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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-31-2021, 03:34 PM


"Excuse me, WHAT?"

We fade in to see the confused expression on Miss Fury's face as Chris Page tries to explain the promo idea that BOB's running with for this epic twelve-man battle that's pitting BOB against a ton of huge names from yesteryear that just can't quite cut the mustard anymore. Not here, not in the XWF. Not for a long time, and everyone knows it! Just look at how many times Warstein and Raven have ducked challenge after challenge from Them No Good Bastards! Sure, they spin it differently. They would have the YOU THE PEOPLE believe that it's Them No Good Bastards that are ducking THEM! They'd tell you how they have made the offer for our guys to come to whatever bingo hall they're wrestling at from one week to the next. They'd tell you that they're done with the XWF. They'd have you believe that the only reason this match hasn't happened is because our guys are too afraid to step out of their comfort zone and face them elsewhere. The problem with that logic is The Bastards dropped the first challenge. BOB was the first to come out and say put up or shut up, and it was Raven and Warstein that came in with all the red tape, doing everything in their power to make sure that match would not happen. What was the initial excuse? Oh yeah, done with the XWF.... Yet here we are. James and Fuzz back in the XWF and sorta-kinda facing the guys itching to rip their heads off, but with help. Help that they're praying can somehow protect them enough to not completely tank this umpteenth return and get their shit push in as badly as Warstein did when he stood face to face with the Great Oswald at War Games!

"BOB-LYMPICS! We'll come up with events to put over our strengths, or just play fun, whatever, right? It's all just Razzle-Dazzle before the pounding we bring to Rob's team anyway!"

Fury winces as she quickly shakes her head no.

"No, I understand the idea, it's just stupid!"

Page seems genuinely shocked at her assessment. Stupid is BOB's M.O.!

"Of course it's stupid, that's kinda what we do! It's all for entertainment!"

Told ya!

Fury sighs before pleading her case.

"Maybe it's time that we reeled some of that back a little?"

Page doesn't have any reason to agree with her right now, but she's his girl damn it, so he surely wants to investigate! With a gentle touch, he takes her by the shoulders. Their eyes lock. Hers are full of worry and doubt, his confidence and kindness.

"Are you okay?"

She doesn't answer. Instead, she looks away. As she does the weight of recent events begins to weigh heavy. She had failed to lead BOB to victory at War Games. It stung, but what stung worse was the performance. BOB had built itself to be a well-oiled machine but watching that performance, you wouldn't have been able to tell it. We looked sloppy and disorganized. The other team got their ass beat because that was always their fate, but we lost most of the team in the process, leaving only Bobby to shoulder the burden of the main event. It was a result that never should have happened, but it had. Now, her biggest fear was seeing that terrible fucking performance ever repeated again!

"I just think we should focus our energy where it needs to be."

Page silently chuckles before his query.

"We're not worried about Robert's team. I know all of those guys like the back of my hand. We've got this one easy, trust me."

She wants to, she really does, and for a moment, she even thinks that she can. However, that moment passes and she pulls away from Chris, unable to look him in the eyes and tell him, no, no I can't. Not because she doesn't believe in him. She does. More than any of you could know. Real talk, on-camera Fury will say and do anything to maintain her aura of mystique. The less that you know, and the less that you understand, the better, but in the real world when the cameras are off, Jessica would die for this man, and she believes in her heart that he would do the same. Lots of shit about Miss Fury is just games that she plays, but this relationship is as real as it gets, despite her words. Fortunately, nobody has tried to call her bluff yet, but with a moment like this now recorded on camera, that may not be the case for very much longer.

"I... I can't."

Shocked. Absolutely shocked. After Page scoops his jaw up off of the ground, he questions her further.

"Are you really saying that you don't have faith in me or the rest of BOB?"


She wrestles with the words in her head. Fury is a proud woman. Everything that she accomplished in this business, despite the obvious disadvantages she had coming in, let's just say that it's not a wonder that her appreciation for this business grew along with her star power. You can make all of the arguments that you want about cheating, bending the rules, etc, but at the end of the day, to Jessica Hoytt, that's the wrestling business, and nobody that's involved with it in any way can deny that. So what the world may see as cheating and conniving, Miss Fury sees as using every tool at her disposal to advance towards each goal one after the next, but with that comes the realization that she HAS grown to rely too much on others abilities, and perhaps not enough on further developing her own. It's with these thoughts on her mind that she turns back to Page with tears beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes during a rare glimpse of vulnerability.

"You're a legend and until recently the TOP CHAMPION in all of the XWF! TK and Bobby dominate any pair thrown in front of them. Oswald has surpassed every expectation anyone has ever had for him, Mr. RoBOB is, well he's a RoBOB and they were all exceptionally strong, so at the very least, there's that. Then there's me, and I'm..."

She pauses just for a second. It's enough for Chris, who already can tell where this is going, to try and chime in with something to uplift her spirits.

"A fierce leader and master chess player."

Then his ego gets in his way without him knowing, but before he even speaks a word, the newly formed smirk is a dead giveaway for anyone that's even remotely familiar with Chris Page.

"You WERE taught by the best after all!"

He grins, oblivious to why she just turned away from him in a huff.


She ignores his call and continues on her way. Confused by this, Page's face squinches up in worry as he calls out again, louder.


Worried and confused, Pages looks to the camera.

"Was it something I said?"

[Image: BOB-LYMPICS.jpg]

BOB-lympic Event




Tommy Slavino: "For the rest of BOB, that means an evening of fun and games as they prepare to go to WAR with ROBERT MAIN and his merry band of (XWF/bWo) irrelevant morons!"

Bama T: "Irrelevant? I agree baby, all but one! You gotta admit that the current reigning and defending Xtreme Champion is anything but irrelevant, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "No-doubt, you're right Bama! One in a million is still one, and that's what this journalist believes is the only REAL danger on team.... What are they called?"

Bama T: "APE-LEG!"

Tommy Slavino: "No no! I have a memo from weeks back specifically mentioning that we NOT use that name!"

Bama T: "SUCH A WASTE! So what are we calling these goons, baby!?"

Tommy Slavino: "I'm not sure! Let's just edit it in post!"

Bama T: "No can do baby! Todd's on vacation!"


(Todd, hurry back!)

[Image: TOTT.jpg]

Bama T: "It's a BOB-Lympic event and it's next baby!"

Herald Oliver is in the ring to officiate tonight's event! Rousey paces side to side in her corner, occasionally glaring across the cage to Miss Fury with a heavy scowl during introductions. After final instructions, the two fighters touch gloves. Rousey covers the distance quickly, but Fury runs circles around the cage. Rousey seems to corner Fury against the cage, but Fury angles off of the cage with a lovely right that turns Rousey's head. Rousey continues to chance fury around the cage. Fury manages to slip most of Rhoda's shots, only allowing a few glancing blows to breakthrough.

Tommy Slavino: "I've gotta say Bama, Miss Fury is looking incredibly solid in the cage! I'm not sure anyone was expecting that!"

Bama T: "Yeah baby! You've gotta wonder how much she's paying to look this good!"

Suddenly Rousey tags her with an overhand right. The opening allows Rousey to catch an underhook and rush Fury against the fence! Rousey hammers her into the cage with heavy shots to the ribs! Fury bends in two as Rhonda pounds her flesh into the cage! Fury shoves her back and pivots off of the cage to narrowly escape! She gives chase again, but Rousey quickly covers the ground and bullies her into the cage again! Underhook and suplex into the mat! Rousey takes the full mount and hammers down on Fury with crushing forearms! The round ends and Fury is a bloody mess as Rhonda crawls off of her. Both fighters head to their corners.

Tommy Slavino: "You have to admire her gusto Bama, but Miss Fury has put herself in an environment where she's at a disadvantage! She's not trained in MMA! She's not a collegiate wrestler or a martial arts striker! Hell, she's barely a professional wrestler! you have to question what it is that she even aims to prove with this fight here at the BOB-LYMPICS!!!"

The fighters prepare for the start of the second round as the timer counts down the final seconds.

Bama T: "You don't think she knows the position she's put herself in Tommy!? If you ask me baby, this all about pushing herself outside of her comfort zone! That's the only way to improve baby!"

Rousey gives chase as Fury fires off quick jabs to help keep the distance. Rousey tucks her chin and rushes in for a takedown, but Fury circles out and connects with a slick sidekick that lands flush to Rhoda's jaw and staggering her across the cage! Furyu looks to capitalize and pushes in to stay on the offense, but Rhoda ducks completely under a punch and arm drag Fury to the mat! Rhoda looks to lock on the armbar as Fury desperately fights to prevent it! Fury's grip begins to slip as Rousey looks to extend back on the arm! Suddenly the official, Herald Oliver, sprays an unknown aerosol spray into the eyes of Rhonda Rousey! Rousey releases the hold, but Fury is pissed and gets in the officials face! He points to CCP outside of the cage, who smiles and shoots a thumbs up! Fury scolds Hearld and... WARNS HIM TO CALL THIS FIGHT "RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE"!?!

Only to turn into a hard straight left! Fury crashes sideways to the canvas! Rousey ensures that it's over with a few more hits to the dazed Miss Fury forcing the official to call the TKO!

Tommy Slavino: "Holy Shit! Miss Fury LOST at the BOB-Lympics!"

Bama T: "H... How is that possible baby!?!"

Rousey celebrates as some clowns (not literally) award Rhoda with a gold medal in ass-kickery while Miss Fury is left to stand alone in the ring, bloodied, and sad.

[Image: britt-baker-blood-848488.jpg]

If you're a villain, it's a sad scene to see for sure, because it reminds you that more often than not, the villain doesn't win.

However, as Miss Fury retrieves some sort of trigger device and inches her finger towards the big red button, you remember that the villain's true role.

[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
(Sorry for the lame effects. Again, Todd is on vacation! WE MISS YOU TODD! SAFE TRAVELS!)

Only requires her to win in the end!

Tommy Slavino: "Oh My God! Rhonda Rousey just spontaneously combusted!"

Bama T: "I'm getting word from the back that lab results just came back and Rousey's DNA wasn't present in her DNA test! NOTHING BUT ROIDS BABY!"

Tommy Slavino: "That explains the spontaneous combustion that had nothing to do with the remote that Miss Fury uses to pre-run her post-match bubble bath! NO WAY!"

Miss Fury is announced as the winner due to Rhonda Rousey being DQed! Was she juicing? Nah. Does anyone believe it? Doesn't matter. Fury wins, and she did look fairly competent against Rhonda in the cage. Maybe her newfound dedication to ringwork will stick and she will continue to improve but THANK GOD we can all look forward to the stupid continuing because face it, no matter the intentions, stupid is fun, and as long as we have "heroes" to keep that stupid in check, I say lets continue to kick a little ass and...

Tommy Slavino: "Well that's that folks! See you at WarFare!"

Bama T: "Wait! We haven't seen The Bastards or Oswald or Mr. RoBOB!!! We gotta see Mr. RoBOB!!!"

We abruptly cut out. Hmmm, I wonder if ole Bama will get to stick around and call the other events or not?

Poor dude...

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Miss Fury's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-01-2021), Chris Page (08-31-2021), Dolly Waters (08-31-2021), Drew Archyle (09-01-2021), JimCaedus (08-31-2021), Lycana (09-01-2021), Mr. Oz (08-31-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (09-01-2021)

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