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Allow Me To Reduce Yourself
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XWF FanBase:
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08-27-2021, 10:44 AM

..."I am become death"...

The weapon is the first of it's type in size and battlefield efficiency, John explains. A marvel; harnessing the power of ultimate destruction and bottling it within the confines of a shell small enough (roughly the size of a water bottle) for an adult to hold in one hand. It holds six shells.

You'll only need one.

To look upon John Caedus one would see a man fond of food and drink. A grease monkey, biker perhaps, with the style, sizable beard and wild eyes to support either theory. One wouldn't be surprised to discover the man is an athlete and professional wrestler. One would definitely not expect to uncover the man, all near seven foot and 300 plus pounds of him, had aced his way through his schooling, graduated from George Washington University and landed a job with U.S. military contractor Lockheed, ending up Chief Engineer. They pay him quite well for his work.

But it isn't enough. It's never enough.

Not for John Caedus.

Nuclear ordnance for ammunition.

Tactical field nukes with enough yield to obliterate any obstacle or obstacles in a soldier's path. Assigned the designation "WarHammer", the Personal Assault Cannon boasts a surprising maximum range with deadly accuracy.

His now twenty years with Lockheed had taught him well, found him the right contacts, the right craftsmen and fellow engineers to lean on. He'd semi-retired from wrestling in 2012 then spent the next 9 years of his career with Lockheed designing weaponry off-site in secret from the comfort of his own home, padding his own pockets on the black market. Until now he'd always settled for more subtle wares.

Until now he'd never designed anything as extravagant as the "WarHammer".

But why take my word for it when a demonstration is clearly in order?

The buyer finishes pulling on and adjusting a suit of body armor and helmet meant to protect the wielder from shorter range radial blast waves then lifts the WarHammer to get a feel for it's weight.

Pointing. If you're ready...see that mountain over-?

[Image: cwLN0bo.gif]

The buyer fires before John can finish the question.

What mountain?

Thaddeus Duke nearly smiles but he's far more disciplined than that.

I take that as a successful demonstration. The price is five hundred. Million. For that you get the mark one, 100 shells, the designs for exclusive production on both...and I'll even throw in two dozen suits of the body armor free. ...So...

Is it a deal?

Extends an arm to accept a handshake. Deal. I want first dibs on all future items, barring any failures with the "WarHammer" of course.

Of course. Agreed, Thaddeus.

And good luck in your debut match on Anarchy, John.

I appreciate that...but I don't need luck.

Not against the caliber of competition I'll be facing.

Elijah Martin and Jackson Hart.

Now, Hart you most likely won't recall from his single stint in the XWF dating back to 2018 and a short run with the Xtreme Championship. Apparently the brass don't recall these events either, or rather, don't recognize charlatans. During my research I found it difficult to locate the record of Jax's reign with the X but, it happened judging from the footage on file displaying multiple kick outs. Odd.

So I dug a bit deeper.

I found that James Raven acquired the X during a broadcast of Savage on March 27th. A day later, Jackson Hart is seen defending in the 24/7 Halls. According to the history on file, there exists no record of his winning the title either with a pin in the Hall or in an official match.

He must've caught Raven sleeping but the footage was deleted.

However it happened, Jax dubiously came into possession, suffered an onslaught of pin attempts as a result and when finally called upon to legitimize said possession of the X in the ring with an official defense, he failed to retain.

Then, poof. Gone from the XWF. Shady quitter.

A forgettable loser of a place holder, less than 30 days active in the promotion, until surfacing recently to attempt a pin on one Corey Smith, ending up with nothing.

Much like his impact on the XWF.

Much like his chances of walking out of the ring Thursday with a victory and without having a litany of cognitive disorders beaten into his brain, extremities snapped, Adam's Apple crushed beneath my thumbs. There is no heart in Hart. If there were, I'd be extracting it with my bare hands. He can't stop a man like me.

Elijah Martin is no different.

I suffered through his lament over his struggles in life this past Anarchy. We've all struggled, Elijah, you squealing Bronx swine; get over it or roast in the hell you've created for yourself. Spewing that filthy antisemitic drivel, crying for sympathy like a jilted woman then insisting no one has the balls you have. I see evidence of none. They must be lost somewhere north of your dick, stuck in that cavity where your guts would be if you had any pride.

You claimed no one has sacrificed as much as you have.

Elijah Martin, Jesus in crucifixion, his arms nailed to the cross with the very syringes that plagued the gang-ridden streets he grew up on. Fuck off, son. You clearly didn't struggle enough, didn't have enough balls to prevent yourself from hitting your partner Edward Jr. in the head and costing your team the match. You refused to cooperate, like you refused to rise above the detritus in which you were spawned. You should've capitalized, shown the world your wisdom gained from your time "on the streets". It was amusing to be honest, to hear you bark so loud only to bite your own ass.

You failed.

I won't.

"I was born to murder the world"...which of you is first?

[-] The following 9 users Like JohnCaedus's post:
(08-27-2021), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (08-27-2021), ALIAS (09-03-2021), Dolly Waters (08-27-2021), Gator (08-27-2021), Latina Submission Machina (08-27-2021), Lycana (08-27-2021), Marf (08-27-2021), Thaddeus Duke (08-27-2021)

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