John Austin
Grizzled Young Vet
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Joined: Mon May 13 2013
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06-28-2013, 10:18 AM
>> Who's X-treme Champ?
It is a day before the Wild Card pay per view. We find John Austin at his home in Virginia Beach. It is around one thirty seven in the afternoon and the weather outside is quite pleasant. John is laying out back on the patio, working on his tan.
Welcome to my home everyone
We see John shirtless, laying on a Wal-Mart brand lounge chair. The gold chain around his neck starts to glisten in the sun.
You know, I was sitting at the house yesterday and my cell phone started to buzz. I pick it up and it's a text from one of the boys saying that Dean Moxley backed out of our match tomorrow and not only that but Matt Lennox is now the new X-treme champ...*bursts out into laughter*
John tries to take a sip out of drink that is laying in the sand but he is still laughing as hard.
When I got this text, I thought it was a April fools joke but when I found out this was true, I just had to shake my head. Seriously Dean? you're so scared to face me that you have to back out and place someone in this match who doesn't even deserve to be in it? Great way to save face Dean but next time we meet up, I promise you that you will have no-where to run and no -where to hide child molester.
John picks up the drink and takes a few sips. He grabs the sun block and starts to rub some over his chest.
Now you got one day to hold onto this title Matt. Come tomorrow, if you are still champ, this match will be the biggest of your entire career. You may have had some battles against Scott Charlotte and other people whose names don't even matter but tomorrow this is your grand match. You have to thank your lucky stars Matt that you are going against some of the greatest stars in XWF. You remember our debut match, it's going to be the same nightmare for you my friend. You call yourself the incredible one but yet there is nothing incredible about you. After tomorrow, no one will remember the name Matt Lennox, I promise you.
John adjusts his black shades. He clears his throat and leans further back in the chair.
Steve Davids I caught your recent promo. You want to call me names and say that I am this incompetent fool. Realize this Steve Davids, the voices in your head, the buddies from the asylum you always speak of will not help you. The dark lord, that phony man in the sky, no-one will help you tomorrow. I may have defeated men in this company that don't matter but they where just like you. They talked the big game and then they faced me in the ring...the end result, they lost and tomorrow, you will suffer defeat just like they did. Your size doesn't scare me, that crazy strength you have doesn't scare me and the fact your in this match is luck in your favor. Like I have told everyone I have faced, get on your knees and thank the stars you wrestled in the ring with the best.
John takes a short pause.
Crimson Cobra has been proving my point that he is a very mysterious man. You have yet to say anything about our battle tomorrow Cobra. When the change for a better XWF takes place, I promise to help you Cobra. I will help you step out of the shadows and show your inner self. No-more wearing the GI Joe Halloween costume, no more mysterious promos, you will be the real Crimson Cobra. This is the first time we will face each other and I consider you to be the top dog in this match. SAY WHAT? Yes, I consider you to be the top guy in this match, not me. When I defeat you tomorrow, this will be my greatest victory in this company. The better XWF is on the horizon and Cobra, you're going to help me jump start it.
John gets up from his chair and stretches. He walks over to the cooler he has near the sliding glass door leading back into the house. He pulls out a Natural Light and opens it up. He starts to drink the beer as he heads back to his chair. He sits down and is now looking into the camera.
Whoever is the champ by tomorrow, your title reign is over. I am going to be the greatest XWF X-treme Champion in the history of this company. No more of these fluke champions. No more of guys backing out of high profile matches. I am going to make the X-treme title mean more than being the King of XWF. You can have that shitty crown but me, I rather have that gold around my waist. I have been speaking of the change for a better XWF and oh my, heed my words everyone. The change is coming. No more child molesters being the face of the company or wannabe ninjas, this change is going to be the best thing that has happened for XWF.
John takes a short pause
Steve Davids, Crimson Cobra and now you Matt Lennox or whoever is champ by tomorrow; this match is going to either make your career or end your career. For me, when my hand is raised in victory and the gold is strapped around my waist, I will be on to bigger and better things. Everyone has looked down on me and called me a flash in the pan or the guy who only beats jobbers. You can say what you want, call me all the childish names you can think of but when you see me with the gold around my will have to call me champ. Not because the gold is around my waist but because it is the right thing to do.
John takes a short pause
The time for talk is over. You three are going to face the greatest wrestler in the world and you three will have to face the fact just like everyone in the world that I am going to be the next X-treme World Champion.
The scene fades out into the sunset.
To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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