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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2021
Billion Dollar Bills Yall!
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Oliver Main Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-18-2021, 08:55 AM

”I’ve got to do this, brother.”

The scene opens at Terry Borden’s mansion off Clearwater Beach. His longtime personal manager Jimmy Smart is with him as he is preparing the rest of Terry’s bags.

”Terry it’s not worth it.”

”It’s totally worth it, dude. That Billion Dollar Championship belongs to one man, Ozzy. Not some mexican jumping bean that RAN from this challenge for Relentless.”

Talk about a bitch move. Who does that? What champion tries to bypass defending their championship? Latina! That’s who. Why bitch? You scared that a senior citizen is going to punk you out?

”It’s funny to me.”

Jimmy zips up the suitcase and lugs it towards the bedroom door as Terry is heard off in a closet as Jimmy spouts off.

”Come on daddy we got to get going or we will miss the flight.”

”Hold those horses, I have to find this last piece of my Relentless gear and I know it’s around here somewhere.”

”What’s so important? You’ve got BOB gear…”

”Not needed, leaving BOB.”

Jimmy is now more that confused by what he’s hearing from Terry as now various colors of tights start being thrown out of the closet into the floor of the bedroom.

”Why are you leaving BOB?”

”I serve Ozzy, GOD of Thursday Night Anarchy, not a group that sarafice their own like Fury did to Hershal. That was some foul shit, dude.”

R.I.P. Big Puddin’

”Where the hell is it!?!?”

”If you just tell me what you’re lookin’ for I can help ya out.”

”AH HA!”

Terry shouts out with glee.

”I knew it was here!”


”I told that illegal immigrant that I was challenging her for the Billion Dollar Championship, and that I was going to win it before presenting it back to the true champion, Ozzy.”


”They say the mexican wrestlers hide behind masks in an attempt to draw power from them…”

”I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before, but okay…”

”She isn’t the only person that can draw power from a mask, dude…”

Finally Terry Borden emerges from the closet…

[Image: photo-2579.jpg]

Jimmy looks on with a smile on his face.

”I’m not just doing this one for Ozzy, brother, I am doing this for AMERICA! DUDE!”


”The integirty of American is under attack with that two-bit twat running around with Ozzy’s property! I’m going to get it back, BROTHER! Now we can hit the road! CHICAGO here we come DUDES!

Oh Latina Submission Machina! How does it feel to avoid this challenge only to still be involved in defending that Billion Dollar Championship? Do you realize how stupid you looked? About as dumb as you’re going to look when you leave Relentless weekend without any gold around that illegal waist of yours. I am so sick and tired of immigrants like you coming to Amercia taking advantage of our prospering job market, especially when it comes to pro wrestling, sister!

Why do you have such a wet puss for Ozzy?

Do you long for his caress?

Want to feel him thrusting inside a pink taco stand?

I am asking forreal, dudett.

Now I am well aware that you have Ozzy to contend with on night one for the Anarchy Championship. Awesome job coming in last on that gauntlet match to catch a win. It was about the only way you’d made it to that slot on Relentless, I’ve seen the stinkers you call matches. I don’t want you to lose site of yours truly on night three; is it just me or does anyone else think it’s just a little ironic that the Billion Dollar Title is booked on the final night of the weekend with the REAL attractions while your Anarchy Title match is on night one on the same card as a fucking tuxedo match, sister!

I digress.

You can’t run from Mr. America!

I’m coming to Relentless to punt your ass back across that boarder where you fucking belong! There’s nothing about you that screams special, just another mexican trying to cash in on the American Dollar because that Peso of yours just doesn’t match up, does it? I can understand why you’d flock here, why you’d attempt to exploit our government to feed your trillion family members that line the parking lots of Lowes or Home Depots looking for a little work, DUDETT! You might be walking into the MAIN EVENT night of Relentless toting around that Billion Dollar Championship, but much like you can’t change the rules of the title is just like you can’t change this outcome, and that’s you getting thrashed from one side of a Speakeasy to another, SISTER! Your gibberish isn’t going to help you from this All American ass whipping that I am going to levy upon you while I take away that strap of gold you think carries no weight.

BOB is in my rearview mirror.

I’m doing this for you Ozzy.

I’m doing this because that Championship is being tainted while in the clutches of Miss Thundercunt.

I’m doing this to bring you back what was stolen from you faster than she stole her citizenship.

I am doing this for AMERICA!


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