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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2021
You Will Know Fear
Author Message
Talia Areano Offline
Once broken, now reborn!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-24-2021, 10:33 PM

The camera pans it's pretty later in the night. Then, the scene switches to Talia Areano in her motel room. She is wearing a black tee-shirt and blue jeans. It's her downtime hour, as she has been preparing for her match at Relentless Night Three. As Talia makes her way to the couch in a motel, she flips open her laptop, making her way to the webcam feature. Talia gives a smile before she begins to speak.

"Hola amigos! As all of you know, Relentless is fastly approaching. Everyone featured on the even is trying to do whatever they can to get into the mindset of their opponents. Pressure is pretty high at the moment but wait until the final moments. That's when it gets fascinating."

Talia leans back, resting her back on the couch getting very comfortable.

"Marf, we have arrived at the next level of our match at Relentless. The point where we go for the gut and attack the limbs of each other. At the same time, you wait so desperately for me to pick apart your promo into pieces. But honestly, my amigo, I don't have or do I need to either. But Marf, no matter how much I respect the competition, I know I must do what it takes to win this match. I have been in this business for over a decade, and I know fair well this won't. So I must win this match."

She nods her head.

"Everybody has their intangibles; those intangibles haven't only allowed me to pick up wins inside of XWF. But outside of it as well against the best in the world. I decided to travel the world to seek out the competition than have somebody show up in XWF. I went to their federations and countries, got in their faces, and told them I would be the best, and you know what? I did just that, to the point that OCW was reaching out to me and other places. You have just been another guy on the roster, the same old ones I have seen in the past with an attitude problem; they all have come and gone and achieved nothing and leaves the sport for promising not to be heard from again."

Talia shakes her head.

"While you want to discredit the people that I have beat in my short return to XWF. I have managed to get right in line for a shot for a championship. This tells me, Marf, that no matter how hard you have been trying to stand out from the pack, it still took you longer to get to this point. While you can complain about me getting this shot, your opinion means none in the eyes of management. Out of everyone that signed up for this event, I am standing across from you. I will be the one to beat you in the middle of that ring and move on to the next step of my career as a champion."

Talia rubs her chin.

"I know far and well the kind of man you are, Marf. All this pain and punishment, and I have to tell you at this point; it's nothing new at all. Damn, nearly half the roster claims to be some deadly force to be reckoned with, and they all have suffered defeats single every one of them. Same with you, Marf; this person that brings so much pain has suffered losses. This will be one of them, Marf; the pain will come to my Marf, I am sure of it. You will do everything in your power to hurt me. I don't expect anything less Marf."

She holds up her hand, pausing for a second.

"But will this pain be like anything I am used to? That is the question because I can take a lot of Marf, my body can endure a lot of punishment, and my speed is something to be feared. In addition, I have a decade-plus of ring experience. I have been surround by spears and other deadly animals in XWF. I have done it all in my short return to XWF. Is anything you can muster can match those?"

Talia's eyes become intense, a blaze of fire appearing in them.

"My focus is sounded Marf, while you are preparing for the afterparty, I am instead preparing for this match and taking the extra time in training. I take every encounter seriously Marf, while you discredit everyone, including myself, I see that anybody can show the world what they are made of, and this is my time to show not only the people of XWF what I made of but also the world. In contrast, you try so hard to break my body and realize that no matter what I keep getting you, you will express something you haven't, Marf, fear. When you know I won't stay down, that is the moment that speaks loud and clear that I wipe the blood from my beaten face and get in your face. You will know to fear Marf; I have a lot of heart, Marf, my heart will outlast your assault, and when that happens. Your end will come, Marf, you will taste defeat by my hands, and you will know you underestimating me was your grave mistake."

With a rugged look in the eyes of Talia as she switches off the webcam, the scene fades to black.

[Image: fdfUSnQ.png]
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