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09-21-2021, 12:48 PM
After a pair of video shoots near the Throgs Neck Bridge, our tour of the Bronx takes us to the Eastchester neighborhood in the northeast section of the borough. We are looking at one of the many entrances into a residential development called Edenwald Houses, as Elijah Martin now enters the picture from stage right and faces the camera.
For the second stop in our tour of the Bronx, allow me to welcome you to the Eastchester neighborhood and the Edenwald Houses development. Allow me to just be blunt as I usually am and call this development for what it is... welcome to the projects. This is a veritable cornucopia of poverty, which reflects the melting pot of nationalities that exist across the Bronx and the other boroughs in New York City. Every minute of every hour of every single day is drastically important to the families who live here... at any point, the lights could be turned off... the furnace could stop working and you gotta suck it up with as many blankets and sweatshirts as possible to survive a cold winter's night... you could approach your door with an eviction notice stapled to your door. Even worse, you could walk around a corner and face the ill fate a teenage boy faced just a couple of weeks ago... stabbed to death for no rhyme or reason at all, just some poor sumbitch trying to make it from one day to the next by taking the money and belongings on you at that time.
The disarray, the violence, the pain, the struggle... it's all a part of who I am. It's neighborhoods just like this in Eastchester and others that make up the complexion of the Bronx, which has lit a fire under my ass for as long as I can remember to never accept defeat, never accept setbacks, NEVER... ACCEPT FAILURE! And so, after a little over a month of trolling around the Anarchy television show, I get my first experience under the brighter lights of an XWF pay-per-view. And wouldn't you know, not only is it taking place at another city known for its rampant street violence in Chicago... but it's the biggest show on the XWF calendar, Relentless! I proved in my XWF debut that I don't work very well with others, and Edward Junior had to find that out the hard way as my unfortunate tag team partner that night. But then last week, I showed my worth in this company by taking Big Preesh to the woodshed for a good ol' West Virginia sized country beating. So what does Loverboy and the rest of XWF management decide to do.... they REWARD ME, with a Triple Threat Match to determine the Number One contender for the Anarchy Championship!
It's amazing, this poor attitude I have has gotten me into trouble with some people, those who like to tell me that I should RESPECT authority, that I should bow down and KNOW MY PLACE, and even those who wanna talk the talk AND walk the walk... but we'll come back to her in a second. Let's first address the independent party that seems to be stuck in the middle of everything, which is Bianca McBride. Yeah... I've heard some stuff about you... I've even gotten to see what you're all about recently in your debut on Anarchy... but like my friend Shania used to say, that don't impress me much. I know that some of the talent in this company has worked with you before in other parts of the wrestling world and you've got recommendations from this guy and that girl, but once that bell rings, WORDS... are about as useless as a shit-flavored lollipop. Sometimes confidence is made to be shattered, reputations are made to be broken, and this weekend in Chicago... Bianca... your dreams of being a champion so soon in XWF... will become a NIGHTMARE!
But let's get to the heart of the issues I have in this match, this little bitch calling herself a queen named Tara Fenix. For whatever reason, this young lady had someone open the XWF doors for her to walk in, despite being a part of the enemy known as OCW. She claims to be all about the business, she claims to respect the game, but she couldn't be more wrong... THIS BUSINESS... IS NOT A GAME TO ME! The SPORT of professional wrestling is MY LIFE, that squared circle that we set foot inside is MY HOME, I don't know anything but this business! I'm not gonna walk out on the street and pick up a job driving bulldozers, I'm not gonna walk into a boardroom and get hired by any Fortune Five Hundred company, I'm not gonna jump into a pool and train to become the next great Olympic swimmer...
Martin hits himself with a few punches to the forehead, causing an old wound to start slowly bleeding down the right side of his face!!
THIS IS ALL I HAVE! I don't have friends, I don't have family, I don't have acquaintances... it's just me, the ring and GOD ALMIGHTY, as I bust my ass every single second of every single day to make sure I become THE BEST... IN THE WORLD! But you wouldn't know anything about that, because you just walked into the door like you were dropped from the OCW heavens and had a Number One contender match just handed to you on a silver fucking platter... no debut match on TV, no debut promo behind the scenes, not even a FORMAL FUCKING INTRODUCTION OR SHAKING HANDS WITH THE BOYS AND GIRLS IN THE LOCKER ROOM!! For being all about respect, your sheer presence alone on this card for Relentless is a slap in the face to anyone in this company who busted their ass to get to this weekend. And you... YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT RESPECT?! You wanna tweet me about how your arrival and who got you into XWF is none of my business.. I think it is EVERY BIT MY BUSINESS! And this Friday night in Chicago, I'm gonna give you the proper introduction to XWF.... the HARD WAY...