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THE BOB TEAM S01E04 "Surveillance Duty"
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-23-2021, 07:39 PM


"Surveillance Duty"

[bwo][Image: OZZYWG.png][/bwo]

Oswald is sitting comfortably in a beautifully crafted medieval wooden chair in a posh Hotel room in Miranda, Venezuela. Oswald's scowl says it all, he’s a man of results, and none have shown themselves yet.


Suddenly one of his many servants seems to almost appear from nothing with a phone on a silver tray.

Ring ring. Ring ring.

Oswald motions to his servant who immediately knows to place the phone to his master’s ear.


TK: “Ozzy, listen up! We’ve found out that the mark has a political connection, with intel on exactly where this Johnny , mother fucker, is being detained. The political connection’s name is fucking O...s...mer Ruben Palma, or some shit O-S-M-E-R Ruben Palma. Fuck these foreign ass names, bro. You know what to do.”

Ozzy looks to his left and sees the target on the television, as Ozzy is watching Diario Avance 24 news.

I think I know where to find him.

He hangs up the phone.

~ Six hours later ~

Plans and intelligence covered a table in the middle of the kitchen area in his lavish hotel room. His hands are full of paper. The intelligence that was gathered? His servants had asked around the town, mostly trying to pinpoint things about Palma. What places he likes to frequent, how many times does he visit that spot. What food does he typically order? The basics, essentially, to truly pinpoint a pathing of where he could be at his most vulnerable.

“Hm… El Cine Restaurant is his favorite place for lunch.”

He snaps his fingers and a servant appears with a topographical map of Miranda on a pad. He takes the pad and begins to look at the buildings, looks at the streets. Then he sees the prices for the restaurant.

“Huh. That place is pretty pricey. I’ll have to go there after this is over with.”

He moves forward some more, looking at a street, one that doesn’t seem to have as much foot traffic.

“At the right time, at the right angle, and with enough bodies blocking, I could make this happen. Make it look like a kidnapping. Though, I will need a few bigger servants if I’m to do this without being caught myself.”

~ Next Day, 15:32 local time ~

Oswald stood in an alley nearby, as his shadowy servants looked more, corporeal. They looked to be dressed in black suits, black surgical masks, as if they were guarding someone with power. Which, they were, but with him out of sight the air of mystery was abundant. Including a vehicle meant for high political office, offered a bait too tantalizing to not be taken by someone with higher political aspirations. Palma tried to walk by the servants with his own bodyguards, only to be grabbed between the large frames of Oswald’s guards and pulled inside, into the alley.

While there was struggling being heard, the man’s guards couldn’t penetrate the wall of servants surrounding the alley. After a few minutes, however, the sounds had become mute.

“We have a mutual friend. I’m trying to help him out of his... predicament. You’re going to tell me where he is.”

“Why would I do that? You abducted me!”

“Because there’s profit in it for you.”

He then pulls out a wad of Venezuelan bolivar.

“This entire wad can be yours, if you tell me where a man named Johnny is being kept.”

“You’re crazy!”

He constantly looks around, nervously

“Look, if you’re worried about wires, if you’re worried about anyone hearing you speak some state secret to a foreigner like myself, you have nothing to fear from me. I’m just a guy looking for his friend.”

The smaller man sighed, taking the entire ball of money from Oswald.

“Look, from what I can tell you, he’s being kept in Yare III, it’s a prison. Your man is in big trouble and that is where he’s being kept because of it. No way in. They won’t let you see him. You should go home now.”

Oswald smiles, patting the man on the shoulder.

Then after five minutes had passed since the abduction and since the end of the conversation, mostly the sounds of mumbling coming from the alley, a shortened muffled cry and both the servants and Oz had disappeared with the bolivar spread apart like confetti. The man’s body was on the ground, neck having been twisted around so hard it seemed like it was going to spin off if given another twist.

“Worry about yourself, peon.”

~Ten minutes later, in Oswald’s hotel room~

Oswald holds up his hand, causing a large portal to appear in front of himself.

Thunder Knuckles, Bobby and Fury all see the portals appear in front of them. Fury and Bobby shrug and walk through, but TK however, is very apprehensive.

With Bobby and Fury through already, he figured exactly what was going on and growled, moving over to the portal and poking his head through. TK seeing what looks like a decapitated Oswald head come through the portal, causes him to pull out a knife thinking that Oswald had become some kind of zombie demon!


Oswald turns his head turns to look at TK.

“Get your fucking ass in here!”

Fuck that shit! Hell no man! The last time you had me fall to my goddamn death!

“Would you relax? Nothing’s going to happen to you. Promise.”

You fucking relax! I'll just hang back right here if it's all the fucking same to you!

Oswald's head disappears and his arm comes through the portal grabbing TK by his arms and yanking him through the portal. On the other side TK comes in screaming.


TK leans over, patting his chest and panting. He's possibly having a panic attack!

I'm fine! Nobody fucking ask or anything!

Don't be a baby. Nobody does interdimensional travel safer than I.

Oswald chuckled.

“So. I found out where this Johnny is being held.”

Well, spit it the fuck out, and let's fucking go! ... By foot!

He pulls out various blueprints and plans for the facility known as Yare Prison. A series of three structures, the last of which being the building known as Yare III, the building where Johnny is held.

“Here he is. Yare III.”

Oswald’s lips continue moving as he talks about the compound, and on the table, is what seemed to be a wisp of elements in an ornate jar only to see him toss it into the air, and disappear.

[Image: BOBline.png]

Your screen now is now focused on the War Games BOB Team.

I’m sure bullshit is falling from the mouths of babes right now.

I see what you did there.

TK flashes a grin before continuing.

We don’t really got the fucking time, patients, or enough fucking crayons to explain this shit anymore. Reggie’s fucking trash, Lycana preaches bullshit long enough to stick her foot in her mouth, Atara ain’t shit but an ass sniffer.

Bobby cuts off TK.

Ass sniffer?

TK rolls his eyes hoping to move right along but looks over at him , as if to say, I got you.

’Ol Thunder Knuckles has come to the goddamn conclusion that when Atara sees something popping off, she starts sniffing around whatever ass it might be, it benefits her, til it doesn’t, then it’s all whoever's ass she’s sniffing’s fault. So, yeah ass sniffer.

I thought you’d say something meaner.

Well, to be fair I’m no fucking OBGYN, but I’ve seen a cunt or two in my day. I knew what I was going into. She can say all the snarky shit she wants. We are the franchise right now, and we have delivered more than we have failed. We’re going to beat the shit out of Reggie’s Angels. I’m still fucking baffled by the stupid fucking name. It’s all but hiding Betsy’s name from another goddamn loss just like Fury says. This time to BOB. There is nothing righteous about War, Betsy, and a war with BOB is one that no one can fucking win. Whole ass squads have tried. You putting together a mish-mash of fucking shit talent only serves to show how goddamn stupid you really are. Lycana doesn’t know how to fucking beat a Bastard, let alone two. Atara is fresh off the heels of a beating she asked for. Reggie by his own fucking admission hasn’t done shit in a year. Then you, Betsy. Your fucking hype train left the station but BOB was a mile down the fucking road ripping up the tracks. The headlines are going to read four dead after Betsy’s hype train wrecked, former XWF stars Atara Themis, Betsy Granger, a homeless man, and a woman whose identity remains unknown until dental records come in. When BOB runs though you like nothing and WE ALL ADVANCE to the main event, don't act like ‘Ol Thunder Knuckles didn’t fucking warn you. 'Ol Thunder Knuckles learned a thing, or two, last year. At War Games, yes sir, you work as a goddamn team, or you get picked off one by fucking one. No team on this goddamn field works better as a fucking team like BOB does. That's just a fucking fact. Like it, or not, War Games belongs to US, it belongs to BOB!

TK makes a hand gesture signaling that he's passing the floor to Miss Fury.

Just like the XWF! Look at what we’ve accomplished in the last SIX MONTHS! Collectively, we’ve won nearly every championship that this company has to offer! We’ve launched our own wrestling promotion right under the nose of the XWF! We’ve employed tons of wrestlers that otherwise wouldn’t be on TV, and we’ve beaten them all! Nearly two years ago, a small rumor popped up on the internet teasing that BOB was coming. Nobody took us seriously then, and now on account of that blind arrogance, a force has been assembled that NONE of you are prepared to face! That’s not just the doomed souls involved in War Games that I’m talking about either! The talent in this company has proven time and time again that they are incapable of coming together to defeat a common enemy! Ruby, Lycana, Marf, Betsy, Main, Solace, Charlie! You all continue to search far and wide for someone, anyone to help even the odds, but this entire time you, ALL OF YOU, were right here, capable, yet unwilling to help the other. Don’t any of you try to sell me on you suddenly finding the courage to place that ego to the side and look outside of your comfort zone for help. You people are incapable of revealing yourselves, your true selves, to anyone other than your closest friends! That’s why Main need’s APEX! That’s why Betsy needs Legacy! That’s why Atara needs BOB! And that’s why Reggie Estrada needs The Thugs!

Individually, sure, each of you stands a chance, but as a team? ALL OF YOU SHALL PERISH TO THE ONE TEAM THAT ACTUALLY IS A TEAM!

There are no weak links here! We’ve lost ZERO sleep wondering if our partner will even be there. Wondering what condition he may be in. We are BOB, we are one, and we WILL plow right through these so-called “Angels” straight to the MAIN EVENT!

Which is EXACTLY where BOB belongs!

Miss Fury places her hand on Oswald’s shoulder, which allows Oswald to speak his mind.

“I don’t understand how Betsy’s team can even think that we’re ever going to be beaten, or that THEY will be the ones to do it! I don’t think they actually understand who we are. You are facing the most powerful incarnation of the Brotherhood. We are the core of the group. We don’t have leaders, but we damn well have the foundation. This is where Betsy’s team will lose. They don’t have a foundation. They don’t have a leg to stand on. This team? We support and lift each other up. If one thrives, we all do! We are never to be trifled with, lest we fuck your shit up for thinking we’re trivial. You decided to fuck up and keep us together. You all did. So now you will face the reckoning. We are the reasons why not a single damn soul will be standing except ours. How the fuck do you people screw up so insanely bad, is beyond me. Imagine, having the power, the ability to actually keep the foundation of BOB from ever joining up together.

Oswald rubs his hands together knowing that he’s right.

Remember what I said before, around Leap of Faith, about BOB being stronger than ever? What have we accomplished since then? Seriously. Bobby and TK became tag champs OF ANOTHER COMPANY! I became Superstar of the Month! Miss Fury has risen above the XWF and even taken over one of it’s brands! If you had thought my words then were true, what the fuck do you think is going to happen now?

You people fucked up. You have no chance at surviving these War Games. You have no chance of surviving this in general. After this, you will have realized what your major mistake was. It was not splitting us apart, and thinking this was a game even after we declared WAR!”

Bobby taps Oswald on the shoulder, this calms the other big man.

Strong work bud. Hey, really, why do I always go last it seems like?

Does it matter?

Nope! Well, we’re facing off against Legacy’s own, Betsy Granger and the isle of Misfit Toys. Lycana is the bitch that’s all bark and no bite. Reggie, the man who has his head up his ass and shit on top of his neck. Atara, the bucket of shitty trust issues ready to get projected on the next idiot that gives her the slightest attention. Then Betsy herself, the sad sounding, defensive tool who’s been duped by Legacy into thinking they’re the good guys here. What a pack of pussies! You have Raven, the biggest gatekeeper in wrestling today, making sure to threaten to come down and squash any up and coming new faces in the business, along with Warstein, fixing windows to the roof and keeping that glass ceiling in place because they can’t improve, can’t change with the times, and are getting worse by the day, but need to feel special and relevant. You, Betsy? You’re just arm candy when it’s convenient so Raven can look like a lovable hubby when it’s convenient for him. Hell, you could have kept that Apex-Legacy dream alive by drafting a member of Apex. Instead, well, you didn’t get the cue from James to do that. Face facts, Bets, you just aren’t a fucking leader! You’re probably droning on about what you’re insecure about regarding your team right now, and Atara is pissed because she was off the boards and forced to team with you before Fury had a chance to draft her. You couldn’t captain a canoe let alone a Wargames squad, and now you’re coming with a pack of loners who won’t gel together whatsoever, and you don’t see the problem with that at all, which is why you’re going to fail and fall in that cage against team BOB. Go ahead, cry foul about how you got your ass whooped by TK. I dare you. Maybe you shouldn’t have followed your hubby’s lead, maybe you should have made your own fucking decision, and not helped lead the charge against me and my BOBretheren for, ultimately, NO FUCKING REASON because Apex-Legacy was all hype and no substance. James and Shawn wanted to flex that they were important and relevant, but as soon as they saw that me and TK were going to break their ancient spines in a match they made like Tostitos and dipped. But at least you’re a dreamer. Your head in the clouds. But you’re not a fucking captain you stick to the back of most crowds. I’ll say it up front and say it out loud, time to see the light and take off that shroud. You do your best work when you’re riding in the back seat, you don’t take the steering wheel or stand out as elite. You stay out of the kitchen because you can’t take the heat; c’mon little sheeple, come give us a bleat! Impossible traveler, you’re more like a wishful thinker, can’t compare to the mad mind I have, I’m a thinker! I baited you out before, it was hook, line, and sinker, even Corey cried foul for what I did, now ain’t I a stinker? Play the victim card, tell us all you’re get your revenge, words as tired and old as the pyramids or Stonehenge, too timid to lead, too timid to start, when I see you in the cage, I’m going to rip you apart.

Seriously, that shit that happened at Retro Anarchy was nothing compared to what’s coming.

Estrada's Angels, you'd better listen and listen up good! The mad genius behind BOB is at the helm, and to her side, the monsters she created! You're the Impossible Traveler, right? Then how come you can't see how your future ends with BOB!? Make no mistake, Betsy, Atara, Lycana, and Mr. Estrada, you will not be advancing at War Games! In fact, you're destined to become nothing more than the first of many in BOB's ascension to the top of a mountain of dead bodies!

Fury can be seen with a grin as the monsters surrounding her leer into the camera! Ozzy cracks his knuckles, TK winks with a smirk, and Bobby smashes his fist into his other hand, laughing softly through gritted teeth. The scene fades to black on this solid unit.

[Image: CGpA9vP.png]

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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ALIAS (07-24-2021), Chris Page (07-24-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (08-01-2021), Dolly Waters (07-23-2021), HGH (07-23-2021), JimCaedus (07-24-2021), Lycana (08-01-2021), Miss Fury (07-23-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-23-2021), Richard Powers (07-23-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-27-2021), Theo Pryce (08-01-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-23-2021)

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