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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
puppet $hit.
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Tommy Wish Offline
A Dude Who Somewhat Wrestles.

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-30-2021, 12:58 PM

[It opens up to a puppet Tommy walking down the red hallway into a bathroom, where it reflects him as it shows another reflection of a woman in blue wig trying to seduce him.]

March down the line of pain and happiness
I have an affliction to feel my losses
more often then not I get lost in my heart
all black and gold don’t make no silver
I can’t even manage to tell you how to think
as I can’t even think without my manhood telling
me what to do
I laid in the sheets of flames, when I spoke her
name in existence in this life time
I can’t even say her name without feeling like
it’s a game of Candyman
No hooks to speak off as she wonders in her
little woods with the devil
No left hand here that can’t be within the weather
of course that isn’t in the mainframe of a madwoman

[Then the puppet walks out of the bathroom, and he see’s the woman out of the mirror, with a knife as she chases him around the house. He then hides underneath the covers.]

Let me say her name three times in the mirror
and expect her to show up and kill me
Lycana as I said her name out she stalks about
as I run out of time and energy
We share a past that won’t last since never
I can’t be stormed under the weather
as she rolls by my viewpath on revenge
she’s my nemesis to my own Jill
all I need is a Carlos to blow her to bits
but that isn’t a reality since I am alone
with the she devil named Lycana

[Then the lady finds him under the covers and tries to stab him, but he moves out of the way as he plunges on the bed with the knife. He kept running around until he’s in a jacket room closet. He picks up the Corey pantyhose and uses it as a protection in the closet.]

I signed my death warrant long ago before you arrived
i have faced more shit then a tree hugger in the 60s
I wanted you to know that I wanted you
now i want to kill you in ring
even if I said no to you
you’d still be running you lips
like you are on a ego trip
I don’t care about the fact
that I pinned you in a wired way
blame the fact you have voodoo
in your hoodoo you evil woman
I never claimed Corey be the wolf
to your little sheep slaughterhouse
I already knew you were no good woman
all I see is a rejected goth girl
who everyone adores and coddles with
You want to bend me in many ways?
that’s fine by me, since I can break your ankle

[She opens the closet door, and finds him, her eyes turned red and fangs grew out of her teeth, and she then starts gnaw at her mouth at him. He then throw the pantyhose which temporality stops her as he runs off out of the closet. Now he’s in the living room, which turned into a corridor out of nowhere.]

All I fear is a woman who plays that wolf shit
I thought twilight was played out long ago?
maybe I didn’t know you’d be team Jacob
Fuck you and your former left circle tribe
all they good for was to die
All they can do is lie to others and use
others for their own gain
I don’t need to be by your side as you got Marf
he can be your Marc Mero to your Sable
all that’s missing is your titles exposed
wait a minute I can’t rap about that
since that what you yearning for
So let me say that I baited you more
when I asked you to give me reason to
fight you last time, so I took it as a test
Now I wished to undress you but not I have
to undress these critics who say I can’t fight you

[Then she comes to find him in the corridor, and she turns herself into wolf/Lycana type of creature. He then circle around her, and ducks under her legs. He trips her over, and strangles her with the same hose he used earlier, but she tosses him off, he then picks up the knife and threatens the demon.]

You might be the pray to world
but all I see is a lost girl
who needs the attention
but I can’t blame you
since you crave validation to keep you sane
Ooh I manage to take advantage of
you in the hotel room or locker room
boo hoo I can’t say i’m sorry for that
You’d do the same shit if I was the champ
but now all I have is your Corey’s hose
as I plan to use to strangle you with
You can get angry, you can salivate
you can get mad at Arquette for
pinning you instead of me
So if you and Marf want that smoke
please come in the ring in ATLiens
and I promise that me, you, and your cousins
will be slamming them Cadillac doors without you

[He then tackles her down, and he pins her in a compromising position. He then lifts the knife up, but she started to cry but that caused him get off of her. As he tried to walk away, she then comes up to him to bit him, but he locks her in a Crossface, then transitions it to a Fetish Lock where he locked it on her.]

Bite if you will, kill my spirit
I know that this match is yours
it’s all just fulfill your hate on me
So if I had to die in the ring
then fuck it, it was worthless
just like ever encountering you
at that fuckin bar
I hope you manage to bring the heat
as I pour the gasoline on you
I don’t care on who wins this shit
all I want to do is beat you
and your Mero lookin Marf
So Lycana…

Let the games begin

[He then lets go of the hold, as she turns into a crystal torso from her turning into stone once she yelled out “I GIVE UP", then we see Tommy himself picking up her crystal torso, and the puppet as the video ends with them walking away in the shadows.]
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Charlie Nickles (08-30-2021), Lycana (08-31-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-30-2021)

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