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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-12-2021, 08:43 PM

[Far removed from his passing of the torch to Jason Cashe (not that he needed to know that due to his ego) last Thursday, he was back in Baltimore in his crib just watching Netflix to pass the time, he’s still in his white t shirt and shorts with his hair a mess scrolling on what to watch. Then he turns on his speakers across from him and blast some random music as he closes his eyes too. Before he could drift off into LSM’s Sleeper, he opens his eyes to see Briana all dressed up to go out.]

T: Where you heading off to this early afternoon?

Brianna: I’m going to this boat party that my friend is hosting, would you like to come?

T: Nope, I’m staying in since I need some time to myself an—

Brianna: You have to come with me, you’ve been in this house since Friday, you need to let loose and have fun. Don’t you want to have fun?

T: Nope, like I said… I need some time to myself… if you need someone else to accompany you, then be my guest.

Brianna: Then it looks like you won’t be able to get some nooky nook tonight, and have to find other ways to keep my busy.

T: Look, we done that already when I got back from Anarchy, and to be honest my thing also needs some time to chill as well. Don’t that party boat leave at like 4:30pm?

Brianna: What time Is it then?

[Tommy looks at the clock on his phone, and shows her that it was 3:30pm and she was in a panic as she was trying to find her heels and earrings. Once she found them, she leaves his crib as he sat alone with the TV turned off and music still playing. T then pulls up a XWF magazine where LMS was on the cover, and he smiled then the placed it back down and takes a nap on the couch. About few hours have passed, and it was nightfall, and Tommy was back up again to do some more nothing, until Brianna and a friend comes back to the home.]

T: Oh hey Bri—who’s the guy?

Brianna: Oh this my old high school friend, Jerry.

[T then looks at this sharp dressed man, who looked like a bit of Cashe and Thaddeus who also looked at him like if he was a slob. T extended his hand to shake, but Jerry refused as he was trying to get at Brianna, they fool around a bit at T. T then no sold it as he got something out of the fridge for himself. Brianna comes up to him and speaks to him privately.]

Brianna: I think you should know by now that Jerry, is the whom I’m getting hitched with.

T: What... hitched… married?

Brianna: Yeah uh, while you were away, he popped the question at me. I had no idea, it was such a huge spectacle in the park, and me and him have a long history together an—

[T slams the fridge door as hard as he could as a way of saying “fuck off” towards her, he then opens the door and he goes to his room to remove her stuff out including her sex toys in a box out his door. Jerry took noticed, and wanted to intervene as he got up to T’s face with such vigor.]

Jerry: Look dude, I don’t think you are good for her. You’re old, nasty, and useless in a dump like this. I don’t know what you do for a living, but you aren’t good enough for Brianna.

T: Are you done yet?

Jerry: WHAT!?!... you aren’t going to defend her honor?... you anit shit man, c’mon Brianna let’s get out here!

Brianna: Jerry wait, he’s just an old man who’s going through some stuff right now. His mind isn’t in the right place.

Jerry: Brianna, for as long I’ve known you… this has been the same cycle, where you run off to older men who don’t treat you right, then I come in to save you from yourself. Why do I constantly feel the need to do that?

[As the two bicker amongst themselves, T the pulls out a rusty bat and he smacks it on the wall to stop them from talking. T went from indifference to a state of anger as he found out what she did, then aims the bat at Jerry’s chest as Brianna looked in fear of what T’s capable to do to this young man.]

T: Look son, you already got her as your fiancé right?

Jerry: Uh… ye—yes… sir.

T: Then she’s your problem now, we hooked up on tinder awhile ago, put her in one of my shitty taped promos for a wrestling company, had some fun and kinky times with her, so now it’s time for me to let go of her and the past. So Jerry, tell your fiancé to get her things out of his house before I bash your brains in on this floor. I’ve been in jail before across seas kid, and I don’t need to go back to that, capish… now beat it!

[Jerry and Brianna move her stuff of his crib, and closes the door behind them. He then stops the music, and he smashes his table with the rusty bat as he screamed into the moonlight. A couple of days later, he’s in his studio where he’s just sitting in a dark place and doing any producing. His phone goes off in his pocket, and noticed it was Jonee who randomly called him out the blue, which he answers.]

T: Yo, Jonee what’s been going on?

Jonee: Things have been okay, you know our child you never got to see is almost in pre-k?

T: That’s amazing, I hope she’s doing alright you know? I’ve been busy with this wrestling and music side piece that I completely forgot about my time in Brooklyn with you. It’s been hard too---

Jonee: I know Tommy, I know… but I was calling to let you know that, I am moving away from New York to live with my great grandparent’s home in Spain. Since you been too caught up with your own things, times were hard without you, and I think it’s time for me and my kid to move out of America for a new life.

[T then just sat there in silence, and bout a minute he hangs up his phone to end the call abruptly. He then blocked both of their numbers, and he still sat in his darken studio, where he wanted to call it quits by pulling a gun underneath his table. As he was setting up to unload the bullet to his temple, JB comes into the studio and quickly stops him from going to far.]


T: My two girls left me, my music isn’t getting no play anywhere, I lost that piece of shit Freestyle belt out of a technicality and all some other shit… JB, I think I’m too far gone with what I am dealing with!

JB: Do you need me to take you to the hospital?

T: No no, I’m fine… just, gawd… fuck me, am I right?

JB: Look Tommy, for as long I known you and Reggie, we all got our fuck ups in our lives. Shit look at Reggie, his girl left him in San Diego including his own child as well, my whole family got caught into some shit that lead to guns being blasted. But this over some minor shit with bitches and music and that piece of bullshit ass tin?... bro, forget all that. You know what, stop worryin about the bitches they come and go, and the music?... keep on pushing it out there for as long as you want, and that belt?... keep in mind that your mamacita holds that belt due to some bullshit technically where even that dumb Olaf didn’t catch on too. Forget that belt for now on, it’s useless and will be gone like that Internet Strap.

[T tries to smile, but his tears kept him from smiling due to his frustrations. Then he opens the holder to revealed that there was no bullets in it at all. JB looked into it, and took the gun away from him. JB then finds a rag and he wraps it up, then he leave T be in his studio but with the lights on. T then looks at himself in the mirror to the right side of the room, after some pep talk he then starts to make some beats on his MPC 500 as the scene fades to black.]

[Image: bbMPf3n.gif]

“I am not going to lie, I might be tough man within the ring, but I got some sensitive tendencies as well to my side. I guess being on the road so much makes you a forgotten person among people in your life, which is why I don’t got to many friends besides JB and Reggie, maybe others as well but it’s pretty closed off. I don’t like to be closed off to the world, but that how I coped with life itself as young man until this blessed day; I don’t expect much sympathy towards my own issues in life, but it’s the way it is for me. While the two chicks in my life left me behind, it got me thinking that it’s time to embrace not being tied down to one person or thing, and just live my life to how I see fit.

You see, when I gotten myself into that Freestyle division, I knew that it was going to be a flash in the pan. I knew that, I don’t got time to be watching my back for 6 hours or before, so I decided to let go of it and let someone else deal with it. Yes, this is me “burying” the belt before anyone else say shit on about it. Now it’s on someone who I had lost it too for the first time, who now is demanding HR to put a Mexican flag on the side plates that even Vincent wouldn’t bother to put on the belt, since it will cost him millions of dollars for each title changes. The same woman who I bought those wrestling boots for when she fought against Vita last Anarchy, and the same who told me to kiss her barefoot in a battle royal, which I wanted no part of but was obligated to participate in.

You know where I am going with this… right?

If not….then I’m talking about the Great Latina Submission Machina.

This is the woman who rocked my world since that night, and she’s the one who I think about every single night. I know she don’t give a fuck about me, but I care enough to buy her boots, flowers and other things like that. If that makes me a sucka, then I’m a sucka who has a thing for chicks to wear mask and represents her heritage harder then I could. Truth be told, for all those times she told me to be involved with her matches (yes, time to let the juice loose I was the one doing her dirt), I could have been on my “fuck a bitch” shit and left her alone; but something about her made me feel something warm inside, and no it’s not the fact she wears a size six or nine in womens… it’s her personality, and her determination that draws me to her…and her saying “besos” as a come on that get’s me rock hard.

Look people, I’m not trying to say that I won’t try my best against a woman like this, she knows that we have to face one another at some point, and I know she’ll turn me out like a preztle on her Stu Hart and the Mexican Hart dungeon type shit in our match; I have no fear of being beaten by a woman like her, because I have way to much respect for her, and I like more then just a co-worker by trade. Fuck, maybe I…

I shouldn’t say it to soon…


Alright, putting this out there, when that bell rings I have to make sure to put the boots on to her to show that I don’t mess around. If I had to put the boots on an OCW alumni, then I have to do the same to her as well. I don’t really care if my dignity and creditably get’s lost in the eyes of the fans or the people in the back, I’m at that point where I can just come in, beat some ass, and walk out with a check or maybe get Jenny Myst’s phone number to set up a date with her so she can forget her so called man who shall go nameless.

My final words are this LSM, you don’t know who you’re messing with. This will not be a match for the faint of hart, if you push me to my limit…then I will PUSH YOU to the limit, LSM.”
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (12-13-2021), JimCaedus (12-13-2021), Peter Vaughn (12-14-2021), Theo Pryce (12-15-2021)

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