he quickly followed up with a couple of body blows that visibly knocked the wind out of Kido’s lungs. Ringmaster then lifts Raion’s chin up, forcing the smaller man to look him in the eyes. That’s when Ringmaster shoulder checks Kido into the corner turnbuckle!

HHL: “Ringmaster is off to a hot start in this one! He’s really use his size to his advantage!”

PC: “Raion can’t afford to fight this match inside of a phone booth if he wants to win- he’s going to need to pick his shots strategically!”

Once Raion Kido is posted up in the corner turnbuckle, Ringmaster begins laying knife chops into his chest. After the first chop the crowd ooos and aaahs. After the second chop Raion Kido ooooos and aaahhhhs. After the third knife chop Kido’s chest looks incredibly red. By the time the fourth knife chop to the chest comes around the audience is getting more and more confused about who to cheer for here. Instead of launching a fifth straight chop to the chest, Ringmaster instead decides to lift up Raion Kido and position him on the top rope against two perpendicular walls of the cage. Ringmaster hangs onto Raion Kido as he steps up to the first rope, and then the second.

PC: “I wonder what Ringmaster has in mind here!”

HHL: “Something from the top rope, that’s for sure!”

The Ringmaster struggles to get up to the top rope alongside Raion Kido, being too big of a man to comfortably maneuver on the ropes while the cage is pressed against them. As Ringmaster tries to prevent himself from slipping off the second rope, Raion Kido sees the opportunity right in front of him. Raion Kido launches his knee right at Ringmaster’s head, connecting HARD! Ringmaster’s face goes blank as he is forced down from the ropes. Still standing tall, Ringmaster just stands there dazed as Raion Kido elevates to a standing position atop the corner turnbuckle. Kido looks up at the cage walls and considers climbing them, but then he looks back down towards Ringmaster. Kido’s opponent might be coming back to as he shakes his head back and forth slowly.

So Raion decides to launch himself out of the corner towards Ringmaster! A wild flying elbow cracks straight into Ringmaster’s forehead, sending both men to the mat! While Ringmaster lay there grabbing his head in pain, Raion Kido kips right up to his feet! The crowd goes kookoo at the amazing show of athleticism!

HHL: “And just like that, Raion Kido has totally shifted the momentum of this match!”

PC: “He beat Thaddeus Duke and Centurion for a REASON, Heather! He’s tough and he’s adaptable: in the XWF that’s the most dangerous combination there is!”

Raion Kido turns around and locks his gaze onto the downed Ringmaster. Kido then sprints away from Ringmaster and bounces off the far ropes. With extra momentum now, Raion comes running back towards Ringmaster before leaving his feet and delivering a sick leg drop right on his neck! Ringmaster’s legs flail out in pain after the move!

Ringmaster instinctually rolls around the ring as he suddenly starts gripping his neck and trying to breathe after getting his windpipe crushed. Raion Kido doesn’t waste a moment before he hops on Ringmaster’s back and begins applying a rear naked choke! He gets it locked in super tight almost immediately! The referee outside the cage screams that submissions can’t win the match, but Raion Kido either doesn’t hear or doesn’t care! He keeps that chokehold in as tight as he can while the big man squirms wildly beneath him.

PC: “Raion has the rear-naked locked in tight! I don’t know how Ringmaster’s going to get out of this!”

HHL: “Even if he doesn’t get out of it, Pip, submissions can’t win this match! You can only win by escaping the cage!”

PC: “If Raion Kido can choke out Ringmaster, he can probably just walk out of the cage uninterrupted!”

HHL: “Good point!”

Ringmaster begins anxiously clawing at Raion’s arms as he tries to fight for breath. Raion’s grip, however, isn’t budging at all. The Ringmaster’s face begins to turn blue like his wrestling attire. Ringmaster’s furious wiggling and scratching is starting to slow down after the long chokehold. Raion’s grin is growing larger by the second as his opponent seems to be losing consciousness…

But then the crowd gets involved! Chants of ‘RING-MAST-ER!’ begin to grow throughout the arena, and they give life to the man being choked! The Ringmaster himself pushes up on his hands and knees while Raion stays on his back. After a few more seconds Ringmaster is able to lift himself all the way to his feet, despite Raion maintaining a rear naked choke the entire time!


PC: “Ringmaster might just be one of the strongest men we’ve ever seen in the XWF!”

While Raion tries his darndest to make that choke even tight, Ringmaster starts running backwards towards a cage wall. Raion’s body slams into the cage, but he doesn’t let go of the hold- so Ringmaster slams his back into the cage again. And again. And again. Everytime Rain’s body is forcefully slammed into the cage it looks like the wall may just come unhinged. Yet still, Raion Kido holds on to that chokehold for dear life!

PC: “I can see the marks from the steel wire on Kido’s back! They etched into his flesh!”

HHL: “That has to hurt! Just imagine how hard Kido’s being slammed into that cage wall!”

PC: “I don’t want to imagine that! You can’t make me! That sounds like a terrible experience!

Finally, on the fifth slam against the cage wall, Raion Kido is forced to release the rear naked choke. Kido collapses to the mat after being slammed roughly into the wall over and over again. Ringmaster, meanwhile, takes several steps towards the center of the ring before he collapses to his knees while holding his throat with both hands.

HHL: “This match is taking everything from both men! Neither one wants to lose this fight!”

PC: “But somebody has to, Heather!”

Raion Kido pulls himself up with the ropes just as Ringmaster is finally able to recover and get his breath back. Ringmaster stands up and turns around only to see Raion Kido doing the exact same thing. Both men just stare at each other for several seconds while the crowd goes nuts. It seems like half the arena is cheering for Raion and the other half is cheering for Ringmaster: but none of the fans in the stands are cheering against anyone.

The two wrestlers, buoyed by the support from their fanbases, charge towards each other once more. When Ringmaster nears Raion, he leaps off the ground and attempts a trademark running headbutt! Kido sees the big leap coming…AND HE CRIES OUT “LIGHTNING BOLT" AS HE SLAMS A RUNNING FIST RIGHT INTO RINGMASTER’S HEART!



Raion Kido collapses to his knees in exhaustion after delivering the near-fatal blow. The Lion looks back over his shoulder at the Ringmaster, who has clearly been knocked out of commission. Raion Kido wipes some of the sweat off of his forehead before letting himself smile in pride. Kido then steps to his feet and walks towards the wall of the cage. The nearly exhausted lion takes a while to climb up and over the cage, but the Ringmaster never rises to stop him. After about a minute and a half of climbing over the wall, Raion Kido drops gently to the floor outside the ring.


The scene cuts to the back-stage area where we see Madness regular and Savage new comer Lexi Gold, still feeling the affects of her extreme match earlier in the night, walking down the corridor. Wincing a bit, holding her ribs, she turns the corner and smacks into a door oddly placed in the middle of the hallway. The crowd cheers as she looks up, the door donning the large purple and yellow letters VISITORS CENTER.

Her curiosity piqued and not seeming to have a desire to turn around and go back from where she came, she slowly knocked on the door.


After what was an uncomfortably long time the door creaked open, and Lexi walked into the dark abyss behind it.

There was a dim light coming from the corner, and a figure standing in front of a dusty and cracked mirror. Jenny Myst was applying a fresh coat of black lipstick, Charlie’s ear hanging from a lanyard around her neck. She didn’t even turn her head to see who it was.


Lexi Gold: “What the hell? This isn't where I am supposed to get checked out.”

Lexi shakes her head and notices Jenny standing there, feeling uneasy at her surroundings as she continued to look around.

Lexi Gold: “Look, I know we nearly killed each other out there, but can you tell what the hell this is?”

Jenny continues to apply the lipstick, occasionally puckering and making a kiss noise.

“This is the visitation suit, toots. You came to visit me! I knew you wanted to be my friend after all!”

Lexi’s eyes were fixed on the human ear around her neck. Charlie’s human ear.

“You can never have enough friends…..”

She finishes with the lipstick and walks over to an old rocking chair in the corner. It creaked when she sat. She motioned for Lexi to sit on a torn and dingy couch nearby.

“So friend, lets chat!”

Lexi was reluctant by the offer, but was still willing to give her a chance just like the fans gave her a chance when she made that apology awhile back, so she slowly made her way over to the couch and sat down on it. Her eyes kept glancing at the human ear around her necklace, which almost put her in a trance, but luckily that didn't happen.

Lexi Gold: “Um, so is this where you spend all your time when you aren't in the ring? Weirdly enough, I dig the whole dark vibe. Not sure how I feel about that necklace you have on. Anyway…. I think those kicks did something with my thought process.”

“Isn’t it great?! So peaceful and serene. Not a bother in the world! And…..annnnnddddd….I get to have some one on one time with my friends! Nobody can bother us here…….”

Leaning in…


She fondles the ear, giggling.

“Oh this old thing?! It was a gift from someone named Demos. He isn’t here anymore….poor guy…but he gave it to me! Isn’t it nice?!”

She smiles big.

“Do you wanna wear it?!”

Lexi's eyes open wide as if she has seen a ghost, then nods her head respectfully.

Lexi Gold: “No thank you. I am sure that is better suited for you. I don't know who this Demos guy is. I take it he is your love interest? Or is that too personal to ask?”

Jenny begins to cackle, slapping her knees and stomping her feet.

“Ew. Love interest? That ogre?! Hahahahahahah”

She suddenly puts on a serious face and motions for Lexi to lean in closer, as if she has to tell her the biggest secret known to man.

Whispering “its Charlie Nickles…..”

She giggles again, sitting back in her chair.

“I have all sorts of toys here. This just happens to be my favorite one. Before you browse the toy section I wanted to tell you that you fight good. Not as good as me, but good. Lotta spunk in there, kiddo! But since we are here and I am Dr. Jenny for the moment, tell me about yourself. Tell the XWF world about yourself. This is your platform.”

She pours a pretend cup of water, and takes a pretend sip. Lexi looks visibly unnerved.

Lexi's head turns at the mention of the toys, realizing they weren't normal, but she should not be judging considering she has pet snakes back at home and has done questionable stuff in the past. She clears her throat and adjusts herself in her seat to get more comfy.

Lexi Gold: “Well, as you and everyone else knows I have never competed for Savage. That was my first time out there, but certainly not my first rodeo as far as my career goes, sweetheart. Something tells me we can create another fire out there in the near future.”

Jenny is staring at Lexi, as if she is waiting for her to finish. When she realizes she is, she grins.

“Woman of few words. I like that. I like the shy type…..” she stands up from her chair.

Walking over to Lexi, she smiles, tilting her head back and forth like a dog would. She gets up real close to Lexi mumbling “near future….fire……us……”

She suddenly grabs Lexi by the hair, pulling her violently towards her. They are now face to face.

“Yes….sweetness…..some day…..”

She pulls Lexi in again, and this time licks her face. Top to bottom. The newcomer looks disgusted. She smears some of her freshly applied black lipstick around her own face, and draws a cross on Lexi’s forehead.

“Someday…….” she grins, shoving Lexi away before disappearing into the shadows.

Taking a few moments to catch her bearings, Lexi suddenly twists her face in rage. "HEY! JENNY! WHAT THE HELL!" she turns towards the darkness, but the creepy blonde is no longer there. It is like she has vanished into the abyss.

Wiping her still wet forehead, "uuughhh!" she flips the couch over in frustration before walking out, slamming the door behind her. The VISITORS CENTER. sign falls to the floor below as Lexi moves off screen. We hear Jenny's distinct giggle in the distance as the scene cuts.

HHL: "We are just moments away from our Main Event, a Last Blood Match between Charlie Nickles and Cage Coleman for the XWF Television Title."

PIP: "As I understand it, a Last Blood Match is, essentially, a Last Man Standing Match, but you have to be the last man standing through means of spilling your opponent's literal blood until they pass out."

HHL: "So......... a Last Man Standing Match?"

PIP: "Pretty much."

As the Instrumental version of the Power Rangers theme song begins to play, the stage parts like the Red Sea as the crowd waits with anticipation. Up from below rises none other than Cage Coleman, wearing a modified version of Saiyan armor and a green Power Ranger helmet. He holds his arms in the air with excitement before punching the air in front of him, sending fireworks shooting up entryway.

The Traveler then makes his way down the ramp, slapping hands with random fans and pumping them up as he passes by. Once at ringside, he climbs in the cage where he runs the ropes a few times before taking off his entrance gear and preparing himself mentally for the match ahead.

HHL: "Charlie specifically requested the cage from the previous match be left in place for this one."

PIP: "He ALSO had them line the walls with a variety of bloodletting tools, in addition to lining the top of the cage with barbed wire in order to keep them in!"

HHL: "It looks like a war zone in there!"

As his theme music plays, Charlie Nickles pushes his way through the curtain, TV Title slung over his shoulder.

PIP: "Here comes the happy couple!"

HHL: "Considering the things Charlie's done for that belt, they probably SHOULD elope!"

Nickles heads for the cage door, where he hands his Championship over to a referee before entering the steel structure. The ref locks the door behind him and takes the Title over to the time keeper. Cage and Charlie stare at each other from across the ring as the bell sounds.


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PIP: "The first man to keep his opponent down for 10 seconds, after making them bleed, will walk out of here with the TV Title."

HHL: "Somehow, Charlie's choice of stipulations are only getting more violent!"

PIP: "It certainly makes for entertaining television!"

HHL: "If you can stand having Charlie Nickles on your TV screen!"

As soon as the bell rings, Charlie grabs hold of a knife attached to the side of the cage and pulls it down. He then slashes at Coleman who, thankfully, ducks under it and connects with a brutal looking Dragon Suplex into the top turnbuckle!

HHL: "Charlie Nickles could have a broken neck!"

PIP: "And Cage Coleman could have a hole in his face if it wasn't for a timely dodge!"

Cage drags Charlie to his feet and tosses him, face first, into the solid steel structure. The TV Champion bounces off the cage, unphased, and tackles his opponent, laying into him with a flurry of rights.

PIP: "Charlie's trying to bust him open the hard way!"

After about ten or so punches, Nickles pops to his feet and finger guns the crowd as a camera zooms in on Cage Coleman, who's already showing a little color.

HHL: "And so it begins!"

Cage sits up and touches his forehead, surprised by the crimson it leaves behind. Before he can process it, though, Charlie puts him back down with a Boot to the face!

PIP: "That's not gonna STOP the bleeding, that's for sure!"

HHL: "It's less violent than a pocket knife, but does the trick all the same!"

Charlie heads back over to the cage and pulls a razor blade off before bringing it over to his opponent. Unfortunately for him, Coleman's back to his feet and lays Nickles out with a Superkick that sends the blade flying across the ring. With the Champion down, the challenger goes and picks up the razor before chucking it out of the cage. He then proceeds to do this with multiple weapons lining the cage, laughing the whole way as the bloodthirsty crowd boos.

PIP: "Cage Coleman's trying to turn this into a wrestling match!"

HHL: "Gonna be alot harder to make Charlie bleed without those!"

PIP: "Maybe he's trying for the hard way, too!"

In the middle of Cage's tirade, Charlie Nickles gets back up and turns his opponent around. He sets up for a Devil Hook Drop, but Coleman escapes and pulls the Champion's legs out from under him! The challenger then falls backwards, catapulting Nickles into a conveniently placed pair of police spikes!!!!! Charlie collapses to the mat, blood flying out of the freshly opened gash between his eyes!

HHL: "So much for the hard way!"

PIP: "Charlie Nickles was centimeters away from losing an eye!"

With his opponent busted open, Cage Coleman casually leans against the corner as the referee counts the Champion down.




Charlie makes it to his knees, prompting Coleman to leave his corner and come at Nickles with another Superkick! The Champion steps out of the way and hits Cage with a BIG SIDEWALK SLAM that buys him a little time.

PIP: "It's not gonna win him the match, but that Sidewalk Slam will certainly help Charlie catch his breath!"

After taking a moment to recuperate, Charlie Nickles gets to his feet, bringing his opponent with him. He goes to hoist Coleman up for the Steubenville Screwdriver, but Cage slips out behind him in Reverse DDT position. He tries to pick his opponent up into a Stunner but, unfortunately for him, his knees buckle under Charlie's weight, allowing the Champion to land on his feet with the challenger in position for a Tombstone.

HHL: "He could be looking to finish Coleman with The Spiral Driver, again!!!"

PIP: "Cage Coleman will NEVER forgive himself if he loses to his own move twice!"

Nickles begins to spin around, but Cage is able to use the momentum against him, allowing him to fall backwards with CHARLIE in position for a Tombstone! Coleman rotates a few times before dropping the Champion on his head, leaving him there for the referee to count!!!




HHL: "Charlie's showing no signs of life!"



PIP: "What poetic justice THAT would be to win the belt with the very same move Charlie used to eliminate him from the TV Title Contendership Tournament!"



Cage Coleman puts his arms in the air, preemptively celebrating a victory he has yet to officially claim.



With Coleman distracted by his own vanity, a possum playing Charlie Nickles rolls to his feet and Kicks Cage in the gut, before planting him with the Devil Hook Drop!!!!!!!! The TV Champion stumbles backwards into the corner, where he drops to his ass and watches as the referee counts the challenger down.




PIP: "We'll see if Charlie can actually finish Coleman with his OWN move, this time!"



HHL: "It's looking more and more likely with every passing second!"



Cage Coleman starts to stir, slowly working his way to a knee as Charlie Nickles pulls himself back to a vertical base and delivers a vicious Knee to the side of his opponent's head, putting him back down. The referee goes to count, but Charlie grabs his hand and waves him off.

HHL: "What's he doing?"

PIP: "Making Coleman pay for trying to get up!"

Nickles turns and takes, of all things, an ink pen off the cage before heading back over to Coleman. He then grabs his opponent by the hair and begins jamming the end of the pen into Cage's forehead, covering him with just as much ink as it does blood.

PIP: "Well THIS is unconventional!"

HHL: "Nobody can say Charlie isn't creative, that's for sure!"

The TV Champion continues to, mercilessly, jab the writing utensil into Cage Coleman's face SO violently, it eventually breaks in his hand. It's contents spill all over the challenger, covering him in a purple muddle of blood and blue ink. He goes to fall over, but Nickles catches him on his shoulders.

HHL: "Charlie might be looking to put Coleman down with his OTHER finishing manuever!"

PIP: "The ultimate troll; I love it!"

The TV Champion goes for Coleman's trademark F-5/Michinoku Driver combination, only for the challenger to escape mid-move! He lands on his feet and lifts Charlie up onto HIS shoulders, barely holding him there before quickly connecting with an Around the World!!!!!!

PIP: "Charlie's down!"

HHL: "And so is Coleman!"

With both men seemingly down and out, the referee starts a 10 count.




PIP: "If neither man can answer the count, the match will end in a Draw, meaning Charlie Nickles would retain the Title!"



HHL: "Nobody wants to see this thing end in a Draw!"


Cage Coleman begins to crawl towards the side of the ring, desperately reaching for the ropes in an attempt to pull himself up.


Moments after his opponent starts to stir, Charlie Nickles begins crawling to the opposite side of the ring.


Cage Coleman manages to pull himself to his feet, by the rope, which he, momentarily, uses to keep himself up.


Charlie Nickles mimics his opponent nearly move for move, pulling himself to a vertical base and using the top rope to help him break the ref's count!

PIP: "I don't know how either of these two are standing! The mat is stained with their DNA, and yet they continue anyway!"

HHL: "That's what the TV Title means to these men! They're willing to fight until they pass out in order to call themselves Champion!"

Charlie stumbles towards Cage, who grabs hold of a 2×4 with nails sticking out of it and swings it at his opponent! The Nickleman protects his head, causing the piece of wood to lodge itself into his left arm!!!!!

PIP: "Remember that time Stiffler told the Anchorman he had a fucking dart in his neck? Well, Charlie's got a fucking nail in his arm!"

HHL: "He's got alot more than one, Pip, I'd say there's at least a dozen nails sticking out of that board!"

The Television Champion hobbles away from Coleman, who uses the opportunity to take a harpoon down and track Charlie down with it. Nickles pulls the board out of his arm, before getting his hands on a harpoon of his own JUST in time to block a shot from Cage's with it!

PIP: "Are we about to get a duel?!"

HHL: "I think so!"

Cage and Charlie proceed to have an intense sword fight, only with harpoons. The two of them take turns backing the other into the corner, with an acrobatic Coleman stepping backwards up onto the turnbuckles, and walking the top rope like a tightrope, swinging on his opponent the entire time. He then jumps off, flipping over Charlie and landing on his feet; the TV Champion defending his advances the entire time!

HHL: "Where the hell did they learn to do THAT?!"

PIP: "Cage spent a good portion of his career in Japan............... maybe he's a Samurai! Or a ninja!!!"

HHL: "What about Charlie?"

PIP: "He probably took lessons; afterall, he had to be doing SOMETHING instead of raising his kids!"

Eventually, Cage Coleman slips up, allowing Charlie to knock the harpoon out of his hand, leaving the challenger defenseless. Nickles swipes at him once, barely connecting with the former Xtreme Champion's chest, leaving a sizable gash. He goes to swing again, this time clocking Coleman in the head with the side of the weapon. Charlie goes to finish his opponent off with it, but Cage suddenly jumps up onto the Champion's shoulders, causing him to drop his harpoon! Coleman goes for a Hurricanranna, but Charlie pulls him back up as he tries to fall back. Cage fights back with multiple rights, causing Charlie to walk him over to one of the corners, blindly. Coleman uses this opportunity to slip off of his opponent's shoulders and onto the top turnbuckle. He grabs hold of a trough and uses it to smack Nickles across the face, forcing him to back up.

PIP: "Here's his chance!"

Cage Coleman goes to jump off but, as he essentially lands on his feet, Charlie Nickles catches him with a surprise Devil Hook Drop!!!!!!!!!

HHL: "That's GOT to be it!"

Charlie lays on the mat for a moment before getting to his feet and laughing at his opponent as the referee begins to count.






Seeing Cage Coleman slowly beginning to come to, Charlie Nickles heads over to the side of the cell and pulls down a chair wrapped in barbed wire!




Cage Coleman barely makes it to a knee, where he takes a deep breath before getting back up just as the ref counts 9!

PIP: "No way!"

HHL: "This guy must have a death wish!"

Coleman is obviously out of it, motioning for Charlie to come at him with a smile. The one on Charlie's face fades, sending him into a whole other attitude. This prompts him to swing the razor-wire chair HARD at his opponent's head, sending blood flying everywhere! Despite this, Cage is able to stay on his feet, sending the Television Champion into a frenzy. He takes another shot, and ANOTHER, leaving Coleman on spaghetti legs. After one final blow, a concussed and bloody Cage holds both his middle fingers up before collapsing to the mat.











Winner and STILL XWF Television Champion, CHARLIE NICKLES

PIP: "What a way to go out!"

HHL: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say there's more blood on the mat than there is left in either man's body!"

The match is over and while Charlie Nickles may have won he is certainly worse for wear but not nearly as bad off as his opponent Cage Coleman.

The ref is checking on both men when the opening chords of an all too familiar song starts playing, sending the Vancouver crowd into a frenzy.

With “Points of Authority” by Linkin Park now in full swing one of the XWF’s principal owners Theo Pryce steps out onto the stage with a mic in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. Pryce walks down the ramp and slowly climbs through the ropes just as the ref is handing Charlie Nickles his precious Goldi which Nickles then embraces like a long lost love that he hasn’t seen in years. It doesn’t take long for Charlie’s blood to start leaking onto the golden plates of the title.

”Well Charlie you did it. You defended that precious title of yours one last time before the Pay Per View which means that you have won your very last match as the XWF Television Champion. And what a reign it was. But now like all good-ish things, it too must end. As you are no doubt aware, as a condition of your upcoming match with Alias at Leap of Faith you now must forfeit that title over to us so that we can put it on the line at Leap where a wrestler of your choosing will face one of ours. So I’m here to not only take that title from you but to hear exactly who you will be naming as your chosen so that we can put name to paper. So who will it be Charlie?”

Charlie looks down at his championship belt, which is now just as red as it is gold. Charlie slowly lifts his gaze up to meet Theo’s. That’s when The Nickleman starts mouthing out something incomprehensible.

”What was that?”


Charlie Nickles blurts out his desire as he points up towards the screen of the X-tron, as if there were some sort of invisible banner for the PPV hanging there. Charlie is panting and bleeding up a storm as he keeps a finger raised towards the entrance ramp. Theo facepalms.

”You want Alias at Leap of Faith? Great, you got him-

Charlie Nickles clutches his Goldi to his chest and screams out high praises to the heavens as his prayers are seemingly answered.

”Now we need to know who you want to be in the TV title match at Leap of Faith on your side of the card. You’ve had months to think about this, so I’m really hoping you can just give me any name that’s not Alias. I’m going to get an earful from Vinnie if we don’t have a name by tonight. I was also supposed to get that belt back tonight too, but…”

Theo inspects the extremely bloody belt from a good few feet away.

Why don’t you go ahead and clean it off before you hand it in? I don’t need another earful from Vinnie about how much the dry cleaning will cost.

Charlie Nickles begins looking off into the distance at the mention of the word ‘ear’. The champion’s hand comes up to the side of his head and begins caressing the mangled remnants of his right ear.

”Ear, ear, my ear….”

Theo looks Charlie up and down with equal parts disgust and annoyance. Charlie’s body continues to squirt blood out every which way, and that is probably the main reason why Charlie is finding it impossible to stand still in the center of the ring.

”Yeah, you can’t choose your own ear. Try again.”

”She has it…we made a deal. The words shall now become real. The shaking of the hands means the agreement is still binding!”

Charlie lets the championship belt lay over his shoulder as he raises his bloody hands up towards his face. The man’s hands shake and tremble as he continues to bleed. Charlie looks away from his shaking hands and back towards Theo.

”I need my ear back from the girl. You gotta make it happen, T-Hoe. I have Myst my good ear so much, the loneliness has been unb-ear-able!”

Myst…like Jenny Myst?

Charlie nods up and down in affirmation. As his head moves back and forth some droplets of blood are flung around the ring.

”The girl with the ear, she shall be my heir.”

I guess there are worse choices than Jenny Myst.

HHH: So Jenny Myst will be one of the people competing for the now vacant Television Title. I wonder who her opponent will be.

Theo looks over at Charlie, still leaking blood out of every hole and smirks. Charlie cocks his head to the side as Theo carries on.

I feel more confident than ever in my selection for the TV title match at Leap of Faith! I just know we’re finally going to give that belt of yours a proper home after you give it up at the pay per view. Jenny’s a fine pick, Charlie, don’t get me wrong: but there’s just no way she can compete with someone like-

Charlie lets his TV championship fall to the ground as a sudden rage fills the whites of his eyes. Charlie takes a long step towards Theo Pryce before lifting up a big boot right between the authority figure’s legs. Theo never sees the low blow coming and so he yips out in pain as soon as Charlie’s steel-toed boot makes contact with his nuts. The Nickleman, armed with just the mad look in his eyes, wraps his arms beneath and around Theo’s shoulder blades. Then, CHARLIE DEVIL HOOK DROPS THEO ONTO THE TV TITLE!

HHL: Oh shit! That probably wasn’t a smart move by Charlie Nickles taking down the bossman like that.

PC: Charlie has never been confused with a smart man Heather.

HHL: So right Pip but now we don’t know who Jenny Myst will be facing at Leap of Faith.

PC: Oh come on, Theo basically telegraphed this move weeks ago. Everyone knows who Jenny is facing.

[red]HHL: Alright smart guy if everyone already knows then who is it?

PC: That's for me to know and you to find out.

HHL: What an ass. Well folks that wraps up another edition of Saturday Night Savage. We will see you all Wednesday from Tampa Bay!

Special Thanks To:
John Black
Charlie Nickles
Chris Page
Big D
Jenny Myst

and everyone who RPed!

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[-] The following 8 users Like Karen Hunt's post:
"Venom" Xavier Lux (05-17-2022), ALIAS (05-16-2022), Angelica Vaughn (05-15-2022), Charlie Nickles (05-14-2022), Jenny Myst (05-14-2022), Misty Waters (05-14-2022), Raion Kido (05-15-2022), Theo Pryce (05-16-2022)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-14-2022, 08:13 PM

[Image: SIPMlgO.gif]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jenny Myst's post:
Charlie Nickles (05-14-2022)
Raion Kido Offline
The Lion


XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

05-15-2022, 04:45 AM

“A commendable spirit, Ringmaster. When we do this again, there might be a chance for you, if you put it to the right purpose.”

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Raion Kido's post:
Ring Master (05-15-2022)
Ring Master Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-15-2022, 07:10 AM

(05-15-2022, 04:45 AM)Raion Kido Said: “A commendable spirit, Ringmaster. When we do this again, there might be a chance for you, if you put it to the right purpose.”
Our paths were cross again. Great battle and the better man won.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Ring Master's post:
Raion Kido (05-15-2022)
Charlie Nickles Offline
The Nickleman

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-15-2022, 11:20 PM

Me and Pip knew it was Centurion all along! That's why I did what I did, because no one wanted to hear that bullshit!

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Marf (05-16-2022)

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