When you are involved with BOB you always have a target on your back; but not because we are bad guys, not at all… but because we run as a collective pack that pounces all over the stupidity presented to us daily by dumb fucking marks pretending to be professional wrestlers. It is nothing short of comical to see how bands of people are starting to pull together just to take out little ole BOB or try to. You should blame yourselves for not having your fingers on the pulse of the business, you should blame yourselves for not jumping on board this train for the only thing it brings is a success.
Our scene opens as Jessica and Chris Page have touched down in Chicago, the site of Saturday Night’s Savage event slated to take place from historic Wrigley Field. Chris and Jessica have made it from their private plane to Wrigley Field for a media day.
Hundreds of Press Members have gathered in the club room of Wrigley Field where this press conference is always underway. Steve Sayors approaches the podium once again as he is prepared to bring out the next special guest.
Steve Sayors: The next person that we will be bringing the stage is a former Universal Champion, as well as a member of BOB; he is joined by the vivacious Miss Fury… ladies and gentleman please welcome “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!
You can hear the boos ring out from all over as Chris Page emerges from behind a curtain dressed down in a pair of jeans with a t-shirt that states.
White Miss Fury sports.
The couple are hand in hand as they reach the podium. Chris removes the shades from his eyes as he and Miss Fury hold their hands up in the air before lowering them where they share a kiss before Chris takes center stage at the podium while the music of Fozzy slowly fades away.
” Let me be the first to say… Fuck You Chicago!
The opening words of the former Universal Champion are met with a matching middle finger from Chris Page garnering more boos from the crowd. He lowers his hand placing it back on the top of the podium before stating.
” Unlike others who have graced this stage I will not be taking any questions from anyone that is not named Tony Slavino, crushing I know. Today I must waste my time standing before you for no other reason than because Vinnie Lane and Theo Pryce thought it would be funny as shit to have me in this cesspool of the city a few days sooner than I have to be to further promote a four-match show at the house that losers built, Wrigley Field.”
Miss Fury throws a thumbs down while Chris continues.
” For the first time ever Wrigley Field will host a first time ever confrontation between one bonified Legend of this business… and Centurion.”
Chris turns towards Miss Fury blowing her a kiss before turning his attention back towards the media.
” I wish I could say that this is going to be one of my instant classics, one of my ten-star performances that by default will always make me the best thing going today, but I just cannot put myself to give anything memorable to this city or to my opponent because they are both garbage.”
There is a sly smirk from Chris as he then states.
” Centurion has not been worth a shit in about fourteen years. He is an old dog that has not learned any new tricks, case in point, here is Centurion now- “You turn on everybody you have ever been involved with.”… and here is Centurion in September of last year- “You turn on everybody you have ever been involved with.”… Here is a question for Centurion, how many times do you feel the need to reiterate that I am a goddamn prick? How many times do you feel like you need to make mention that I use and abuse to get my end result? Why in the blue hell do YOU think that any of this is groundbreaking news when I have OPENLY discussed and owned those very sentiments? Good thing this is based on smack talking or I would win this mother fucker by default, a better thing that it is based on actual talent and ability that I carry in spades while someone like Centurion cannot hold my fucking jock.”
Miss Fury is seen mouthing the words “it’s true” as she stands beside her man.
” I thought that I would be getting a Centurion of old when in reality this dumb sack of shit has given me everything but. The motivation and passion that you are trying to tap into is failing you like your quest for the Universal Title, how did that one work out for you? Let me make something perfectly clear to everyone here in attendance, to everyone watching at home, and specifically to you Centurion… I smell the fear exuding from your pores because you know that in just a matter of days I crush your credibility under the sole of my boot. You are not ready for Chris Page, you are not ready for the Chris Page that YOU are going to be seeing on Saturday Night; pissed off and highly motivated coming off of Retro-Anarchy is putting it mildly my old friend. You and I are the last of a dying breed, there comes a time in every man's career when they need to come to the realization that their time is up. That time for you is here and now… because if you show up at Wrigley Field, if you show up for Savage I am telling you here and now that I am going to put you out to pasture once and for all.”
The sheer serious nature within Chris’s tone chills the entire room.
” Centurion, you need to start living in the present and stop falling back on the past. It is a terrible look, especially for someone that claims to be a legend. One might think that you could reinvent yourself at some point, but ultimately you are nothing more than a failed business owner and a failed professional wrestler. You are like Randy “The Ram” Robinson from “The Wrestler” in the sense that you both used to be something before you turned into nothing. I am and always will be simply better than you; Saturday Night on Savage I will prove it for the first and for the last time when we dance with the devil in the pale moonlight; the only thing that sucks is that it is taking place in mother fucking Chicago.”
Chris flips off the crowd a second time as he steps away from the podium before clasping hands with Miss Fury. “Judas” by Fozzy starts to play again as the power couple turns their backs on the media who all erupt out with questions that are clearly ignored as we see Chris and Miss Fury bringing the scene to a close.
Words from the Stoned One:
I will be the first to admit that nobody is more disappointed with how Retro-Anarchy ended more than I am. The first legitimate loss in ten months is enough to drive most bonkers with the floodgates of material that now open up. The good news is it gives most of you something NEW to talk about, the bad news is you will all play it out in a matter of weeks to the point its muster will be lost. I am disappointed, sure, but with disappointment comes to refocus. To Lycana I will just say this; fool me once shame on you… fool me twice shame on me. Read between those fucking lines and let me know when you want to prove that victory was not a fluke.
When you get knocked off the horse you have to get the fuck up and climb back on for the last thing I am is a quitter or a sore fucking loser. That shit is reserved for the rest of the roster that actually has hidden agendas or egos.
All my energy is now shifting towards getting back on my winning ways when I take Saturday Night Savage by goddamn storm to seek out and destroy you, Centurion. I knew the moment you opened your mouth you would insert your goddamn foot inside it… and you did. It would be incredibly easy for me to pick you apart on your sheer stupidity alone, but Thunder Knuckles has already beat that dead horse into the ground. You disguise your hate for me on so many fronts as you took precious time to go into detail on yet you failed the mention why you TRULY despise me. The legitimate reasons for your hate stem deeper than the pettiness you presented, doesn’t it? You really hate me because I am more relevant at nearly fifty years old than you have been throughout your entire goddamn career! You blame me for fucking up peoples lives, you blame me for this and for that… but you HATE me because I have accomplished something that you will never accomplish by winning the Universal Championship, that fact alone burns your ass more than Ruby’s dildo as it is thrust in and out, in and out, in and out. A wise man once said that in this business you make friends, or you can make money. I already have friends, and I really like the money. I have cut the heads off many to keep myself as that marquee attraction… and I will be damned it mother fucking worked because here I stand as one of the driving forces behind the XWF while you are pissing upwind. I have never been in the business to be a “liked” guy, so do not hate me for doing the things to be more successful, have more drawing power, and outperform any and everyone that steps in the ring with me. Hate yourself for not making yourself more relevant within the confines of the business, hate yourself for not being willing and able to cut whatever corners needed to be cut to get the end result that I was looking for, and blame all the people who you claim lives I have ruined for not being smart enough to know fucking better. The fact is I play the game, don’t hate the player brother, hate that very game. Flap your cock sucker all you want because it has not ever gotten you anywhere but another loss on your record; much like the loss I will place there when we grace the center stage at Wrigley Field. I asked for the Centurion that gives a flying fuck about himself and what he can accomplish if he chooses to… and yet I sit here equally disappointed in you as I am in myself for getting snaked by an inside goddamn cradle. You literally have not said a goddamn word that you have not said sixty thousand times before, and that is about as sad as four years of Donald Trump. Anyone that associates with me knows my history and knows what I am capable of. It is an occupational hazard to deal with Chris Page, so to think calling out shit you’ve called out at Relentless last year is nothing short of fucking lazy, and further goes to show why you are that doormat here in the XWF that you have become. Coming off my loss to Lycana has only fueled this burning fire in the pit of my stomach to get back to the top of the mountain where we all know I am un-fucking-touchable. I have been playing to the handicap of everyone else, and people seem to think that it means something. Beat me when I am in my element, then come fucking talk to me. Beat me when I do not have to pace myself to others, maybe then it might be impressive.
You are right when you say you NEED this.
You are wrong when you suggest that I do not.
Regardless if I agree or disagree I am rolling into this with a huge chip on my shoulder, and you are the poor unfortunate soul that I am going to take it all out on. I am the tippy top of the BOB organization when it comes to the marquee player, and I am going to make you regret the day you thought it would be a cool idea to pick a fight with the hottest association today. I am not just going to beat you brother; I am going to embarrass you! I am going to further show the world exactly why you have never been that Main Event player that you so desperately want to be taken for. There is a reason why the cream rises to the top, and while you have floundered at the bottom. This is your make-or-break moment if there ever was one, and you have an advantage that others do not; you are dealing with me coming off a REAL loss. Unfortunately for you, I am not a lower to middle card talent, I will always bring my best and deliver the goods… something that you just are not capable of.
You say that you are tired of the younger generation running over you… well, fucking do something about it! Pull your head out of your own ass long enough to re-invent yourself, go back to breaking the hands of talent, go back to not giving a flying fuck about kissing babies or trying to appease the masses, and for fucks sake stop putting up a front that you are such a good guy when you are not anything more than Hitler in disguise. You may hate me for being the prick that I am but at least I can look myself in the mirror in the mornings knowing that I am a success while you have the peer into your mirror and see a shell of a man looking back at you. You are never going to amount to anything more than what you have. Your complacency has dictated your pace, and if you think for one goddamn second that regurgitating the same shit in my direction that you spat nine months ago is going to do the trick then you are dumber than Thunder Knuckles thought. You are in for a very rude awakening brother- I am not Seth Stevens, I am not Barney Green, I am not Tony Santos… they were out of their league when they crossed your path much like I am out of your league here and now. You are the man with something to prove much like you are the man that has his back against the wall. I have proven over the last nine months my value to this company and to this profession while you continue to show the world just how overrated you truly are. The stance with you is simple when you deal with notable names you try and fail. It happened at Relentless with Cataclysm, it happened at May Day with Them No Good Bastards, and it is going to happen again when you step inside that ring with me in Chicago. I am sorry that you have been that much of a failure in this profession that you cannot reach the upper echelon and have a hard time scratching past the middle of the card. You have nobody to thank for that but yourself.
Do not think for one second that you are going to walk into this and knock me off. You do not get that luxury after half-assing it for the last year or so. I wanted you at your best, but it has never been more evident that to get that I need to time travel back in time to 2008 when Centurion actually meant something outside of mother fucking punchline. You are treading in deep waters, and while you hate me… you will love me when this is all said and done because maybe this swift kick in the ass will get you motivated to do something tangible other than riding Ruby’s coattails. In closing, I hope that you do elevate your game because what I have seen thus far is nothing more than a guy that knows he is out of his element yet is trying to convince the world that he is capable of standing toe to toe with one of the greatest of all time. Please, continue to prove me right by all means for you are now in my crosshairs, and come Saturday Night on Savage I will pull that proverbial trigger and send you packing back to Anarchy where you fucking belong. The only Final Fantasy that is going to happen is this fantasy world that in which you live where you are somebody.
Today, tomorrow, and forever… Fuck you, Centurion.
Who has a DeLorean?
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion