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06-29-2021, 07:47 AM
“At the risk of catching a heap of shit for what I’m about to say, I must admit that I’ve always hated zoos. It’s not the animals, it’s the captivity they live in. Captured from their natural habitats and forced to live in confined, make-shift imitations of their homes. Exploited for a cost for the amusement and wonder of window-lickers all over the world. Bored out of their skulls with nothing to do except stare at sticky-faced brats and brain-dead parents.
Oh well, I suppose that’ll be the end of that crusade, for now. That’s not what I’m here to talk about, anyway. It was meant to be a lead-in to the topic at hand, I just got a bit carried away.
Let me try this again.
As I stare Savage and War Games in the face, I can feel a certain desperation drape itself over me. I’ve been lagging, falling below my standards. Since losing the Shooting Star Championship, something inside of me has been struggling to reignite. Nothing has gone right since that night, and it’s taken far too long to figure out why that is. I allowed material dreams and shallow victories to blind my personal beliefs and true path. Now was never the time for Betsy Granger to chase glory and gold; instead, it is time for me to take up the sword and shield to protect. To fight against those who would destroy others for the sake of greed and destruction.
It’s why I chose to cast my loyalties to where they are; and what a circus that has become.
I’ve seen the scrutiny APEX has been under ever since the return of Omega, Caedus, and Archyle. I remember the reception when I came down that ramp with Shawn Warstein and James Raven at Leap of Faith to handle business. But what has happened since, I ask you? Since that night, I’ve watched as Main goes after Page, again and again, with hit or miss success. Three peas in a pod, doing their APEX stuff. But where the fuck were they when I was slaughtered at the hands of Thunder Knuckles and Bobby Bourbon? I wasn’t going to say anything about this, but fuck it. Where were you guys? Didn’t it occur to ANY of you that BoB always plays the numbers game and that MAYBE ol’ Betsy could have used a LITTLE backup? Or was that a learning curve, leaving me on my own to have my ass handed to me by those neanderthals? It’s a little hard to think otherwise when so little has been made of it; well now I’m making some fucking noise because I’m pissed. No point in hiding it, right? Let’s be open, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. I’ve honestly tried to get over it, but it keeps eating away at the back of my mind. This obnoxious little voice, whispering the doubt of this alliance that’s only in its infancy. Don’t worry though boys; I took it upon myself to exact a smidge of revenge on Bobby Bourbon. Hope your lump was as big as mine, you masked bastard.
Betsy Granger isn’t APEX, Legacy, or APEX-LEGACY. I am the Impossible fucking Traveler and I’M the face the rest of the world should be looking to as the war rages on. Anyone who has allowed doubt in my abilities to waver will soon learn the error of their ways. I may be down for now, but I will never stay there and I’ll NEVER be pushed out. I’ve held the chaos within me at bay for far too long; the times no longer allow for such efforts to be made. Blood has been shed on both sides and the massacre has only just begun. I may fight by the side of Apex-Legacy, but the spoils will go to me.
War Games may be the endgame, but this match serves a much more important purpose. To come out on top at Savage would be a huge step in working my way back up. This task doesn’t come easy, as most of the other captains, I’d as soon go cavorting with than have to face off against.
Leave it to the XWF to find another creative way to try and kill us… But they have presented me with the perfect opportunity to cause a little chaos. It’s been too long and I’m feeling antsy. And what a perfect environment to unleash it; an elimination chamber using dangerous beasts? Bring it on, nothing you release from those cages is as dangerous as the five other competitors I’ll be facing down. It’s daunting, but not impossible… Wink.
Redemption can be a hell of a motivator and there’s one name that spurs me. The last time I stepped into a ring with Corey Smith, I gave my all and it wasn’t enough. The night belonged to him, a win I never begrudged of him. It’s just that… I know I can defeat him. I’m not trying to be arrogant, as much as I may come off as such. Corey Smith is undeniably one of the best the XWF has right now; but I know I can be better. I’ve always had what it takes to defeat him. Even though this isn’t the one-on-one it should be to prove that point, I’ll take the opportunity I have to redeem myself a little bit. It’s nothing against you, Corey, you know that. I just know I can do better, and eventually, I’m going to come looking for a chance to prove it. All in the name of sportsmanship. But for the time being, I’ve got the eye of the tiger and a hell of a chip on my shoulder. That fucker grows heavier every day; I’d be fibbing if I said I wasn’t starting to crumble under the weight. Early success led to heavy expectations and it would appear that I cracked under that pressure, wouldn’t it? Nah, honey, diamonds are made under pressure and so will I. I won’t be defined by my recent performances; if getting through you is my first step to clearing that path once more, let it be done. You challenged me before because you were looking for a challenge and I failed to provide that. I won’t do so again.
This brings me to someone I’ve yet to face off with, my buddy Thad. Current Hart Champion, a prize in which, here and now, I’ll admit to having had my eye on for quite some time. The history of that belt is special and those who have held it… Well, you don’t need me to tell you. I know this match isn’t about that, but just putting in your head that maybe sometime down the line, you and I could dance one on one. I would never presume to jump to the front of the line without earning it, so I’ll be happy to show you firsthand some of what I’m capable of during this catastrophe-waiting-to-happen of a match. To be honest, I’m just excited that we finally get to play fisticuffs. I've been looking forward to this opportunity for a while now. I know we get along well and I adore your face beyond comprehension, so much like Corey, I’m having a hard time staying on course for the goal at hand. Let’s just agree that one of us has to win and that it should be me, yeah? All jokes aside, I know neither of us wants to look down the barrel of a loss, but I need this so much more than you do, Thaddy baby. And I’m afraid that’s going to come through more than my affection for you during the match. Just… Please remember, at the end of the day, when it comes to us? All of this is just good fun and hopefully sets ups something much bigger for both of us down the line.
Dick Powers… Just what? I don’t think you’ve got the amount of sex appeal you brag about, but I do know that you can back up the shit that comes out of your mouth. I saw how you handled Dolly Waters, a match the majority had her pegged down to win. Speaking of pegging, I hope that’s one of your kinds because I’m going in dry on Saturday night, baby. There’s no amount of cold showers that are going to stop the pounding that’s coming your way, compliments of Betsy Granger. Bish, the only knees you make shake are the dried-up husks who toss you their used Depends with the number of the Nursing Home their children stuck them in. I shudder to think of what sort of team you want to put together; all I can picture now is a parade of Wacky Waving Flailing Inflatable Cocks.
My dear Demos… It’s just such a shame that I never made it to the finals of March Madness; to have been able to face you and Doc at once would have been a dream. You know, I’m a little disappointed at how we weren’t able to push things forward as allies. We could have built a tentative partnership that could give way to a friendship; fucking hell, hearing it out loud makes me cringe. It’s always been a weakness of mine, always trying to see the best in people. More often than not, I miss the signs and ignore the warnings that are all but drop-kicked into my face. Worry not, NickelDimeDemos, I’m quickly learning to steel myself against everyone. There are too many snakes in the grass and I won’t be bitten again. History shows that NickelsDimesDemos has a rather impressive record in multi-man matches; so it stands to reason that you may be seen as one of the biggest threats this time around. I don’t know though, I think you may have lost your touch a little, compadre. Even those I should be looking to for backup… Never mind, that doesn’t matter. ‘Don’t Trust Anyone’ is still a work in progress for this girl, but you, my dark friend, were one of the ones who set me on this path. I appreciate the lesson, though it was a bitter pill to swallow. I’m not mad, I’m just relieved that I don’t have to stick to my word of not raising a hand against you. It was a stupid promise to make, anyway, we both knew this was inevitable. Just as we both know that you wouldn’t hesitate to throw me into the jaws of a lion to win this, or any other match. You’ve got me all wrong, buddy; you just won’t know it until I have you seeing stars.
And finally, last but not least, I find myself coming face to face with Miss Fury in the heat of battle once more. Given our history, I’d normally like my chances… But recent events have taught me otherwise. I’ve admitted before that I underestimated BoB for far too long; now the Hydra’s grown too many heads to handle. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Madame: I’m not here to destroy you. I’m not here to destroy any of the members of BoB. Dystopian destruction was never my intention wading into this war; I’m merely here to maintain the balance between good and evil. And what is there in the middle of those two variables?
BoB has certainly blazed its way through the XWF causing a unique brand of its own. As of this recording, they’ve successfully taken over Thursday Night Anarchy at the expense of Vinnie Lane. Miss Fury is rampaging hard on her #MeToo moment, and while I’m compelled to support my fellow female… Something feels off. There’s something amiss about the entire situation, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Michael Graves may have destroyed Vinnie’s personal and professional life for the moment, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of that fossil. And as for you… There’s something awful fishy with your reasoning. Bribery my ass, you kept that video long after you cried out about it… You’re up to something, and I’m going to figure it out.
I suppose I should touch on what’s at stake for the winner here. It doesn’t seem like much of a prize on the surface, but it could make all the difference to the winner. To pick first or last; both offer such potential for insanity and confusion. Getting the first pick could guarantee at least one member of my team that I could trust completely, but getting two picks respectively offers an entirely new set of circumstances. Oh, the mischief I could cause with this.
Chaos is thy true face and y’all just ain’t ready.”
![[Image: reface-1623724341663-557-2.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/HpJ7Bx4/reface-1623724341663-557-2.gif)
Green eyes fly open as a sudden gust of wind blows her hair directly into her face. Startled, Betsy sits up in bed, grabbing at her hair… Only to find she’s no longer there. A groan escapes her lips as she realizes that she’s once again been projected somewhere against her will. Pushing the thick, golden locks behind her back, she steps precariously down from her bed and is relieved to find solid ground beneath her feet. It feels cold and smooth; looking down, she finds herself on white marble. Looking up again, she gasps to see the room had changed to a marble temple. An altar sat at the far back wall, a statue of Venus with Atara Themis’ face whittled on it in exquisite detail. Rose scented candles are lit all around it, and the entire area is covered in flower petals of all varieties.
She takes in a deep breath, allowing the dangerously intoxicating fragrance to relax her mind. Turning on her heel, she walks towards the elaborately decorated entrance, which is draped in a shimmering golden curtain. On either side of the walkway are shallow moats with lily pads floating within. A smile crosses her lips when a little golden fish leaps from beneath the still waters, causing a ripple to spread across the pool. When Betsy looks up again, she gasps and stumbles backward, nearly falling into the water. Standing before her, sneaking up on silent hooves, was a minotaur with shaggy blonde hair and inquisitive blue eyes. Though her first instinct is shock, something about the creature's gaze pulled her in. He gestured for her to follow and she did so without question.
Through the doors, he led her into what she could only describe as a hallway display. Paying no mind to what was inside, her eyes remained glued on the minotaur as he continued across the way. Reaching the other end, he turns to find Betsy hadn’t moved from the doorway of the altar. From behind her, she could hear the husky, Grecian accent, inviting her back into the temple. Promises of being a priestess and the rewards of devotion tickled her ears, allowing temptation to swirl through her veins. Yet, emerald eyes remained locked on the strange minotaur, paralyzed to the spot. Something in the urgency of his expression cemented her feet firmly to the ground. Finally, he raises one hooved arm and gestures around the room. For the first time, Betsy takes a hard look at what resides in the cases and gasps.
All around her in the glass cases, those she cared about lay in various states of repair; none of them were good. James was closest, the blood still pouring from his neck, brown eyes staring up at her lifelessly. Beside him was the head of Shawn Warstein, the only remains left to mark his existence. Hypnotized by the horror, she continues, seeing her family massacred in the next display. A gasp escaped her lips as she passed the heads of Robert Main, Jim Caedus, and Drew Archyle propped up on spikes. Bile churns through her stomach, burning its way through her esophagus and stopping at the back of her throat. She turns her head away, only for her eyes to land on the broken body of RL Edgar. The walk to the minotaur seemed neverending as more casualties added up. Thaddeus Duke. Corey Smith. Alias. Ruby. Centurion. All around her, valiant fighters, falling to the forces of a stronger enemy. Finally managing to tear her eyes from the gore, she beseeches the minotaur silently.
“Why do you show me this?” she asks through a choked sob, falling to her knees at his hooved feet.
He snorts as he looks down on her before sweeping his hoofed foot against the dirt a few times. Betsy looks up at him and holds her arms out in supplication. Instead of mercy, the minotaur seems to produce a thin piece of paper from thin air and holds it out to her. Betsy takes it, feeling the familiar glossy top of a photograph against her fingers. She accepts it without looking and gives the minotaur a confused gaze. He bows his head towards the photograph and without opening his mouth, finally breaks his silence.
“That girl is the key to everything. It is imperative that you reach her before the darkness.”
Before Betsy could reply, the minotaur kicked at the ground again. A thick plume of dirt rises into the air, obscuring her vision and causing her to cough. As the dirt settles back to the ground, Betsy is unsurprised to find that the minotaur had disappeared…
Eyes opening slowly, Betsy looks up at the dark ceiling of her bedroom. Next to her, James is snoring softly. Sliding out of bed, Betsy throws on a light robe and hurries towards the office down the hall. Closing the door behind her, she sits behind the desk and turns on the little lamp next to her. She finally opens up her hand, revealing the photograph clutched within. Taking a deep breath, the dream still vivid in her memory, she uncrumpled the picture and gasped softly. In her heart, she had known their paths would cross, but never did she believe that it would be quite like this. She nibbles on her lip, wondering now just how connected she and the girl in the photograph truly were…
![[Image: reface-1622617513490-456-1.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/cF0WXDB/reface-1622617513490-456-1.gif)
FORMER ![[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8pr1Az7.png)