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10-26-2021, 11:49 AM
Thursday October 21st 2021, 11:09 am
For the first time ever in his XWF career, Elijah Martin and Doctor Jessica Munson have agreed to allow a camera inside the good doctor's office for a session of Elijah's therapy, something which Elijah has been putting off in his life for the better part of two years.
Welcome Elijah, I'm glad to see you have decided to finally seek some one-on-one professional help for the first time.
Yeah Doc, don't pat yourself on the back too hard... you know damn well I'm only here because my family decided to have an intervention with me backstage after my match at Radio City last night, so let's get this show on the road.
Well allow me to be the judge of that, I'll even make you a deal: if I feel after today that you don't need regularly scheduled appointments, I'll make a note in your file and contact your family explaining my decision. But if things go the other way, you need to promise that you will fulfill whatever commitments I require of you to address your mental health. Does that sound fair to you?
Martin takes a few seconds to ponder the offer set forth by Doctor Munson, and with some reservation in his tone...Okay, fine... let's get this over with.
Great, so where would you like to begin - yourself, friends or family?
Whatever seems the most logical to you... I really couldn't care less.
Let's start with forming a basic foundation - aside from fulfilling your family's request, why do you think you are here today?
Elijah seems very hesitant to provide ANY kind of insight for this therapist and seems annoyed... Honestly Doc, I have been through all kinds of hell from the time I was barely able to walk as a baby, so I don't even know where to start with you.
I can offer two suggestions that tend to be the easiest places for my patients to start opening up: go from the very beginning... or start from today and work our way back to the beginning.
Elijah is slowly allowing the annoyance to escape, before letting out a deep sigh and dropping his head down to watching his right leg bounce up and down out of slight ADHD nervousness of sorts... Okay Doc... I feel empty on the inside. I've lived the way I wanted to live, with no excuses or reservations about anything I did, because I answer to myself and nobody else. My family and I grew apart from each other over the years and I figured that was just a part of life, so I just kept my head down and pushed forward. I continued my wrestling career as hard and fast as humanly possible, until 2017 came and I couldn't do it anymore.
And what happened in 2017?
I suffered my 8th officially documented concussion... every doctor I visited refused to clear me for in-ring competition and word spread to every promoter that ever booked me or had interest in booking me for the future... my career was dead in the tracks and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I turned to the stuff that I had experimented with growing up in the Bronx but got lucky to run away from in order to stay out of prison... drugs, alcohol, illegal gambling... I was going into a downward spiral without anyone in my family knowing where I was or what had happened to me. It's like I disappeared off the face of the Earth and nobody gave a rat fuck about it... life carried on for the six billion people on this planet and I was just a blip on the radar that didn't mean shit to anyone.
So how did your family and friends come back into the picture?
Just family, Doc... let's make that perfectly clear. I am a lone wolf that doesn't keep a big circle of friends and doesn't really trust anyone that isn't blood... that's why I have promoters always pay me in advance and I can count on one hand the people not related to me that I consider friends of any kind. Anyways, my family tracked me down around Columbus Day of 2019, got me to commit to a rehab program, as well as follow up with an Intensive Outpatient Program when I got released from rehab. I got clean and I haven't had illicit substances of any kind ever since... but since my mind and body were feeling better than it had in years, I also started privately getting myself back into ring shape and preparing to visit any doctor I could to get ring clearance.
When did your family find out you were getting yourself ready to start wrestling again?
Right after I got home from my medical clearance appointment... I had a couple of wrestling promoters tag along with their own independent neurologists as well, so everyone was on the same page about my mental and physical health. It probably didn't help that one of those promoters followed me to my house so we could have a conversation outside my front door.
Did anyone in your family support what you were trying to do?
Not initially, but I sat everyone down with the promoter who came back home with me... we both reassured my family that we weren't gonna rush into anything until I felt a thousand percent comfortable both mentally and physically to give my wrestling career one last chance.
What did you say that convinced them?
Just the regular bullshit that I'd be fine and I would play things as safe as possible and that I wouldn't go faster than my body was telling me to.
So why come back? You clearly know your family is concerned about your mental health and your safety... even if the neurologists say you are medically cleared for competition, there has to be some kind of reservations...
Not in the slightest bit, Doc... my family wasn't there for me when I was busting my ass in the wrestling ring since 2001, so why should I start giving two shits about what THEY THINK at this point?! I decided to return for one very simple reason that my family doesn't know a fucking thing about, because it has never existed in their minds or bodies for a single second of their lives!
... And what is that, Elijah?
Elijah calms himself down, takes a deep breath in and out, then provides his answer... Respect, Doc... respect. I've done a lot of things all over the world in the professional wrestling business, but I didn't get to finish things out on my terms back in 2017, and now I've been given a second chance to correct some indiscretions from my past. I don't know how long it's gonna take... six weeks, six months or SIX YEARS... but I am going to earn the respect I have been searching for my entire career, so I can finally walk away with my head high and know that I gave myself every opportunity possible to finish things MY WAY! Now I've got your business card with your email and phone numbers, I promise I'll be in touch, so if you'll excuse me Doc... I need to get back to putting that respect on my name.
Elijah rises from his chair and leaves the office, as the scene fades to black with Doctor Munson having a small grin come across her face as she nods her head up and down.
Monday October 25th 2021, 7:32 pm...
After spending long hours on a flight from her recent appearance for Alpha Wrestling, Lexi Gold has arrived back at Henri Coanda International Airport in Romania. Lexi has already deboarded and made her way to baggage claim, where she grabs her bags and heads for the main exit door for new arrivals. As she comes thru the automatic double doors and onto the sidewalk, she turns her head to the right and sees Elijah Martin leaning up against a black limousine, wearing black dress slacks, a plain white button down dress shirt and a black sportscoat. Lexi, who is wearing a pink dress with white strappy heels, looks toward him and smiles. As she approaches the limo, the driver comes around the back of the car to put her luggage into the trunk, while Elijah opens the door to allow Lexi into the back seat. Everyone is now in the limousine and it pulls away from the airport.
I'm so happy I finally made it back, despite the loss at Alpha last night."
Yeah I caught the show on my phone, but you put up one hell of a fight, I was impressed. Did the flight accommodations suit you well?
She laughs while looking at him and admiring his choice of clothing. He seemed like he was always a nice dresser. Yes everything was wonderful. Everyone was so nice too. I even had a few people who recognized me which was shocking.
I know we both came over here originally last week, but we never got to talk much because we had opposing schedules. So now that we are in a foreign land for the next few days with no distractions to worry about, let's get to know each other better... tell me a little bit about yourself.
I honestly don't know where to start.. starting training in 2019. Was doing modeling prior to that, but felt wrestling was my true calling, so my focus has been entirely that since. I feel like I am still such a newbie to the sport, but I am so motivated to learn more from every other wrestle out there, including you. How long you been in it?
That’s quite the career change, I respect the commitment though. I’ve been in the business for the better part of twenty years, and I think this could be my last hurrah.
She smiles and fixes her hair in a mirror before turning her attention back to him. She was enjoying his company and the trip so far.Thank you. Twenty years is a long time. I respect that you sacrificed so much. How does your family and friends feel about it? Are they supportive?
I’ve always kept my circle of friends very small and it’s changed over the years as I’ve gotten older and life goals have changed, so my friends are all fellow wrestlers or have some kind of connection to the sport.
“As for my family, well… that’s a long story… how about you? I’m sure at least some of them were shocked by your career change.”
She nodded her head and listened to his story closely. The fact that he allowed her out of all people to join him on the trip meant a lot and she will be forever grateful for that. Yeah it was a shock, but everyone is pretty supportive. My sister tries to make it to a lot of the shows I am involved with, which is cool..yeah. Not to change the subject, but I am happy you allowed me to come on this trip with you. I know we don't know a lot about each other, but I hope over time that changes. May I give you a hug?
Elijah is in a slight state of shock, as if he hasn’t received female affection from anyone other than his mother throughout his life. He looks Lexi up and down with his eyes a couple of times, before relaxing his body and mind…Eh what the hell, bring it in!
She pulled him in for a nice warm hug and closed her eyes for a moment - Elijah starts to sense the hug going a little longer than expected…
Everything okay?
Lexi pulled away in hope that she didn't scare him away with that.Yes everything is fine. One thing you will learn about me is I am a big hugger. I guess you could say my whole family is..even if they don't know someone much they will still take it upon themselves to hug someone. Sorry if it was too much.
No no, it was perfectly fine… just haven’t been around women much in recent years, so I’ve gotta remember what emotions are. Anyways, you are looking to learn about me and the business… where would you like to start?
Where do you see herself in ten years whether it's your career or maybe something in your personal life? Is there something you would like to happen maybe...?
Wrestling is all I really know, I’m not exactly a man of many skills in the outside world… maybe I’ll open a wrestling school, maybe I’ll take on a backstage role with a wrestling company… I’m just gonna let things come to me as time goes on. How about you… any short term or long term goals you wanna achieve in wrestling?
Lexi rubs her chin, as she never really sat down and thought about that, but she did have a few ideas in her head. I wouldn't mind trying to open up a wrestling school as well. Help everyone learn everything that was passed down to me. That would be amazing. Maybe have another belt around my waist. I did win my first one, but it was in a tournament and only held it for a couple of minutes...this may sound crazy, but I like to think of wrestling as my boyfriend. It's always part of me somehow...
Hmmm… like your boyfriend… that’s interesting. I guess since I haven’t been married, you can say something similar about my relationship with wrestling as well.
I was married once, but things didn't work out unfortunately. Anyway, I don't want to ruin the mood or this trip with any negative thoughts...
The conversation suddenly comes to a pause, as the limousine has come to a stop in front of the Italian restaurant Lexi and Elijah have reservations for.
Ah good, here we are… I hope you’re hungry.
I'm starving..so much I could eat that sign!
They share a laugh as they both get out of the car and head inside the restaurant. She opens the door for him and follows soon after. The hostess shows them to their table, as Elijah goes and pulls out a chair for Lexi…
You got the door, so I’ll get your chair, young lady.
Aww thank you. That is very nice of you hun.
Elijah helps Lexi into her seat before taking his seat directly across from her, and the scene fades out as the hostess drops the menus in front of me and walks away...
<><><><><><><><><><>TO BE CONTINUED<><><><><><><><><><>
Tuesday October 26th 2021, 2:38 pm... we are visiting the town of Arefu, Romania... Elijah Martin is focused on his special Halloween themed match in Poenari Castle this week, but he is also well aware of the daunting challenge ahead for him back in the United States. We catch Elijah standing outside somewhere in front of a wooded area in the wilderness of Romania, wearing some typical casual clothing: dark blue jeans and a black Metallica t-shirt with a black zip-up hoodie only halfway done.
Respect is earned, not given... a phrase that suggests if you want to be respected, you cannot force people to respect you just because you want them to. People who adhere to this saying recognize that not everyone is born equal and they aren’t obliged to love or respect anyone just because they exist. To earn their respect, you need to prove that you are worth their time.
In a school setting, it means being able to keep up with everyone else and not relying on others to do your work for you. In the office, it means being a competent co-worker who can show that they don’t have to kiss anyone’s ass just to get ahead. Even in a prison, it means knowing how to handle different types of people without disrespecting anyone. “Earning” one’s respect isn’t always something you can prove in a physical sense, but when it is, it means proving that you are capable of being on the same foot as everyone else.
At the same time, you aren’t obliged to respect someone if you feel they don’t deserve it. If you think people need to earn your respect, you aren’t automatically going to respect someone unless you know something about them that’s worth revering. It means you aren’t going to respect an older person because they’re older than you... you're not gonna respect a higher-ranking person in the office, especially if they’re not even competent at their job... And since you don’t respect these people, you are unlikely to feel remorse or guilt when you don’t treat them the way they feel you should be treating them.
Now regardless of your age or experience in this thing we call life, there are a number of ways you can earn respect: be a good listener, avoid making excuses, don't talk shit about anyone, but I've got a different one to focus on... be open to change. Life is all about change. Change is a constant. Actually, maybe even the only constant in life is change. But when change happens, the familiar and traditional ways in which you operate are challenged. This questioning of your need for comfort, control, and safety - the reason you operate the way you do - is often perceived as a painful experience. It is this pain that you try to resist when you resist change.
You see Corey Smith, change is not always comfortable, but no growth or evolution comes without change. But here’s the invisible gift of change: Change is an invitation to go inside yourself, discover what beliefs and concepts you are holding on to too tightly, and grow beyond them. For example, your best friend or a loved one is moving away, and you experience pain. This change is an invitation for you to examine yourself. You might be thinking, who am I without her? This change gives you opportunity to question the way you operate. Do I need someone else to see my value for me to see it for myself?
Now we have gone down a pretty existentialist route of explaining what I want to ultimately say, Corey: when we meet on November 3rd in my backyard at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, I am going to beat out of you the respect I am long overdue to have earned for myself... I am going to walk into Bad Medicine later that month as the Supercontinental Champion... and you are going to learn sometimes, it hurts to change. The most important thing to do is to come to peace with the pain and allow the change to transform you into a better version of yourself. And when everything is done, you will be left all alone in the dark with only one question to answer for yourself... What could be on the other side of the pain for you?