THE Marf
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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09-21-2021, 08:29 PM
And back into the dreamworld we go… |
The night was more than a few hours awake now as I sat in the tight little room at the police station. My partner Damien was off somewhere looking for more piles of paperwork to dump into my lap. I reached down for my coffee cup and polished off my fifth coffee of the late evening. I was itching for a smoke but that would require leaving the room and actually interacting with my colleagues. I barely trusted my own partner so I damn sure didn’t trust the rest of the rats here at precinct nine eight two.
I had plenty of paperwork and files piled up on my old oak desk to keep my attention busy for weeks. But my attention had wandered elsewhere. To the woman. With the blue hair. How had nobody seen her but me? She said the other officer told her to wait. She lied. Probably a passerby looking for their own attention. Yet I could not remove her from within my own thoughts. The door to the room suddenly opens as I flinch but hide that I’ve been startled. My captain walks in the room and gives me a once over. She’s a young woman but stern and commands a lot of respect.
You look like shit. Ever heard of a thing called sleep?
She glares at me as if daring for a smart ass answer before dropping a folder abruptly on my desk.
Officer Nickles mentioned you talked to some chick at the scene? Make sure you fill out this updated report then. You seriously let her fuckin leave?
New achievement, I pissed her off without even speaking yet.
Well I needed to survey the scene…
The officers there had already done that. Hence the police tape dickhead. Why would you leave a witness unattended?
Well why was she alone on that bench to begin with?
The words were barely out of my mouth as I felt myself fill up with regret. One thing that really pissed captain Waters off was back talk. She closes my door and stares down at me.
What other officers do is of no concern to you, first of all, fucko. Secondly, next time you try to gloss over your own fuck up I’ll shove my foot so far up your ass you’ll be tasting the guts of the bug I squashed under my shoe today. Now get those fucking reports done and on my desk before your shift is over. Do I make myself clear?
Her face is beat red with anger and I prepare for another vicious tongue lashing. She adjusts her blond hair in the tight ponytail, turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind her. That went as wonderfully as expected. I open the folder and glance down at the new paperwork captain Waters so graciously passed on to me. I barely had started pulling it out to work on when my door begins to creep open once more. The cautiousness tells me it’s definitely not my captain or my partner. I look up as Lieutenant Lane slinks into the room.
Dude…that sounded gnarly…
Like a consoling mother bird swooping in to do damage control, that was ole Lane. It was a bittersweet day when he was promoted to lieutenant and sadly forced to cut his signature long locks. That was actually a really dark week altogether but that’s a story for another campfire.
Thanks…I got shit to do man so…
Yeah yeah, I’ll take off. But hey, was there really a girl? Tell me, that chick hot or what? Eh?
I don’t really know if he actually believes me or if he’s messing with me. I don’t think anyone would care if he did believe me though…
Sure, man. Look this paperwork ain’t gonna write itself so…
Gotcha! Loud and clear, over and out!
He leaves the room and thankfully doesn’t slam the door. I can only hope nobody else chooses to pop in for a visit.
The following night, shortly before midnight. |
I fill out the last of the reports, in record time to boot. The annoying tapping from my partner’s pen drowns the room until I finally hear an inaudible snap in my own mind. I close my files and stand up, almost too quickly. My partner looks up from his own mess of papers and cocks an eyebrow for a moment. I pull out my half empty pack of Marlboro’s and nod back. He barely acknowledges it as his head is immediately buried back into his files and papers. I leave the room and pass through the maze of desks and clutter to head outside.
Stepping out into the crisp night I button my overcoat up and flip the collar. I walk a few dozen feet from the front and stand under a streetlight, eyeing the dark road as I spark my cigarette. No sooner do I take a drag, a bloodcurdling scream breaks through the relative silence of the usually quiet Wednesday night. I race towards it, a nearby alley a half mile from the station. Not the most ideal spot to commit a crime but not all criminals in this town possess intelligence. I make it to the alley in seconds flat before pulling out my gun and entering.
Police! Identify yourself! Now!!!
The alley before me is pitch black. I carefully pull out my flashlight and point it straight ahead with my pistol. Passing by bags of spilt trash and grime I make my way to the back of the alley. A tipped over dumpster is blocking my light’s view but there is some movement. I stop and take aim while watching shadows moving from behind the fallen dumpster.
Whoever is back there identify yourself! I am armed!
Finally a young woman stumbles out from behind the dumpster. Her clothes seem unkempt and covered in something. I already know it’s blood. I holster my weapon and move towards her as she falls to a knee. As I approach her I can see the blue hair clearly. She looks up at me and I spot the recognition in her beautiful eyes. She can’t seem to get the words out and her mouth is only able to tremble. She raises a badly shaking, blood soaked hand and points directly behind me.
I knew without looking what I would see. I also knew that I really didn’t want to see what I was about to view. Some guys like to sound tough and say you get used to it, become numb to it. They’re full of shit. I know that no sane human being can get adjusted to looking at ripped apart, murdered body. I took a deep, slow breath while mentally preparing what would likely be the new image keeping me awake at night. Turning around I raise my flashlight slowly and groan.
Fuck saaaakes…
I don’t want it to be but the scene before my eyes is very real. Lying behind the fallen dumpster is the remains of someone that was torn wide open. I can’t really make out whether they are a male or female victim. Their chest cavity has been smashed in as if struck by a cannon ball. And their face, or what was left of it, was carved like a Thanksgiving turkey by an Alzheimer’s grandfather. I had seen more blood in my life than I cared to admit and this scene just doubled that total. I can feel the bile trying to climb up my esophagus and launch out to the cold concrete. I turn back to the blue haired woman.
What the hell is going…
And she’s gone.
I walk out from behind the dumpster and search for her but it’s too late, she is long gone. What seems like seconds later my partner comes racing down the dark alley.
What’s going on back there!? You fuckin alright!?
I can’t believe his timing as I realize the blue haired woman is long gone and nobody is going to believe me if I say she was here. I wave my partner Damien over as I shudder at the mountains of paperwork this new mess was about to create. It was going to be another long night…
The fuck happened!?
You’re not going to believe this…
Motorways and tramlines.
Starting and then stopping,
Taking off and landing.
The emptiest of feelings.
Disappointed people,
Clinging onto bottles.
And when it comes it's so so disappointing.
Let down and hanging around.
Crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.
Sometime over the weekend… |
Hey, look at us, about to enjoy another look at that beautiful mug of Marf. Cue that wide, callous grin and we should be ready to go.
Hola, Talia. How’s that barely bilingual ass of yours doing? Wait, let me guess! It is parked firmly in a chair in front of a shitty television just waiting for my next promo to drop. A notepad in your lap, covered in scribbles. Desperately trying to counter what I have to say as soon as possible. You did a sloppy job of hiding that trick the first go round but hey, why not go back to the well and try again right? I understand, I’m not a basic pushover like everyone you’ve been up against since your not so triumphant return. Might as well get a head start!
Unfortunately for you, Tales, is that head start doesn’t mean shit when you’re already miles behind me in every fathomable way. Are you going to use high intensity to beat me? Christ don’t forget to apply the other two I’s as well. With some integrity and intelligence you’ll be a lock to keep your winning ways alive. There is just one issue with that Angle, you sort of don’t have a deep pool for any of those categories. You’re a dumb fucking bore with about as much integrity as a stray dog’s shit.
Marf shrugs at the crudeness but carries on like the wayward son he is. God bless em.
So you’re all excited and shit about being back on a pay per view huh? Mamacita missed being on the big stage, what an inspiring little story you got there. Years later, finally making it back! I mean to be honest you’re kind of getting me excited too! Seeing you there just filled to the brim with all these hopes, dreams and aspirations. I’m going to be so overwhelmed with satisfaction when I completely destroy all of that for you. When I rip away everything you apparently are working so hard for, mmmmm that’s going to feel damn good!
But fear not, amiga! You will get your chance to be seen on the pay per view. You will have your opportunity at Relentless to feel like your redemption is about to be fulfilled. And then you will be mauled and ripped apart by yours truly. I will bounce your tight body off every square inch of that canvas until you’ve bled buckets worth of blood. I will smear your essence onto the ropes, turnbuckles, outside barricades and more. I will make you wish you never ever attempted a comeback in xwf. And after all that, then maybe I’ll finally pin you.
Marf stifles a bit of laughter and it’s made obvious he’s likely going to go further.
Since you brought it up Tales, what the fuck do you actually know about pressure? Do you think winning a handful of nothing matches against scrubs actually earned you the right to compete for a Hart title shot? God damn I can’t wait to get in that ring with you, I’ll show you a thing or two about pressure. I will teach you all about it, like how much pressure I can apply to your back before it snaps like a fucking twig. Nothing you’ve done up to now means a fucking thing to me, shut your Southern slut mouth about pressure.
I can admit though, you did surprise me a slight bit by getting something right out of all that nonsense. I really don’t respect the people I’m in the ring with. Hell, I don’t respect people at all. Especially brain dead fucks like you Tales, that think giving the tired, old “anyone can win on any given night” bullshit has any impact or merit. But just because I don’t respect you doesn’t mean I don’t see you as a threat. It just means I’m going to hurt you very badly before you have the chance to prove you actually are a threat.
Even if I don’t take you one hundred percent seriously I still intend on giving you my full attention and fury. You think that makes me short sided? Unfocused? Oh okay but then you turn around and bring up Atty and internet memes for no fucking reason at all. Who needs to be more serious here again? Eyes on me dumb dumb! You need to stay focused and get your shit together. And there is not much time left to do that. Vominos!
Marf makes a swift movement pantomiming a bull fighter or conquistador or some Spanish shit.
You say you’re ready for war, Tales. You’ve heard my warning loud and clear, an incredible feat in itself considering the deafening silence inside that empty skull. But I’m afraid I just don’t believe you. Surviving being stabbed is not a prerequisite to earning a victory over me. It just means you’re a fucking idiot that got stabbed. Congratulations on that shit. It’s not going to stop me from smashing your head from post to god damn post. For me, that will be bliss. As for you Tales…
Marf ponders for a moment and presses a finger to his hairy chin.
…well at least after I am done you will be well on you’re way to heaven. And that is where you can finally experience your paradise. Prove me fucking wrong, perra!
Marf nods and grins viciously, surprising even himself with that vast Spanish vocabulary he’s displayed. We fade out as he probably says more Spanish things…
2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies