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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Golden Boy < The Archangel (RP 1)
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Alex Shawn Offline
Glory Will be Achieved

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

06-28-2013, 05:33 AM

The Golden Boy returns
I'm Alex Shawn...People know me and those people don't exactly like me. That's what I want, I want to be hated, It makes me stronger to feel all the hatred and laughing and pointing and accusing of being crazy. Yeah I'm pretty F***ing crazy. I've decided to embrace that, Embrace the fact that I'm crazy. Swift Ion is just the first person who is going to feel my wrath. I took some time off to train and work harder and learn how to be just plain...crazy. I watched XWF from my television at home to see what's been going on and scout some of the competition. I saw people like the Crimson Dong, No skill but he did make me laugh. Dean Moxley McGovern....This guy has two titles... Mr. Satellite and Mr. Radio are both from Space! What the F**k is this? I've had enough of this exotic bullshit that has been going on! I'm going to do something about it. I don't care if Paul Heyamn or Shane care or not! I have switched over to Wednesday Warfare to actually get somewhere and to be safe from Dong's being whipped everywhere! and Drugs being done around every corner! This is ridiculous, I came to this company to wrestle and not watch stupid stuff like what is going on here!

Alex stood up and walked over to the Camera and looked at it and said:

"Alex Shawn is The Archangel of XWF. I will achieve the Glory that I deserve and I will take out anyone who wants to try and stop me."

Alex Shawn then sat back down and put his elbows on his knees and put his hands together and started talking

Everything is wrong with the XWF. That's why I am here, I'm here to rid the XWF of all people who get stuff handed to them because they are "funny" or straight assholes. Luca Arzegotti, Dean Moxley, Cm punk, Crimson Cobra. Those are just a few who are either "funny" or assholes. I know I'm an asshole but these people take it to a whole new level. Luca likes to pop in at random times in stupid ways and say something stupid and leave in a stupid way. Dean....don't get me started on him. Cm punk, I actually used to respect him until we actually talked for the first time and I found out who he really was. An asshole who tries his absolute hardest to hurt peoples feelings. Crimson Cobra, I just Hate him, plain and simple. I might as well talk about my opponent too. He lost to a table enough said. Now thank you for sitting down with me and letting me speak my mind. Now I'm going to go watch some of the people who I talked about go try and hurt my feelings which won't happen. Luca, Cobra, Punk get trashing! I can't wait to see what Idiotic things you have to say about me that I literally will listen to and just laugh. I've heard to much people talk crap about me in my life to learn how to not get offended. I'll be damned if you think those three are going to be able to make me feel bad about myself. I've been told to go kill myself, They are going to beat me up, they're going to mentally and physically rape me. I can handle their stupid Shit."

Alex gets up and leaves the interviewing room and goes to the locker room and waits patiently to hear what people have to say.

Alex now puts on a new Jacket that says "The Archangel"
Has Alex Shawn changed his Nickname from the Golden Boy to the Archangel?

[Image: 82f7f76c-9a83-4639-83c9-ae1c0eaae15d_zps...1374510554]
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